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File: 20 KB, 357x310, Positive Energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
484174 No.484174 [Reply] [Original]


>What are you buying?
>What are you selling?
>What are you holding?
>Anything special you're keeping a close eye on?
>How do I get into crypto trading?
>What can I do to make sure my bank account becomes ash?
>Why does everything I touch turn to said ash?
>How much blood will I need to sell to lose a thousand dollars as fast as possible?
>Will internet wizard dollars help me get my car back from the casino?

Coins and things.

>> No.484175

Mine and hold.

>> No.484181

>What are you buying?
>What are you selling?

>> No.484185
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What arw you holding onto in thay case??????

>> No.484187

First Aid Spray, weapon upgrades
Spinel, Butterfly Mask (w/ gems)

>> No.484189

A small amount of BTC that I bought as a joke.

>> No.484320

Buying all the LTCD I can in the 2040-2500 zone. Whitepapers/roadmap unveiling later tonight from devs. Should be ~5000 by tomorrow but knowing my luck I'll sell at 4000 and in two days it goes 20,000 or some shit

>> No.484329

I always thought Ripple was a joke but it looks like (unofficially) they now have First National Bank integrating into the Ripple protocol. If they can pull it off then Ripple will pass Litecoin within the next week or so.

>> No.484338

> Daily reminder that unless LOTS of people buy LARGE amounts of the currency, all this "money" is just speculation and hype

Too bad because would be awesome a worldwide decentralized currency with no inflation

>> No.484341

>a worldwide decentralized currency with no inflation
That would be terrible.

>> No.484345
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buying: XMR
selling: DOGE
holding: PND
keeping close eye on: PND and VRC
to get in: buy btc go to mintpal.com
for bank account turn to ash: hold DOGE
why everything turns to ash: YOU THINK THIS IS A MOTHERFUCKING GAME?
sell blood: all of it
getting car back: if you play your shit right

>> No.484347

Care to say why?

>> No.484353

The world isn't a single optimum currency area
Can't control monetary policy, which leads to...
>no inflation
You end up with a deflationary spiral that you can't escape from.

Congrats, you've destroyed the global economy.

>> No.484355

By the way, if I won the Lotto I know what I'm going to do: Convert the money in gold, and buy a large amount of any crypto paying with gold.

If my logic is right, the price I paid would cause the currency to equate (or get close) to the gold price, making the currency the new gold standart

>> No.484366

Is there anything worth mining these days?

I was mining LTC a year ago before it blew up. Cashed most of it out and spend the money on hookers and coke.

Just started thinking about mining some of the new shitcoins that are still possible to mine, there are just so fucking many now that I don't know what to get into.

>> No.484369

Lots of wat on your post.

>The world isn't a single optimum currency area
>"The world"
Its not about the worlds, but the people.

Everyone does want to buy and sell, I don't see where is the problem here.

>Can't control monetary policy, which leads to...

Apart from speculation, I don't where it NEEDS a monetary policy, on the other side, I saw where policies ruin economies.

Maybe I'm holding too much on the austrian model but I don't see where a government can improve the market.

>You end up with a deflationary spiral that you can't escape from.

Deflation means the money on peoples hands can buy more. People get richer, in some sort.

If they can buy more than they need, they can save more (which helps the economy too giving money to banks loan).

Again, where is the problem?

>> No.484373

I really hope you're trolling. If you don't understand these things you need to read more.

Considering >>484355, I'm fairly sure you're trolling.

>> No.484374

>>What are you holding?
>>Anything special you're keeping a close eye on?
RBY is about to go proof-of-stake and there's a new exchange based around it launching next month. I might buy some more while they're still cheap.

>> No.484396

So, here is the deal, hope you guys can help.
I need to buy some "insertname" currency just to sell it again immediately. I'll probably buy it locally and then sell it internationally.
I need to be paid on American Dollaroos and (here comes the tricky part), said bucks have to be sent by the buyer directly (no paypal or bank involved here) with some direct giro or money gram system.
What I need the most is somewhere to sell (with a buyer that is willing to send the money directly). Any suggestions regarding how to transfer the money are welcomed.
Bitcoin seems to be the most common currency sold locally, so that's what I'm going to be selling.

>> No.484408

it's stuck until block 16300

>> No.484411

where to find new release cryptos? Bitcointalk is like navigating a cock

>> No.484413
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Anoncoin will soon be the first coin to implement Zerocoin anonymity. Get on the train before it's too late!

>> No.484428

Forgot to mention. This would only be done as a way to get USD on a dollar clamped economy, not really expecting net profit out of it.

>> No.484935

Up 10% already since I posted this.

>> No.484938

...And looks like it just passed LTC on coinmarketcap. My guess is this is just the beginning.

>> No.484944

Thoughts on Stojcoin X? A friend has some and tells me I should come back into the shitcoin world to buy some. Anyways what's the best place to buy some of that?

>> No.485216

XCASH looks promising for a 2x increase. If you want the real deal though, just get some XMR before the end of the year and sit on it.

>> No.485218

Forgot to add, BBR is also a buy, just as a hedge against XMR. BBR has been growing in popularity with it's faster, non-bloated blockchain, but the name boolberry is still god awful.

>> No.485425

Does anyone by chance remember the altcoin "Credits"? It was a huge clusterfuck because we didn't have any devs, but now I'm thinking about reviving it. Is there any void in the altcoin universe that needs to be filled at the moment?

>> No.485431

>is there any void

>> No.485437

>Is there any void in the altcoin universe that needs to be filled at the moment?

It'd make it much easier to destroy funds if you made a PoS coin which upon staking deletes itself.

But in all seriousness you basically have the following:
>Smaller copies of BTC, i.e. the cents to bitcoin's dollar
>Coins that focus on complete and total anonymity for untraceable transactions. The methods by which each "anon" coin achieves this varies but all essentially the same result
>Coins that appeal to a particular demographic and/or niche, such as online gaming, gambling, weed, food products, etc.
>Coins built around the basis of using large amounts of capital to push advertisement and distribution systems (such as ATMs) in order to spread them out and get them as widely used as possible in an attempt to overthrow BTC as the top coin (VRC seems to be doing very well at this mission thus far)

There are probably others that I'm just not thinking of off the top of my head at the moment, but if you can come up with another use for cryptos that is not on that list, you may very well have a very profitable idea to get behind.

>> No.485811

what a shitty joke

>> No.485964
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Am I too late to crypto currency train or is there still life in this? How much capital would a person need to start making even the most minimal of returns? What are some legit resources to go and learn about this sort of thing, Google returns shitty results at best?

Pic unrelated

>> No.485970

It was amusing at the time and fit into my entertainment budget.
If you have to ask, you're probably too late. The only ones making money on crypto now are the ones who can trade the volatility.

>> No.485983

But what I gleam from threads like these, not only are there still minable coins there are also cheap ones you can buy into? Please help me out anon.

>> No.485988

i used to mess around with crypto trading but I got bored of it and stopped.

I still have 2btc. should I just keep it for a few months/years to see what happens or just convert it back to dollars?

>> No.485994

>cheap ones you can buy into?
Price alone is essentially meaningless. You can get 0.001 BTC for about 0.45 USD and you can get almost 1000 DOGE for that same price, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is the percent change that occurs.

>> No.486011

Well I'm selling all of my VRC and XMR. That should teach me for trying to jump the gun and get rich.

I don't know what I should trade in now.

Maybe I should've have just started mining.

>> No.486025

PND is going up again after months of nothing.
my stash is now worth like $320. Nice.

>> No.486286

Buying: BTC

Looking to buy 1-2 BTC. Could perhaps give me for a lower price?

We could discuss.

>> No.486297

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.486752

>should I just keep it for a few months/years to see what happens or just convert it back to dollars?

You should definitely not sell it now. It's very cheap at the moment, and I personally just bought 1btc more yesterday because it hasn't been $440 for quite awhile.

Chances are it will bounce back to over $500 in the next week, possible back to around $600 sometime next month, if not higher.

There seems to be a large consensus of market analysts concluding that if it does go any lower than it is now, it's likely to go no lower than ~$430 before swinging into the next uptrend.

>> No.486755

>market analysts

>> No.486758
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Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!

>> No.486759 [DELETED] 

lend me some of bitcoins 169WzyGuZ55EnDwPPJUorGfmrmLCDsJgqs

>> No.486766


BTC is listed on CNN money now, friend.

