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4886545 No.4886545 [Reply] [Original]

ERC20 is the token standard of virtual assets deployed on top of the ethereum blockchain. Ether is still needed to transfer these tokens. Ethereum is inextricably tied to all ERC20 tokens, and thus transacting with ERC20 tokens is fundamentally the same as transacting using Ether. There is no practical use for an ERC20 token that benefits the user, ERC20 tokens cannot have any features that do not already exist on ETH, and ERC20 tokens only act to lock consumers down to their platform. Therefore, there is no reason for ERC20 tokens to exist in any capacity, and all tokens are borderline scams or money grabs, without exception. We do not recommend investing in them. Please exercise extreme caution.

>> No.4886589

I've got Bitcoin, ARK, Litecoin, and REQ. Am I OK?

>> No.4886616

t. brainlet

>> No.4886838

but wy? please elaborate

>> No.4886963

REQ is an ERC20 token.

t.dont understand the point of crypto

>> No.4887001

Only tokens worth holding are the ones with their own blockchains that are releasing Q1/2 2018. E.g. WTC and VEN

>> No.4887007

It's like saying you shouldn't invest in US$ because it's made from cotton, and therefore it's inextricably tied to the cotton industry.

>> No.4887029

Hahahahahahaha enjoy being poor

>> No.4887035

You shouldn't invest in USD.

>> No.4887047

... because it's made from cotton?

>> No.4887073

lmao stay poor

>> No.4887155
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>There is no practical use for an ERC20 token that benefits the user
There you go brainlet have a beginners guide:

>> No.4887212

he's right OP

BTW one of the main purposes of an ERC20 is to create a closed economic system by limiting.
The other is crowdfunding for the project, which, as long as it is a good project, works out for the investor and team

>> No.4887221

Oh look. A bunch of shit that could have worked better on purpose-specific systems without the baggage of global shared consensus.

>> No.4887275

t. brainlet

>> No.4887296

t.cp buyer

>> No.4887338

>"every application that interacts with a blockchain must build its own blockchain"

This is so stupid it hurts.

>> No.4887374

>could have worked better on purpose-specific systems
Tell that to namecoin you utter fucking retarded newfag

>> No.4887394

K, OP, what is your end game here? shitting on something?
Give us some raw data why people should be scared of your prophecy.

>> No.4887418

God damnit, I pray everyday for the brainlet holocaust.

You don't even understand ERC20 tokens if you post some shit like that.

Please die in a fire

>> No.4887429

>quoting inside a quote
fuck off newfriend.

>> No.4887540
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Redline profits are the best.

Stoplosses deal with tank, rolling windows, if an exchange allows them, secures the profit. Only an complete idiot would lose money.

>> No.4887541
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>Ad hominem
Fuck off noarguments

>> No.4887561

because it's a ponzi

>> No.4887687

You don't seem to understand that securities fraud is a bigger scandal than tether.