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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4865212 No.4865212 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4865455

5x tomorrow

>> No.4865822

Anyone who doesn't buy in to this tonight is gonna be kicking themselves come tomorrow. It's gonna be IOTA all over again.

>> No.4865846

im gonna dump on u at 3k satoshis niggas hahahahahaa

>> No.4865897


Tomorrow we'll have a good 10% gain, guys, we're doing this slow and steady, alright?

>> No.4865946

t. coienlet

>> No.4865961

Your gf probably left your ass cause you fuck like a autist.

>> No.4865967

Dumped as soon as you posted this

>> No.4865991

Dude if we overhype this shit we'll have less than nothing, didn't we learn something from link and other cryptos who've gone to shit because everyone was spamming threads and screaming at each other how they will be millionaires tomorrow?

>> No.4866021

overly specific projection

>> No.4866023

Hahaha, I never had a gf, fools on you!

>> No.4866036

Thx. Ill buy

>> No.4866039


This guy actually thinks /biz/ has influence over the course of crypto-currencies.

>> No.4866042

REQon team reporting in, this will be glorious. It's been holding extremely well against the BTC rise today.

>> No.4866061

What coin is that

>> No.4866074

>every says buy the rumor sell the news
>news comes tomorrow
why do y'all think this is going up?

>> No.4866085

3k req here. will i do okay bros?

>> No.4866092


I think its called download10

>> No.4866112

You'll only be able to buy 3 mansions

>> No.4866129

fug just bought another 100k

>> No.4866135

330 coinlet here. if coinmama will accept my shit i'll buy more

>> No.4866268

Exactly what I was thinking! Hopefully it'll surpass 1bil mkt cap

tip a lad some REQ:

>> No.4866288

Shillers aside, beggars are by far the worst part of req threads.

>> No.4866293

Tonight will be glorious guys, fomo will kick in and then tomorrow when the update is released with Colossus date plus the new exchanges we're going to the moon.

>> No.4866310

Added 1,628 REQ today just from riding the up and down throughout the day. Sell 20% of my stack at 780 rebuy at 720, rinse and repeat.

>> No.4866318

because it's news that will create a new support level, which is anticipated to be higher than the price now. with that, more people will likely buy and hold than sell

>> No.4866326

9k stack here

Am i gonna make it?

>> No.4866356
File: 598 KB, 1024x703, galactigates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it, Dahnald. Soon, we will have the fabled Galactigates.

>t. 5k in REQ

>> No.4866366

I went all in at 750
Pink Wojack inbound

>> No.4866427

so what if the news tomorrow isn't what you all expect it to be? will it just tank to below ICO again?

>> No.4866430

just bought 4.4k of req, lets do this shit

>> No.4866456

How do i buy this shit? This seems extremely promising.

>> No.4866477


>> No.4866484

its gonna be hard to moon while BTC is mooning

>> No.4866485

Each req is gonna be worth 10+ dollars.
You do the math son.

>> No.4866487

The same way you buy any other coin.

>> No.4866490



>> No.4866520

I hold ARK IOTA and XLM which one should I throw away for REQ?

>> No.4866535


ARK probably. I wouldn't dump IOTA or XLM right now.

>> No.4866536

Which one hasn't mooned yet?

Remember anon, sell low and buy high. You should totally get rid of your ARK :)

>> No.4866581

alright you fuckin losers, let's see if anything you say actually works. i shilled you guys VEN and it went x2 so this better hit 1400 sats

>> No.4866589

Future bag holder reporting in

>> No.4866592

I actually got 90% out of ARK 200% out of IOTA and 60% out of XLM

>> No.4866597

What time y'all think this is gonna moon tomorrow? My paycheck comes through at midnight and it's ALL GOIN' TO REQ BAYBEE

>> No.4866599

VEN was fucking obvious, hope you're not claiming to be smart or anything.

>> No.4866635
File: 85 KB, 775x205, req1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11k stack and /comfy/

>> No.4866660


>> No.4866688

i'm saying this better be just as obvious

>> No.4866707

>other alts all die
>REQ actually still goes up
how is this possible?

>> No.4866721

Looks like we are moving past 0.0003 right now!!!

Strap your strap on dildos on, goyim!!!!

>> No.4866728

It goes up every second Thursday and crashes every second Friday like clockwork.