Many people with 30+ years in NYSE analysis have put time towards BTC as well.

>> No.486982

What do you guys think about PND

>> No.487007

Bitcoin won run this year, probably just slowly rise over 2015-16 then pump going into late '16.

You heard it here first. :)

>> No.487009

PND is a great altcoin

There is a lot of development going on behind closed doors. Gaining good attention.

>> No.487089

>Chances are it will bounce back to over $500 in the next week, possible back to around $600 sometime next month, if not higher.
If I had a dollar every time you were talking out of your ass I would be a rich man. You are the most worthless trip on this board by far.

>> No.487091

it got featured on yahoo! that has to count for something
i don't think yahoo would waste valuable ad space for some shitty altcoin

>> No.487155

> no lower than $430
Everyone stop and laugh at Milkymoon for a bit.

>> No.487160

>talking out of your ass

Honestly, man, all you need to do to understand why I'm not just talking out of my ass is look at the charts over the past 8 months.


Yeah you're absolutely right about me being completely wrong with that assumption. But keep in mind I was just repeating the research. If it does dip into the 300's for some reason, though, I'll definitely pick up some more. I see no reason as to why a bounce isn't inevitable.

>> No.487166

>I see no reason as to why a bounce isn't inevitable
BTC could have been grossly overvalued and now it's correcting down to its true value.

>> No.487171


When it was ~$1200 last December it absolutely was. But the amount of increased usage in comparison says that this isn't the case now.

>> No.487173

Don't feel too bad man it just means that "all the research" is just as arbitrary as you are. You are not more full of shit, just equally.

>> No.487182

Transaction volume in USD doesn't seem very encouraging.

>> No.487186

Its dipping already

>> No.487190

There will be a bounce back. How significant will it be? Nobody knows. Wouldn't be surprised to see bitcoin dip back to $100 before making a big rebound. You'll never see prices in the four digits ever again though. That was the handiwork of Karpeles and crew and a couple Gox trading bots going back and forth to artificially inflate the price. Now we need to ask ourselves how valuable are these fucking digits in a computer?

How bout that worthless fiat guys?

>> No.487198
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>I should check my wallet for "Some Coin Name Here", Maybe I had some left
>37 week(s) behind

>> No.487204


Not buying BBR- enjoy your slow and/or unsecure transactions


PND is my investment of choice - still potential to buy in now as well- although it seems to be rising in price almost by the day so dont dilly dally

>> No.487240

Shorting DOGE for fun and profit.

Made 10k DOGE in the past day, only invested 0.07 BTC

So ez

>> No.487242

That's what I'm talking about. Doge is fun, simple, and honestly a good into not just into crypto, but, investing in general. Haters gonna hate, but, money makers are gonna make.

>> No.487243

For reals bro

Seriously, there is 1k BTC in volume in this alone on Cryptsy. Why are there so many plebs who think there isn't money to be made?

Do you know how fucking easy it is to make 1.2x your investment over a week in crypto?

Do you guys know what happens if you invest 50 every week and make your 1.2x without taking anything out?

In a year, that's 70 fucking K.

Stay poor plebs, I just figured out why all the rich people talk about markets all the damn time

>> No.487250
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Maybe this could be more consistent profit. Be patient and follow the pattern. In a while you'll be making exponencial dollars

>> No.487253

>easy to make 1.2x your investment
Also easy to lose your investment.

>> No.487254

that's the risk with any investment, if you don't want the risk, then go to something safer, or don't invest at all.

>> No.487263

>then go to something safer
That's exactly what I do. It's funny when equities are considered the "safe" investment.

>> No.487267

Hey, idiot, it already dropped below $400 today. Shut your stupid face, fucking delusional fag

Go hold your bags of shit somewhere else

>> No.487274

You are just gambling stupid cunts. Go to a casino

>> No.487279

Of course its gambling, however, I've had far better luck in investing than throwing my money to the shit states of Louisiana and Nevada.

>> No.487906
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>> No.487907

I'm a NEET and I've dabbled in mining bitcoin years ago, like when it first came out, and then I stopped and now I don't even have my bitcoins or anything. Should I try again? My computer isn't up-to-date anymore so I dunno.

>> No.488104

>Should I try again?

So many people have so much power pointed BTC, there hasn't been any reason for any sole person to mine it for a long time.

If you want to mine though, find a promising new alt coin and mine that and trade for BTC later.

>> No.488168


What >>488104 said is correct

PND is the obvious choice and is growing fairly quickly now but a newer coin worth looking at is BBR (boolberry)

It has a stupid fucking name but it really is the best coin at what it does so maybe it will take off

>> No.488346

What does everyone use to trade? I've been using Bittrex but it seems pretty stagnant lately.

>> No.488567
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This coin has always been solid, launched may 2013 and has been stable so far. Devs are changing it to multi-algo, possible merge-mining if necessary. It's somewhat undervalued, 3k sats and 17m in supply. block rewards are gonna be cut down to 10k/day

it's not a pump coin though so only buy it if you plan to hold.


>> No.488575

What's the status on doge? Seems like it's making a decent recovery.

>> No.488696

Hello my cryptojudens I have a little weekend tip for you guys. XST Stealthcoin on Bittrex. The coin has been on a solid and stable floor of 8-9k all week long. Looks like it's about to blow. Will be added to Mintpal on sunday and I think it could reach 25k easily during the coming days.


>> No.488698


It may recover short term but it is in the same arena as PND and never stood a chance

DOGE has too many flaws to be a viable contender with PND- even though atm it more renowned and popular

>> No.488801

Fuck off kike, I hold the copyright on the term cryptojuden (c), just cause I havent visited these shitcoin threads in 2 months (found something way more profitable to do with BTC), doesn't mean you can start using it.

>> No.488994

>viable contender with PND
You PND shills just won't go away.

>> No.489342

Anyone think PND will become the next Bitcoin cash cow someday?

>> No.489402

I got 1k. Should i try my luck in cryptocurrency?
What do you guys recommend?

>> No.489416

buy BTC and hold

>> No.489439

> seeing xst counting down to moon mission tomorrow with mintpal add.
> not buying xst now.
> betafish.jpg

so glad I bought some when it stabilized at 8k

>> No.489440

Who the fuck pumped doge? I'm thoroughly impressed with this pump job.

>> No.489443

Doge keeps heading up. Wouldn't doubt it could touch 100 before heading down again.

>> No.489446

Backed by a 100 btc wall. Whales work in mysterious ways.

>> No.489464

I am a PND bagholder. I should have mined other coins. I have about $300 to show for months of mining, if I can even sell the damn things.

Will we ever see a coin launch like dogecoin? I mined thousands of dollars of those in a couple of days.

>> No.489663


Sometimes I feel like a shill because I feel like im mentioning PND so often- but I am just genuinely enthralled by the coin, I dont think ive seen a coin with such promise since BTC

And it was almost meant to be a long term coin so you shouldnt have expected to earn thousands in days really- no-one claimed PND would be a quick buck

PND isnt perfect obviously, its just a very good coin with very little serious competition (among altcoins)

>> No.489729

it has so much potential
look at how much the bank changes
shill or not people should acknowledge this coin for what it is
it could change its icon but otherwise 10/10

>> No.489730

What exchanges are you guys' using? I feel like Bittrex is stagnant lately?

>> No.489880

it's only stagnant if you aren't buying stealthcoin.

>> No.489932

I don't see how PND isn't just as worthless as PANDA or PAND (remember when all three were trading at the same time?). There's nothing special about it other than the main dev has a thread up here almost constantly, and the fact that people won't shut up about it.

To me, PND is like the forced meme of altcoins. Just keep saying it's valuable, it's a "long-term coin", it has serious potential, and eventually people start agreeing and posting in the thread and then you've hooked them, and they're off to tell their friends the same thing. But it isn't a joke. You guys really think this shit is headed skyward over the course of months or years even.

I'm disillusioned with altcoins, so I hold no emotional bond to any of them. I buy into what I think will pump within the month, then cash out once I have a nice profit, then rinse and repeat. Stop drinking the altcoin koolaid every fucking time. If there could ever possibly be "the next bitcoin", I guarantee you with all certainty that it will not be PND. Not even close.

