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File: 49 KB, 620x413, BABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
486742 No.486742 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, let's settle this /biz/
To buy, or not to buy?

>> No.486747

>implying you'll even have the option to buy today
Institutional investors are going to devour any and all IPO shares and gl getting any on the market.

I vote wait unless you have connections.

>> No.486827

Do you even know what you are getting into?
I'm sure you've heard that investing into a business and market you know nothing about is always stupid and pure gambling.
The share price is pure speculation craze as shareholders get no voting rights.

Right now no bank is going to dump shares unless they can massively inflate prices for great returns. A sizeable release of shares to the public will only happen if banks get the impression the company's potential value is going to drop fairly quick - in this case buying would obviously not be advisable.

If anything you can now only wait for prices to plummet once the market does its magic - in hopes all the other cunts like you who want in will drive the price up again and you get the better end of the bargain.

>> No.486908

Research the CEO's business and personal history. Then think very carefully about what is happening right now.

>> No.486914


One thing:

"The share price is pure speculation"

Not really. The share price is supported by sales and growth rate. $170billion is a BARGAIN for that company (but you aren't getting it at 170 billion - PERHAPS $200 if you are lucky

>> No.486925

anybody have plays planned for tomorrow around BABA?

hoping for some more dips in other tech as investors jump on the ipo day train

>> No.486932


Not tomorrow. But when options start trading I might put a leap credit spread on if premium is nice and rich (which I believe it will be)

>> No.486936


I'm buying on opening (Limit-on-open)

>> No.486943

There are essentially no assets in case of liquidation and expansion into the west will fail as we already have our alternatives.

The only thing making Alibaba valuable is the strict foreign business policy in China - Alibaba is the only way to tap into the market. eBay and Amazon would already dominate the Chinese market if the legal situation would permit them to.

All people bought into is baseless hype - one can ride the wave but has to get off before everyon wants out.

>> No.486966

buy shares on the open

wait 10 minutes

sell for 10% profit

>> No.486984

That's what I'll be doing, but the boom will probably last about an hour, and get a higher increase than 10%.

You have no idea how many people are ready to spend and overbuy on this with the notion it will go nowhere but up on the long term. Do I believe it will do well long term? I don't know, but I will be there on Friday to capitalize on the hype of opening day.

tl;dr /biz/, buy at opening if you can, and take advantage of lemming hype to dump it all quickly for a profit. It's too high risk to hold.

>> No.486996

Where can we buy shares? Any online broker?

>> No.487014


Its gonna tank 20%

initial investors gonna dump all their stock, watch share values plummet & buy low.

>> No.487106

How can I do this on my TD account?

>> No.487118

The price will double in one day, easily

>> No.487123

Why do you say that?

>> No.487132

I'm putting in an order for 12 shares at 83.33 (rounds to $1000). If I get it I probably won't even hold it for the first 24 hours.

>> No.487135

Do we even know what the opening bell price will be?

>> No.487165

speculating between 66-68..

But I dont get this, why would someone casual even buy an ipo? they are always over hyped (true for big companies) and after a few weeks you see the price come down almost definetly.

Why not wait??

biggest recent example was FB...

>> No.487187

fb didnt make 5.1 bil in profit the year before its ipo

>> No.487191

does anyone here even fucking use ali babble?

>> No.487197

You don't need to use a thing to invest in it.
(note: I'm not investing in BABA)

>> No.487199

Alibaba is much more profitable than FB.

>> No.487201

well see the problem is that everyone wants to buy it but nobody has actually used the service or really even knows anything about it other then they saw it on CNBC a lot.

>> No.487202

I would hope the people investing have at least checked the fundamentals.
(who am I kidding, most people on /biz/ are probably just jumping on the hype train)

>> No.487206

have you seen a single thread that has anything more than "should I buy" or "what do you think the IPO price will be"?

I haven't.

>> No.487244

Honestly you can make a lot of money just riding the train. I bought Dupont ($DD) this morning and I made money. It's funny because with that stock, there was actually no new news, but the same news got recycled months later and it suddenly picked up. Solid company anyway.

But with Alibaba it's the same thing. "Chinese Amazon" (which isn't necessarily true), "More profitable than Amazon" "Biggest IPO ever" are all you need to hear. People have been saying it for months, just like people have been saying buy Yahoo. Suddenly with Yahoo, before BABA debuts, it gets all the hype that had been building for months in just a few days. People are sheep and you can make money that way.

>> No.487270

Is there a benefit for having NYSE datafeed instead of just NASDAQ?

Noob investor here, I've played simulators but need a feed in order to use my trading platform and am uncertain of which one to purchase.

PS I am canadian. Can I use CAD to purchase off of nasdaq? Fuck I might have to buy TSX feed even though it's 3 times as expensive

>> No.487283

This seems like a lock in my opinion. You know the stock is going to spike due to all the hyped up demand, why not play on it?

My question is: What is your exit strategy?

I'm thinking if I make 10%, sell. If I make it over 5% and then it drops back down below 5%, sell. If it tanks 20%, sell.

I see my EV of the above being an easy gain of 7%. I might through $5k at this thing. Let's be real, with the amount of hype this IPO how likely is it really that it starts dropping within the first hour or two it starts trading?

Why would all large shareholders sell right off the bat? Obviously they would play off the media frenzy and wait for the hype inflator to take effect before dumping all of their shares.

Please somebody give me some discussion here.

>> No.487286


Dude BABA is going to be over 300+ by the end of the year. Relax brah.

>> No.487290

Fuck long term trading. I know this thing is going to swing.

I'm trying to buy early, sell, make money, buy again when it dips.

>> No.487300

"leap credit spread on if premium"

What does this mean

>> No.487305

Britfag here, what are your trading fees like?