>> No.4866754

so why is everyone in this thread thinking its going to moon tomorrow?

>> No.4866760

Sitting on a 5k stack and really hopeful, let's go lads.

>> No.4866789

Hope you anons bought the dip at 660, REQ has been primed to explode any day now. It's actually been holding its own just fine in the altcoin bloodbath. Breaking 2000 sats by Saturday morning. See you on the moon.

>> No.4866802

Because one friday it won't tank, and the update will live up to the hype.
Unlikely to be tomorrow, but it could be.
And longterm, it hardly matters.

>> No.4866823

Post your most successful crypto gains story (which coin, how much, why you bought) and your wallet address.

Not going to be picking the most impressive or whatever, just curious and will pick an address to give 21,725.528 REQ to at random after reading through some.

>> No.4866831

VEN was super obvious due to the team and all the workd they already did. They have actual chips and great partners.

REQ is just starting, so there's nothing obvious about it yet, but it has promise.

>> No.4866834

Currently number 100 on cmc

Next milestone is a 100m cap or about 16 cents

>> No.4866851
File: 14 KB, 660x300, no larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, oops.

>> No.4866855

and so if it's not yesterday we're gonna have nothing but endless REQt responses again?
sounds annoying

>> No.4866887

should i sell my YOYOWs ?? i missed the ride and now i'm in deep negative

>> No.4866899

It depends on when you got in. I got all my REQ at an average of 4.3 cents, so anything short of a 66% crash and i'm still even

Point is price is gonna rise again in 2 weeks due to news speculation once again.

>> No.4866913

binance.com nigga

>> No.4866920

Oh shit
req and link might flip tonight

>> No.4866927

Day trading on this I doubled my investment in a week, I should have just held onto it though, I sold some to buy XMR whilst it was cheap

>> No.4866937
File: 9 KB, 558x117, H2hGQIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super new to this (about a month in) but I pulled off this trade today and was very proud haha. Look at the time stamps! The sell & buy happened SO quickly. I don't have many winning trades but this one is my favorite. It's the little things right?

If you want to help me build my little stack - 0x2a4ca8d5fb913cce2aa414961b9f631cf0d54b12

>> No.4866939
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>> No.4866943


They’ve only had two updates. Sample size of two, so not particularly great evidence but evidence nonetheless.

They said they’ll be using twitter and Facebook and dedicated posts for product releases. I have a feeling tomorrow it will dump unless there’s a colossus date at least.

>> No.4866956
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C-can I come?

>> No.4866962


I bought into antcoins because of the hype at less than 9 dollars, but sold before neo went to 50, not a success story

but I also tripled my small ass REQ stack into 1.3k REQs by trading the biweekly pnds, too bad my initial capital was low because I could've made some bank instead

>> No.4866979


>> No.4866984


Thicker is better.

>> No.4866992

Ticket is minimum 4k REQ. We'll be leaving in early 2019 for the secret society of the top 0.01% of the wealthy.

>> No.4867046

bought eth in june at 170 and proceeded to ride the wave to 420. made like 3k and didn't sell, all the way back down to 160. good times

>> No.4867064

Over 30k!!!

>> No.4867069

Got 11k, am I going to the moon with y'all?

>> No.4867083


t. Fatass

>> No.4867085

We broke 0.0003!!

>> No.4867105


I like 'em soft & wide. Can't help it.

>> No.4867116



>> No.4867190
File: 108 KB, 1920x318, 2017-12-07_19-29-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought $15 of ETH back in july or some shit. I applied and made a shitton of accounts on Metamask to apply to the eLTC airdrops and take advantage of the obvious pajeet pump and dumps. eLTC #2 ended up giving me the most, 1.48 ETH. There were other airdrops I took advantage of and that gave me about ~2.01 ETH. I cashed out a little more than half of that and I planned on investing the rest onto REQ recently. I wanted to increase my ETH amount with daytrading, but I fucked that up. I would have 5120 REQ if I just held but I was being an impatient prick. I'm hoping it dips tomorrow so I can learn a lesson but I'm not sure at this rate. I hope my story moved you...


>> No.4867227

10,000REQ x $0.6 x 10^3


~$3.5 Million is minimum to live a good six-figure salary lifestyle and never touch the principal with traditional markets.

Ticket is 58,000 req tokens with tree orders of magnitude growth potential from ICO.

