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File: 326 KB, 801x691, GOAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4903450 No.4903450 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4903461


Satoshi is dead m8

>> No.4903468

wealth doesnt count if you cant use it

>> No.4903469
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, 1512026779749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WHEN bitcoin reaches $87,000
>buttcoiners are this delusional

>> No.4903487

She's not dead, she's been hard at work. The crypto world will change forever soon.

>> No.4903500

>wealth doesnt count if you cant use it

>Can't sell bitcoin meme

>> No.4903582

How can he be the richest if he cant cash out

>> No.4903676

girls suck at computers tho

>> No.4903757

People said the same thing about Bitcoin @10K, when it was worth $700.

>> No.4903976


>> No.4904179
File: 79 KB, 231x242, hatespeechforlinkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad he cant cash out

>> No.4904356

What happens when everyone finds out it's an AI skynet ready to fuck us all

>> No.4904391

>Implying he will ever be able to sell off his stack

>> No.4904482
File: 2.00 MB, 439x310, 1317745759577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have a dominant AI multibillionaire waifu that throws large balls at you with a diameter of 12 inches consisting of bank notes that hurt very badly when hitting an unprotected spot especially around the thigs meanwhile mocking you with her feminine penis.

>> No.4904649

I got hit by the IRS for having $10k worth of BTC and cashing out $5k. They found out all of these facts and basically invaded my privacy, taking note of more transactions than just what I did with my coin.
Don't bother trying to get big on coin bullshit unless you happen to know some people you can immediately hire upon cashing out who you trust enough and are knowledgeable enough to help you not have shit like this happen. And for that, you'll need a lot of BTC and a lot of work.

Remember: Coinbase rose from the 400th most downloaded app to the 1st most downloaded app this year.
Don't get into bitcoin now, and when you do don't go for any more than $1000 at a time.

>> No.4904745

seek help, friend

>> No.4904752

Its funny cause he wont actually be on that list.
thats the end of the USD list.

The next list will be measured in Bitcoin.

>> No.4904799

>Thinks BTC will become a currency and that this will be good
Comedy gold.

>> No.4904860

Really? This is why I don't want to cash out

>> No.4904907


dude can you expand on this? I cashed out like 15k worth of eth earlier this year to pay for surgery. I'm just a poor NEET with almost no income. But I've made literally thousands of trades. How fucked am I?

When did they find you? What'd they do?

>> No.4904920
File: 266 KB, 500x500, 1393302082698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cash out
may has to pay taxes for capital gains
>doesn't cash out
gets stuck with useless shit coins when the bubble pops.

>> No.4904949

In an irrational mania anything is possible. Bitcoin may even reach 500k. Literally no one can predict whats going to happen because there are no fundamentals.

>> No.4904964


>the banks and the governments that don't produce shit will lose against the real productive citizens what a tragedy

>> No.4904966

Satoshi is no longer with us.

>> No.4904982


What frightens me is I have no records of all my trades from dead exchanges like cryptsy or mintpal

>> No.4904995
File: 147 KB, 765x800, TOINFINITYANDBEYOND!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4905029


Reminder that Satoshi was Hal Finney who died in Phoenix August 28, 2014 and was cryopreserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation so one day he could be resurrected to claim his wealth


>> No.4905033

if satoshi sold all his bitcoins it would be detrimental to bitcoin. probably that and 51% are the worst things that could happen

>> No.4905034

Then how would the IRS have them?

>> No.4905035


who cares about that.

GDAX/coinbase is all you should be worried about for now.

>> No.4905038

You'll be wiping your ass with $100 bills long before Bitcoin would be worth anywhere near that much,

>> No.4905061

if you can have a painting go to 500 mil why can't bitcoin go to 87000

>> No.4905093

I don't mind paying taxes. I don't want to have to give full records of every wallet transfer I've ever made.

>> No.4905115
File: 28 KB, 624x351, halfinney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi died of ALS
I suppose there could be several coincidences, coincidentally happening at the same time, but it's more probable it was Finney. And maybe partially Szabo
I didn't know that last bit though. Very interdasting.

>> No.4905151

Are there 21 million original copies of said painting?

>> No.4905158

I'm sorry, but please look up deflationary spiral.
Sadly, BTC doesn't work as a currency because for it to work as a currency, we need the value of BTC to drop steadily against the price of goods and services.

