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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4855147 No.4855147 [Reply] [Original]

Will be $1 soon. Hope you're invested. There's less liquidity and more holders now, it will shoot up fast when it gets going again, stupid fucks. Fuck you.

>> No.4855243

All of the retards sold their shares to get on the BTC train. I hope they enjoy buying back in at .50. My only regret it not being able to buy more for LINK cheap right now.

>> No.4855250


>> No.4855273

bitch bastird

>> No.4855285

>it's going to be a dollar
>buh $.25 not cheap

>> No.4855331
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We were at 99 market cap last we were at this price weren't we?

>> No.4855488

the pump and dump already happened
this coin is over

>> No.4855515

November bancor/signatum

>> No.4855518
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The Prophet has spoken

>> No.4855523

You're wrong, you gay nigger.

>> No.4855579

you're the reason why nobody takes crypto seriously

>> No.4855668


25 cents vs 12 cents is the difference between 4x gains and 8x gains you retard.

>> No.4855688
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I can feel it
the cork is under extreme pressure, it's only waiting to pop

>> No.4855734

$1? How many sats is that? Like 5?

>> No.4855797


This I fucking emptied the remainder of my bank account yesterday when that tripfag was making his insider info thread. Really made me fomo. I had already almost gone all in at 15-18 cent range. I was trying to wait for dips to put my last few thousand dollars in.

Fuck. Then it dips the next day. How long do you think we have? My next paycheck doesn't come in for another fucking week. God this pisses me off. Waiting for the dip for a week and then I fomo in and it dips the next day AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH

>> No.4855825

fuck off, my funds are stuck, need it to be low for a few more days so I can load up.

>> No.4855853

Fuck your life.

>> No.4855920
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>There's more holders
>it will shoot up fast
Choose one, newbie

>> No.4855966

Shut up, nigger. You're going to be proven so wrong, gay faggots are going to envy you, wishing they could be disgraced that badly. Homo.

>> No.4855978


You are me a week ago. Maybe you will have the same luck as me. My funds released right as the dip to 30 gwei started. Literally got in at the bottom.

>tfw still profiting of that buy even during a BTC shitrun and Link dip.

>> No.4856025

I can't use coinbase, but I could sell the vertcoins I have to buy link, is that a good idea or verts will go up?

>> No.4856031

Stupidity and aggression. Typical link bagholder

>> No.4856044

brainlet lol

>> No.4856068
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>> No.4856108

How the fuck to I buy link? I want to but I'm too much of a brainlet to figure out how.

>> No.4856121
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Look at this shit, only 35 BTC will take this up to 5k

>> No.4856135

its to late no lambo for you

>> No.4856167


Get some ETH and send it to Binance. Link is on Binance.

>> No.4856170

Since when was LINK bought with BTC?

>> No.4856211
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>This thread

>> No.4856236


24h Volumes:

Binance LINK/BTC $4,371,500
Binance LINK/ETH $2,255,790

>> No.4856248

Since ever?

>> No.4856262

since it got listed on binance you retard

>> No.4856276


I fomoed hard that night too friendo I had 20k of those 15 cent links then bought another 10k 30 cent linkies the night of the larp. fug

>> No.4856284

>There's less liquidity and more holders now, it will shoot up fast when it gets going again
Same way it gets dumped fast

Yeah but it'll probably take like $30 million volume to reach 5000 sats when everyone starts dumping as soon as it goes up.
We had $15 million a few days ago and it only went to 2800 and insta-dumped to 2300.

>> No.4856322

$20 by February.

>> No.4856376

Depends on how strong the upward sentiment is, and it is getting stronger over time as people realize how undervalued this is.

>> No.4856412


I was feeling so comfy having bought at the bottom, but now I am beginning to feel pink. Fuck, why did I do it. Fucking assblaster, could have waited until after this BTC shit finished. Fuck.

>> No.4856467

Nah i think $500

>> No.4856472

Without the team coming forward and releasing some actual news, no one will care how undervalued it is.