>> No.489936

>the next bitcoin
Still waiting for fedcoin

>> No.489938

Wonder what's keeping XST from crashing back to sub-1000 levels.

>> No.489945
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>The Fed releasing their own cryptocoin

>> No.489956

>able to exchange USD <--> fedcoin using any member bank
>very rapid merchant adoption rate
>high recognizably leads to high consumer adoption
It would be the greatest irony of the century.

>> No.489959

the hundreds of bitcoins worth of daily volume?

>> No.490133

The pumpers

>> No.490145

>tfw even though I made money independently my bet on XMR and VRC has made me lose a little bit.

Well shit. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

>> No.490178


It may not be PND - but it will be something very similar to it

I agree PND is a bit meme-y but thats mostly because it is mostly discussed on 4chan and reddit so far

The more popular it gets the more serious it will seem- remember it is still a very new coin

>> No.490206
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>> No.490209

Get ready for a massive XMR tanking. Could go lower than 100k possibly.


>> No.490287
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i've sold none, that's the way it's staying. goes for all my CN coins.
gulp, i guess.

>> No.490304

sorry man but that's just emotional trading. I don't have xmr but it's gonna first dip, then go lower and then tank. If you believe In the coin you can sell now and then buy back once it falls to critical levels. But holding on and waiting for the countdown seems like irrational behavior. Not trying to disrespect, I've been there before on other coins but you can't fall in love with them.

It is gonna tank man. As the clock starts winding down maybe you won't sell but I guarantee that those around you will sell. Isn't it logical to sell, lock in your proffit and then once the storm blows over you buy back at a cheaper price?

It's about risk vs reward. If you sell and the thing blows over, at the very worst you might spend like 10% more to get your position back (which I doubt will happen cause some spooked traders won't return); if you sell right now and xmr does indeed die then you make proffit and you live to trade another day man. If you don't sell because you think nothing might happen, and then it crashes after the countdown ends then you aren't gonna be able to sell ANY monero to ANYONE.

>> No.490315
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> blah blah whinge complain please gief cheap xmr FUD FUD whining legit concerns sshh
i'm in too deep. i've been on the cryptonote train too long. if it dies (the whole protocol, not just xmr) then i exit forever, so it's death or glory. i honestly don't give a fuck any more whether i lose it all. i've been at this shit since 2012. if it does survive, it'll be stronger than ever. either choice will have an amount of regret attached to it, and i've missed too many trains. i will regret more having 7 grand now, than my anticipated ~150k later, should it survive. i'm not bailing.

>> No.491013

Ducknote (XDN) is changing to DarkNote.


Might be to ensure a smooth dump, but I wouldn't be surprised to see this switch kick the price up to 50. Stranger things have happened in crypto land. Like who the fuck is buying NHZ right now? It's a lousy fork of NXT, a dev dumped 10 mil on polo, 700mil is being held in escrow, and it's still 300 satoshi.

Also seems like the XMR crowd figured out fairly quickly that BCX was FUDing. Go figure.

>> No.491015

23 million actually. Here's the post if anyone cares:


>> No.491091


How bad is this news?

IRC doesnt seem too concerned

>> No.491182

Deepcoin is fairly under valued now, I think it'll go up soon, it can't stay that cheap forever. Pretty sure everyone is expecting the price to shoot up soon. So I bought quite a lot of it, some rumors of a big pump are floating around too.

>> No.491392

is localbitcoins a good place to buy?

>> No.491400
File: 99 KB, 944x712, Wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be new and naive to bitcoins and wanting to buy a fraction of a bitcoin
>go on local bitcoins
>take a chance and text a guy
>explain that I want to buy just a fraction (I think like $20 worth)
>takes hours to respond and when he does he has awful grammar and is arrogant
>plus he's rude because he tells me "I don't want your life story"
>he then asks me my name and job, assuring me he's not crazy
>give him fake name and excuse why I can't meet up with him and just ignore him from then on
>mfw this is how a man was trying to conduct his business

So basically, do what I did and get a Coinbase account. And don't be a pussy like me either.

>> No.491407
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it just means a shitload of people bail, panic-sell, price goes to hell, faith is lost, blah etc x1000. in a nutshell it slows the progress of BTC, and that is a pain in the arse. we need stability, and it's simply too turbulent to be possible while china and others keep scaring people and making value go batshit.
the present predicament does however allow those with faith, perhaps their final opportunity to buy in cheap. buy BTC and maybe double your money a year from now. but spend a few thousand now on BTC, convert those BTC to the alt in which you have faith and which you've thoroughly researched, and should that altcoin prove to be as solid as you believe/hope it to be, gains comparable to those made by 2009 BTC investors will be realised. you could right now, with the money you have at your disposal, become a millionaire a few years (or hours ffs) from now, by knowing which coins to buy. it's not the same as the lottery. you can't research lottery predictions beyond general probability.

if the banks thought bitcoin to be flawed or of no threat to their (the most lucrative on earth) business, they would not be worried, it would not be restricted in any way. it's opponents, so much of a threat is it considered to be, include china's banking and political infrastructure.

did anyone else double their money overnight on NHZ last night? bought at 100, sold at 200, could probably have held for ten times that much. i also renewed my VPN contract today by pointing my android phone at a QR code then clicking "send". I could also have purchased half an ounce of OG kush at 2pm today on darkmarkets on which only BTC is accepted, should i be such a despicable degenerate hash wreck. apple is attempting to created it's own alt-esque currency. amazon is considering accepting bitcoin. just like the thousands of retailers who already do.

cryptos are going nowhere.

get in now.

>> No.491522

>get in now

Please oh please direct me towards resources that will teach me how to do this

>> No.491591


The first step can be taken on biz

If you go to the catalog there is a thread on PND and something called bluecoin or similar- go to those threads and read up on those coins- if you have questions ask them, PND especially has a good community

Apart form that the litecoin wiki and bitcoin wikipedia articles give you a pretty good idea of the mechanics of the coin

If you want to know which coins will become big there are no certain answers but once you understand the industry a bit better you will be able to make your own decisions

>> No.491648

whats likely to happen to LTC-DIME? worth buying?

>> No.491678

do you have any btc that you would be comfortable with losing?
honestly, most likely you are gonna lose at the beginning. Once you get through the learning curve though, you can get them nice huge gains.

>> No.491710

i think you mean boolberry, bluecoin was just a pump and dump as far as i knew, they were still giving them away
but yeah, boolberry and PND are very good to get into right now

>> No.492137

where can i buy boolberry or PND?

>> No.492145

Don't fucking do it. It was being traded for liteoshis for the longest time. Anyone telling you to buy just wants you to baghold.

Also, XDN volume has tripled since Sunday. General uptrend, good opportunity to get in sub-50 levels before the rebranding catches on.

>> No.492166

i meant for cash, dont have the funds to buy BTC at the moment.

>> No.492169

is it worth buying litecoin at the moment? that's pretty low right now.

>> No.492170

How does that make sense?

>> No.492178
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>not getting in on XDN before the rebranding

>> No.492198


bluecoin is something to learn from because its still being given away- but you arnt going to make any money off it

I would recomend boolberry to make money but it isnt the most straightforward to get into

PND has a chance to make money and is perfect for begginers due to its simplicity and the pandabank

>> No.492200



Use paypal

Also PND has a chance to make real gains- it isnt a sure thing but it is a genuinley good coin- people who say things like>>492145 are almost all bitter they missed the chance to buy PND really low

Dont blow the bank at it obviously but 20-40$ can buy youu 2 mil PND which is enough to learn the ins and outs of crypto

Look at the specs of any coin you fancy and make your own decision if its worth buying

>> No.492202


I dont see that litecoin has any real place in the market- its only where it is because it was one of the first after bitcoin- again look at the specs and make your own decision but I am NOT touching litecoin personally

>> No.492318

But you can just buy BTC from someone there using bank wire. I did and had my coins in a matter of minutes.

>> No.492522


>> No.492534

basically i have about £50 spare. PND then?

>> No.492544


If you want to get into crypto then PND is what I would recommend yeah

>> No.492588

and how soon should i buy it/how long should i wait before selling? i know the second seems like a silly question, but i'd like an opinion, basically.