>> No.4905185

...Alright I lied because I'm worried about normies...
I'm worried about this market. I think I've lost my faith in this shit now.
Everything we say to defend it is empty now. It seems obvious this is a bubble.

>> No.4905259
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1511870559361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the IRS bother or audit you guys after reporting crypto gains?

>> No.4905279

The thing is, bitcoin is not logical. People are not buying it because they believe in it as a currency nor, I think, do people who know what they're talking about think bitcoin can be used as a currency.

Are we nearing a dead end now? There will be a lot of people buying and not so many selling.
I just don't know. Maybe I'm just worried because its so easy.
Fuck this is confusing. This started as an endeavour in curiosity and now I'm just confused and even though I've made a clear profit, right now I just feel like I wish I'd never followed this.
I just want to have a life.

>> No.4905324

There's a bunch of speculators so I don't think liquidity is going to be a problem for the bigger coins.

>> No.4905401

You're not alone
I too have reached a point where I can see this is not going to last.
It has all the classic signs of a bubble... right down to people ignoring the signs.
If I sell now I've made enough money. It would have been just one big venture.
This is purely driven by speculation. No one buys btc to lose, everyone wants it up up up and to become millionaires.
I can't even get to an exchange because of the network clog fml

>> No.4905542

Just imagine the shit storm that will occur when there is a transaction from his wallet.

>> No.4905573

>2 people have 100,000 to 1,000,000 bitcoins

Who's the second person you guys think?

>> No.4905589

*correction I mean a combined ~256k

>> No.4905615

This shit is literally never going to happen. The network can barely keep up with the normie FOMO at its current price - if you think that it is going to reach that height with more and more unconfirmed transactions clogging the blockchain then you people are insanely deluded.

>> No.4905743

No you didn't, shill. You guys know you don't have the manpower to tap those exchanges that don't use ID.

Horrible advice coming from a disinformation shill. Kill yourself.

>> No.4905751

Winklevoss twins

>> No.4905811

I already admitted that I didn't and that the reason I lied was actually because I didn't want people to invest in something I just had a huge emotional rollercoaster with when I realized it is currently in a bubble.
We don't know when the bubble will pop, but I think its there.

Not sure why I made up that whole lie. I guess its because of anonymity and the fact that I felt I couldn't influence people otherwise.

>> No.4905860

Personally, I think we have to wait until this bubble of people who don't have some strong conviction regarding BTC pops.

>> No.4905891
File: 294 KB, 563x434, 1487403892874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. This rostie thinks Satoshi is woman.

>> No.4905916

good luck cashing out

>> No.4905932

Hal Finney is not dead

He is living under another name protected by the US government.

>> No.4906429
File: 30 KB, 595x335, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw satoshi
>tfw you too smart to give a fuck about being rich
>tfw you don't give a fuck you can't cash out

>> No.4906482

The irony is that your pic is far more relevant than you could possibly know.

>> No.4906505

This is the real world, there are no "diversity hires".

>> No.4906702

>there are no "diversity hires"
Um... I don't know break this to you but...
Yes there is. At least, in a lot of places in the United States there is.

>> No.4906750

i dont even

>> No.4906760


>> No.4906774

Holy shit, maybe it was Satoshi who was making all of those threads...what can we do to save him?

>> No.4906780


>> No.4906786

surrrreeee theres fundamentals it called the whole fucking world.

>> No.4906846

Send memes

>> No.4906886

So you're saying he was put in cold storage

>> No.4906955

uh, no?

What... this is the prez position my man. Trump had this coming for a long, long time.

>> No.4906961
File: 32 KB, 425x283, C_laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4907083

read about dorian nakamoto (Birthname satoshi nakamoto) and how his address is not that far away from hal finney address. That is 1 in a million chance of that happening.

>> No.4907100

NSA kill

>> No.4907956

He didn't work on THAT government project

he has never even heard of bitcom before! even if he did work on it he couldn't tell you!

>> No.4908004

>he has never even heard of bitcom before! even if he did work on it he couldn't tell you!

that's exactly what satoshi would do

>> No.4908064
File: 9 KB, 300x299, computer-meme-reaction-598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this guy has the same birthday as my mom, 3-4-56.

>> No.4908362

It's not a he or a she

>> No.4909007
File: 19 KB, 852x480, 1506681446192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sotashi Nokamato here,
Stop spreading rumors about my wealth, I have not much money, stop call.

