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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4870678 No.4870678 [Reply] [Original]

How exactly can this last? the 10K pump was strong enough, but given that we had to go from 150 Billion to 300 billion to go from 12K to 16K, how in the fuck is this possibly gonna be sustained?

As so as we get to the 18K wall when normies realized they getting dumped on, the panic selling is gonna pludge.

Literally 150 billion dollars flew into BTC in 8 FUCKING DAYS. Rev up those alt-coins boys, because this is either gonna result in a crash or a flippening. Given that its mostly coinbase, you think it'll be ETH or LTC that'll be the flipper?

>> No.4870966

BTC has to be the most undervalued asset ever in history. People are finally realizing not only bitcoin but the power of blockchain to change this world.

>> No.4870986

Whales are pumping btc using tether. No one wants btc this high except them,

>> No.4870989
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Checked and Kek'd

Praise Kek!!

>> No.4871002
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t. pajeet

>> No.4871007

no way the general public or whales put together 300 billion overnight

>> No.4871072

>get told priceless life changing advice for free
>Shill shill shill!

Enjoy wagecucking for the rest of your life faggot

>> No.4871198


But Bitcoin is vastly inferior and outdate compared to a myriad of alt-coins, and is literally just around as the medium for exchanges by proxy of its age and being the most used.

This is like going normies getting hyped about the atari 2600 because they've never played video games before while the PS2 and gamecube are around. Its absolutely asinine to not see the flippening coming and that BTC is dated. But please, send that hour long transfer on BTC and get back to me.

>> No.4871231

Market Cap has nothing to do with the amount of money "flowing" into the market. It's just the current price * supply.

>> No.4871257

Amerimutts think their shitty nation made of parking lots is the world. A single warlord can pump billions, 300 billion cap is tiny for bitcoin.

>> No.4871304

fuck we forgot about the warlords

>> No.4871490

Warlords are just an extreme example, there are thousands of mini dictators and guys who calls themselves kings around the world. Even little warlords probably control your streets. The highest btc price is where the demand is highest, that's Africa, Korea etc. Korea is a hub for corrupt Chinese people to get their money out of China. They have too much money and can't spend it there because they would get caught.

Btc is the most stable secure and accessible way to store your wealth available. Buy it before the warlords do, think of the children.

>> No.4871537

That's now how market cap works. A miniscule fraction of bitcoin is being traded at any given time. It could go to $1t market cap right now without anywhere near $600b of funds coming in.

>> No.4871566

Bitcoin XMR combo

Use this, and you WILL succeed

>> No.4871613

Can you tell your warlords to send me $100k?

>> No.4871631

Based black men!! based jews!! DANGEROUS! Based faggot!

>> No.4871634

explain. 50/50 investment or monero anonymous wash?

>> No.4871649
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It's not over yet.

>> No.4871665

doubt it has anything to do with the underlying tech and almost everything to do with seeing a parabolic chart and getting FOMO, plus whale manipulation

>> No.4871725
File: 126 KB, 600x412, slow-and-poo-poo-pee-pee-dinosaur-coin-always-wins-the-race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally 150 billion dollars flew into BTC in 8 FUCKING DAYS
he thinks market cap = cash money coming into the market. LOL You are forgetting that bots and Tether can easily pump the price and market up by millions, using only a few million extra Tethers (not a single real USD is necessary). IF ONLY YOU KNEW HOW BAD IT REALLY IS

>> No.4871805

I put $15,000 in today and I'm just some guy who now has 1.12 BTC

>> No.4871831

If you want to make money you should really look into warlording. Just make sure to pretend to stand for something, like Islam or whatever.

>> No.4871856

Ive got 1 btc of each, and a small amount of other alts.

Look at what the darknets are using. If you see them start to use litecoin or something, invest heavily in that

>> No.4871872
File: 147 KB, 1024x759, eVjEq52m-WffysG7-logjSp2To0772fibQPBu7lMF-c-1024x759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i blame these faggots

>> No.4871891

>b-b-b-but muh flippening

lmao the altcoin virgin

>> No.4871937

What are they using, isn't XMR big now? I have a good amount invested there because I like the philosophy

>> No.4871959

you dumbass. prepare your anus.

>> No.4871992

You don't know how market caps work

Biz is fucked up

>> No.4872033

Bitcoin can't change the world if it can't be used as a currency. To undermine the power of central banks, you must take away what they have control over: the power to control currency. Replace their currency, and that power is gone.

Currently, all Bitcoin is good for is to buy other cryptocurrencies. You know, ones that are actually useful.

>> No.4872062

XMR is growing. They still need better mobile wallets and multisig to take over btc, but these are on the near horizon, and the incentive for privacy will make it so that Monero never goes away.

>> No.4872183

Have you ever bought drugs or prescription medicine on the internet?

It works as a currency

>> No.4872261

Alts are mostly tied to BTCs value.

That doesnt always mean that as BTC rises, the alts will too, but if BTC plunges, is dragging alts down to hell with it

>> No.4872313

This. Alts/shits go down with BTC. Alts and shits also go down with BTC speculation.
Fuck the alt market right now.

>> No.4872402

>compares to wildly different systems under two different time periods for exaggeration because m-muh strawman
>didn't use the Sega and Nintendo comparison
You had one job.

>> No.4873021

Bitcoin is nearly a decade hold and garbage compared to most other coins. Why would a government want to impliment BTC as currency if it is trash compared to what is available.

Would you look at iron and think that should be the foundation of your buildings when steel is available. The flippening is inevitable.