>> No.492616

according to bitcointalk you should buy as soon as possible,
there are some people who want to back PND and for good reason, everything is right up it alley
the buy support is being generated by the community
i can't tell you how long you should hold, or at what point you should sell
just know that it won't be a matter of weeks or months if you want to make it big
that being said, its a great coin to learn the ropes (as has been mentioned before >>492198 ) and generally get into crypto

>> No.492661

as a guess, how long do you think it will take?

>> No.492673

1.5 years at least for significant profit
couple of weeks for 1-2 satoshi climb
it depends on how fast btc "crashes" or simply becomes something other than what it was intended to be (anonymous)
how fast adoption occurs
the devs are really active in the IRC and there's been a couple of updates already
the 1st major one was just a couple of weeks ago

>> No.492684

Dont bother listening to the pathetic PND shills
That tripfag has 80%+ of supply that she is slowly selling off
It's sad really

>> No.492689

if not PND, then what would you reccomend?

>> No.492719
File: 983 KB, 1604x1220, anon&#039;s a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's too busy sucking dick
>mad he didn't buy at 2sat

>> No.493081

I personally don't believe the PND bagholders actually think that it's a good investment. As someone who watched it since creation, their only strategy seems to be shilling pnd and fudding doge.

>> No.493090


This guy is right

the price is literally constantly raising atm so the longer you wait the more you pay

That tripfag has sub 5% and there was no premine- ignore this guy

>> No.493154
File: 130 KB, 400x300, BxnSXI9IgAAAAs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, fuck, it seems i'm going all in on monero, if this fud didnt kill it nothing will.

>> No.493225
File: 85 KB, 640x480, whyishepostingegggirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man. XDN is in my opinion, the crypto people should use to acquaint themselves with cryptos. it's similar in terms of ease-of-access to PND, DOGE and others, mining is a piece of piss and they have a GUI wallet now, plus XDN has the benefit to my mind, of not only offering a similarly easy(ish) intro to cryptos, but also a very real chance of substantial gains in the very near future. PND and DOGE aren't going to double in price overnight, their rise, if it happens at all, will be gradual. XDN on the other hand could quadruple any time now. i think it to be massively more probable that of the three in question, XDN will yield the most profit. i kept selling XDN while daytrading, at what i thought to be the peak of pumps, hoping to then buy back, but the price never fkn drops back substantially enough and my buybacks fail. i think, esp with the rebranding, that XDN has real potential. so confident am i that i bought a significant chunk this morning at the rather daunting price of 39sato. those recent charts look much more alluring than the other options imo.
don't forget that right now people can't transfer their coins onto exchanges, so they cannot dump. the price atm is misleading. intentionally, i imagine. i too though, am clinging to XMR for dear life.

you're lucky m80, we enjoy one of the easiest methods of buying btc. bitbargain, only available in the u.k, means coins in your wallet within ~10 mins, every time, paid for via bank transfer, pingit etc. it seems much easier and faster in the u.k than just about anywhere else, to buy BTC.

>> No.493280

>the crypto people should use to acquaint themselves with cryptos
Especially since XDN is a CN coin. Buy support on polo is increasing. Get in under 40 while you still can.

>> No.493321


If PND doesnt take off, the coin that eventually dominates the market will be very similar to it

PND is the best coin on the market and that is the sole reaosn I invest it - this isnt shilling its something that is clear to anyone who does their own research

It may or may not take off but the coin is good, the dev team is good, the gui is revolutionary and this is the best time to buy (a few months ago was the BEST time but you catch my drift)

Anyone reading his considering buying PND I have only this to say- take 20mins of your time and research some coins, youll see for yourself that PND is the best in its feild

>> No.493337
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>> No.493443
File: 21 KB, 320x256, Me Waiting On Dinosaur Info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for that graper-predicted crash.

>> No.493445

Milky was right, apparently, everyone was making fun while btc hit 380 but its back to 440

Should I buy some now?

>> No.493448 [DELETED] 

these are money making games. Thank me later!!!

>> No.493450

Nice one :^)

>> No.493456

so, while i may not but it now, i'm looking into buying some in the next two weeks. will the price hold until then do you think?

>> No.493463

the PND, not the golden train.

>> No.493548

Huge Holdings:


Meeehhhh Holdings:

Everything was worth $50 about 4 weeks ago.
Everything is now worth nearly $200 as of today.

>> No.493550


Bitmark is growing so fucking fast.

Bought 25 at 11 cents each...now they're nearly worth $1 each.

$100 each by 2015 here we gooooo!

>> No.493552

CannabisCoin is what you all need to hold.

1 CANN = 1 GRAM of Medical Marijuana.

1 CANN = $0.50 right now
1 CANN will be worth $5-$15 soon.


>> No.493553


I dont understand what the train thing is but yeah I dont think PND will lose value at all

CAPTCHA: hovermice shall

>> No.493561

where can i buy those for cash?

>> No.493563

>500% raise "soon"

Explain this sorcery

>> No.493588
File: 78 KB, 640x480, 1254545895116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huge Holdings:
not viable long-term. bitcoin, where weed is legal, is superior. CANN provides no unique anonymity for those not restricted by dark-age weed laws. CANN serves no purpose, it's only foundation is a stoner with a dispensary. Better than MOST altcoins given that it has SOME backing, but long-term, bullshit unless it betters XMR. people don't buy tonnes of dried piss any more.
pumped to fucking hell by JL777. (watch out for this dude, he's rich and so too could you be) BTCD will fluctuate and profits will be made, expect no significant pumps soon, massively more likely is a huge dump, should his 'supernet''s integrity be brought into question. I love this dude, but he can't know the future.
Too pumped. Not the right time.
Not sure, but I do hold.
lel. yeah why not. seems to be upwards lately. just dump a few satos later. it will die.
YES. it's pump is SO FUCKING long overdue, it has to be imminent. their retarded flailing around with convoluted plans on bitcoin's forum talk atm arent helping imo, but XC is sufficiently respected that after SO fucking long flatlining, it'll inevitably do... something... fairly soon. hopefully the price will reflect the seemingly delivered promises the coin has achieved thus far, and for so long.

does anyone know of JL777 expressing a disinterest in XC as a part of the supernet? i ask with no bias, but simply because i have absolutely no idea what his opinion of the coin is. i do know however that should he incorporate XC into the supernet, it's value should presumably rise as fucking insanely as BBR's did as soon as JL777 gave the word.

>> No.493599

and again, how would i buy XC?
i feel really stupid asking constantly. The PND is simple, do i just then use that to buy stuff from poloniex?

>> No.493600

You buy on an exchange. Money --> BTC --> XC

>> No.493608

>Money --> BTC --> Cryptocurrency
stop being retarded anon

>> No.493612

u wot

>> No.493617

this is what i mean, surely i can just get the currency i want for money. i cant buy a chunk of btc at the moment, hence wanting to buy smaller amounts of others, like PND.

>> No.493622



>> No.493628

>surely I can just get the currency I want for money
What I'm trying to tell you is that not all coins have that infrastructure.

>> No.493632

but they do
you can certainly get them other ways
like PND with paypal
but you can buy any of them with BTC on an exchange

>> No.494205

Are these troll threads or are you people actually dumb enough to buy e-monopoly money whose creator told you it had value?

>> No.494241

>monopoly money whose creator told you it had value?

Oh you mean like dollars or euros?

>> No.494246

Or every business! Just monopoly money income!

>> No.494321

so, once i've bought my PND (the price is still rising!) how do i sell it back? poloniex again?

>> No.494346


You can buy PND with cash yeah but not all coins have that level of infrastructure

>> No.494415

My nigger. I read it in his voice too.

>> No.495043

Still waiting for Bitcoin to crash.

>> No.495465


Now that bitcoin is so popular is it still possible to get in and make money?

PND seems really great but I feel like ive missed the boat/rocket to the moon

>> No.495479

You're still in time to get into PND. It's at 10 satoshi right now. Two days ago it was 2.

Still, it's expected to go to, at the very very least, 50. Way higher in a year or two.

>> No.495482


What makes you think it will hit 50?

>> No.495503

Newbies. whoever tries to sell you on PND
is just shilling for his coin like most here do. Besides the big community there is nothing really that differentiates it from other coins.

They try to sell you on the coin so that you buy in and therefore are another pawn in the game.