>> No.4867241
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Ready for takeoff lads. Should i buy now or wait for it to drop lower??

>> No.4867262


Oops. Moon mission is only 5,800 and a lot of patience.

>> No.4867293

Im going to get in at ~10 cents no way it doesnt crash down

>> No.4867299

heard about bitcoin after wikileaks began to accept them as donations in 2010. bought 100 for about a dollar each iirc and donated 99 to wikileaks and kept one just to see where it goes. sold it at 6k and forgot about bitcoins until recently. not exactly successful and i regret not buying a lot more bitcoins and holding. but whatever


>> No.4867321

Fuck, it's mooning, Bois. Sell walls getting eaten up...

>> No.4867327


>> No.4867337

how does this manage to retain it's btc ratio ?

>> No.4867338


Wait, no. I’m retarded. ICO was $.06.

Please someone kill me.

>> No.4867352


What are you even looking at? It's still sitting at 730 on Binance like it has for the last 30m.

>> No.4867363

Nice, so 130 bucks at the bottom would make you set for life in the future.

>> No.4867379

ETH Pair, Prepare for liftoff. Thrusters are a GO.

>> No.4867387

Eth price

>> No.4867389

Koreans are buying since req will work with bitcoin requests

Bitcoin PayPal 2.0

>> No.4867414


Look, i got +20k REQ that's my most successful crypto gains histor, send me or not if you want

I'll be rich


>> No.4867426

I unironically have 100k.
Plan to be able to pay off all my debt within the week

>> No.4867462

i'm in req/btc pairing. am i doing this wrong

>> No.4867463

stuck at 12 cents forever fags

>> No.4867469

I'm not even kidding, the KakaoTalk logo on the request network website made me instantly look more into it. Anybody not familiar with korea do not even comprehend how enormous KakaoTalk is in korea. It's THE messenger app. I even use it as a westerner to talk with friends outside my country.

>> No.4867472

Yeah ETH is freefalling into the void

>> No.4867489
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Literally nothing is happening on Binance yet.

>> No.4867501

definitely a top 100 coin, glad i sold my salt yesterday for this

>> No.4867505

Good thing I got in at 4.3 cents, fag.

>> No.4867514

watching closely. 20k req rn

>> No.4867588
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Dragonchain will be listed on bittrex soon.

Bittrex has just followed Dragonchain on twitter. Price has risen almost 60% in an hour.

Proof in this thread: >>4865215

>> No.4867623


So which one will moon better, eth or btc pair? Or is it the same? Already bought into req/btc

>> No.4867629

I have a good feeling about req...

>> No.4867644

BTC pumping to 20k and beyond sell and buy back lower

>> No.4867665



>> No.4867675


>> No.4867722

I'm sorry you went all in on LINK lads, but its not too late, you can still get aboard the space shuttle

>> No.4867734
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I would go gay for a 200% gain.

>> No.4867738

I hate to do this but anything would help
Kinda desperate here sorry anons...

>> No.4867789

What makes everyone think it'll go up?
what can REQ be used for?
I'll dump money in but I wanna know why.

>> No.4867791

is there an advantage in trading in the eth or bitcoin market?? i never look at eth market why is it mooning vs eth and not vs btc, just because eth is falling?? can u make more money trading vs ethereum?

>> No.4867832

It's a meme ponzi dump youve got untill tomorrow to but your ticket to the moon

>> No.4867834

>it's getting dumped

Look at the dollar price you fucking morons and trade in ETH instead.
Because it just keeps going up there, and you all fall for "dumps" which is just people wanting to get back on the BTC train.

>> No.4867845

how much will 1505 REQ get me?

>> No.4867896

unfortunately only 1 lambo

>> No.4867927

Anyone got some spare REQ? I put all of the money i had left into it, but it's not enough.(i have 400 REQ, killme)


>> No.4867965

Lol i un ironically have 11343 tea
How fucked am I

>> No.4867973

when is the selling period for req ?? tomorrow only?

>> No.4867975


>> No.4867976

shit nigger i dont know anything about cars, but that sounds good

>> No.4867992


>> No.4868072
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>> No.4868134


>> No.4868177

We going in, Marines.