>> No.4909050

Incorrect, Satoshi is actually Hal finneys associate Nick Szabo who is very much still alive

>> No.4909140
File: 22 KB, 485x443, humpjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading comprehension

>> No.4909215

I like this

>> No.4909344 [DELETED] 

omg its satoshi

hey satoshi can have bitcoin? please send to abc2432q23rkljasdfqwm

>> No.4909401

With 100.000 coins @87.000 that would give him 8.7 billion USD which is no where near enough.

>> No.4909491

it's what he said in an interview
always thought it was suspicious his wording and demeanor

>> No.4909504

they say he has 980,000 btc

>> No.4909512

Bcore is a banker coin, and it will fall to irrevelancy.

>> No.4909520

he thinks satoshi could have been a woman

>> No.4909795 [DELETED] 

Do you know what a deflationary spiral is faggot?

>> No.4909818

I didn't realize until it was too late. Now all my posts in this thread are invalidated.

>> No.4909858

Oh wait this is thread where I said that gay other gay shit about the IRS.
Goddammit. I'm noosing myself bye.

>> No.4909958
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1512819416539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why would he show a table that shows the two largest addresses have 256k combined? Twitter guy confirmed pic related

>> No.4909993

That's what bubbles do, they exceed all expectations and then pop

>> No.4910067

That's not 2 people, but 2 wallets. Roger ver supposedly has upwards of 500k (probably less now if he was behind the bch pumps) but it's spread across a bunch of wallets.

>> No.4910121
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, btc-never-over-five-dorra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WHEN bitcoin reaches $100
>BCH bagholders are this delusional

>> No.4910142

ain't clicking that shit nigga

>> No.4910171

There's one painting that could be cut into 21 million pieces, yes

>> No.4910182
File: 55 KB, 960x540, 1512813623460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your right, bitcoin is going to go to a BAZILLION dollars despite all this blockchain clogging and exchanges not supporting it as soon as too many trades happen

>> No.4910235
File: 13 KB, 657x162, japan_sterilizes_trannies_but_dont_they_do_it_to_themselves_anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a womans name
japan doesnt believe in equality.

>> No.4910240

That's not how it works you, retards. There isn't even 2$billion of bitcoin buy orders. It's literally impossible to cash out even 500$million without emptying the order book of every single exchange with all the automatic sell orders you will trigger

>> No.4910352

Nevermind that even the biggest exchanges have pathetic liquidity and have to freeze withdrawals if they get requests of just 10$mil.
If they got a 150$mil request they would probably just say "hey it was fun while it lasted" and pull a GOX on you

>> No.4910419
File: 1022 KB, 640x480, topkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4910441

Baffles me how they can tax crypto gambling, will they insure your coins in case you lose them? Nope the powers that be will just ass rape you after your risk pays

>> No.4910474

You do realize that there are people wiping their ass with their nations big bills at this very moment? That BTC gets talked about as an option at a state level? That merely a few of these shitholes would be enough to take market cap into the trillions? One of these fucking madmen goes and actually does it and speculation does the rest fast, now you've got the third world going fomo as all fuck, pressure builds on another continent and another nation drops, a few months later his neighbour drops, now they're dropping one a month, by the end of the next year there's no such thing. A few premium currencies try to resist but are now considered small compared to the world currency.

How long do you think the EUR would hold? The weight will fucking crush it because it is a known shitcoin. The chinks already know the CNY is a piece of shit and will just keep bailing the fuck out. USD is now the final boss shitcoin, the jews take to reddit to shill but it's too late, they're about to collapse again and they know if they touch that money printer they're done, they come to /biz and beg as the pajeet did.

ONE fucking village falls and it is all in motion, there are entire countries desperate for a way out of their worthless fiat, all they need to do is open a yobit account and we can sell that to them.

>> No.4910536


BTC will die, RIP

>> No.4910855

delet this

>> No.4910877


>> No.4910905

It is how it works though.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world with a net worth of $100 billion, but the vast majority of that is in Amazon stock that he can't sell all of. Same goes for Bill Gates.

>> No.4910917

Redpilled post

>> No.4910923


>> No.4910942

Tremendous bait 10/10 these autismos can't help themselves

>> No.4910955
File: 16 KB, 204x204, thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same goes for me when MUSICOIN reaches $1

>> No.4910959

You think a government would actually allow a currency that's not backed by the state? Think again.

