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File: 37 KB, 400x400, LTC-400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4900546 No.4900546 [Reply] [Original]

this is just the beginning.

>> No.4900584

Probably going to 150 so it can stay even with Bitcoin's 15,000

>> No.4900645
File: 43 KB, 1081x503, Bleeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still hurts anon
my sat blood is leaking
and it burns
Stop my pain anon

>> No.4900650

You all should know by now there are 2 exchanges opening December 10th & 15th to trade bitcoin Only
One is a futures market that will allow Very big money to SHORT bitcoin now who would want to do that>>> Bankers And wall street<<<
bitcoin threatens them they have created these exchanges to rein in bitcoin i don't know if they will be-able to smash the price like they do in the gold market
So i am here to tell all who have bitcoin many of us are cashing in half of our bitcoin and buying litecoin because the exchanges that are opening Dec 10th & 15th DO NOT! trade litecoin so we do this for safety only!
If there attempt take down bitcoin price fail we just sell licoin and return to bitcoin
But if they are successful then we have persevered half of our money please pass this on
you do what you want
We want freedom from the bankers & they are coming we just wanted to inform you

>> No.4900689
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>> No.4900706

Shut it down

>> No.4900750

Fuck yes

>> No.4900779
File: 993 KB, 1318x689, Trotsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bankers And wall street
Just say kike
we all know it is the kike
You know it also
Why are you afraid to name the kike?
He is trying to kill you anon
and i am not talking about just him killing bitcoin
He wants you humiliated dumb enslaved and dead.
Yet you can't even name the fucker.
Get over your fear anon.
If you can't and don't and run you will only get shot in the back.
You will die like a coward instead of facing him and fighting.

>> No.4900858

A normie told me yesterday he'll probably buy litecoin because it's cheaper.
Normies literally do not know that the coins are divisible. A lot of them are gonna buy litecoin for this reason. Lmao

>> No.4900980

Lad, we are about to watch wall street burn.

>> No.4901034

ltc 200

>> No.4901048

How the fuck do I buy shit on Bittrex?

>> No.4901049

BTC broke all the rules over the past 4 days or so
But the tradition of crypto is low priced coins have and do double triple 10touple faster than more expensive coins.
Might have something to do with perceptions of how "S" curves work.
I don't know
Anyway your normie buddy is, with the exception of recent BTC gains, not wrong historically to think that way.

>> No.4901058

>Has 1 LTC
>I will destroy wall street

>> No.4901092
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>> No.4901126
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bought at 126

>> No.4901164
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Bought at 125

>> No.4901171

Nice FUD but we’re going to 20k by EOY thanks to Christmas and normies. You just want to buy our bags before you moon the price again and then short us all at the new ATH. I won’t fall for it, but some retards here might.

HODL and buy LTCoin

>> No.4901201

bought at 137, still comfy, still probs gonna buy more

>> No.4901205

I bought 20 last night at $97 ea. I accidentally bought with my bank and now I can't touch it for 7 days.
It's gonna be a fun ride

>> No.4901210

Fake news, if they don't have Bitcoin they can't short shit

>> No.4901296

oh boiz its MOVIN

>> No.4901323


>> No.4901328

that guy fucked us at 133

>> No.4901340

8k selling at 133 who is this whale!

>> No.4901342

do i wait for a lower buy-in? what do /biz/

>> No.4901356

your not going to find a lower one than right now, someone blocked it at 133 so you better move before it blows up

>> No.4901358

who gives a shit what wall street kikes are going to do. The world economy is going to crash. They can eat their fucking paper fiat. Gold, silver, and cryptos are the future. Pepper your Angus.

>> No.4901366

buy now famalam, the way its moving were gonna see something YUUGE soon, might wanna wait and see if it moves down around the 130s again in a few hours but its looking rosy

>> No.4901424

Never listen to idiots like this
if /pol/ is always right
/biz/ is always wrong

>> No.4901456

You’re a total retard. Kill yourself.

