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4866900 No.4866900 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly what % of this board has been continuously getting JUSTed holding alts the past couple months and who here has been comfy riding the BTC wave and just making shitloads of money.

I’ve gotten JUSTed so hard by alts and I’m fucking depressed because I should have just held BTC from 2 months ago.

This BTC climb has to stop. I’m tired of getting JUSTed. Just tired man.

>> No.4867049

If you're someone that just holds bitcoin, you really have no reason to visit /biz/.

I think it's safe to say most of us are dabbling in alts.

>> No.4867070

justed 60% of my portfolio in 4 months

>> No.4867168

So what you’re saying is I should never have visited this place and been a faggot redditor instead making sarcastic comments in the Bitcoin sub? Fuck. I dun goofed.

>> No.4867566
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comfy af desu

>> No.4867598

still up a couple hundred % even after today and hold no btc. Fuck the one true shit coin

>> No.4867627

powr is fked, etherem too, i not log since a week now lost %50

>> No.4867639
File: 12 KB, 240x240, da18-Djn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bitcoin maximalist.
I come here for fun.

>> No.4867666

Alts are a scam. There is no reason for them to exist when bitcoin is popular.

>> No.4867673

I went all in on ARK
Fuck my life dude

>> No.4867694

friendly reminder that when you buy alts, you are shorting bitcoin

>> No.4867719

It was /r/T_D that got Trump elected, not /pol/. Reddit will always be better than 4chan for stuff like this, because it captures normie opinion, and at the moment normie opinion drives the market.

>> No.4867720

just hold fellow arkie i went into ark earlier today but its going to moon soon. I also bought salt which is shitting on me

>> No.4867725
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I bought all my coins at all time low then got justed between selling 10k at 10k for a dip, and my alts going 30%+ down from all time low. I've gone from 3btc to two over the space of about 2 days.

>> No.4867760

I thought I was late to the party going all-in on btc at 6k. I think I'm forever a btc maximalist now.

>> No.4867875

And normie opinion goes like this
"FUUCK i missed out on the bitcoin boom, let me look into alts"

>> No.4867899

Bitcoin is first, then the altcoins you dummies, time to buy some normie alt coins

>> No.4867953


>> No.4868002

The most simple way of making money here is doing the exact opposite of the trends
Shills constantly put up threads to shill their memes so they can sell and get out of their shit investment.

>> No.4868048
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Bitcoin maximalist hodler with 9m+ networth here
I come here for the memes

>> No.4868060

I've made 1200 from 400 in 2 days from alts BTFO

>> No.4868091

Unless you're a whale the only way to make money here is byntrading alts.
I got JUSTED hard yesterday from 1.1btc all the wa down to 0.57 when I woke up. Holding is a meme at least for now, once this btc bullshit stops I will buy alts again,

>> No.4868182

Yeah but let’s be real with each other. Its too late to get rich off bitcoin. What are we poor fags supposed to do, but .1 bitcoin and just hold? Not only is that boring as fuck , but you’ll never see astronomical gains. And thats what keeps me in this game, the hope of finding the next x20 coin and hitting the jackpot

>> No.4868370

i had .8 BTC 2 days ago, now i have .27 thanks to this bullshit. ALL my losses happen when I sleep and they are ALL because fucking normies buying up BTC and raping our assholes. I'm fucking tired of this shit.

>> No.4868449

i initially invested $250 as a test run back in the summer and made absolutely no gains (GOLEM and STRATS) except being saved by ARK barely to recover my $250.

Now, I have $5000 in the top coins and made a comfy $2000 in 2 weeks. Fuck alts

>> No.4868708

Just broke 300k net worth, started the year at 60k held mostly bitcoin and small amounts of xmr and eth. Never tried to trade I don't feel like I have the personality to be a successful trader.

>> No.4868837

The bitcoin boom has yet to happen fren