>> No.487308

$10 per trade with E-Trade

>> No.487311


its an options play.

>> No.487312

Christ, we pay almost double that unless we're regulars (>9 trades/month). Don't even get me started on the currency exchange necessary to get a tasty bit of NASDAQ/NYSE. Fuck.

>> No.487315

Would you be getting in on this?

I found an interesting stat.

For 2014 YTD, tech sector IPOs have seen an average 1 month return of 32.2% and a 1 day return of 29.8%. Obviously these fuckers are popping on the first day. Why make a long term play?

Buy day 1, sell wait for the dip a week or two later and get in again.

>> No.487325

so what exactly is ali babi, is it trying to do for services what sony did with technology?

>> No.487334

Not in on this, setting up with a cheaper sharedealing service over the next week or so. I'll get me some dollars and play with you boys. How easy do you find it to flip these tech IPOs? There's more of them every year. Also, how much capital do you chuck at each one?

>> No.487337

You know how amazon/ebay are a great market place for buying stuff from independent vendors?

That is what ali baba is for factories. And there consumers are large corporations who need things manufactured for them rather than the individual consumer.

China is the manufacturing powerhouse of the world and ali baba is there ticket to giving the world access to them. Own a small business making custom drone aircraft and need an extremely custom stepper motor? Gone are the days you need to design and set up your own factory to get it done. Now you can find a factory who will make it for you in China, 3x cheaper than you could in the US, by searching for the motor specs on ali baba.

I believe this is the future of manufacturing as a whole and see this is an extremely strong company.

>> No.487393

Valid points, but have you read their risk disclosure on their ipo prospectus?

(Disclaimer- I haven't, but I'll probably do a 1.5-2% allocation for my portfolio as a pure speculative play if I can get them below a 190B valuation)

>> No.487423

>$170billion is a BARGAIN for that company

You aren't buying any shares of the company though. It's a VIE scheme where you just own contracts of "parent" company in the Cayman Islands...

foreign shareholders do not have a direct equity stake in the “meat" of this company at all.

The chinese gov doesn't even view this VIE scheme as legal, so at any time they could force Alibaba to either pay penalties or relinquish it altogether...

>> No.487438

>That is what ali baba is for factories. And there consumers are large corporations who need things manufactured for them rather than the individual consumer.

Also China is going to inject an $81 billion stimulus into it's economy this year to get even more growth...so that should increase loans and consumption, making Alibaba even more profitable this year and next year

>> No.487442

What's a VIE scheme? This is the first I've heard about not actually purchasing the stock. Do you have an article I can read?

Will you still speculate on this?

>> No.487449

I'm a canadian who uses interactive brokers and I pay CAD0.008 per share with a maximum commission of 0.5% trade value

you guys pay way too much

>> No.487457


literally just google "Alibaba VIE"

>> No.487459
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To buy or not to buy?
Remove spaces

>> No.487461

Everything tech is overvalued as hell right now.

Follow the money. What sector of the economy is projected to have a severe shortage of skilled workers for the next 30 years? Package delivery specialists? No. Nurses, doctors? Now you're getting there. You're looking past a high-margin, $2.7 trillion part of the US economy with an absurd amount of growth potential.

IBB or gtfo.

https://www.google.com/finance?cid=700203 Seriously, are you poorfags even trying?

>> No.487466


China will steal their billions and your billions and then never return the money. China is the shadiest fucking place when it comes to how they cook their books.

>> No.487473
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Canadian here too, sauce please

>> No.487475


sauce delivered

>> No.487477

thank you sir, us east coasters are starving over here.

>> No.487478

oh wait I lied, I pay 0.035 per share because I am trading american issues. there is a minimum $1 per order though so if your commision isn't over $1 they charge you $1

>> No.487489

whatever, thats nothing, we have 15% gst out here

>> No.487503

With all the legal matters in China, the HK audit, SEC scrutiny, and the very underhanded structure of the company.. you'd be very foolish to stay on BABA on a single run over the long term.

I recommend you look into their history as a stock in Hong Kong.

>> No.487512


seems like Chinamen are waiting to pounce on this IPO...their own stocks are suffering cause of it lol


>> No.487592

I thought Alibaba was a sure buy... and then I heard Damodaran speak about alibaba.

In essence, by paying 66 for baba, you're paying 5 star prices for second class citizen ship. You don't actually get to own any of Alibaba, you own part of their revenue holding company. While this might be fine for traders, it may be unnattractive for long-term investors to never have a say in what alibaba is doing. Traders date a stock, investors marry them.

>> No.487598


Youre not paying $66 for a stock. You'll be lucky to get it under $80

>> No.487603

I'm obviously talking about the valuation. The fact that it will cost 80 makes it even less attractive.

>> No.487664

Buy buy buy remember that... Borrow money if you have to! Look at the numbers. 100% increase in 3 months... This stock will weather the market correction we will have this February! 3 year outlook is around $500 a share

>> No.487669

What does that mean lol

>> No.487710


google search "option strategies"

>> No.487735

Thanks man

>> No.487737

would if i could

>> No.487738
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>this website is worth more than amazon

>> No.487756
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>> No.487772

I put in a bid at 68,50 usd i dunno lol

>> No.487796

It's not only one website. Alibaba owns pretty much all the big Chinese e-commerce sites, these sites combined are bigger than Amazon

>Alibaba’s estimated $8 billion in revenue in 2013 seems a tad thin. (EBay (EBAY) brought in $16 billion in revenue last year; Amazon.com (AMZN), $75 billion.) The number is deceiving, though, because it represents only Alibaba’s commissions on sales and fees for its services. A better measure of Alibaba’s power is the volume of merchandise sold through its various properties: $248 billion in 2013. Amazon did about half that; EBay, a third.


