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4856105 No.4856105 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who doesn't realize bitcoin is a fucking bubble is delusional.

It's not even possible to use this coin for buying things because it's slow as fuck and it's price is more volatile than all the other coins combined.

>> No.4856123

Why do you care

>> No.4856136

>sustainable e^e^x growth

>> No.4856143 [DELETED] 

Join this discord to get early signals on pumps

>> No.4856146

>he doesn't realize you can still make money off of bubbles

>> No.4856203

We get it, you sold your bitcoin too early. Or are you some saint that goes around caring about the financial well being of strangers for no reason?

>> No.4856207

>It's not even possible to use this coin for buying things
So is gold. People will invest in it nevertheless

>> No.4856233
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Gee I wonder who's behind this post?

>> No.4856249

Gold has real world application. The computer you're using right now probably has some gold in it.

>> No.4856294
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You're dumb. It's the coin people use trade fiat for and then move to other coins. If another coin can ever be used for anything, bitcoin will never go down. So either all of crypto is a joke or it's real

>> No.4856310

The Computer I am using now has Bitcoin in it.
What is your point?

>> No.4856366

Because I own it and I prefer a slow steady growth rather than it dying within a week. How can anyone look at this chart and think it's a good thing?

>> No.4856382

as a scientist, I can confirm that if you can fit a function to a distribution, that proves you can extrapolate it to infinity.

Bitcoin at $10^100 by 2030

>> No.4856404

yeah its losing adoption and marketshare yet the price is exploding, its a speculative bubble and ify ou cant see it youre retarded. BTC is nothing more than a shady Lightning Network ICO at this point.

>> No.4856448

>of strangers
Not really, I'm mostly confused. I didn't sell and I don't plan to, because I know that even though it is a bubble it might very well still go up. I didn't invest more than I can afford to lose so it's ok either way. I still don't get why people support it as a technology though, there are much better crypto out there nowadays yet bitcoin is the one that keeps going up.

>> No.4856449

>99% fees by 2020
top coin goys

>> No.4856494


This is clearly the smart money accumulation phase. mid-2019 will probably be the bubble peak.

>> No.4856561

Can't Bitcoin only succeed if it has confidence, shown by daily, regular use for a wide variety of services and goods? Until major retailers adopt BTC for transactions, the only way to make money here is sell before each bubble burst. Hopefully the gullibility of those that survive a plummet allow you to purchase during rock-bottom prices and wait it out for another bubble.

If there were a product to invest in over time, this market would work. I can't touch something this volatile, especially if I cannot dump my portfolio at the rate I wish.

>> No.4856574

Ok, it's got at least a few days to move upward before peak normie fomo sets in. At this increasing rate, let's say it goes to 40k by EOY. Then catastrophically crashes 50% to 20k. Right now is still a good time to buy in

>> No.4856575


>> No.4856587


>> No.4856593

The computer wouldn't run without gold whereas it would run better without Bitcoin.

>> No.4856689

No your entire post is wrong. Bitcoin is gold 2.0, think of it in those terms. The primary utility is to circumvent the policies of your government...and demand for that is quite high, globally speaking.

>> No.4856695

this is just a pnd, whales can't make money on shitcoins anymore so they are pumping bitcoin. This will dump once lighting network gets activated on mainnet

>> No.4856724

People called BTC a bubble for years.
Just stop it already...

>> No.4856773

And it still is, moron, and right now it looks like the rather late stage

Abandon ship, forget the potential profit of the coming days, not worth it.

>> No.4856778

It'll hit 50k then crash to 10k. Screen cap this.

>> No.4856823

The price of gold has little to do with its utility though.

>> No.4856846

The gold was bought with Bitcoin.

>> No.4856871

Even a broken clock

>> No.4856955

>Can't Bitcoin only succeed if it has confidence, shown by daily, regular use for a wide variety of services and goods?
This is exactly what Roger Ver thought when he discoverd Bitcoin, that's why he dedicated his life to promoting bitcoin and investing in bitcoin startups. We all know where the idealists went, to BCH. All that is left of BTC is this rotting festering corpse that is expensive and slow to move, and a promise of a banker controlled sentelment layer but that's probably not even coming. Meanwhile BCH is getting more and more adoption every day and tons of community activism. All of the BTC supporters are retarded dude-bro investors with no understanding of economic realities, hodl!!!1!!