>> No.4901464

The idea behind a short is that you lend an asset ( c.q. BTC, sell it) than buy it back later and give it back.
So no, you don't need to have bitcoin to "short shit", as you put it

>> No.4901472

butthurt much?

>> No.4901539
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Bought 11 LC @ $98, feeling good about it.
Bought 3 BTC @ $400 each, feeling good about that too. Making reservation for the moon.

>> No.4901554


Whale here, Bought at 36.

>> No.4901597

a little yah

>> No.4901614

is that you with 8k blocking it from going up

>> No.4901628

Im pretty sure when we wake up tomorrow ltc will be around 180

>> No.4901632

so ... where is this train going?

>> No.4901646

i shall eat my own dick if this is not the case

>> No.4901650

for every litecoin you buy, there is a wall street banker losing thousands of USD

>> No.4901668

but what if i buy usdt?

>> No.4901669

to the top anon

>> No.4901674

Litecoin up 48% Impressive >>4901650

>> No.4901688


>> No.4901701

keep at it they will

>> No.4901805

I fucking sold this shit just two days ago!@##@ DAMN IT ALLLL

>> No.4901927

>kinda wanna switch from LINK to LTC so I can cash out sooner.

>> No.4902089
File: 771 KB, 780x790, thicc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think this shit will hit $1000?

I got $10,000 burning a hole in my pocket but im worried this meme will die next week

>> No.4902125

report posts like this one

youre on the wrong board m8

>> No.4902138
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>> No.4902169

always buy right after a huge jump

>> No.4902174

Thats not what ive read

>> No.4902177

actually fuck it. Ill just invest more fiat next week if it's still looking okay. fees are raping me dry otherwise. and ((coinbase)) hates my credit cards.
Do maybe move LINK to LTC today. then buy more LINK next week?

>> No.4902209

I'm a normies with a good crypto friend I bought Bitcoin at 7000 and ltc at 60 free fucking money. Btw since he got good at investing he stayed off of biz because he says there is nothing to learn here. I'm just here for the shitposting

>> No.4902236

... of the end.
the house of cards is coming down folks. chinese charlie will be thrown in jail, bitcoin neckbeard dev team in jail, qt vitalik in jail, every alt developer and scammer in jail. the charade is up folks cash out immediately if you still can

>> No.4902270

get ltc now Anon

>> No.4902310

just buy $1,000. ltc if your nerves

>> No.4902328


>> No.4902342

should I take high transaction fees to buy with fiat. Or switch my LiNk and rebuy into it tomorrow?

>> No.4902366

*** a week from now.

>> No.4902497

I just heard Oldfag bought in. If one of you fuckers can prove it, I will literally dump 100k in . Right. Fucking. Now.

>> No.4902576


pretty funny how LTCoiners whip their dicks out and cum all over the place over making 20$

>> No.4902655

Anos should show people they like how to buy LTC coinbase is easy to use they have a good iphone app its nice to have friends to talk to about the ups & downs shit we can have a keg-er as we watch lct rise on coinbase or is that to nerdy?

>> No.4902658

Um. Brainlet. If this person >>4902497
Dumps 100K in, and it goes up another 40% tonight, thats 40K. That is better than a 10% loss in Bitcoin over the weekend because of the CME jitters.

>> No.4902707

this, so many normies saying that 1 bitcoin is too expensive and dont know you can have a divisible amount. big numbers scare normies off.

$140 for a coin seems cheap in comparison

>> No.4902716
File: 52 KB, 640x320, landscape-1450437987-tv-the-big-bang-theory-s09e11-still-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH my god LTC is going past $3500.

>> No.4902789

nice just dropped 1000k on everything

>> No.4902830

ITT: Newfags who bought over $100 lmao

>> No.4902870

Can I get a quick rundown on this man?

>> No.4902930

Quick rundown on them:
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

>> No.4902986
File: 3.26 MB, 640x266, hold on wait (laugh).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, /biz/

>> No.4902990

So like, how much you goys got? I have 5 LTC because poorfag.