And that's just the e-commerce side of the company. Alipay (Paypal like service) managed over $1 trillion worth of transactions last year and has over 300 million active users.

>> No.487847

I know Yahoo is hyped as hell, but is there any possibility in making a short-term gain in next few days considering they own quite a large piece of the company?

>> No.487852

Is this the name of the stock?
BABA ›Baby All Corp

Just making sure I get the right one in my simulator

>> No.487853

so basically Alibaba is a stock market equivalent to a pre-mined insta-mine scam coin where only the developers are going to make money?

>> No.487856


>> No.487857

What the fuck are you talking about? I think that's not how it works

>> No.487860


well, from reading the thread, it sounds like people think only the institutional investors are going to make money on this.

>> No.487989


I do. Its really fucking good, its pretty much turning out to be one of the biggest transfer agents for Chinese made goods to the west, its also good as its public so anyone can use it, the old method was to get anything from China you'd have to go through Chinese brokers which was hard to do as a individual person.

I'm only 19 though i do have some money, i'm pretty sure that the stocks will rise because i can only see their business growing as they have no other competition (as in massive online retailer for China, nobody even comes close), as long as China grows it will grow. Problem is i don't know how to buy shares and don't know how much you need to start with, anyone go a good online guide for the basics?

>> No.487993


>> No.488053

According to yahoo finance the Market Cap is 167.62B


>> No.488057
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>> No.488058

Because right now it is. IPO is $68/share. Multiply by shares outstanding and you get $167.6bn.

>> No.488062

>I'm trying to buy early, sell, make money, buy again when it dips.
When it dips to fucking 3000? Amazon trades at 866-1300 times earnings faggot.

>> No.488063


I've been long yahoo for 6 months 1,700 shares. Lets get this part started!

>> No.488066

taobao.com <--what's really worth money
1688.com <--the REAL alibaba. Alibaba.com is just to trick and cater to gweilo

Trust me I'm Chinese. I know which is which.

The fact you think that's Alibaba means you know nothing.

>> No.488071

When is it supposed to start selling?

>> No.488073

i am wondering about this my self

>> No.488074

Wow, the chinese dude is mad that alibaba.com for "gweilo" looks like shit and doesn't compare to round eye amazon in terms of ui.

Next tou'll get pissy that your chinese brothers aren't getting to invest directly in ipo.

Seriously... When is this shit gonna start trading? Did all the volume fuxor nyse?

>> No.488077


The value of yhoo on my schwab account just went theough roof...

Its habbeding.

>> No.488079

I put in a order for 200 shares at 72$. Hope ill get them but if not ill just write put options on it.

>> No.488084

>butt hurt
As expected of 4C pleb.

My last post in this thread. I'll keep my insights to myself and you guys can go your own.

>round eye
You mean pink swine skin semen face who gets cucked by black men.

>> No.488085

cnbc just did interview right now.. the books are look at 80-83 @ 30 mil shares

>> No.488089

Based on price movement of yhoo.. Baba will trade at > 80

>> No.488090
File: 6 KB, 390x470, Oh-You-Make-Me-Cry-Laughing-Meme-Rage-Face-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck you fucking dumbshit

>> No.488091

Not open yet apparently.

Might start trading at $84

>> No.488100
File: 60 KB, 640x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it doesn't start trading today because mad man ma went crazy and samurai sworded the nyse board at the opening ceremonies this morning.

>mfw yhoo goes through the roof because their pre ipo shares would be worth even more in the next round of ipo negotiations

>> No.488107

Joke's on you, my order was just filled at $1

>> No.488108

Pics or didn't happen.
>inb4 shooping

>> No.488109

$68 IPO price, no one is selling and you're not getting it until mid-80's to $90


>> No.488110

yhoo is down a few cents since the $80+ recent new

>> No.488111

>trusting a chinese manlet
>trusting a chinese
daily reminder that chinese are not to be trusted. they are the jews of asia, but even worse, more money hungry

lel, this day/next week aside because of volatility, youre almost guaranteed to lose money if youre investing long term

>> No.488114

Japanese are the jews of asia

>> No.488115

So they're just going to continue bumping up the price, but never actually sell it?

>> No.488116

>da joos
you sound like a butthurt SJW

>> No.488118

Scratch that, you're not going to be able to buy it until high-80's to low 90's.


I don't think you know what that word means.

The guy on the NYSE said at around $90 we would see sellers, and that's when they'll let it open up.

>> No.488120

This must be your first ipo...

Pretty standard practice.

>> No.488121

i dont think you know what SJW means.
and it was more point make an anaology

>> No.488123

This is not standard or normal.

This is now the biggest IPO in history now by the way.

>> No.488124

>they are the jews of asia
>softbank is jap and owner is jap
>soft bank owns 40% of alibaba
>yahoo is american and owner is american
>yahoo owns 40% of alibaba
>NY jews holding the stocks and hiking it to $80
Meanwhile this faggot goes "f-fuck chinese! they are jews!"

>> No.488125

This is my first, and it seems like a huge scam.

>> No.488126

On my IB terminal the price is now 82$

>> No.488127

lmao CNBC is autistic

>10 minutes ago, predictions were setting that alibaba will settle in the 80-83$ range!
>7 minutes ago, predictions were setting that alibaba will settle in the 83-86$ range!
>3 minutes ago, predictions were setting that alibaba will settle in the 86-89$ range!

>Looks like predictions are increasing in a pattern of 3$ increments. It's safe to predict that next range will be 88-91$ range!

Yeah CNBC, soon it will be in the moon-Mars range!

