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4863809 No.4863809 [Reply] [Original]

Tell your entire family to incest in bitcoin right now and then post results

>> No.4863909

they said they dont have any money

>> No.4863960
File: 21 KB, 245x206, 689C9837-79E0-4B90-9202-6105F00A12F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told my mom yesterday, she said ok

>> No.4863987

>got my mom to invest 500 last night
>she's telling her work and aunts today
Boi that 10$ bitcoin code on coinbase is gonna make me rich.

>> No.4863989


lol incest kek

>> No.4864102
File: 18 KB, 112x112, feelsbanzaiman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell mommy to invest in BTC when it was around 200$
>nah it's gonna drop soon

>> No.4864134

>tfw your phone autocorrects to incest because you type it so often

>> No.4864171


>> No.4864349

My dad lost 20k on the stock market in 2008. He was too weak willed to hodl through the crisis. Would have made shitloads if he had kept everything but his hands were too weak.
I dont think he will ever invest again in this lifetime. He is a good banker doing well in forfaiting, but he is too scared of the market now. Especially since he understands cryptos a lot less than he did stocks back then.

>> No.4864363


something on your mind OP?

>> No.4864383

I'm too scared to even talk to my parents

>> No.4864789

ive been telling them for years.

who's laughing now.

>> No.4864859

never give family or friends investment advice

when your right and they don't listen they don't give a shit, when your wrong and they listen they blame you forever

>> No.4864892

>Tell your entire family to incest
Great plan OP! I bet you're white too.

>> No.4864960
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I'm happy you have a good relationship with her anon

>> No.4864971
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