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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4890695 No.4890695 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, have rich fiance - like real money rich, family has private jets rich
>says "I don't care about money anon, I just love you"
>not a complete poor fag, but family is shit with money and so im having to build my own empire from scratch, lived on my own since i was 17 working fast food
>she sends pics of engagement rings i cant possibly afford - think $50,000 range
>tell her expensive rocks are stupid and wouldnt she rather have a down payment on a house?
>realize she literally has no concept of money thinks i'm being cheap
>literally ghosts me, cuts off all contact like a week later
>it's now exactly a year later and all I have done is try to make money, i could now buy that ring but it would hurt.
>All these gains and I will likely never see her again even though she's what drives me to make money and probably will be until I die.

>> No.4890736

best thing that ever happened to you imo

>> No.4890744

You need to buy the engagement ring before you become engaged you larping retard

>> No.4890789

she proposed to me, which makes it kind of more fucked up

>> No.4890889

i try to have this attitude - but humans are wired to respond to anniversaries for some reason and today kind of sucks to think about it. I try to focus on the rage aspect of it.

>> No.4890986
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That was the biggest mistake of your life. You could have infinite money with the rich girl and rich family. Instead you are sitting in front of your retard computer chasin magic money. Seriously laughing right now.

>> No.4891050

Nah sounds like a cunt who he wudnt be able to extract money from

If u are a great man and a good fuck anon, its her loss. Money is not a true factor in real attraction, even for woman to men. There are studies done.

And any bitch who needs.a big diamond arent worth it

>> No.4891104

dont be a cuck, you were deluded trying to lock down a spoiled rich princess, set yourself up for life, women will come to you like parasites
your goal isnt for them to select you, but for you to select them (think of it like tryouts or entrance exams) that a girl has to pass to even be considered as anything more than a fuck toy

>> No.4891117

After this experience, I don't think it's a good idea to date women that come from money. I've dated a few and they are broken roasties in training. I'm attracted to class though, so it's difficult to find a woman that has ambition but comes from a shit family like mine.

>> No.4891128

have a higher opinion of yourself god damnit, no wonder she dumped you, you beatup on yourself about your financial situation instead of thinking of yourself as God’s greatest gift to mankind

>> No.4891146
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He fucked up. Seriously. If he'd marry that girl he'd be in the family. If he'd have kids with her, they'd pour money to him - because of them kids. He fucked up his life so much. I can't stop laughing. Instead that guy is looking all day every day at some fucked up meme charts. Seriously fucked up. That anon actually could make it a lot more than anyone in here.

>> No.4891158

You fucked up, you should have spent the money on the ring, got married, split the $$$.

>> No.4891165

Don't let neither your emotions nor your ego dictates who you are. You're gonna make it anon.

>> No.4891168

she came to me and proposed to me. I really have no idea why but I have attracted a few such women. None as rich as she was, but many that were in the top 5%. I don't really have a game plan anymore, I just make money now, it's all I do.

>> No.4891448


Wow you're a huge faggot, no wonder she left.

>> No.4891460

To follow up on >>4891158, I hope you don't feel bad OP, I've fucked up TWICE with similar circumstances as you.

>> No.4891540

To this day I'm not 100 percent sure why she left. Her family loved me, I thought I was set for life desu. That part hurts too, im not a sociopath but getting into a senpai with that kind of money is never going to happen now. it's up to me I guess, which is what drives me

>> No.4891663

Similar here Anon
I dated rich bitch skiing resorts having rich. I miss only good fux and her class, cause she was a quiet autist. But rather be a king of your empire than peasant in someone else's

>> No.4891764
File: 28 KB, 442x509, mfw_On_biz_for_5_mins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking money is all that matters
>not a happy marriage
>not compatibility
>not happiness and excitement

anon, everything happens for a reason. She left you cause you wouldn't buy her the ring she liked? Good. Be thankful you were able to see the real her BEFORE you got married and would have been trapped.

Women don't care about money, although the faggots on this board claim money is the only reason women come to men, it's just an excuse they have for being socially awkward dumbasses. Just wait it out, the right girl who loves you for who you are, regardless of financial situation will come. The coolest and most attractive girls I've gotten were when I was kind of at my lowest financially, but excited and confident about life in general. Be the life of the party, whether you're single or not.

this. glad to see this board isn't full of autists today

>> No.4892247

Similar situation here. My girl's not quite as rich as private jet status. But she's disabled so she'll never leave me and is pleasent to talk to.