True moneymaking coins for you would be those that have interesting technology + have not yet been superpumped. Why is that ? Because even if coins like PND rise in price, what's the daily volume? volume is relevant because if you bought say 2 bitcoins worth and the daily volume of a coin is 1 bitcoin then you won't be able to sell your coin fast enough. In fact you'll end up bag holding and shilling on 4chan.

So you look for coins with real tech and with serious devs. Look for them by reading the threads in bitcointalk, it'll take some time but good money comes with true research. Did you find an interesting one? now look at the charts, is it going up? set up a low bid and walk away. Is it going down? set an even lower bid and walk away. After you are in,set sells for a percentage you are comfortable with and walk away.

Won't mention any cause I don't wanna be a shill for my coin and con you out. Do your own research.

>> No.495506

Marketing clearly outweighs tech in a field like this

>> No.495512

>implying you can't find a coin with tech AND marketing

>> No.495516

>implying tech is relevant

>> No.495536

Average buyer doesn't give a fuck. That's why you'll always be pitching your innovative coins to no avail

>> No.495541

lol actually I'm the only one not pitching coins, which is way different than the PND shills.

>> No.495588

yeah the shilling is ridiculous i'm just saying the average buyer isnt gonna pick up on that

>> No.495591

Trusting the kike banks with a currency meant to be seperate from kike banks

>> No.495593

All this shilling for a coin worth 6 satoshi which has not gone up in value for the almost year its exhisted

Its like stablecoin and we all know what happened to that

>> No.495723

You're a dumb shill invested in PND that wants other people to buy it so you can sell. Shut the fuck up, PND is trash. The shilling is obvious.

>> No.495761


PND have a solid and dedicated team of devs

And the design of the coin is better than most, the pandabank was a genuine revolution in cryptocurrency

I`m not going to say any more because faggots like this faggot will call me a shill- all I ask is you do your own research before you buy coins

If you dont believe in PND thats fine, but dont listen to people like this guy who just say it has nothing going for it when infact its one of the most qualitatively good coins out there and the only one im aware of that could actually reach the mass market

>> No.495767

BItmark is my shit and thank god almost no one knows about it.

>> No.495768

Fucking shill.

Everyone, don't listen to this guy. If you're holding PND, dump it now.

To me.

At 1 satoshi.

>> No.495770


I said in the post- do your own research

I dont have to shill because anyone who does that will see that PND is a very promising coin

They will also realize that the people who dedicate their time to attacking a coin that recently shot up about 150% in price are probably a little bitter

>> No.495772


This guy raises another point I forgot to mention- because of the recent surge in popularity of PND people are putting in big buy orders and need people to sell to lower the price and fill their buy orders

So the people attacking PND may actually be buying large of PND themselves and wanting the price to dip knowing it will eventually rise again

>> No.495777

True. I was joking, though.

>> No.495782


ha yeah I saw that!

I just wanted to clarify that what you were joking about was actually something that is really happening

I dont want beginners selling out and being discouraged from doing things like this in the future

>> No.496465
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 1250266282708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem charts doh mang. iuno about this one. it's downward since the pump. holding off until it stops sliding.

anyone gonna speculate on which coin(s) JL777's SN is gonna cause (price) to instantly leave the motherfucking stratosphere? worked for BBR... in fact works every time the fucker gives the word price goes like 10x. <strike>SkyNET</strike> SuperNET is progressing nicely. If all goes as planned, this could make BTC look retarded by comparison.

I'm hoping NMC, PPC and XC get incorporated. And XDN, BTM, maybe even XRP or TAC. Fuck knows whether it's even possible. What coins are you placing your bets on, anons?

>> No.496478 [DELETED] 


hope he decides to add XST. Stealthcoin. Shit's pretty cool and has an awesome community behind it.

>> No.497008

bitcoin database teaser

>>pastebin com/XdQeMHc1

>> No.497011

>bitcoin scam site with complementary viruses

>> No.497018

Damn thanks anon that shit worked

>> No.497034

Yet we both know that it didn't you adorable samefag you.

>> No.497587

LTCD going moon by Thursday.

Block halving in couple days.

Moon thereafter.


>> No.497684

The supernet dev wanted Bitmark to join the Supernet, the BTM dev declined, but marking will somehow be incorporated.

>> No.497723


supernet is shit and they copied monero's logo

>> No.497822
File: 26 KB, 378x480, 1251696902488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supernet is shit and they copied monero's logo
there's no doubt about it... it's monero versus supernet right now. Maybe not for ever.
i have substantial holdings in both, but while my eggs are in two baskets, i'm fearful that one must fail or the other cannot succeed. Short of JL777 having his pickle tickled by some XMR miracle. (amDOGE, what are your rates?)
my SuperNET NXT Asset holdings, having cost me .09, are now worth .24 (48 hours later), and I'm heavily invested in coins in whose success relies hugely on SuperNET. I've also bought into NXTprivacy asset on the strength of this James dude's apparent abilities.
I want both SuperNET and XMR to succeed, perhaps it's possible. SN's market may never be all-encompassing. It may co-exist with XMR.

Either way, I'm not very hungry. a 2-egg (for the cost of a mere gruel sandwich at the time of investment) omelet is still tasty. I do not envisage both failing.

>> No.498343
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, 4e77fb8f-eef3-45cb-b66d-09408a5db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post in a sea of shills.

>> No.498346

This feel. The market free fall temporarily buoyed by bitcoin news is habbening, gents. What's "graper-predicted" though, I love proper analysis?

>> No.498429

Cant seem to find a PND all time chart, am i retarded?

>> No.498436

For considering PND, yes.

>> No.498467

BTC keeps dropping because merchant acceptance is outpacing consumer acceptance. When you buy something with BTC, it is almost always immediately sold for fiat by a third party payment processor such as bitpay.

But, this is good, and to be expected. BTC is more and more being used for it's intended purpose, transmitting value, rather than speculation.

This is a sign a true BTC economy is growing. As more and more businesses accept BTC, eventually, there will be less reason to convert to fiat.

That is when the true rocket begins. December will be nothing in comparison. It may take a year or two, but if you aren't building up a solid stash of bitcoins now, don't bitch that you missed the train again.

>> No.498518

Also noticing that the wave of shitcoins is finally subsiding. More alts are becoming mainstays (XMR, DOGE), giving less opportunity for scrypt clones to flood the market.

I think the worst of it was when Cryptorush was up. That was around the same time that mooncoin had its 15 minutes. Thank god we're finally getting past that.

>> No.498522

What was your favorite altcoin fad? For me its a toss up between all those 1 sato doge clones (fucking beecoin), and that drawn out episode of nation coins spurred into existence by auroracoin.

>> No.498668

Thanks, actually, my mind goes yes no yes no, if i should buy or not. Because i must first see "proof" that the coin behaves acording to my standards, if one could call it that

>> No.498804

Go to the website it's the best source of info about the coin, if that doesn't convince you nothing will.

>> No.498855


| | / /__ / | ________ / / ___ ____ (_)___ ____
| | /| / / _ \ / /| | / ___/ _ \ / / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \
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/\_/ /
\ _ /

>> No.499074
File: 78 KB, 427x638, edt140674748620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys just a quick question, I have 21 LTC in my wallet, how do I convert this to btc, whats the quickest way/website to do it?

>> No.499102


>> No.499115 [DELETED] 

thank you

>> No.499116

As the title says, I've been banned from my favorite restaurant for giving them bitcoins. I'm so angry and frustrated right now but I wanted to try putting this into words.
Some backstory: there's a small, family-run Chinese restaurant around me that I visit frequently, probably two or three times per week, they know me really well. Today I was going there for lunch, and I figured, China is really into bitcoins now, I bet they would love to have some! So I made and printed a paper wallet with them with 0.25 BTC, as well as some instructions on what bitcoins are and how to use it.
Go to the restaurant, eat as usual, pay my bill as normal, but leave the paper wallet instead of a tip. I leave the restaurant, thanking them as I go out, but then my waitress, the owner's daughter, runs after me. She asks what the piece of paper is, I start explaining to her what bitcoins are and how that paper wallet is worth over $100 now, and will probably increase 100x in value over the next decade, and she starts demanding that I give her a tip in "real money".
I know this is my fault, but the real money comment makes me really mad, so I walk toward her and try to grab the paper wallet out of her hand, she screams, her mom/the owner runs out, and we start getting into a shouting match, and long story short she ends up tearing up the paper wallet right in front of my eyes and the mom tells me to never come back. So now I'm banned from my favorite restaurant, and to add insult to injury I didn't think she would decline the money so I deleted the private key off my machine so I lost those $100.
Sorry for the stupid story about my life but I just wanted to vent.

