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4901932 No.4901932 [Reply] [Original]

>People are purchasing online monopoly money
>There are people who legitimately believe it'll replace fiat currency
>A currency with no power to buy legal goods and services. Long transfer cycles. Unable to see where it transfers. Hackable coin servers. Lose storage, lose all your currency
>New currency of the world

How fucking delusional can you get?
I can't wait to sell all my crypto before the 2019 Crash. People are ALREADY remortgaging houses and getting loans and using savings to buy crypt. It's going to greatest crash ever. 6 trillion dot com bubble? Lol Try 100 Trillion crypto crash. It'll be glorious and you all idiots who "believed" in the currency will be having fun trading monopoly money.

Warning all of you to get out at mid 2018, things get unstable after that.

Screen cap this and all of the predictions will be true because I am from the future.

>> No.4901971

We will be able to tell our kids that we were there during the great crypto crash of 2019 :~)

>> No.4902015

Future? How much BCH do I need?

>> No.4902025
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I have my bags in ETH for this very reason. It's 'Microsoft' to the corporate faggot types and not a money challenger.

>> No.4902030
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>just bounces back up after the crash to even higher ATH
>sweating bankniggers shitting bricks and continue doing the same thing over and over til they go out of business

>> No.4902032

you dont really know half of what youre saying. you clearly dont really know much about it. you just read news here and there, make some conclusions that you feel make sense, and go with it. you dont have crypto, fool.

>> No.4902038


>mfw people said this at 1, 10, 100 and 1000 dollars

>> No.4902141

I’m also ready for this. Question is when - how insane can it get and for how long can the market remain this way?
Some long thought recently led to me to realize crypto can never be a global currency (in terms of, most people use it) but not for the reasons you posted.
BTC $50k seems like a feasible top, but then again, the market is irrational.
What is startling me is the amount of people who have not witnessed the earlier days and bought in <30 days ago.
The exact same events are happening again, only this time, bitcoin is over 10x higher, or 1000x depending on how far back you go.

Every time it rises exponentially it crashes hard and users lose confidence. Then it recovers about a year or two later and does the same thing, increasing in magnitude.
Eventually this must come to an end - bitcoin won’t hit $1 trillion, for example.
Which if the current patterns continue it would do so in about 15-20 years.

The longer I watch this, the less real it gets, and the more it seems like a mania.

>> No.4902157

I don't know. How much worthless garbage do you need? 0?

>> No.4902161
File: 42 KB, 473x126, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people said this at 1, 10, 100 and 1000 dollars
People weren't taking out loans, remorgaging or liquidating their savings at 1,10,100 and 1000.

>you dont have crypto, fool.

>> No.4902191


Maybe the US will be able to pay off its national debt with all the money the government will steal if your scenario plays out.

>> No.4902207

Nah, cryptocurrency as a concept is awesome. It gets rid of the predator middlemen. However it's in it's infancy so it has growing pains.

Those growing pains include these huge bubbles that start out because of the cypherpunks creating a great product and it attracts people that simply want wealth.

The only thing that can really stop cryptocurrency is government because they have the power to crack down on it to protect the horrible banks and the dumb fiat economy.

Literally wars are fought over currency see Libya for the most recent example. So BTC has quite a fight in that arena but not because it's tulips. That's just a brainlet meme.

>> No.4902326


isnt the us debt larger than the m3 money supply

>> No.4902350

How dumb do you have to be to think that getting cucked by banks and western union was never going to be get replaced in the age of the internet?

>> No.4902387

20 Trillion or so? I don't know. OP was talking about a 100 Trillion crypto market crash.

>> No.4902442

lol you said it, you know what will happen

>> No.4902448

>be family man
>save money
>get hacked
>cant report anywhere because the system is decentralised
>whole family is now poor and homeless
>people unironically think this is the future

jesus christ you people really are delusional.

>inb4 hurr durr dont get hacked brainlet

thats not how the world works retard. government and centralised power in general is there to unironically protect the people. have you seen the bell curve? 50% of the population is fucking dumb as hell

>> No.4902455

>monopoly money
its worth more than gold and fiat. it will always be worth more than the dollar. you're just a goon that is too late and too stupid to join the next revolution.

>> No.4902597

>be dumb retard
>lose money

who cares about that tard?

>> No.4902747

i know that you think like that. its because youre an hate filled autist. problem is, the world revolves around normies and not autist like yourself. dont worry time will show that i am in fact right and youre wrong

>> No.4902797

Actually made me look up to see if it's a legit passport in the Matrix.

>it fucking is
>inb4 hollywood did it all

>> No.4902904

This guy is right you know.
Most bitcoiners are autistic, being rejected by so many facets of society the autists naturally flock to bitcoin because it mirrors their personality. An empty shell that is useless

>> No.4902947

My problem with it is that nobody has come up with a feasible scaling solution. I don't mean it beats Western Union. I mean it could beat Visa in volume.
Our options are
>proof of work
Requires a shitload of energy, if everyone on earth used a pow coin with Visa's volume, it would require all of our resources to maintain the network.
>proof of stake
Which is really just a contrived form of interest and doesn't actually create any value, as no resources are spent, and decentivizes spending the token.

In a small market either one works but when we talk about achieving serious adoption, it falls apart.
Bitcoin handles only .015% the transaction volume Visa handles and the issues are already becoming critical.

>why Visa?
It's merely an example of the sheer scale needed to satisfy the world's demands.

>> No.4902961
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not screencapping shit faggot! you retards have been calling bubble since it hit a dollar in 2011. suck my dick.

>> No.4903042

watch 'wag the dog'