Not to mention that Bitcoin doesn't work as a currency anyway.

>> No.4911016
File: 38 KB, 604x437, 1512699479247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might not be a total shill cus the irs are hot on my tracks too, they were showing up at my door, but in my case I fell for the 'bought 100k' meme and literally bought $100k of bitcoin in a month (September) and now those niggers wanna know where that cash came from. My mom wage fucked for 10 years and saved it in cash like a gypsy, and then I stole it. But our attorney says they just wanna talk, probably tax that 100k of cash. They don't know I bought btc

>> No.4911022


Hahahah you fucking liar. Get fucked.

>> No.4911083

>thinking bait is a thing
go back. people give these posts (you)s because it's a satirical post of reality.

>> No.4911114

OH FUUUG you're actually a fucking shill fuck off you nigger, buying btc was the greatest decision of my life and now EVERYONE who I begged to buy at like sub 5k are depressed/in awe so take your weak hands back to pol or reddit you jew cuck faggot t. literal street shitter w/ 26btc

>> No.4911121
File: 211 KB, 869x1776, z9IO4Hj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides!

>> No.4911327

>You think a government would actually allow a currency that's not backed by the state? Think again.

By the state or a state? Because a lot of places use currencies of and backed by some other state. State backed crypto is hot now, but what if your state is fucking shit or otherwise cucked? What if most of your people already adapted BTC and you prefer your head to stay on your shoulders? There is a real possibility and it only takes one to spark it.

>Not to mention that Bitcoin doesn't work as a currency anyway.

It has worked better than a few, I will concede the fees must put a huge drag on that now though, it will struggle because the people who can afford the fees don't have the life / death necessity, if it gets worse only premium currency citizens can afford anyway and the snowball doesn't work so well in reverse.

>> No.4911509

satoshi nakamoto
>i-i will surely c-cash out
>gets bullet between the eyes
>new "owners" now never cash out
cap this

>> No.4911537

people said at 700 it was the currency of the future
10k and its already being banned

>> No.4911554


>> No.4911564

Please understand that Satoshi is a GROUP of people including Nick Szabo who purposefully destroyed the private keys to the early accounts

>> No.4911647


This is kinda ignorant. Exchanges have execution engines that have circuit breakers for large enough market orders because they don't want to cause flash crashes. This is a good thing, and is standard in all types of financial markets.

150 million is enough that an exchange not handling it in a few seconds is not "pathetic" liquidity. If you sold over a day on GDAX, Bitfinex, and Bitthumb, while also playing the Gemini auction, you could clear $150mm in btc from your books. The price of btc would definitely dip that day but it wouldn't break the market

>> No.4911650

oh yea the productive citizen yes comarad we are all one big earth of workers hold each others hand singing kumbayaa

all coins are 3rd world currenices, simple as that. the sooner they die the sooner people in white countries can keep larger portion of money and wealth in their own countries

>> No.4911744

>circuit breakers for large enough market orders
yes, and they stop you from cashing out retard.
>not handling it in a few seconds
days, or not at all Ala GOX
>If you sold over a day on GDAX, Bitfinex, and Bitthumb, while also playing the Gemini auction, you could clear $150mm in btc from your books
lol this retard, just look at the books

>> No.4911797

Also even if this could be done, it doesn't even get you onto any rich lists unless you live in uganda. Meanwhile retards like OP think you can literally become the richest person alive by selling bitcoin

>> No.4911868


>> No.4911942

You literally just said they are all 3rd world currencies and I'm fucking deluded for saying they could be 3rd would currencies?

>> No.4912102

people dont just fall of the earth m8

>> No.4912238
File: 854 KB, 875x720, time for an undeducated guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say bitcoin actually reaches bullshit levels like 100k or even 500k. How is this going to actually affect the US economy having a sudden influx of millionaires?

>> No.4912335

like to wikipedia? KYS

>> No.4912548

Nothing I don't think, shouldn't be sudden and it won't be that many, the normies are powering with maybe a few hundred each. Good for economy if it's a net injection, but if it's sucking up more USD than is dumped on US soil then not so good

>> No.4912562

>for it to work as a currency, we need the value of BTC to drop steadily against the price of goods and services.
that’s not how fiat works my brainlet friend, ever heard of inflation?