>> No.499118

thank you

>> No.499139
File: 30 KB, 488x250, I before E but first give the D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I start explaining to her what bitcoins are and how that paper wallet is worth over $100 now, and will probably increase 100x in value over the next decade, and she starts demanding that I give her a tip in "real money".

>Chinese daughter
>starts demanding a tip
>in "real money"

Oh you poor, ignorant fool.

>> No.499143

Im cringing so hard right now, somebody tell me this cant be real.
Also, this guy got the right idea... >>499139

>> No.499151
File: 129 KB, 1904x888, screenshot-www mintpal com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sorry I am retard, I transferred ltc to minpal, it says now my ltc account balance is 20 ltc, how do I buy btc now? there is no btc in the coin list?

>> No.499155


You dont "buy" btc with ltc, you SELL the LTC for BTC.

Click the sidebar and click on the LTC page. From there you can either sell your LTC to the highest bidder, or set a higher price and hope someone buys it off of you at said price.

>> No.499165
File: 214 KB, 800x533, 1408641698182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah Ive got it now thanks

>> No.499173


All of those grills are just so... mediocre.

I dunno what it is, but for some reason a hot black-haired woman gets my dick diamond-hard, but no blondes can seem to make it move at all.

>> No.499177

Redheads > brunettes = blondes > black hair

>> No.499183

>brunettes = blondes

lmao yeah and Krillin = Goku too rite

>> No.499190
File: 50 KB, 500x669, 1334253956769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer blondes. A blonde with blue or green eyes does it for me.

>> No.499216


might be because they all look very similar, especially the 3 in the middle they look like really fucking hot triplets

>> No.499713


Some guy says he has advanced knowledge on an anon coin. Which coin could it be?

>> No.499719

So I was thinking about using digital currency to purchase some things online. Do you all have a guide for a complete beginner?

>> No.499971

It's ~1300 satoshit now. Screencap this post for when it's 100,000+

>> No.500023

I hope to god you're right, because I'm like 90% sure my car is going to throw a rod through the engine block within the week.

>> No.500050

This is too good to be true

>> No.500063
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1265611750007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. spending .75BTC a week on takeaway food would render him incapable of getting through the restaurant's door. it was a fun read though, and i anticipate similar complications when dealing with those who persist in demand payment solely via cheque, delivered by carrier pigeon.
get a portable wallet for your phone. put btc in it. point the phone's camera at the QR code on the checkout page of the BTC-accepting site. press send. done. sod the banks.
FAIL. it delivered on it's name. i mined tens of millions. it then flatlined. now it's revived, and i've got loads of the fuckers :3

>> No.500071
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Egg-Girl-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purchase some things online
oh wait. lel. i suspect i know what you're asking. naughty anon.
the portable/QR method i just mentioned, will work for all purposes when spending bitcoin. how anonymous you make yourself when making that transaction is another matter.
what do you want to buy?

>> No.500477


What is the best/most reliable exchange and why?

>> No.500513

what are you talking about? CINNI or FAIR
or something else?

i like mintpal
it's being upgraded so things are a little messed up at the moment

>> No.500543

Im looking to donate to a couple websites that host torrents, maybe get a seedbox. Like i said i know (roughly) nothing about bitcoin. I need to purchase it fairly anonymously too. So i'm assuming i gotta go buy some prepaid gift cards.

>> No.500691
File: 1.38 MB, 320x240, 81577950-d633-4449-9a3f-879dc7698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat feel when I bought xst at 3k and it's now over 11k with nice volume.

>> No.500845

>what are you talking about? CINNI or FAIR
>or something else?


Block rewards just got cut fucking 97% YESTERDAY

Which means FAR, FAR less coins being generated while it's still in the PoW phase. Devs talking PoS soon, and many other major upgrades all in the same announcement.

The word about everything hasn't spread wide yet - check the BCTalk Forum thread to read for yourself, but that being said - it'd be conservative to say LTCD = 50k satoshi by next weekend.

>> No.501107

How the unholy fuck has Bitcoin been worth so little for so long?

>> No.501112

its being manipulated lower by something /r/bitcoinmarkets is calling the bearwhale

someone with lots of money is spending it to keep bitcoin low. The tension is rising.

>> No.501113

>so little
Better question might be how it spiked up so absurdly high in the first place. Only natural that it should correct down to its true value.

>> No.501117

I honestly wouldn't be surprised, stranger shit has happened.
Though that's also likely. I was convinced it'd fluctuate between $500 and $700 for a while longer.

>> No.501118

S-should I buy then?

Captcha does say potential then tynonst whatever that means.

>> No.501123

Also, why's LCTD down on Bittrex?

>> No.501126

The regulations go live January 2015 so expect the next bubble to start a few weeks before that as all the smart money tries to rush in before the financial bridges to the 'civilized' markets are constructed.

In the meantime its altcoin season.

>> No.501136

Why would regulation start a bubble or encourage people to buy? That makes no sense at all.

>> No.501140

Regulation is the only thing holding back the market maker money floodgates. Right now bitcoin has competed with cash on hand. It is a big deal to get money out of your savings to buy bitcoin and only the most faithful supporters are willing to do that. When regulation hits you will see ETFs and Derivatives. People will easily be able to invest in bitcoin through savings accounts. The doubters will no longer have the "to be a currency it has to be regulated" excuse. An increase in perceived legitimacy will drive demand and fuel the next bubble.

Wallst doesn't like being first, they like front running the masses.

>> No.501149

I'm interested in investing into LTCD but I don't even have any bitcoins yet. Is there a good exchange where I can get both or will I have to use a separate one just to get bitcoins from usd?

>> No.501150

That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I thought the whole draw of Bitcoin was to circumvent the existing financial structures and not conform to them. Anyone remember the financial crisis of 2008 and what caused it? I don't agree with you. I think regulation sucks because it will destroy the things that made Bitcoin useful in the first place like (relative) anonymity, money laundering, tax evasion and buying drugs.

>> No.501154

circle.com - buy
blockchain.info - store
bittrex.com - altcoin trading

if your not in bitcoin you don't know what your doing.

>> No.501159

Circle and bittrex look good but I've heard some say blockchain isn't as good as something like armory or bitcoin core but you most likely know more than me. I've read a lot about crytocurrency but have yet to get my hands dirty.

>> No.501163

You have a very limited view of what bitcoin is.

2008 was caused by a flawed monetary policy and banks being able to tell regulators how to regulate. Derivatives area part of the financial toolbox now and hating them is like hating guns. Its a tool that can be used correctly or incorrectly. Bitcoin derivatives will help curb the volatility.

Regulation will increase perceived legitimacy and demand for bitcoins. Like it or not, for bitcoin to trade on the NASDAQ it needs to have regulation.

>> No.501165

blockchain works perfect for the average user.

Set up 2 factor authentication on every bitcoin account and you will be ok.

>> No.501168

In that case thank you kind anon. Let's see how much money I can lose.

>> No.501174

Regulation will take away all the things that make Bitcoin unique. What is the point if it operates like any other currency? Trading on NASDAQ is insignificant if it means Bitcoin now has to adhere to regulations that stifle the technology. "Percieved legitimacy" is just smoke and mirrors. I don't know why people like you welcome regulation as if it is going to anything but strangle the life out of BTC. When has excessive regulation ever been anything but costly and intrusive when it comes to finance and technology?

>> No.501176
File: 300 KB, 736x2576, ce98040555b93c118b9e02b3cd013b97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until you read the entire archive on bitcointalk you are a noob and this should be your strategy.

>> No.501185
File: 72 KB, 1024x512, DREkfMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really have no idea whatbitcoin is if you think that regulation makes bitcoin "operates like any other currency"

>Trading on NASDAQ is insignificant
Thank-you for confirming how new you are

>regulations that stifle the technology
please tell me more about these magical regulations you speak of, no regulation proposed will stifle bitcoins creativity. If it does, the creativity moves to a more welcoming jurisdiction.

Perceived legitimacy is the only thing this world runs on.