>> No.4903007

29.5 and still poor

>> No.4903008

your on the wrong website. every board names the kike when the kike has some sort of relevance

>> No.4903057

Putting 100K in over the next 18 hours. I was provided evidence another Anon of import was entering Litecoin as well.

>> No.4903101

not too shabby
at best i could put in another 1000 and i can't before tuesday

>> No.4903103

9.5 and holding. :)

>> No.4903106

Congratulation on the ATH, ladies and Gentlemen. Many more to come. Get in, sit down, and enjoy the ride.

>> No.4903116

I'm in @ $45

for 12 :(

>> No.4903138

MY DICK!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4903144
File: 103 KB, 1024x576, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 2 LTCs at $30 with pocket change - I'm just regretting not putting more. Thinking whether to move all my hoarded BTC on Bittrex to LTC.

>> No.4903222

all the LTC shilling on /biz/ right now is telling me maybe it is time to dump

>> No.4903243
File: 16 KB, 225x225, IMG_7020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this wasn't supposed to moon yet. I was gonna work all Christmas break and throw all my paychecks into it. FUCK

>> No.4903262

Only got 2.32 LTC that I bought at $80. I'd buy more but honestly, I'm happy with what I have.

>> No.4903271
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>> No.4903273



>> No.4903278

bought 2 ltc this morning @ 108 (poorfag/wagecuck, nearly all my expendable pay). Sitting at $100 profit already and going to hodl and probably buy more when I get more $$

>> No.4903286

I bought 1 Litecoin at £65, so I've nearly doubled my money. So stressful though, not knowing if its going to rise further or drop back down like BTC.

>> No.4903292

me the last 12 hours
>oh, fuck, well it's too late now
>oh well yea that's the correction, definitely too late
>minor recovery, just too risky right now, no reason it shouldn't at a minimum merely hold its current position

>> No.4903306

trading volume never lies.

we passing ethereum today, boyos

>> No.4903317
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>> No.4903321


>> No.4903327

I only got 13.5 coins. Is that a wasted opportunity? :(

>> No.4903336

No, you're on the wrong board

>> No.4903353


No. Any opportunity to make money is good.

>> No.4903354

Saw your dump. lol. absorbed it myself. You are going to be one Pink Wojaking S.O.B. RIP.

>> No.4903356

Is that a wasted opportunity?

only if you don't donate to the following address:


>> No.4903364
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>> No.4903375

But seriously there is a 99% chance that if I buy in right now I wake up tomorrow WOJACKed right?

>> No.4903388

This will dump pretty hard when btc shoots to 20k next week. Also of note, I sold 21 ltc I bought at 25 when it was at 60 and went back to btc before the bull run up. When I do the math, even with this impressive run up, I'm still ahead. So many posts of, "I put in 40 and now I have 80 hur dur" everyone here is new and it makes me sad. Now I'm the guy sayijg, don't buy at ath!!

>> No.4903394

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.4903396

Yep, but if you don't it will be 200$+ tomorrow

You lose either way

t. sold at 103 yesterday

>> No.4903405

It can't keep on going up like this, right?

>> No.4903408

>(((they))) are getting scared

>> No.4903425

"Pink Wojac" The Post.

>> No.4903426
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>> No.4903432

Literally have the exact same amount.
I think LTC can hit 10k, just not anytime soon.
Normies are pumping it up right now, which is good.

>> No.4903438

Just gonna have to resign myself to no FOMO I guess. If you're not in at the start of the pump it's just not worth it. I'm pretty mad I bought and sold at 680000->670000 yesterday expecting it to drop a bit though (it did). Should have just set a stop loss I guess...

>> No.4903458

get your buys in, but remember to sell before the whales pump and dump the market tomorrow at 12

>> No.4903470

OLDFAGS like me are pumping it as well. Kind of a safe haven against the possibility of getting Jewed in BTC by CME. Many Oldfags (including the original - Myself) are placing 50% of their crypto in LTC. The Letter is not a prank.