>> No.4868180

We need some muscle in here, those are some big buywalls

>> No.4868193
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>> No.4868195


>> No.4868217

This dump pls

>> No.4868244

it doesnt matter what the news is this coin is going to dump like fuck in the morning

>> No.4868248

This happens literally every few days and you day traders get dunked on every time

>> No.4868291


Someone hasn't filled their bags yet.

>> No.4868307


That's depth typical of progress m8. High sell walls of people sitting on stacks only selling for high prices not willing to push low much combined with a long line of buyers jostling for position pushes the price up.

>> No.4868327

Can someone redpill me on why I should buy this?
or a TL:DR on what's so good about it?

>> No.4868337

I have 12.5k when can I get my lambo

>> No.4868340

13 cents


>> No.4868345


>> No.4868367
File: 27 KB, 599x345, 30d3c49d76fdd6658d016d349512bd31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more

>> No.4868395


>> No.4868412

im already doing this with bitchcoin ty

>> No.4868417


>> No.4868427
File: 65 KB, 552x664, khaleesichain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some serious bag denial going on in here.

REQ has entered the bleed out phase.

>> No.4868462

Huge 500k req market price dump

Learn to trade dummy

>> No.4868465

I warned you all. .00027 in half an hour.

>> No.4868474
File: 19 KB, 495x362, 1507335287705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody else not send this shitcoin to binance?

Every time i try to send from MEW, it changes the address to some contract address, and the transaction doesnt appear.

>> No.4868489


>> No.4868526

It's some whale Pajeet trying to stop it mooning so he can accumulate at low prices, again.

>> No.4868553


I actually don't even mind those sell walls. It's such an obvious attempt to push the price lower to accumulate. Nobody actually dumping sells like that.

>> No.4868555

LOL this will crash to 10 cents cya there

>> No.4868562

It isn't a pajeet. It's a jew.

>> No.4868566


I bought 1k Ark on August first after getting reqt down to $600 portfolio worth from an investment on of $1500 in June.

Held through the deluded arkie memes hard with my hands made of iron and rebounded finally.

Also went all in on Iota at $4, got to $5.50, got dumped on yesterday and broke even this morning by swinging. I feel more success from that than my hail mary on Ark.

>> No.4868597
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perfect time to buy more rec

>> No.4868655
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this was nice to see
even though it only lasted a minute

>> No.4868657


>> No.4868667

>tfw bought yesterday during initial hype at .00000865
it was 10 cents earlier today doubt it will hit that again

>> No.4868694
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>> No.4868752

I feel bad for the cucks selling below 700

>> No.4868756

last week it was fucking 6 cents i've spent all my money i had on hand and have like 35k in stock market no way i can get in now. The only thing I have verified is fucking coinbase which is charging ridiculous fees and if I tried to buy 30k worth of bitcoin would have to wait like 6 days why ???

>> No.4868778


Don't. They don't deserve wealth.

>> No.4868783

xrp about to vroom croom vrroom?

>> No.4868828

taking the long way to the moon, I see. through the center of the earth.

>> No.4868840


>> No.4868878
File: 48 KB, 253x229, tumblr_o0y977rrgc1v0pigno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad for them because they just filled my bags

t. accumulated more at 690

>> No.4868942


I added more at 709. Guess I could have held for a little longer but meh. Good work anon.

>> No.4868978

who here getting pajeetd right now

>> No.4869026


>> No.4869064

Someone is swinging a big dick right now.

>> No.4869065

its not a success story because im retarded but
>mine bitcoins using free electricity in my dorm room in 2013
>shit gpu but still got a decent amount
>traded everything for 100k of dogecoins
>have some on cryptsy and they get stolen
>forget about crypto till a few months ago
>sell the rest of my doge for $200 USD worth of btc
bought into eth and have just been trading alts since then. i made $200 from nothing so i guess thats success :(


>> No.4869072

thanks bretheren. i know binance's whales too well by now. i actually accumulated almost 3x my bnb stash when the site just came out. its pretty predictable if you can noticed the indicators

>> No.4869101
File: 48 KB, 816x360, DOonUqmWsAAS-ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We forgot some folks down on the ground. Had to turn around. Now we can head back up. :)

>> No.4869135


>> No.4869136
File: 8 KB, 400x400, EMWuf4h8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse /biz/ daily looking for shitcoin shills
>slave reading through white papers
>invest in a few ($30-60) here or there
>Do all-right, but constantly add and drop new ones
>Find a a beautiful beautiful man shilling XRB
>Throw $60 in
>Goes up
>Keep throwing money in
>Keeps going up
>Up over 300% as of today.