>excessive regulation
please show me this excessive regulation you see being used against bitcoin. Then I'll show you just how easy bitcoin makes it for us to sidestep it.

Bitcoin needs challenges. These challenges will force bitcoin to adapt and grow stronger. pic related. If you think regulation can kill bitcoin you have vastly underestimated bitcoin.

>> No.501187

I guess you have absolutely no knowledge of the proposed Bitcoin regulations do you? Read up a little then get back to me. I have no desire to babysit you.

>> No.501191


You know what this means?
It means bitcoin is going on the NASDAQ,
thats what it means.

>> No.501209

>confirmed for not reading one word of it or else you would understand the implications
The difference between you and I is that I actually care about the use of Bitcoin and you just regurgitate government propaganda. What you think is good for Bitcoin is antithetical to everything it is supposed to stand for.

>> No.501226

No, dear anon you misunderstand me.

Regulation is bad yes. Bitcoin does not need regulation yes.

However regulation will open more doors than it closes because gaining access to the traditional fanancial markets outweights the negative efects of the regulation.

Besides that most people will just ignore the regulations anyway. They are a formality to allow wallst in. Allowing wallst in means everyone in before wallst will profit due to an increase in demand.

Its not that I like regulation anon, its thatI understand they are more like guidelines for crypto users. They only apply if we want to follow them because if we don't its going to be pretty hard to prove anything.

>> No.501256


>Besides the most people will just ignore the regulations anyway
People, yes. Exchanges and companies that accept Bitcoin, no.

A good example would be that individual people can commit tax evasion if they want but eventually most get caught because the companies they work for, the businesses they buy stuff from, and the banks which they keep their money all report to the IRS. The only way to avoid getting caught is to not buy anything big, not keep any money in banks and earn all your money under the table. This is so limiting that very few people actually get away with not paying taxes. It takes a lot of effort to break the law and not get caught.

Bitcoin regulation will force people who use Bitcoin to react in the same way. If they don't want to follow the regulations that will be their choice but they will no longer be able to use Bitcoin exchanges, use Bitcoin to purchase goods from companies, and have to obtain all their Bitcoin under the table. This is extremely stifling and people like me (there are a lot of us) who use Bitcoin as a way to escape fiat constraints will not use it anymore if these regulations pass.

>> No.501262

The regulations only apply to the state of new york.

Alternative business and exchanges currently already exsist that do not report to the IRS and just because New York decides to implement regulation does not mean any of these current businesses will have to change besides saying "we don't serve new york customers." New Yorkers can then hop a train go to New Jersey and bam, no stifling regulation.

No regulation can be imposed on the entire bitcoin network. That is why regulation will always fail.

I also use bitcoin to escape the fed, all this regulation means to me is I'm not going to use a New York exchange. Big whoop.

Ye it also means New York exchanges can get bitcoin financial tools on major exchanges. This is game changing.

>> No.501269

New York is just setting the guidelines that eventually will be the basis for the rest of the US and the US usually sets the global precedent. If it isn't stopped in the early stages these regulations will become entrenched and far reaching.

>> No.501273

I wish I had some popcorn.

>> No.501277

No you don't, their stocks have been stagnant for a long time now. Some people are saying they'll pop any day now but there's always those kind of people for any investment.

>> No.501284

I have some cookies and cream popcorn thinking it was going to be novel but found out that it just tastes like normal caramel popcorn with chocolate on it. Still good but I'm not going to lie it was a little disappointing.

>> No.501292

Now that is pure speculation. I say some territories will be doing the opposite of New York just because New York is the one that did it. Like Texas, Singapore, Hong Kong...

>> No.501310

I really hope you're right. Texas is one of the states who is specifically vocal against these regulations but who knows what type of pressure can be leveraged against them if a federal mandate is set. Anti-money laundering is a huge issue with the Treasury Department and I know FinCEN has already given some advisories in how to tackle cryptos.

>> No.501316
File: 32 KB, 360x408, Banning-Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a meme for a reason

>> No.501317

Where do y'all see LCTD going in the near future? Dont want to hang onto this shit for too long.

>> No.501318


To everyone suggesting different website accounts for bitcoin storage: Just please stop.

Any exchange (Coinbase, Circle) that you buy your Bitcoins from has an online wallet, which is essentially the same type of thing as Blockchain.info in that you store your money on someone else's server.

What you, and EVERYONE else should do is just download a personal wallet to your own computer. Personally I use Multibit. That way, you buy your BTC from the BTC exchange, and immediately transfer it to your own wallet. From there you can encrypt it as heavily as you want, make as many backups as you want, and do all you will with your money without having the risk (no matter how small) of someone else's wallet becoming compromised.

So, in essence:
>Go to coinbase and buy Bitcoin
>Send Bitcoinf from Coinbase to your personal wallet.
>Send however much of your Bitcoin you'd like to invest with from your personal wallet to your altcoin exchange of choice i.e. Bittrex
>Trade and eventually take your profits back from the exchange and put into your aforementioned personal wallet
>All of your money is as safe as you want it be and you also don't have to worry about getting greedy, such as having 10 BTC on an echange and trading with all 10. You can have 10 BTC in your personal wallet and only keep 1 or 2 on the exchange at a time if you'd like.

>> No.501321

>Where do y'all see LCTD going in the near future?
Easy 5k by the end of this weekend, if not higher.

Very possible 20k by next week. Many are saying 50k but IMO that's a bit overzealous as of right now.

However, after all the remaining miners sell their LTCD off and gain very little back due to the -97% block reward returns, along with the devs moving to PoS in the near future, it's not at all unlikely for LTCD to surpass LTC in the next few months. LTCD has everything LTC has and far, far more, and is actively being improved on a daily basis while LTC is stagnating on a daily basis.

Tbh I think LTC only still has the #2 spot due to it being labeled as such from a long time ago. With all the talk of "will Bitcoin be repaced by some other coin?", Litecoin will no doubt absolutely be overtaken before Bitcoin is. Not to say Bitcoin will NEVER be overtaken (it absolutely may be at some point), but Litecoin will most certainly be overtaken long before Bitcoin is.

>> No.501322

The US government has never even alluded to a ban on Bitcoin. They just want to monitor it which is very easy if they pass regulations that force businesses that handle Bitcoin to report to them.

>> No.501330


The US already ruled cryptocurrencies to be property under federal law.

In other words, accepting Bitcoin for payment is no different than accepting chairs. You can sell the chairs for USD, and you can sell the BTC for USD. Both are filed as Capital Gains, rather than wage income.

>> No.501334

Standard personal systems are less secure than blockchain.info

You have to know what your doing to hold coins yourself. Encrypting paper wallets is cool, but I am not going to explain it 100 times. For new users just getting into it, its best to keep the pocket change online.

If your investing more than you can afford to lose this obviously doesn't apply to you and you need to do your own due diligence.

>> No.501335

Exactly. It was never their intention to ban it, just to tax it.

>> No.501337

Anyone can make a wallet.

>buy bitcoin
>its reported
>transfer bitcoin to another wallet
>I lost it

>> No.501342

>i lost it
And to think, all these years I could have evaded taxes if I just told the IRS I lost the money.

>> No.501357

>bitcoin is in unaffiliated wallet
>sell locally or buy in person
no way to link money to you

The only way to evade taxes is to get unreported income.

This is one way to start building unreported income.

>> No.501371

>And to think, all these years I could have evaded taxes if I just told the IRS I lost the money.

The whole point is that the IRS never even knows you had the money.

Even if they somehow decided to do all they could to tie every BTC wallet to an individual, you never exchange it for cash deposits - you exchange for whatever you want. Goods, services, or hell - an Anonymous altcoin which you then move to a new wallet, turn to BTC, and sell for cash on delivery if need be.

And before you say "they'll start taxing the BTC before you even exchange it or sell it", let me remind you of the thing everyone seems to forget for some reason:
>It's not money in the eyes of the law. It's property.
It'd be like taxing you for the sandwich your friend handed to you at work yesterday. In other words, impossible.

>> No.501597

How do I buy buttcoins via a mastercard gift card?(serves as a credit card)

Any reliable sellers?

>> No.501607


>> No.501614

Beat me to it by 30 seconds.

>> No.501620


>having to give your real name to buy anon coins

How does it work? I hand over my shekels and they send bitcoins to my wallet?