>> No.4903475
File: 175 KB, 600x450, thepowerdahnald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I answered that call

>> No.4903484
File: 156 KB, 720x1280, 20171128_213635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having myself a nice glass of porter tonight, lads

>> No.4903495

Its faster than ETH and BTC atm will see this weekend will funtastic

>> No.4903499

kys kike loving faggot

>> No.4903507

Here is my other trip for confirmation.

>> No.4903511
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>> No.4903523

But I still need to put more money in.
Why does it always have to be moon time on the weekends goddammit

>> No.4903527

Fuck off, congrats on your pump, now sell because it's going back to 75k tomorrow. fucking durr

>> No.4903546

Sure thing cuck

>> No.4903553

Niggas get payed on fridays

>> No.4903560


>> No.4903588

people actually use LTC for things unlike all the other pumpdumpus shitcoins. after it broke .009 you had to be retarded to think this was just a pump.

>> No.4903590

>tfw called this two days ago
>litecoin will go up simply because the influx of normies on coinbase
>bought 18 and account was sitting at 3.6k
>now at a comfy 5.1

I'ma be greedy and hold til this reaches 1k or ill suicide

>> No.4903591
File: 3.58 MB, 333x250, savage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when own some but could have owned more

>> No.4903595
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>> No.4903596

I had 17 litecoins but I turned 3 of them into monero. Monero's still going to the moon too, right?

>> No.4903598


lmfao you honestly believe this will stay? now? this is just a pump among pumps and like monero did this will probably dump closer to it's previous trend line

>> No.4903599

Going parabolic almost to the point of going over backward on Bithumb. lol

>> No.4903614

Mined like 250 back in 2013, but I've only been holding 50 since then. The rest (plus Dogecoin) paid for college.

>> No.4903630

Pushing $190

>> No.4903668

Congratulations on this. Really.

>> No.4903680

yeee it's gonna break again. This is awesome.

>> No.4903685

Fuck, I just bought in
This is a normiebase coin, all the new users never experienced fomo before on a coin that spikes this much in 1 day
It's going to fomo to infinity

>> No.4903698
File: 598 KB, 808x805, 1503655470141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set to sell at 200AUD as a joke yesterday.

It sold already before I checked it. Now at $215.55

>> No.4903715

classic joke

>> No.4903722

This is the story of every FOMO ever though. If it follows the general pattern, we may see it go a bit higher, but 2 to 3 days from now it's going to be back to $120 or less, probably less.

>> No.4903740

FUCK just let me buy it

>> No.4903746

why it only 148 on bitfinex

>> No.4903762

Wait till IRS starts sending mail out first

>> No.4903769

How does one go about selling LTC for AUD Down Under?

>> No.4903784

One of these is not like the other.

>> No.4903785

No you weren't you pathetic larp

>> No.4903796

£132 on coinbase, £118 on coinmarketcap, strange.

>> No.4903800
File: 68 KB, 1125x631, 8A3FBA0E-2A4F-409E-8C4B-9568BF33EA4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK does this mean?

>> No.4903801

Until it is. I've already been burned twice going FOMO on graphs like this.

>> No.4903813

That you used coinbase lol.

>> No.4903828

What you get for dabbling in non top ten shitcoins.

>> No.4903832

One was Monero.

>> No.4903834

Go with a debit/credit card next time instead of bank account. You get the coins immediately.

>> No.4903843

They can't even build sell walls fast enough holy shit

>> No.4903852

Ah shit only got .22 when it was in the high 90s. Gonna crack $200 any minute now. Just saw $184

>> No.4903863

why are people paying for overpriced coins on coinbase

>> No.4903865
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>> No.4903867

(you) are seeing History in the making. Nothing (you) can do to stop it. Your fud is a complete waste of electricity, and a blight on our celebration. Go. Away.

>> No.4903872
File: 64 KB, 934x692, blck swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I think I was beginning to see another LTC Black Swann Formation happening...

>> No.4903873

It means you bought at the value at time of purchase but the coin will be available by then. I've had it confirm in 3 business days

>> No.4903880


>> No.4903881
File: 9 KB, 664x291, litecoin moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is happening lads!? THIS ISN'T SUSTAINABLE!