Fuck off Jao Bing

>> No.488128

Nevermind that, 84$ now.

>> No.488131

All ipo are huge scams. Instiutional investors and "sec well qualifies investors". (People with over 2 million dollars) are allowed to participate at the "ipo price" which is ucually about 25% lower than the open market price that the rest of get to participate at. On the flip side, most of those insitutions and people will be forced to hold their shares for some lock up period... So they are taking a big risk if it tanks over 6 months or a year. But generally they make a fucking killing, while the rest of us buy at an inflated price which is even riskier.

If you had acces to yhoo and softbank... Which we all did, then you had acces to this upside and didnt take the option. I hope you learn your lesson.

Its a scam, but an absolutley predictable one.

>> No.488133

My price target on yhoo is 51/share.

In the case that they are acquired by baba in a couple months, i wouldn't be surprised to see it hit 70+. And baba wil have the cash to do do, and would be buying back its own shares while gaining acess to american markets...

No brainer imo.

>> No.488136

I know exactly what it means. It's just entertaining watching people cry about the jews because of their intelligence and success. It's similar to SJWs complain about white privilege. I bet you hate people who have more money than you do. Btw, I'm a Christian.

>> No.488139

You're trying to cover up your misunderstanding of the term with even further retarded comments.

>> No.488140

86-88... 90 now.

>> No.488141

fuck off cunt
i used it as a poor analogy for le 4chan shock factor
but it's rel8able and true if youve ever been surrounded by chinks like i have all my life. i know then just as well as they know themselves, especially the fobs, and that's how their mentality is (100% money oriented without regard for anything else, especially quality)

watch them be below the 50$ (and this is being generous) in a 12-month span

>> No.488142

I was under the impression it was 1 million, but you basically have to be well connected to an institution to have a chance.

>> No.488143

No one cares about their success. The problem is their manipulation of entire economies and governments at the cost of everyone else for their own gain. Their attack on cultures and people other than their own to marginalize them.

And no, you're not a Christian. You wouldn't have mentioned that if you were. All JIDF pretend to be something else.

>> No.488147

>my last post in Thread


Somebody is so mad they can't leave

>> No.488148

The sec has been reviewing their criteria recently and it is getting harder and harder to break into the "big leagues"

I am not actually 100% sure its 2 mill, but that is what i recall from a recent wsj article. It used to be 500k...

>> No.488149


"Check out the the marketable limit buy order for 1 million shares of $BABA bidding $199 - That takes some guts. "

>> No.488156
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What am I missing? Why isnt it moving? Why cant I buy?

>> No.488157

I used to like Dennis Dick on the premarketinfo youtube show.

>> No.488158

At the close of 42 bucks yesterday, the calculations work out to every dollar of baba ipo increase is 9 cents of yhoo increase.

If they ipo at 68 and yhoo is up 60 cents from 42 now, then that says the marketnis expecting at least a 7 dollar premium or 68. And likely more than that because my calculations of 9 cents a share are extremely conservative because i take full tax implications into account. If no sales and no tax, or clever financial structuring to avoid tax then it might be quite a bit more.

This would mean the market is under valuing yhoo right now according to speculation of 90. Yhoo would be atleast 50 cents undervalues potentially right now.

>> No.488159

>putting money into a company that's already one of the world's biggest
>not much potential for growth
>very high p/e ratio
oh shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.488163

its not "out" yet.

>> No.488165

The stock isn't available for trading yet, you can't buy it.

The only people who own it are Jack Ma and his friends, and some institutions with million upon million of dollars, and the thing is even they didn't get as much as they wanted, many of them couldn't get any.

They got it at $68, you're certainly not going to be able to buy it at that. Expect to be able to buy it at around $90.

>not much potential for growth

Except that's wrong. That's why people are so excited.

>> No.488172

they already have a ton of asian factories on there. factories don't appear out of thin air.

>> No.488174

Consumers do though, as you expand to new markets... Which still drives volume.

>> No.488179

Its hovering around 90 right now. Delayed open due to trying to fill buy orders with lack of sellers.

>> No.488181

Yhoo is a screaming deal right now if thats true.

Easy 5% upside to that stock at the moment.

>> No.488184

Is Yahoo a good buy?

Alibaba is impossible right now, at least in Plus500

>> No.488188

Why did you even ask that question? He hasn't shut up about yahoo the entire thread, he's just going to say yes.

>> No.488189

I didn't read the entire thread.

>> No.488193

I don't see anyone disagreeing or offering calculations that would prove me wrong.

To say that yahoo should be at 42 means the market expected baba to trade over 90/share back on wednesday when yahoo was trading higher than it is now.

Its ludicrous.

>> No.488194

Has Yahoo already peaked with people buying into it ahead of time, or is there potential for something occurring following the announcement of BABA lead it to rise further?

>> No.488195

Him: "Buy yahoo"

You: "Should me buy yahoo?"

Why did you even ask him, you already know what he's going to say.

>> No.488198

Yahoo will still own 16% of baba after today. A buck price raise in baba is a conservative 9 cent rise in yahoo. Plus acquisition speculation... There is potential huge upside to yhoo.

A lot of people would rather be in baba for the dollar for dollar increase though.. So there is going to be some chop in the trading of yhoo for sure... But the valuation is still there.

I'm a value trader, and i love the idea of acquisition upside.. So i like it just fine.


>> No.488199

Schwab is now showing baba as a valid ticker symbol.

The time of purification is at hand.

>> No.488201


I fucking hate this.

>> No.488204

>I fucking hate this.
Do you?

>> No.488205

It pays to be extremely wealthy. They pay a lower percentage of tax too...

Yes... Let the anger flow through you.

>> No.488206
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>> No.488208

You don't know, he might have had a different response.