>> No.501630

>How does it work?

It works essentially the exact same way as Coinbase, however you don't need to tie a checking account to your online exchange account, since Circle has the advantage of allowing credit card/prepaid card purchasing without the bank account.

The reason you need to use your real name is due to legal issues with online money exchange. Any BTC-to-USD site needs your real info, whereas Bittrex, Mintpal, etc don't because it doesn't deal in fiat directly.

>> No.501639

if you want to buy anon you need to buy direct

>> No.501832

I was being facetious. Obviously the IRS finds out about your property if you ever try to sell it for money. As long as your BTC stay in a Bitcoin wallet they are just ones and zeros, but once you try to exchange them for fiat on any major exchange, this is how the IRS is going to get you. Bitcoin and altcoins both fall under these same regulations that make any large Bitcoin exchanges fully transparent to government agencies which means you would always have to exchange Bitcoin for cash locally in order to avoid scrutiny. Bitcoin sales off the grid would become a complex and risky money laundering scheme akin to fine art purchases. The truly anonymous nature of cash (as opposed to pseudo anonymous Bitcoin) makes it a perfect vehicle for this but even then you would still have to keep a low profile with the cash that you acquire. I see a not too distant future where governments eliminate cash all together and go straight digital. Ironically, crypto-currency technology is driving that bus, which is why most governments have no intent to ban them. Israel is the first country to already be pushing for a cashless society.

Back to my original point I think that true Bitcoin enthusiasts should be fighting this regulation not welcoming it. This is the next step in full government control and it is not good for any of us.

>> No.501844
File: 57 KB, 600x503, neobits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The digital chamber of commerce will fight the stupid regulation. Regulation in general is needed to break into the financial markets.

> have to exchange Bitcoin for cash
When your ready... you won't have to.

>> No.501868

>Regulation in general is needed to break into the financial markets.
A lot of us feel it isn't a good trade-off and opens the door to unwanted government oversight.

>When your ready... you won't have to.
Thats the point. If this regulation passes, I will have to. I joined on to Bitcoin because it was free of government control. Why are you guys so quick to welcome government agencies to impose strict guidelines? Bitcoins usefulness lies in the fact that it is not fiat and doesn't adhere to AML rules.

>> No.501885

> unwanted government oversight.
move exchange out of jurisdiction.
oh hey look no more oversight.
very few of the regulations target the consumer.
the regulations they are purposing are mostly bullshit that can't be enforced.

any regulation isn't a change to bitcon protocol, its mostly rules for people handling bitcoin for other people.

you may not like it, but its inevitable. If its all or nothing for you then your more than able of switching to one of the altcoins that cater to your specific needs. The majority want regulation because of the way they feel, so even though its pointless, they are going to make it. It doesn't mean bitcoiners wont be able to find a way around faster than they can regulate.

>> No.501890

>very few of the regulations target the consumer
All of the regulations target the consumer. It is exactly what KYC is intended for.

>The majority want regulation because of the way they feel
This is completely wrong. The only ones that want regulation are the ones that bought into the government propaganda.

>> No.501902

>...is the process used by a business..
sounds like you don't know what KYC is.

>The only ones
"A part of the reason why many are refraining from investing in bitcoins is because of concerns over the paucity of security, a lack of consumer protections, tax complications and unidentified regulations.

The poll discovered that 61 percent were worried about the overall security of bitcoin. Another 43 percent were apprehensive because of its unknown tax status. Just under half (48 percent) of respondents noted that insurance may prevent them from acquiring the virtual currency"


Tech people know security and consumer protection will come quickly. Tax solutions will be implemented like automatic accountant apps for the people who want to stay compliant. Regulation will be softened by the bitcoin lobbyist group that is inevitable forming.

But if this can't get through that pure aluminum hat of yours you can divest into darkcoin, litecoindark, monero or any of the 100 privacy centered altcoins. The rest of us will just use bitcoin mixing services.

>> No.501914

If you had to use wikipedia to find out what KYC is then you need to do a little more reading. I skimmed over the rest of what you posted because you seem to like to regurgitate government propaganda. Government regulation for Bitcoin is bad. Period.

>> No.501926

>sounds like you don't know what KYC is
If you are really interested in KYC regulations here is a good start. http://www.pwc.com/en_GX/gx/financial-services/publications/assets/pwc-anti-money-laundering-know-your-customer-quick-reference-guide.pdf

The gist:
At a minimum, a financial institution must obtain the following identifying information from each customer before opening an account:
a) name;
b) address;
c) date of birth (for individuals);
d) identification number (e.g. Taxpayer Identification Number (“TIN”) or passport number).
The identity of the customer must be verified within a reasonable amount of time after the account is opened; however, generally the identity
is verified before an account is opened. The identity is verified by either the use of document verification (see examples below), or through
the use of non-documentary methods (such as by comparing information provided by the customer to public databases/credit bureaus, and
using third party vendors which do comparisons) or a combination of both.

Ignorance is not an excuse. Educate yourself.

>> No.501932

>a financial institution
is not a consumer.

like I said, these regulations target exchanges and regulation on exchanges is pointless with the rise of decentralized p2p exchanges.

Those that need to buy in new york will go right across the border or pay a premium to buy in new york.

None of the regulations will change what bitcoin is doing already.

>> No.501935

>is not a consumer.
What? This has every thing to do with consumers if they are forced to give personal identification to use exchanges or the service of any Bitcoin based companies. That's the point.

>> No.501940

>Bitcoin based companies
in new york.

see you keep forgetting that little important factor. All the bitcoin companies outside of new york can keep operating normally.

The new game is, can bitcoin gain a large enough lobbying group to establish free trade zones/ ease regulation before the people who tried to stop selling soda in sizes they thought unhealthy impose those imperialistic regulations on the entire globe.

oh and in the meantime bitcoin will be trading on the nasdaq.

>> No.501950

>in new york
Which is just the beginning. Other states will follow suit until federal rulings take effect. I thought we went over this already. You can have your regulations bro. You have to realize however that these regulations alienate most Bitcoin users though. Good luck with that, I am done trying to persuade you because you are too hard headed to see that the US government will have you by the short and curlies. Meanwhile true Bitcoiners like me will fight this. Peace.

>> No.501956

>alienate most Bitcoin users
from New York.

>but it'll spread!
back to this argument again>>501940

These are the same people who outlaw guns and soda.
This will be fought and it will be changed but its probably going to pass as is for now and that's ok because bitcoin will survive this too.

I think bitcoin will grow and influence change positively faster than the idiots who wrote the new york regulations can impose them everywhere. Texas seems to like bitcoin. California seems to be warming to it.

>> No.501965

Let it go. Bitcoin is dying.

>> No.502102

>bitcoin is dying
confirmed buy signal.

>> No.502115

>Buy Coins Instantly
>No Account Needed

>> No.502135

Real talk. When will we see a trully idiot proof crypto solution? Anon this and anon that is boring man, we need grandma level ease of use. BTC mass adoption will never happen until we get that right

>> No.502169

> idiot proof crypto solution?

1. ETFs are idiot proof

2. Coinbase and circle
two factor authentication

3. Armory
most secure wallet

2 out of 3 of these idiot proof solutions are already operating.

>> No.502213

ETF will be idiot proof for investors and Circle is near to true idiot proof access ramp for getting coins.

I would disagree on Armory, it's the last wallet I would recommend for a newbie. Maybe mycelium and armory should male a love child. Safe like armory but simple as Mycelium, no scratch that it needs to be easier than mycelium.

Anyways I don't think I'm being clear enough. In PCs we thought ease of use was windows 3.1, but true grandma ease of use was iPad.

>> No.502221

Monero is finally getting on Cryptsy!

Why it took so long?

>> No.502226


Is PND going on crypsy or what?

Someone on IRC said it was after an update but I had to leave so I didnt get any details

>> No.502317

Any idea if Amazon coin will be subject to fluctuation or potential value? Or work like a Crypto currency?

>> No.502325

>Amazon coin
The price wont rise, they are issued and redeemable by Amazon. Think of it as loyalty points you would receive from your local supermarket to use later rather than a cryptocurrency.

>> No.502981


Amazon coins seem like bullshit

I wouldnt even say they are a crypto

>> No.503185

>no inflation
It's fucking built in you cretin.