>> No.4903884

It means you'll get your coins in X days at the price you purchased it at. No worries. I use CB as well for when I reach my CC limit. It happens.

>> No.4903888

It' not over.

>> No.4903898

lol holy fuck

>> No.4903903
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>> No.4903905

I'm just saying this can't keep going and if I go in I'm going to get burned. If I'd thought about it even at .009 then yeah maybe, but come on dude, it's up 45% in half a day, 15% in the last hour.

Also consider that normies are not big money and that if whales want to sink this shit they will.

>> No.4903906

For real, we have the whole night

>> No.4903911

Prize repeatedly jumping 150 to 200 in 2 seconds wtf

>> No.4903914
File: 120 KB, 280x291, CD1159F6-6E55-4B17-86D5-D4913A5C5E8F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in

>> No.4903929


>> No.4903935

200 incoming.

>> No.4903936

Yes it is. This is all new money flowing in. We're gonna make it, lads.

>> No.4903945

fucking kill yourself

>> No.4903946
File: 72 KB, 1170x634, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 12.11.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait to see the pink wojaks from the whale that dumped his load once LTC hits 1k LUL

>> No.4903960

Back to $175. It was fun while it lasted boys, don't think we're breaking 200 tonight

>> No.4903966

Does coinbase not have a deposit method that takes 20 minutes not 3-5 days?

>> No.4903973

Give it 2 hours

>> No.4903980
File: 51 KB, 700x628, 1509974024407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick up a grand in bags wew

>> No.4903981

Eth next btw

>> No.4903985

debit/credit card is instant

>> No.4903993

that's what every dope thought in every previous big dip. stay in it to win it. funny to see it repeat over and over. trading is like dumb animal thinking on a chart.

>> No.4903996

is that what you pros call a "sell wall"?

>> No.4904002

How big is the fee? Why are these retards choosing to wait days in a volatile market.

>> No.4904004

Mind the dip

>> No.4904012

wew lads i dumped at .01 gonna buy back in if the volume is still there

>> No.4904014

It's jumping from £140 to £120 like fucking crazy, if selling and buying to Fiat wallets on coinbase are instant you could make a quick £20 just from this fluctuation.

>> No.4904017

right he just sold a ton of ltc at a premium i think he is ok

>> No.4904034
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>> No.4904035


Not a pro, but yeah it's a sell wall. Green is a buy wave.

>> No.4904040
File: 31 KB, 363x360, SwedishYouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/our jew/
thanks master, the goyim will remember this on the DOTR

>> No.4904042

I've been waiting to buy shit, and I just got paid today.

Should I buy into Lite or ETH?

>> No.4904044
File: 118 KB, 890x870, 1512789975256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thursday: bitcoin moon
Friday: litecoin moon
Saturday: ?

Guess what guys, I'm holding it already, the true king which will moon to 800 and correct to 600.

>> No.4904045

you mean in a few weeks

>> No.4904053


>> No.4904054

Hodln 15.2 bought between 70 and 97. Feelin great about that. However panicked fomo bought $1000 btc at 19 on lunch break. From coinbase so wont hit for like a week. Blackpilled.1500 left in main savings. PlPlease neetz tell me itll be ok. What shall become of my meager share of btc.

>> No.4904060

Yeah, man all the trading volume eats straight through the dip.

its still a big fee to buy off coinbase in any way compared to other options like GDAX(which is owned by coinbase) its all this new money comin in and people aren't taking time to research. They are in a money frenzy.

>> No.4904063


>> No.4904067

You will see soon

>> No.4904073

My dumb ass is going to have to wait 8 days.

>> No.4904080

might be a bad time for both anon....litecoin is finished mooning and bearish now.

eth is getting ready to moon but its in the high priice range for what its been at lately, I guess eth and hope it moons, try to buy in at a dip thoughj

>> No.4904082

Fair enough, does GDAX have credit as well? I don't use either since I'm not American but I know people that get Justed by Coinbase constantly.