>> No.488209

Does he have waterhead?

>> No.488210

>this guy fucks more bitches than anyone on /int/
>even with his small asian dick

>> No.488211

They will. They've tried to get as many shares as they can and they'll sell some at the open.

But that doesn't mean the price won't go up afterward.

That said, $93 is pretty high. I wouldn't touch it beyond $96.

>> No.488213

He already gave his reasons why he thought you should buy yahoo. The only thing he could've done was reiterate the same things he already said.

This guy's face gets me every time.

>> No.488214

Guys, we're getting close.

>> No.488215

Its going to open at $95

This is way too fucking much. Is anyone still in?

>> No.488216

I say it goes to around mid 110's, then comes back down.

>> No.488218

I'm about ready to pull out. Every single thing Jack Ma has ever done has been shady, and this whole thing is beginning to look even more obvious as an attempt to cashgrab and run.

>> No.488219

Still in but had to lower my number of shares


>> No.488220

If it opens at 95 I'm out.

>> No.488221

I'm in on yahoo, obviously. Because with yhoo i get exposure to the 68 -> 95 pop.

>> No.488223

>depending on $YHOO
is that why its down?

>> No.488224


Yeah Yahoo is a smart play ATM. Not sure why it wont go up, wtf? Yahoo is worth $31 based on their ali baba shares only.

>> No.488225

>Because with yhoo i get exposure to the 68 -> 95 pop
Typical /biz/ retard.
Yahoo is selling it at 60-60. It's the fucking banks that are bidding the stupid price up holding the auction.

So if you want to get the exposure to this then buy Goldman sacs or one of those other kike banks

>> No.488226

I'm betting the wait is because they are exercising a green shor option to sell more shares.

This will dilute stock offering and hurt common investors even more.

They won't report that the green shoe dropped till after you guys buy in and the stock closes above 100, then you'll look even more foolish for paying so much.

>> No.488227

He was on CNBC this morning., he actually seems very genuine. He said "I don't want to disappoint shareholders", "I want shareholders to make money", among other things.

Yep. I really hate the fact that we're buying at this extreme level, but that's what it is.

It's going past $95, on open there's going to be a lot of people trying to buy. I think my previous prediction of $110 something might be low even. If you think that's just ridiculous, well look at how ridiculous the shit that's been happening all day is. It's not rational, but it won't stop it popping that high.

>> No.488229

I bought in at 34, friend.

>> No.488232

>he actually seems very genuine
Of course, a good Machiavellian will always seem genuine.

>> No.488233

>He said "I don't want to disappoint shareholders", "I want shareholders to make money"
Yes. By that he means Son/Softbank and Yahoo.
His first and greatest "investors", not plebs like you or the rest of us.

Plus he did chose to sell at 60-68. The kike banks are hiking it up to $90.

>> No.488234

>he actually seems very genuine
really? i thought it was really easy to see right through him

>> No.488235

>They won't report that the green shoe dropped

Some guy on CNBC said it was pretty much confirmed.

>after you guys buy in and the stock closes above 100

I'm selling hat shit before close anyway.


Here we go, it's gonna open

>> No.488236

Yahoos trading volume is ridiculous today. the stock is barely moving tho, that kinda worries me.

>> No.488237

Yeh, that's very possible.

It'll probably settle down around $100.

Book Frozen.

>> No.488238

Trading right now at 92.75

>> No.488241

Got 285 shares at 94.88

>> No.488242

Who's down?

>> No.488243

In at $94.86

No idea when I should get out.

>> No.488244

I got in at 93.

>> No.488245

It just bounced down. Holy crap. Lol 96 to 95 In a split.

>> No.488246



>> No.488247

fuck i hate my broker

>set limits and even market price
>Both don't go
>now it's fucking 98

>> No.488248


Just like that?

Hory shit.

>> No.488249

Bought 78 @ 92.70 when I offered 93.22

Based Tradeking.

>> No.488250

Put 6 mill shared Get under 100 and you're set for life.

>> No.488251

My genuine condolences. I know how bad that must feel.

Of course. Now 99.5

>> No.488252


>> No.488253

Who is your broker?

>> No.488254

How high will this realistically go?

>> No.488255

Sold at 98.25, might buy in again

>> No.488257



>> No.488258

you mean 95? HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.488259


>> No.488260

sold at 99.03

>> No.488261

Buy at 91

>> No.488262

I bought $20000 at 99. ITS AT 94 WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO

>> No.488263

That high it is crashing now

>> No.488265

Stay calm. Wait it out.

If your margins can handle it, stay in.

>> No.488266

my broker won't even show it, wtf


>> No.488267


Fucking shit. Now it's 93.43 and it says I got the stocks at 96.23

>> No.488269

Hahahahahahahahah. Stupid.

>> No.488270

Jesus Christ.

>> No.488271

fokken lel

>> No.488272

yhoo is kill

>> No.488273

This is swinging fucking wild. I sold at a small profit.

Observing now to decide if I'll buy back in.

>> No.488274



>> No.488276

I lost a couple hundred on GMO but made it all back in 30 seconds of BABA

>> No.488278


Yeah it's gonna vary wildly like that but we break $100 per share today 100% sure

>> No.488279

Here comes the dump.

>> No.488280

The wall street CROOKS and Cronies are selling. Pieces of ShIt.

>> No.488281

Agreeing that 90/91 might be support level

Someone losing money like that isn't funny cunt.

>> No.488282
File: 36 KB, 707x540, 1403493948631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we break $100 per share today 100% sure

>> No.488283

I'm sure it will later in the day, but it's hard to look at loss numbers on large investment even for just a few hours.