Case in point. The more unconfirmed transactions, the more valuable BTC becomes. More unconfirmed transactions means BTC is heavy just like gold.

>> No.4857004

>I prefer it to slowly grow to 18k
>I didn’t sell it when it was at 18k and buy it back after the crash

If you think this bubble is going to pop, then you’re dumb if you’re holding.

>> No.4857062

The U.S. government, probably other Western governments as well, are disappointing in monetary policy and the literal printing of currency for inflationary reasons, but >90% of the U.S. population will never have any understanding of alternative, decentralized currency, and of the 10% (being generous) left, most will reject or fear it. The remainder are 4chan, or select people investing professionally... You cannot sell as easy to a person the idea of circumventing government control of dollars as you can the success of a company that makes a tangible, sought product or service. BTC needs to be accepted in more businesses to attract more currency into it.

Not only that, but the fact that most of the money to be made comes from short-to-few year exchange of USD to BTC and vice versa sort of signals low confidence.

Here's the real set of basic questions to ask, that do not require any background in finance or understanding the market: How much have you net in profit from BTC? How much did you have to initially invest? Can your profits sustain further investment?

>> No.4857173
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Fiat currencies are crashing against bitcoin. the future is now, Manny.

>> No.4857206

I agree with everything you're saying, but only if I pretend that adoption of new technologies doesn't happen. People didn't have smart phones 10 years ago, and now I've got my technologically impaired mother going over her data limit.

>> No.4857261

yea, I learned my lesson when I shorted BTC around 4k. Not gonna do it anymore. You just want cheap BTC, I know it.

Uuhhh, 20% correction after 2000% rise, what a bublé

>> No.4857318

>buy it back after the crash
>the crash
>calling the dip to 15k a crash
>when it was 14k just earlier this morning
You haven't seen nothing yet

>> No.4857384

Except it takes no maintenance on mom's part to use a phone. She does not need to hire anyone to protect to value of her phone if she doe not understand it's use.

Also, an entire military-backed government, financial industry that has fingers in every facet of the global economy, and media with the ability to pump propaganda 24/7 has no agreed upon preference over whether mother uses a smartphone or flip phone. I wonder which these entities prefer, BTC or USD.

>> No.4857576

>Except it takes no maintenance on mom's part to use a phone. She does not need to hire anyone to protect to value of her phone if she doe not understand it's use.
Quite true, but when normies start demanding that brokers / investment services start offering bitcoin, they will provide that oversight for her. Futures start trading on Sunday, that's only the beginning. betterment.com will probably offer bitcoin as a part of their default portfolio within a year.

>Also, an entire military-backed government, financial industry that has fingers in every facet of the global economy, and media with the ability to pump propaganda 24/7 has no agreed upon preference over whether mother uses a smartphone or flip phone. I wonder which these entities prefer, BTC or USD.
That never stopped anyone from buying gold.

>> No.4857615

I do think it's going to pop which is why I'm slowly moving to alts, but I'm hesitant with this too because some of them crash badly as BTC goes up. It WILL crash but who knows if it will be tomorrow or in a year.

>> No.4857969

Alts will crash when BTC does
It'll be the best time to buy everything
Protip: the winner will be Iota

>> No.4858048
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>yea, I learned my lesson when I shorted BTC around 4k. Not gonna do it anymore. You just want cheap BTC, I know it.

hurr it wen up den so it wuh nevuh go down evuh..........

>> No.4858099

So, how many people do you know that will demand BTC be serviced by their mutual funds? The average American only cares about stocks as far as their retirement, hence, they invest as they work in reputable companies and 30 years later can profit from the company's growth. Does a market this volatile and one that has second-generation investors in a regular panic inspire workers to invest long term?

The financial industry and media do promote use of gold, though. It's one of the three, the government, that quiets down its use since they are in a hoarding stage and removed the transaction to the USD.

I am not saying you cannot make money with Bitcoin, of course you can, but at this point, it seems like you are just carefully chasing bubbles. It couldn't hurt to leave something in your wallet if you are that confident in this project, however after the media stream of Bitcoin dies down, and I assure you it will, then most of the direct investors of Bitcoin will be spoken for. If it could be adopted in businesses, or as you say, professional investors offer to cover these services, sure, its longevity benefits.