>> No.4904087
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BTC will recover. LTC will continue to rise. ETH will still do its thing.

Everything is going to be fine.

>> No.4904089
File: 70 KB, 1194x604, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 12.18.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4904094

If you can time it right, but fees will eat you first and coinbase put buy offers above market and sell offers below market so you need to get on GDAX or something

>> No.4904100

Best take profits at 150 - 155 Lads.

>> No.4904109


>> No.4904127

Then figure out a buyback we can all get behind if the volume is there.

>> No.4904130
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You guys please, I'm just starting with all this trading business.

When is it a safe time to close my position?
I have up to $20 profit for a $60 investment.

I would have put more but since I'm just starting...

Should I buy or sell after?

>> No.4904131

Are LTC transactions fast enough to outrun that?

>> No.4904143


CC has a very low limit (like $500). Bank account has a much higher limit (currently at $15k on my account). If you buy with a bank account then you're waiting for the coin to be deposited into your account, but you get the coin you bought at the price you bought it at. Plus bank rules I guess with wait time.

>> No.4904144

Bought half my 200 LTC at $32 in June, the wait was worth it.

I will give you succ Charlie Lee, thank you.

BTW we're still at ratio of .01, we're hitting .02 in a few weeks. And still only 9 bil market cap.

>> No.4904158

btcmarkets is really the only place to do it.

.85% fee on transactions isn't too bad.

Fell for the coinbase meme.

>> No.4904163

with little amounts like that just hold until we are interstellar

>> No.4904165

Technically...you need to add funds to Coinbase USD wallet(instant) then in GDAX transfer coinbase balance to GDAX balance. Its all instant and fee free if you do it this way. PS, your bank my initially decline the charge might have to give em a call or ok the transaction.

>> No.4904192

my last xfer was 3.5 mins.
the spread is fucking massive.

.0097 to .012 at one point

as long as your stack is large enough to make it make sense its fucking prime. gdax has CONSTANTLY been above binance on this all night.

>> No.4904198
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This happen often, folks?

>> No.4904207

Yes lol.

>> No.4904210
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>> No.4904231

How much should I put right now?
And should I buy or sell?

I thought I just had to buy and hold, but it seems that selling might be a good option too.

I just don't know when to buy or sell.

>> No.4904232

Fugg, wish I was set up to play that. Currently just fuck around on Bittrex like a coinlet.

>> No.4904238

Jew were a little to slow

>> No.4904240

It's going crazy.

People putting bids in for $500 already.

Is the bitcoiners and normies buying in???

>> No.4904257

>BTC falling last night
>everyone panicking
>short it
>use profits to buy LTC
>it moons today

what a fucking roller coaster this has been. portfolio up 75% in 24 hours

>> No.4904275

me too. I was able to pull my litecoin out to my wallet first though

>> No.4904283

If you're unsure about whether you should sell or hold right now, I'd consider selling and trying to buy back in 5% lower or something. It's practically (not necessarily) guaranteed and you'll end up with some more LTC to hold with.

I personally expect it to crash back down pretty hard over the next few days so I would have sold 10 minutes ago and would be waiting a few days, BUT I'm not actually in on this.

Don't make a decision off some random anonymous suggestion here though, have a look at the situation and make the call yourself, hope you made the right one and cry in 24h if you didn't. It's not like you had that much money to begin with so this would be a very minor lesson.

>> No.4904300

how do u short bitcoin pls resopnd

>> No.4904315

you... trade on margin


>> No.4904319

With ur butt

>> No.4904324

but coinbase doesnt let u tade on margin

>> No.4904327

Don't think too hard about outlandish bids and asks, they're usually there in the hopes of getting lucky from a whale spike in either direction then profiting by exchanging it back at the norm. I've made quite a bit doing this on smaller alts recently.

>> No.4904334

coinbase is quite literally the worst place to buy BTC, let alone trade

>> No.4904339

Drop ya monies in LTC.