I'm pretty poor, so I didn't make that much, but it was exciting using a shit exchange to trade something with such a low market cap.

I've been shilling it to try and help others can some gains too, I think it's still incredibly undervalued.


>> No.4869201

This fucking whale
Loving these swings

>> No.4869274

god damn coinbase went down, cant trade anymore in binance

>> No.4869280


>> No.4869297

this is it mother fuckers

>> No.4869303


>> No.4869315

I have some money in BTC, should I trade it for REQ now or wait?
I'm already sitting on 8,200 REQ

>> No.4869322
File: 11 KB, 824x295, uh guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh guys
this is the ETH pairing

>> No.4869349

are you fucking dumb?

>> No.4869368
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>> No.4869374


If you want to make it you need 50k at least no lambo for you otherwise.

>> No.4869390

the limit to make it is 10k

>> No.4869394

Its not going up. This is shitcoi

>> No.4869396

thats not true we are all going to make it

>> No.4869407

I have most of my money in OMG, I can't take it out because I bought high.

>> No.4869441

pajeet spotted

>> No.4869449

Rubber is on - I am going in. Wish me luck.

>> No.4869451

why is binance not showing my deposit wtf

>> No.4869470

trade bitcoins for req now ?? or just keep what i have in b ot h

>> No.4869476

Remove the rubber, go raw. REQ that pussy.

>> No.4869498

Ironically, my most sickening, 10x gains were by those I got into stupidly small amounts. I'm talking $3 here. Put that into Electroneum, it is now over $30.

Also Confido. I bought in ED when it came out at .2 cents. Just hoped to go 5$ and sell, I'm poor anyways. I still have the 24 CFD in my wallet



>> No.4869520

Binance has been fucking up and when you switch pairings it keeps old price. So you went from BTC to ETH and it registered the BTC price on the chart.

>> No.4869527

i dont think it will transfer in time for liftoff m8. 8.2k is fine, i only have 800 :(

>> No.4869529

I was only able to afford 700 due to some personal stuff which took up the majority of my cash this month, got a handful of IOTA, is it worth selling them to buy more REQ at this point in time? Any profit would be good for me currently.

>> No.4869540


>> No.4869615


If Colossus comes out tomorrow you'll 2x on REQ. If it doesn't it will tank like every other alt has been. I say there's a good 70% chance it comes out tomorrow. Smart money is on REQ (IMO)

Take that for what it's worth.

>> No.4869659

LETS FUuuuuuCKIn GO !!!!! I'm in boys!!!!

>> No.4869730

About to get some in about 15. Shit better be worth it.

>> No.4869772


Tommorow big announcement keep this on hold it has bi weekly announcements, BUY IT NOW IF YOU WANT TO GO TO THE MOON

>> No.4869794


We had no idea. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.4869838

Is there a good way to buy bitcoin with paypal?

>> No.4869856

Is REQ at $10,00.00 yet?

>> No.4869892

Thanks man, suppose I'll chance it and hope for the best.

>> No.4869895


Hit it a few mins ago and dipped. You missed it.

>> No.4869908


>> No.4870084
File: 844 KB, 1242x1917, 77031EC2-0BA2-43AB-9302-B0A6710B988D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this you guys?

>> No.4870102

Request wont be possible without LINK. God you guys are stupid.

>> No.4870238


>> No.4870251
File: 128 KB, 831x639, 1488662495471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know when the news launches?

I was told 5 CET so that's 2 hours from now?

REQon marines staying up tonight?

>> No.4870267

Yeah, explain.

>> No.4870286


8AM EST as far as I know. 1PM UK time.

>> No.4870299

/biz/ has influence over brainlets

>> No.4870313

How are they gonna get info from the outside world?

>> No.4870320

There's an awful lot of projects in crypto that won't be possible without ChainLink, actually. That's why it's a project of either $0 or $50 per token. There's no inbetween.

But let's keep it in REQ.

>> No.4870344

You guys are pretty good at spotting these even though me and the other blues try and keep it relatively close to the vest till its time, one of us must be leaking to one of their average friends for profit. You guys should be seeing a good profit tonight, not as much as the 480M REQ coins we are dumping in 3 hours but still a good profit.