>> No.488284

It is now below ipo to regulars price anyone who was able to buy it is now at a loss

>> No.488285

Yeah, your mistakes are THEIR fault. You tell em!!

>> No.488286

Baba at 95 is 232B mrkt cp. yhoo 16% ownership is 38B. Yhoo currently trading at 41B market cap.

Kill? Not likely.

And they still own tumblr.

>> No.488287

Opened at 92.70
In at 92.70

Based etrade

>> No.488288

dude there's no fucking chance
literally no chance

>> No.488289

The market basically thinks YHOO is worth nothing...and I agree. Marissa can suck my dick.

>> No.488290

an idiot and his money i suppose.

>> No.488291

got in at 96 with 22k

Should i just end my self?

>> No.488292

Congrats you lose the least money if you didn't get out.

>> No.488294


It'll be $300 in 8 months, hang tight.

>> No.488295


CNBC buzzword of the day

they arent being transparent that most of you cunts who are playing this stock will lose
anyone investing in this stock will lose at its current valuation

only good traders might make a little money today


>> No.488297

Yeah, it'll just go from 200b to 600b in 8 months. No bigge. It's not a well established business, and it can grow 3x in less than a year.

>> No.488298

It will be $sub-60 by the end of the week

>> No.488299


Woah, bud.

It's just a game. Nothing to get upset about.

>> No.488300

Yhoo shouldn't be down this much today

>> No.488301
File: 16 KB, 806x407, baba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like where this is going...

bahaha i called it >>488159

>> No.488302

Is that a picture of Jack Ma's penis?

>> No.488303

likely that many people are shorting yahoo as a proxy hedge

>> No.488305

I'm hanging on for the ride to 150. Down 800 but dont give a fick!

>> No.488306

The week ends today. Hype wave will last a little longer than that.

>> No.488307
File: 29 KB, 452x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell FB(my trading funds are 100% in FB) and buy YHOO if it drops below $40?

>> No.488308

>>putting money into a company that's already one of the world's biggest
>>not much potential for growth
Still massively higher than the TOP 25% of US stocks
>>very high p/e ratio
KEK 40-80 is NOTHING.
Bidu is at 40
Amazon is at 800 something

>> No.488309
File: 13 KB, 183x275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.488310

People will move out of the stock to get direct exposure to baba.

Value investors will fill the price back in over the coming hours, days, weeks.

Its not sexy, but there is a shit ton of value there, and yahoo makes about a buck share. People saying the company is worthless don't know what profit is.

>> No.488311

bought yahoo at 41.3

why yu do dis yahoo

>> No.488313

I hope you are right. Will hold. Was hoping to get in then sell then buy in again and wait but fuck a slow trader.

>> No.488314

fucking autism

>> No.488315

fireworks start when this breaks below 92

>> No.488316

You should not have 100% in anything anyway but I wouldn't say jump on YHOO

>> No.488317

I would buy yhoo right now as i'd be very surprised to see it move much lower. It would only do so on baba tanking, which is unlikely.

If it hits 38, remortgage your house and sell you mom, and knvest everything.

>> No.488318

You should really sell those stocks, especially if you're in 100%.

>> No.488320

>buying top US stocks
>buying top any stocks
>not putting all your money into BAHN B
get rekt https://www.avanza.se/aktier/om-aktien.html/106733/bahnhof-b

>> No.488321

>there are people who are buying Yahoo right now

Sure it's getting cheaper and Marissa is pretty cute, but what's there to look forward to for them?

>> No.488322

Tech companies never lose.
Chinese companies tend to be grab and runs, but all the big ones aren't.

Sina, Sohu, Bidu, Tencent, etc all up since IPO.

Problem is how long until BABA gets there.

Also BABA isn't really a Chinese company so much as jap/us that operates in China. Ma is basically there to subdue anti-jap/us resentment from Chinese/communistparty

>> No.488323

Baba buying them at 70/share.

>> No.488324

the bounce back is what interested me

>> No.488325

I can't sell for 3 days apparently because I used uncleared deposits.

How fucked am I?

>> No.488326
File: 16 KB, 190x235, 88 dorra good price! 8 is ruky rucky number in china! double 8 is VERY RUCKY!! BUY MORE BABA!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw $BABA closes at around $88 today

>> No.488327

Lel swedefag!>>488266
>my broker won't even show it, wtf

>> No.488329

>not investing actual money

What a waste of time.

>> No.488330

>implying i wanted to buy BABA anyway

>> No.488332
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>> No.488333

There are a lot of well funded value traders that just set up computers to move millions when something is undervalued. There will be well set floors on yhoo and you will see dramatic bounces because of it.

I've made this mistake. I feel your pain.

>> No.488334
File: 61 KB, 1859x303, tsla IPOtoToday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at Tesla since the March'13.

Stock Price != Value of Company

Technical vs. Fundamental, etc.

>> No.488335

>"I-implying i wanted to buy BABA anyway"

>> No.488337

why is Yahoo worth nothing?

>> No.488340

>$YHOO down %7

>> No.488341

Because tech business is fast and brutal.

If you're innovative and winning then you're everything, if you're not then you're trash that's gonna die.

The list goes on forever....

>> No.488344

>implying i do nothing besides follow this thread out of slight curiosity
>implying i actually wanted the stock when i clearly said >>488159
>implying you're not butthurt because you probably lost 5%+ or something like that almost instantly
>implying i'm not content with my BAHN B gains

>> No.488345

Because the company is a whole lot of profitless nothing?

Marissa basically bought tumblr solely because it was popular, and it doesn't even really make money. Yeah, let's buy a low profit website where the slightest change will cause an avalanche of hivemind ragequitting.

Brilliant, Marissa. Just brilliant.