I'm making a motza

>> No.4904345

I think charlie lee will use this opportunity to talk about his new project on monday. LTC is going to continue to go up.


>> No.4904348
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>> No.4904350

well what the heck else am I supoposed to do?

>> No.4904354

>15 ltc at 50
>goes up to 105, drops to 100, stagnates
>meanwhile btc pump starts, sell all ltc at 100
>go all in on btc at 17k
>bitcoin dips
>ltc spikes

Fuck this crap I'm so bad at this shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4904367

What about IQoption?

>> No.4904376
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Anyone whos not a newfag should have minimum as much money as I do and I've lost tens of thousands of dollars on multiple occasions.

Why is /biz/ so poor?

>> No.4904381

Just buy the dip and hold. If you're not prepared to lose your money, then you won't make any money.

>> No.4904399

it's not fair :( i'm stupid and mentally ill and im incapable of self-discipline please coin daddy spare me

im a filthy nocoiner I admit I'm sorry there's nothing I can do at this point just spit on me i hate it all

>> No.4904403
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Good to go. Thanks famalam

>> No.4904450

is this a troll?

there are many exchanges

if you don't even know where to short bitcoin you should DEFINITELY not be shorting it

>> No.4904457
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>> No.4904462

>sold at 150
Curse my weak hands :(

>> No.4904463

its called gdax and getting verified well enough that they know your bank transfer will clear.

crypto is irreversible, if conbase doesnt trust you they won't sell you shit until they have your USD funds on lockdown

>> No.4904469

LTC's pump is over time to hop onto ETH

>> No.4904473

if you give me money i'll invest it for you

i'll even sign a contract, no word of a lie, if you're actually MI then we gotta help each other out, I got one of the ones that makes me smart and socially rejected, only fair I help the ppl who rolled different dice

>> No.4904476

Just started on the 4th with a shitty 2,5k, put 450 each into ETH and LTC and the other 1600 into BTC.
>BTC keeps going up like crazy
>ETH and LTC stagnant as fuck
>sell ETH yesterday to buy more BTC
>keep the LTC
So far I'm liking this but desu I'd be on suicide watch right now if I had sold my Litecoin yesterday.

>> No.4904494
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My man. 200 club feels great, crack a bottle.

>> No.4904495
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>> No.4904496

Im out, i got around 42% gains from LTC today. and it looks like the dump is happening. I'll buy more tomorrow morning

>> No.4904497

what about bcash

>> No.4904513

battletoads was a fun game. :3

>> No.4904518

ANd it looks like it ended. HAHAHA
Lost 200 bucks too hahaha

>> No.4904522

whats the alternative

>> No.4904529

Lmfao, I did exactly that with Monero. At least I'm still in the green from entry...

>> No.4904534


Do not panic. People want to get rich. It'll go back up.

>> No.4904539

ive got the wrong kind of autism and ADHD. It basically makes my behavior incredibly compulsive, and i'm very distracted by my habits. I think it would be possible to overcome, but I haven't managed yet.

>> No.4904544

Gains come quick but losses draw out their sting. Only one with the pateince to endure the suffering of loss will acquire gain.

>> No.4904551

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.4904555

u think so?

>> No.4904563


>> No.4904564


>> No.4904574

hodl is stupid unless you're investing. If you want to make money you learn how to trade.

>> No.4904614

my gf has BPD and ADHD i feel ya

>> No.4904624

I think charlie lee will use this opportunity to talk about his new project on monday. LTC is going to continue to go up.


>> No.4904631
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I just turned 1 LTC into 1.01 LTC with some fucking high octane day trading, managed to sell at £130 and buy back in at £123.


>> No.4904711

Any material I could read regarding this sort of trading? And is trading cryptos a viable source of income if done properly?

>> No.4904731

if you're a noob, you're best off buying in and hodling

>> No.4904774

I had fun doing this sort of thing back in May-June time.
>buy $5-$30 of shitcoin
>wait for it to rise 1000-2000sats
>mad 70c profits

I've looked back at my portfolio and looks like I spent some change on dgb once...bought 6.2 for 28c, sold for 31c. get on my fucking level

>> No.4904775

Is this actually good?