>> No.4858252

Nah, brudder, I'm saying I won't try to short it, when everyone keeps telling me that it's a bubble and it will crash or go down significantly.

>> No.4858300


>> No.4858320

>So, how many people do you know that will demand BTC be serviced by their mutual funds?
No idea, but I'm willing to sit on my holdings (instead of selling) to find out. If this really is gold 2.0 and gets a 1% of asset allocation (which is less than gold, globally), then we're looking at $100k+ per coin. After this recent price ramp and the attention it's garnered, it's more likely than I initially thought.

I'm just a regular dude with a 401k like everyone else. I dipped my toes into the bitcoin waters a couple of years ago for the utility of it (a means to gamble on some football games to make my Sundays more interesting). Now I have family, friends, and co-workers chasing me for more information. It's anecdotal but it's happening.

>> No.4858475

Might be off here, but my perception for much of the Bitcoin users, and maybe even many on this board, is the success or failure of it drastically effects their future living standards. If you can afford the risk, makes sense.

>> No.4858919

damn bcash shills.

>> No.4858987

Bubble occur when the mainstream get a hold and start escalating the price.

Bitcoin is still incredibly niche, once the mainstream get into it, it will be $250k before the bubble bursts down to $175k.

It will then recover and get even stronger, just like the housing market.

>> No.4859441

Requesting the chart that goes into the 3rd dimension plz

>> No.4859624

Honestly have no problem with bitcoin, but people should know that this is a goddamn bubble. Would love to see it rise to 100k and make world history.

Just buy lamborghinis n shit with bitcoin,

>> No.4859671
File: 33 KB, 480x360, 1503002160407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500k by March 2018

>> No.4859739

>comparing BTC to the housing market

Honestly, BTC maximalists are so fucking braindead that it makes me throw up a little.

>> No.4859804

Price of gold has very little to do with utility.

>> No.4859873

bitcoin isnt going anywhere and it will definitely be continue going up in price with time but the growth right now is unsustainable

>> No.4859900

You know very little about wealth.
The very rich, almost always have a property portfolio.

Learn economics and the store of wealth.

>> No.4859995

>The very rich, almost always have a property portfolio.

Absolutely. Ask yourself WHY they see property as such a great store of value. Then compare it to BTC.

Property is one of those things that will ALWAYS have inherent value. There's a reason for it, unlike BTC's circular "it's valuable because it's a store of value" argument.

BTC has a trillion fucking competitors with the same use case that do the job better. If it crashes, it's not coming back.

>> No.4860214

>Bubble occur when the mainstream get a hold and start escalating the price
So, right now? I had my fucking cousin telling me she invested in bitcoin and she's a hair styler with no idea of how to use technology. It's on the news everywhere and I live in an almost-third-world country.

>> No.4860305

he's right you know

>> No.4860366

> bitcoin too big to fail

>> No.4860430
File: 112 KB, 1087x1080, laugh-resitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol wall street is literally four days away from being able to buy and sell this, long and short.
Bloomberg hasn't shut up about all week.
Alex Jones is talking about it.
Norms on facebook talking about it.
People actually taking loans to buy it.
Coinbase it a top ten app.
President of NY Fed talking about it.

This is still /earlyadopters/ phase for sure ahaha

>> No.4860535

Actually that's a fair point and the reason I'd want BTC to grow more naturally. It tends to jump either up or down really abruptly and alts always fall when it happens. It's why I only use alts for daytrading because in the long run they always go down.

>> No.4860541

legit havent met/spoken to anyone who has said that it wont pop.

>> No.4860667


Jesus christ, I fucking know. Why does /biz/ and /pol/ keep posting to tell us this obvious shit as if it's some great insight?

We can still make money off bubbles.

>> No.4860943

what if your mobile data volume is up and you have to pay that taco which you just devoured 5 minutes ago but you invested all your physical money to bitcoin? or what if kim jong un nukes the world so we don't have access to the internet anymore, all the coins are gone

>> No.4860945

Yeah because BTC totally has experienced growth of over 3,000$ in one day in its past

>> No.4860996 [DELETED] 

Lets move the discussion here: https://discord.gg/Yde7f9F

>> No.4861437


>or what if kim jong un nukes the world so we don't have access to the internet anymore, all the coins are gone

You'll be rich then, food will be scarce and your Cheetos stores will be valuable.