>> No.488347

I think all this $BABA hype has crashed Stocktwits

>> No.488349

$92 broken, h-here we go!

>> No.488350

Holy fuck Im so happy I sold at $99

Those barriers, especially something $100, almost never breaks.

>> No.488352
File: 84 KB, 1024x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While this has been painful to watch, it was mildly expected as yhoo owners jump to get direct exposure to baba.

I am ok with this.

Fully expect a return to glory in the coming months.

...oh jesus christ baba at 91.00

>> No.488353
File: 26 KB, 500x377, 80s wall street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, things are looking optimistic for the future.

Closing price 9/19/2014: $68

Who saw that coming, right?

>> No.488355

Fucking nice, man. It fell so fast I barely got out at 94. Made a small chunk of change instead of terrible losses, so I'm happy.

>> No.488356
File: 172 KB, 798x381, yhoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip in pepperonis

>> No.488357

Waiting to see if there's support at $90, might bounce back.

Oh it's definitely coming back down from these highs, there might be another pop though before that happens. It might come down to mid 80s, then all the sudden it may be back up at 90.

>> No.488359


Well, glad I didn't do anyting at open cause anybody who held is a bagholder atm.

My YHOO credit spread is doing nicely.

Gonna revisit BABA on the 28th and see what premium I can sell.

>> No.488360
File: 183 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-09-19-12-31-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.488361

What software is that brah

>> No.488362

>$YHOO dipping into $38 territory
Oh god

>> No.488363

Called StrategyDesk from Ameritrade. It's old, and not as good as ThinkOrSwim platform, but I'm used to it.

>> No.488365

Wow, close to making full boat on my YHOO spread. what a move!

>> No.488366

>I bought YHOO in at 34, friend.
Hows that working out for you? Are you still keeping in?

>> No.488368

>dat marketshare

if they play their cards right they can overtake apple in 2 or 3 years.

>> No.488370

Yep. Still up over 14% on 60k.

>> No.488371

So when this hype is completely dead by next week, will any of you be considering a long term investment on a low buy price?

>> No.488373


>> No.488374

If this drops below FBs price then I'm going long for a while

>> No.488375

Good job. I take it today you DGAF about? YHOO will probably hit 40s next week again.

>> No.488378
File: 27 KB, 1101x284, 2014-09-19-123659_1101x284_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart, it barely even moved, it's flat!

I think there's some benefit in looking at it after the hype dies and comes back down to realistic levels. I think there's going to be a pretty decent short-term upside on that.

I'm not in anything long-term though.

>> No.488379
File: 74 KB, 645x365, Fuck This Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't I sell at 99

>> No.488382


>> No.488384

Why the fuck are there Spanish subtitles on something like this?

>> No.488385

Yeah in hindsight i probably should have ducked out.. But the stock could have just as easily gone up 2 bucks on the news that that their 16% stake is now worth 36% more...

There is always a lot of noise.. This is just non value investor/hype monkeys getting out to go circle jerk on the hottest thing. The sad side of being in with the value incestors is there is little hype to help prop up price... But thats the double edge sword, because any good hype yahoo gets will bring the, right back. I'm in at a sound valuation price that i am happy with and believe in. As you said, idgaf.

>> No.488388


No worries. It's currently dinner, so nobody is trading, but at 2-3, expect a pop to $100+. Then next week it's going much higher, and then higher when options will be allowed.

>> No.488390

this is what bagholders actually believe

>> No.488393

That video and this video will never get old. Both should be /biz/ stickies


>> No.488395

Here's another gem

>> No.488396

The pop happened the bubble has burst the boat has been missed no where to go but down.

>> No.488397

I have the same software, he's moving the chart himself, that's not real time.

>> No.488401
File: 10 KB, 288x306, 1334481687495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much, anon? I'm wondering how much you guys throw at these day trades.

>> No.488404

Not him, but I bought 285 shares at 94.88, which was $27,049.

Sold at 98.25, made $941. I'm disappointed with the entire thing to be honest, but I'm really glad I walked away making something, and didn't lose money.

>> No.488405

Why you gotta kill my dreams, mang?

>> No.488407


you should've held it dumbass, your return was shit because your holding time is shit. I'ts gonna be $120 by the end of the day

>> No.488408

The volume right now between YHOO and BABA is unreal

>only half way through the trading day
>$YHOO at 170million shares trades
>$BABA opened like an hour ago, 185 million shares trades

>> No.488411

this is going to be bigger than pets.com

>> No.488412

Really? My return would be negative right now if I held it. Now if it actually does start going back up, I can buy in lower. I don't think it is however, I think it's going lower, and then I'd be sitting with some serious losses.

Trading this at open at these prices is retarded risky bullshit, of course I'm not holding it long. I bought YHOO because it dropped so far down.

>> No.488413
File: 46 KB, 426x640, 1334408444969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the info, best part of a cool G you got there, but I can see you'd be looking for more. At least you were part of history with the world's biggest IPO to date. Are you all on ThinkorSwim or something similar? I can't see myself being able to get close enough to real time info with just fucking Google Finance or the "live" prices my share dealing site shows.

>> No.488416
File: 27 KB, 480x319, babaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This might be the biggest red flag for your average investor. It cannot possibly bolster investor confidence that Alibaba’s ownership structure was labeled “worst in class” by MSCI. The problem is that the way the company is set up, a small sliver of shareholders, which included founder Jack Ma, will have control of the company, no matter that they own only about 13% of the shares outstanding, and no matter whether or not they sell their stakes in the future.

>Moreover, investors aren’t actually buying shares in Alibaba, they are buying shares in a shell company through what’s called a “viable interest entity.” Other Chinese firms get around Beijing’s ownership rules by this same route, but investors should understand they “own” Alibaba only through a loophole Beijing chooses to leave open. If the government pulls the rug out from under foreign owners, there’s no recourse.

