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4897635 No.4897635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

MODS: you need more clarity in the post that says no begging or "asking for free money". I posted a TA based prediction that is currently coming true. Around here, that's a 1 in 1000 post. Later in that thread, as it was coming true, I put my ETH address for tips. Then you banned me. I'm not asking for free money, like the new rule said. I provided a service and asked for tips.

Clarify your fucking rules, you cuck mods

>> No.4897668


> tips

M’lady needs payment for xer superior intellect.

>> No.4897693
File: 159 KB, 959x538, 1493292318756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please ban again mods
hes asking for it

>> No.4897735

>post 2 threads with 2 opposite TA
>come back later to claim your free money


>> No.4897746

Why would you need tips if your TA is good?

>> No.4897833

Yes, let's ban one of the only people to post a real TA of a "about to moon coin" that came true shortly after. Let's just ban all the quality posts and leave it up to the faggot shill and fud posts. Way to keep quality community

>> No.4897853

>post voodoo magic TA
>if you get it wrong, you don't lose anything
>if you get lucky and it's right, some faggot may donate some shekels
Mods were right to ban your ass

>> No.4898035

Faggot, I told people to wait for bullish confirmation at end of 2nd Elliot wave before buying in. W/e though, I'll keep my voodoo TAs to myself. Just thought you poor cucks might appreciate the shared knowledge

>> No.4898194

good and also no begging

>> No.4898226

To make up for all those times when it wasnt

>> No.4898250

Asking for "tips" is essentially begging.

>> No.4898334
File: 97 KB, 687x900, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP stop being a filthy begger. Don't post your "precious" TA then. This board it about making money, not giving it away. especially to shameless dirty beggers
Nazi mods are great
picrel, beggers' faith

>> No.4898495

>dOnT pOst yOUr tA
>tHiS bOaRd iS abOuT MaKiNg mOnEy, sO pLeASE pOsT wHiCH cOiNs wiLl mOoN

See how dumb you sound?

>> No.4898544

TA is a meme anyway

>> No.4898589

post what you want, just don't beg for money
trust me if someone will want to tip you they'll ask for the address. Actually if you had a brain you'd know that you'd rather get a tip for being humble than
>Hey Guyz, here is my wallet btw HELLO!! IM HEEEEEEREEE?!?!?!

>> No.4898658

if you were actually good at TA and it actually worked you'd be rich and not begging on 4chan. you got lucky and started begging.

>> No.4898916

TA is a fucking meme in crypto

>> No.4899291

You stupid 6th grade educated faggot. You realize how dumb and wrong you are?

TA is based off a psycholocal idea that people behave (buy and sell) in a pattern. And since people trade cryptocurrency, yes, TA is real.

>> No.4899435

In a perfect marketplace but largely some of these coins are being manipulated in difficult to determine ways.

Gee who's flashing a 300BTC sell wall to keep the price down, etc.