>> No.4861531

Pathetic. 0/10

>> No.4861580

Bitcoin has real world application as a transfer mechanism and store of wealth. Same as gold prior to anyone finding any use for it.

>> No.4861845

That's why they pivoted from digital cash to digital gold; for better or for worse.

>> No.4862134


Keep shilling BCash. Doesn't mean anyone wants your shitcoin.

>> No.4862343

my absolutely normie-tier 30 something sister told me yesterday that warren buffet says that bitcoin is a bubble that will burst. i told my family about it as a speculative investment back when it was under $3k. helped my two brothers set up a wallet and sent them a little bit to get them interested. now all i hear about is how it's going to crash even tho the "seed btc" i sent them is 6x. fcuk! should have never said anything.

>> No.4862346

>Bitcoin has real world application as a transfer mechanism and store of wealth.

How many times do you need to be told this is meaningless when it has several competitors that do the exact same thing except better?

>> No.4863027

That just means you should take out your gains you retard. If it crashes that x6 could easily become a loss. This is why they're telling you.

>> No.4863100

The koreans going at it again pushing to 21k, might be the hail mary pump

>> No.4863191

> much better crypto
No, there is not. Other cryptos are not used by anybody, that's why they are faster ans with low fees. Onchain smart contracts are only designed to be bloated and crippled. Iota is a meme broken central mysql database.

>> No.4863234

Only 2 exceptions: xmr for privacy and byteball for working DAG tech.

>> No.4863273

It will pump to 25k-30k by Monday and then crash around 5PM central time.

>> No.4863310

>they're not used so they're worse

>> No.4863320

People are so delusional they call a 20% fall followed by a 13% gain a crash

>> No.4863325

Many cryptos can do more transactions per second than btc

Less and less merchants are accepting btc because of high fees and volatility, the vast majority of people who buy btc don't use it, they only buy cause it's going up, it's time to get out of btc now or never

>> No.4863336

We know its a bubble, but why wouldnt we ride it?

>> No.4863358

As long as you sell the tip you'll be ok, yet most people fail to see the tip.

>> No.4863362

>that's why they are faster ans with low fees.

In regards to just transacting the coin, ETH runs circles around BTC. It gets cripple by kitties though so it has its own problems in regards to dapps, but as simple trading of ETH it beats BTC

>> No.4863372

How can you NOT look at the chart and think its a good think, Im making mad gainz

>> No.4863465

Good thinking, buy high sell low

>> No.4863483

It's starting to go parabolic on the log scale. Fuck fuck fuck

>> No.4863521 [DELETED] 


Join and find out why it hasnt even started yet ;)

>> No.4864424

Any retards in here that still owns shitcoin? Lolz. sell that shit TODAY.

>> No.4864895


>> No.4865216
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>It's starting to go parabolic on the log scale. Fuck fuck fuck

>> No.4865245

>he's going to attempt to time the market
good luck lmao

>> No.4865344
File: 12 KB, 1067x214, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening. Very high sell pressure. GL hodlers

>> No.4865496

it just happened turn on the news

>> No.4865928

>he hasnt zoom out

>> No.4866002

Thats pretty zoomed out what are you going on about

>> No.4866449
File: 79 KB, 643x568, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was as zoomed out as it could get

>> No.4866803


>> No.4866824

Ahahahahahaha multidimensional TA

>> No.4866854

>you just want cheap BTC
This shit is literally rising several 1000's each hour, it is disgustingly overvalued to the rest of the market. Not touching this shit when it's bubbling this hard

>> No.4866903

LOL yes because people who buy gold to store wealth are melting it down and manufacturing with it

>> No.4866915

>in the long run they always go down.
Compared to BTC... maybe you should comparing everything against BTC

>> No.4866925

DONT INSULT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM A MILLIONAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4866945


When BTC calms down the rest will look to alts. We're pumping our next coin in a couple hours don't miss out on the pre FOMO

>> No.4866971

OP are you the same retard who shorted BTC at $8,500 and was introduced to it by your friends when it was $100 but you said 'nah man, that'll never catch on.'

Some Niggers just love being poor.

>> No.4867094

GTFO pajeet.

>> No.4867240

I was never stupid enough to short but I did the other thing. I've been looking at BTC since it was like $10 and didn't get in it until the fomo hit around 3k