>Alibaba shares will not carry a dividend. This is not, of course, unusual. Most stocks these days don’t pay dividends, especially tech stocks. Investors are usually at least mollified by the idea of having an ownership stake. But in this case, as outlined above, investors aren’t getting even that. Which makes you wonder exactly what you are getting for your money, besides the chance to pull the arm on the Street’s latest jackpot machine.


>> No.488418

free live streaming quotes/charts here;

>> No.488419

20 and 10% of shares outstanding trading hands...

People were worried american investors would be scared of jack ma's funny skull shape....

Meanwhile over the last 45 minutes yhoo is back up a buck.


>> No.488420



>> No.488421

Transparency guys.

>> No.488424

What are you talking about? Do you think transparency is equal to them giving you 100% winning trades?

>> No.488425

>making $1,000 in less than 4 minutes
>your holding time is shit
My money says you're not a good trader.

>> No.488426

Yeah, they used that word quite a lot.

Really ironic.

No we don't.

>> No.488427
File: 47 KB, 640x641, 10200_10153736244520481_360231639_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, based anon.

>> No.488428

>bunch of bullshit

you aren't buying a shell company. You are buying a percentage ownership of a company valued at over 200 billion, whether that is "alibaba" or not is just syntax.

>> No.488433

Wooo sub 90

>> No.488434

cracked 90

>> No.488435

almost buddy

>> No.488436

how does it feel to have bought into a shell company? You dun goofed /biz/

>> No.488438


Wow guys

Curren price at $90.20

More than 15M shares were just bought

I think a just upswing is coming soon

>> No.488439

VIEIDF pls go

>> No.488441

er, nevermind, my chart fucked up or something. weird.

>> No.488442


nah, there was a sub 90 print.

fyi, I'm not anywhere near the stock. Just watching the action.

>> No.488446
File: 757 KB, 2912x2008, 1410664205379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing your ownership is worth something
>can't read
>considers WSJ bullshit

good luck with them monies

>> No.488447

It's CNBC's way of saying "kiking is stealing as long as you can see us swindling you as we do it!"

>100% winning trades
Maybe winning investors, but not exactly winning traders.

>> No.488450

that is true someone had to make money and it should be the people who an unfair advantage.

>> No.488451
File: 2.49 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulation/distribution for yhoo at bottom.

The dump is kill.

From here it should move along with baba in lock step. At a 10% rate.

>> No.488454


>> No.488456

>nah, there was a sub 90 print.
Can you please help expand on this? I dont understand.

The 15M buy order disappeared from my chart when I refreshed it, however my prediction was correct on the up swing when I posted at $90.20 that is now $91.50+

>> No.488457

I don't own baba, except for the baba i own through yhoo.

The jews over at schwab tell me my ownership stake in yhoo is valued at $69,866.40. I can't help it if you don't believe things have value. Thats for you, and you alone, to square with.

Hows that reality working out for you?

>> No.488458

>I think a just upswing is coming soon

Lol plebs... There's a reason why all the underwriters priced the ipo at 68 - countless researchers and PHDs poured over the company's paperwork/finances to come to a quantitative valuation of 68, (plus or minus a few percent). Any price over that is just pure speculation, you guys are not investors, just gamblers.

All gamblers do eventually get burned

>> No.488463

Wouldn't have gotten burned if the house let it open at 9:30 and not fucking stall

>> No.488466

it means there were trades executed below $90, that's all

>> No.488468

>I don't understand how IPOs work at all, but I'll continue to announce my stupid, uneducated opinions anyways
the city of you

>> No.488471

You clearly have no understanding of how equities are underwritten...

Market value is not equal to ipo price and it is not meant to be.

>> No.488474

$90 did happen to be support.

Take the chance now if you're gonna I think, might be a little late.

>> No.488485

No, I guess I really don't. I've never gotten a >city of you comment before though so thank you for that.

>> No.488486
File: 87 KB, 640x640, bodyfat check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.488487

>countless researchers and PHDs poured over the company's paperwork/finances to come to a quantitative valuation of 68

That's not how IPO's work, anon. Countless researchers and PhD's did in fact port over it, but the number they came up with was $80/share. Then, they applied a 15% discount to incentive early holders to hold instead of dumping in order to reach the $68 number and sold it to them at that.

The IPO discount is pervasive and uniformly large, there's a reason why it pays for institutional (but not retail!) investors to buy IPO's.

>> No.488492


Yep, and when we're dealing with markets, irrational buyers, supply vs demand and hype valuations don't matter much.

>> No.488502


I put on another OCT14 37 41 Call Credit in YHOO

the BABA payday is nice for them but the core business is still uncertain.

>> No.488503

Desu fucking christ.

>dat tummy

I just want to be 3/4 of an inch tall and play on it all day long.

>> No.488509

The core business is they have a massive IT foot print and thousands of genius resumes in the us, which baba is going to be looking to acquire as they go for world domination, and buy back their stock through acquisition.

This is a no brainer.

They will do this before yahoo has a chance to monetize tumblr so that they get them for under 80/share.

>> No.488523


Intermediately that end game sounds plausible. But I think in my time frame board market action and digestion of the IPO will keep things in my ballpark long enough to scrape out my target.

>> No.488538

Oh i think ipo restrictions will not allow the acquisition for 6 months or more.

Not really sure about that though.

>> No.488541

In shorting the shit outta it as soon as possible.

>> No.488576

Baba, languishing at < 92

Yhoo recovering nicely.

I doubt i'll make money today but the divergence of the two stocks with yhoo upside is a very nice thing to watch...