>> No.4870377

What price to except tomorrow ?

>> No.4870418


>> No.4870423


1,400 sats

>> No.4870439

0.25 cents
double your money, TODAY

>> No.4870501

should we sell tmw or hold long term? could only muster 3k reqs

>> No.4870504


I was bullish originally and thought 0.50, but now with the pajeets and daytrade fags chasing the heat with the ultimate shitcoin which is BTC, I am going to say around 0.20-0.25 cents.

>> No.4870511

Request works with ANY national currency on Earth. All of them.

How will you be able to get a reliable exchange rate without LINK? Remember, all transaction are automated by smart contracts, so bad information about exchange rates could be a disaster is a bunch of contracts execute erroneously. It is very important that REQ knows their exchange rate data is accurate.

>> No.4870515
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1510688920838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz jesus

>> No.4870566

Who here is gonna sell and rebuy at a dip? I want more req.

>> No.4870616

Fellow biztards let me tell you, the price will not break 900 sats tonight or tomorrow.

I am a req holder, but I see no reason for it to moon. Maybe a mini lunar mission.

Req is a long hodl.

>> No.4870650

selling tomorrow tbqhfam

>> No.4870695

how do i know if this is working

can an anon send small amount of eth

brainlet but got money i wanna get into crypto

>> No.4870829

it's going to drop to 500 after tomorrow's update. you guys better sell tonight. this is my last warning.

>> No.4870845

Get Hype

>> No.4870861

Guys I want to to drop so i can dump please help

>> No.4870875

according to biz everything is a long hold

>> No.4870949

just trying to help out my fellow biz m8s. i sold at 1k sats already and i'm not planning on rebuying until early january maybe.

>> No.4871041

What's tomorrow's update? Completely serious I have no idea. What is it?

>> No.4871071

no one knows but a lot of people are assuming it's going to be the release of their test net since it should be released tomorrow or in their next biweekly update.

>> No.4871088

Ok great but how do you know there will be an update tomorrow is what I mean?

>> No.4871093

Any idea what time it should be?

>> No.4871105


>> No.4871130


Help me vote REQ to this pump group (15k members) so we can be the first alt to break out of this shit storm

>> No.4871144

they update their community every 2 weeks. last one was on thanksgiving and tomorrow will be tje next one

>> No.4871154

they release an update every 2 weeks. their roadmap says colossus releases on testnet at the end of q4 2017 so either the update tomorrow or the one in 2 weeks will be the release of colossus. when people find out tomorrow won't be the colossus update they will sell everything and the price will fall back to 500-600. it's what i've been trying to warn people but they're just too stubborn.

>> No.4871251

Why would they sell if they have a guarantee in 2 weeks max testnet will be released according to roadmap?

>> No.4871269

4.3 cents? Is this larp? When was it so cheap?
Good goy detected

>> No.4871305

Honestly, I am hoping we hit .15 cents today so I can sell half my stack and re-buy at .10.

>> No.4871362

Brainiac types think they can time the maket with a sell the news play. Problem is they sell their stack then wait to buy back in.... only whale takes a big gulp and coin takes moonshot. Now pageet is trying to buy back in and ends up leaving a big wad on the table. Hodl my niggers - thats how you survive in the ALTILAND

>> No.4871969

sold 69 XRP to go in 420 REQ lets go boys

anymore fuel is appreciated

>> No.4872008


>> No.4872078

Its not going up. Just a shitcoin

>> No.4872249

I convinced my dad and grandma to get in on this with me. This better do good.

>> No.4872291

REQ doesn't need pumped

>> No.4872789

what is this bitchcoin going to hit tomorrow? trying to figure out how big my garage is going to need to be for the lambos coming in

>> No.4872879


>> No.4872944


>> No.4872996

Tfw getting reqt bought at 750 could have done so much trading but nope had to hodl
1phat ass = .08x gains

>> No.4873025

What's the play here. Sell half your stack at .15 at 7:59? What if it goes to .20? Ahhhh.

>> No.4873045
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>> No.4873268

>It's mooning. I swear guys!
be straight with me /biz/ will I at least off set my stinky link losses

>> No.4873281

Oh shit!!!! We're going back into orbit!!! What happened, /biz/!!!!! Engine down!!!

>> No.4873297

went from 80 to 30.