>> No.4856510
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more like $5000

>> No.4856515
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this won't go up much without solid developments and the hype that brings, don't you idiots get that? i think it's pretty impressive it's in the top 100 at all, with the anti-marketing/radio silence stance the dev team has.

>> No.4856532

this. I'm a linkie from day one, but what we have is what we have information wise. It's gonna take more news for people sitting on the sidelines to jump in.

>> No.4856642

What makes it so special?

>> No.4856690

>people really daytrade link

acquire a bag and wait for the real gains retards. this coin hasnt even taken off yet

>> No.4856748

In the simplest terms it makes smart contracts smarter, in a safe and secure way.

Smart contracts is what brought ethereum to where it is. And smart contracts have a long way to go still. It's also only a matter of time before smart contracts become mainstream in the business world. If successful, chainlink will be a huge part of that.

>> No.4856758

It connects the "real wold" with the blockchain. If you can't see how giant that is you deserve to stay poor.

>> No.4856774

Fuck you.

>> No.4856833

If you sold at .22 sats last night and bought back now at .14sats or so, you would have net yourself thousands of free LINK. That means thousands of dollars in the future, if not hundreds of thousands depending on your stack.

>> No.4856889


>> No.4857038


growth in the subreddit is exponential. I've been watching it everyday. And a lot more people have started shilling it on twitter. Momentum is picking up. pretty soon this will be /normiecoin/


>> No.4857046

>don't buy until after solid developments and hype that raises the price
Incredible strategy.

>> No.4857085

Nice, just bought 1mil

>> No.4857120

are you frustrated right now? :^)

>if you just time the market you can make more money!!

damn, you're a genius. nonetheless, selling a good chunk of your stack when the bulls seem to get exhausted is always a good strategy.
never go all-in, always try to get your investment money back asap, and never sell your whole stack (applies to every coin). had i implemented this strategy months ago, i would have had a shitload more profit right now.

>> No.4857133

this token is a mistake

>> No.4857228

You were a mistake.

>> No.4857240

>don't buy

i didn't say that, idiot. i'm saying that a lot of link holders act like complete retards, thinking that the price will magically go up when there is no hype or news, it's ridiculous.

>> No.4857321

thanks for putting that in layman terms, now i'm finally off the fence and buying some LINK.

thanks anon

>> No.4857325

>thinking that the price will magically go up when there is no hype or news

What has Link been doing for the last few days exactly then?

>> No.4857341

>click the link
>noscript tells me it stopped a potential attempt to execute XSS
nice try pajeet even if you infect me I have all my shit on a ledger

>> No.4857479


assblaster said there will be a price singularity any moment. At least $3 with no warning or chance for TA or FOMO buying. If you're not holding you're gonna miss it.

>> No.4857744

that's what i fucking said in my first post, it's impressive that this is staying fairly strong on mere speculation!

i've been holding since presale, of course, if the news is actually GOOD, like rory implied, then it's moon time, if it's mediocre, prepare your anus.

>> No.4857993
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fucking brainlets, just sell it and then rebuy with more links.

how dumb are you srsl

>> No.4858225


>> No.4858262
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>> No.4858465

Didn't know that, thanks.
I'll buy a couple hundred, and go from there.

>> No.4858698


>le when will i get my lambo chart for deluded linkies

nice meme but wheres your roadmap

>> No.4858964

the roadmap is part of the NDA, buddy.

>> No.4858978

MEH. Pathetic project.


>> No.4858994

thanks, bought 100k

>> No.4859004


>just playing around and doing DMT with 32 million dollars

at this point we have no idea except sergey was in sri lanka couch surfing last week so draw your own conclusions.

>> No.4859053
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>> No.4859109

gr8 b8

>> No.4859144

sure, why not? I'll be doing the same soon, except not in Hawaii, that's a cursed state that was instrumental in cursing us with Obama.

>> No.4859344

hey, you can't solve the oracle problem without some quality leisure time, and a shitload of bigmacs.