I'm also interested in a good resource or course. I've decided to hold while I learn.

>> No.4904895

Current support level around 170.

>> No.4904905

I won't sell anything until this shit reachs $300

>> No.4904942
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>tfw bought at $40

>> No.4904950
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>> No.4904976

People here are so mad at the jews...why? Because they control and make so much money. Wait so....that's why Jews are bad and inferior? Er, uh hmmm.

>> No.4905002

dude its fucking pissing me off
buttrex is a full 100k sats below gdax, are these sellers retarded? im so fucking annoyed i transferred my coins to gdax to sell and the transaction is 0/6 confirms 6 minutes later

>> No.4905020
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>being this new

>> No.4905023

Literally _no one_ thinks Jews are inferior, just that they're really bad for their host nation. Jews are superior in many ways to everyone else (inferior in some others but all the same...), that doesn't mean they're good for us.

>> No.4905031

ltc is only 160 in korea

>> No.4905048

I got in at $150. Am I gonna make it ?

>> No.4905054

Did GDAX start 100k sats above Bittrex when this thing kicked off though? If so then within the bubble of each exchange it's fine and not unusual or a big deal for this to be the case.

>> No.4905069

146 right now bittrex

>> No.4905086


depends.. if you panic sell at $135 then no.

>> No.4905112
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>> No.4905218
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>> No.4905240

we're all kikes here retard

>> No.4905246
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>> No.4905252


>> No.4905311
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Oh dang you're poor and bitter but at least you're fast.

>> No.4905342

Why can't you touch it for 7 days if you buy with a bank account? I bought 250 in litecoins today when it was 118 because the flux of it percentage wise is more stable than Bitcoin but also rapidly growing. Twas my first crypto transaction ever with a debit on coinbase not knowing I can't cash out until my bank account is verified so now I'm riding this train too. Just wanted to know why if you bought it with bank wire why it can't cash out for 7 days?

>> No.4905355

>Oh dang you're poor and bitter but at least you're fast.
Its not that we're poor, bitter, or fast, the problem is that we know.

>> No.4905453

Cheer up, stay vigilant on /biz, make some moves, and you may become as rich as a jew.

>> No.4905504


>> No.4905593


>> No.4905640

Im already rich shlomo.

>> No.4905664

Check your iq if it is an option

>> No.4905683

Should I buy now?

>> No.4905689


>> No.4905697



>> No.4905726

put $150 AUD in (weekly limit as I put $100 in BTC)

>> No.4905765

If you're Australian you should be using POLi payments with BTCMarkets. Takes like 30 minutes to clear and has a $2,000 daily limit. Fee $3.

>> No.4905776

I have other shit to pay for so I'm happy with only spending max $250 a week.

>> No.4905802

this is just the beginning

>> No.4905808

tfw POLi clears in 3 minutes for me

>> No.4905830

Are you a big guy or something? With a lot of trust? Or just lucky.

>> No.4905878

Same with me

>> No.4905950
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Hey guys turbonormie here, coinbase is being fucked and gdax won't fucking verify my identity, I can only do the ACH transfer

still worth it to buy like 10 at 150 if I have to wait until next week?

>> No.4905968


Fucking jews

>> No.4906027

this is street shitting

>> No.4906034

Very high risk.

>> No.4906051

>t.the kike anon was talking about

>> No.4906063
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Get out.

>> No.4906064

this is just the beginning

>> No.4906070

Only if you're looking at 2019.

>> No.4906193

What you said doesn't make any sense. Can someone else explain this?

>> No.4906208

This. How the fuck do you short sell something you don't have?

>> No.4906322

look dude, its simple: if someone is spoonfeeding you something, its because they're getting something out of it. I'm telling you this because it makes me feel good about myself.

You know about Coinbase because they are making a a KILLING off of your ignorance.

That being said, you aren't cut out for margin trading.

>> No.4906683