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4894067 No.4894067 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. Faggot here. Now that we've got that out of the way, look. I'm a poorfag, <3,000$ to my name in my early 30's. I know Bitcoin's on an uptrend now and it's not wise to buy anything generally during such periods, but, I've got 0 BTC to my name. Should I just buy 100$ now, fuck it? I know that's like - what - 1/100th of 1 BTC basically? But who knows when the next downtrend will be, and at least, if it continues climbing, I'll fucking god damn have SOMETHING to show... myself... that I'm not a complete fucking retard, who didn't buy into it earlier.

>> No.4894093

who gives a fuck if you lose 100 dollars? I've seen people put more than that into scratch and wins.

>> No.4894110

That's 1/30th of my life savings. Idk... maybe I'll put more in...? How much?

>> No.4894145

Don't be such a bitch. Just give it a shot put 300 down now.

>> No.4894676

I did it. I hope your advice "pays off" as well as /g/'s did when they convinced me to build my own computer for the first time in 2011.

>> No.4894732

100$? You're a faggot alright

After fees what were you left with? 60$?

Put all of the whopping 1-3k to your name in bitcoin. Fgt.

>> No.4894825

.01 BTC. Honestly, what are my prospects in this scenario? I mean, say BTC soars from this point - what can I hope to reap?

>> No.4894842

go all in on litecoin iota req

>> No.4894870

very little. but you also put in very little, so there's little risk. everything's little in your life

>> No.4894881

How are you 30 and only have $3,000? Like do you have a gambling addication or something?

>> No.4894892

Post pic of sharpie in your pooper and I'll give advice to start small.

Timestamp /biz/ needed

>> No.4894918
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I've worked 20 hr/wk job and shitposted the rest of the time for the last 8 years.

>> No.4894919
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Are you fucking kidding me anon?

Seriously kys. go alll in a shitcoin and hope it 10x.

I recommend Lux or wish. maybe qsp. gl faggot

>> No.4894936


Enough to buy a gun

>> No.4895090

Go ahead, proceed to post pink wojaks when Sunday comes.

>> No.4895120

Just say FUCK IT!!!!! And throw it all in.

>> No.4895159

BAT will moon next year.
XMR is slow rise & fall.

Don't buy BTC, it's too late.

Look up some coins.
Read the whitepaper.
Set up coinbase a/c.
Buy LTC or ETH.
Set up bittrex a/c.
Move coin to bittrex.
Swap for the coin you want.

>> No.4895183
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well in the next life dont do that, at least you've learned.
100 of btc with never amount to anything. You gotta risk more either with more capital or on a more volatile coin. Maybe try xlm or perhaps iota. Do your own research though. Good luck boyo

>> No.4895381

Will have to wait till the end of the month now, maybe have more I can afford to lose then. Thanks. Buying the other, much cheaper coins was tempting even just now, but for now, I'm okay with BTC. First time ever investing in shit, kinda exciting. Too bad I couldn't put more in. Shit, I said it was exciting - I can only imagine, if I went 50% - all in, it would be downright exhilarating. But, I heard one should never invest more than they're capable of losing - seemed like good advice.

I'm still kicking myself that I didn't buy 1,000's of BTC ~10 years ago, I could be a damn millionaire right now. At least I'm not that asshole who sold it all for a couple of pizzas. I really would do this then

>> No.4895424

Although if you think about it I basically did do that, just not on pizzas but on various other things I bought instead of BTC in the first place.
Continues to be a compelling option. I guess that's why it's good I didn't go all in, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4895480
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Yeah, lucky im young enough to invest a a couple thousand and make 100%-120% gains in about 2 weeks.
Everyone wishes they didnt buy thousands of bitcoins but no point dwelling on it. Plus you probably would have sold after doubling your money since no one predicted this growth.

>> No.4895564

Ok anon, I know these feels.
I bought at the ATH earlier this year, felt like a retard for buying so high. Cursed myself for not buying sooner... How could I be paying fucking $1,800 for one Bitcoin???