>> No.4873302

Anyone who sells right before the news is a fucking idiot. At least wait to see what comes out.

>> No.4873315
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>> No.4873416

put sell orders at 1/4th at 2000 2500 and 3000 with optimism, going to sleep now see you tomorrow

>> No.4873500


>> No.4873570

Just stay calm into tonight. HODL, or you are foolish.

>> No.4873758 [DELETED] 

OP HACKED ME!!!! I LOST IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODS!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4873984

no i gotta dump. I'm too scared. Earth is getting very big right now. I need to deploy parachute.

>> No.4874016

>dumping a long term hold
stay poor

>> No.4874020

You deserve to lose money.

>> No.4874039

shut the fuck up you cringy fuck

>> No.4874044

this is a q3 2018 hold. you're a fucking retard if you sell now.

>> No.4874134

honestly this. Koreans are frothing at the mouth about REQ.

>> No.4874169

it's a shame. good bye $34,000 worth ffs! F the OP!! I wanted lambos on the moon!

>> No.4874216

for fucks sake m8

>> No.4874246

They warned me about you people on Redddit

>> No.4874295

Daily Reminder that every fucking pajeet ITT thinks he will be smart and sell the news to rebuy the dip.

You and every other faggot on reddit. Good luck retards

>> No.4874311

get out Th'wad

>> No.4874347

There was someone in the REQ slack channel that tried to sell the news and buy the dip last time. Needless to say the dip as he imagined didn't happen and he was left behind.

>> No.4874362

smells like a buying opportunity since buyers regret is setting in

>> No.4874391

Silently pwing
Trusting a meme
Never again

>> No.4874464

this was fun at 1st but you be very very bad to me.

>> No.4874533
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who here comfy watching people who haven't DYOR

>> No.4874550


>> No.4874573

It's fucking dumping bahahaha

>> No.4874677

Time to buy

>> No.4874694

I'm selling right now. this is too much losing! I cnt handle it!

>> No.4874710

Hold damnit

>> No.4874727

I'm tempted but fuck me am I holding cries to self

>> No.4874761

WHY DID THIS GET 300 REPLIES. This is so dumb, it's not even mooning

>> No.4874770

I don't get who is yelling that it's dumping, it was way lower today... should go up a decent amount before the news, and hopefully we got something worth the wait

>> No.4874798

No. This is too much! this is my child's future! I bought it at $0.13!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4874853

Are you really that surprised

>> No.4874877
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>> No.4874918


People want it to moon. It's the only ERC20 project worth a shit outside of SUB and if Sergey isn't in a coma, LINK.

Rational minds believe if anything should 100x in 2018 it'll be the REQoning.

>> No.4874961

Hold you pussy! At least wait two weeks for when it gets pumped again, never sell at a loss unless you KNOW there is an opportunity to make quick money, then buy back in. If you sell now you lose money. It's on the floor, it's not going lower.

>> No.4874993

see? You just told me I lost money! I need to clear out and take me losses!

>> No.4875227

Ok, now I know you're larping, nobody is really that stupid. You don't lose money until you sell, so don't sell until it's over what you paid. This would be tomorrow before the news comes out (if you really are a pussy), or in two weeks if the announcement isn't great. If the news is good you need to ride the rocket, even though i know you'll fold and sell at a measly 2x because you can't handle the pressure.

>> No.4875416

What timezone does Req go by?

>> No.4875456

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! TOMORROW? i fucked up. I already sold and lost lots.

>> No.4875613

You fucks stop dumping

>> No.4875924

there it gooooo

>> No.4876026

Does RCN mirror REQ ups and downs, following both right now it seems odd to me is all being an autist and all.

>> No.4876091

big wall at 750 sat on binance, can we breach it?

>> No.4876226

somebody hold me

>> No.4876290
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to 1k

>> No.4876337
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come here

>> No.4876345

what do you think REQ would be worth tomorrow? thinking of buying 9k tonight

>> No.4876485



>> No.4876582

Got my 10k ready. Please give me lifelong comfy neet life request network

>> No.4876632

Called the top pretty well.

>> No.4877048

That sell wall tho.

>> No.4877437

Happy I didn’t buy when I was about to. I’ll buy when it hits $0.09. It’ll rebound back to $0.12. I’ll put $3,000 in and get $1,000 in profit.