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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4846086 No.4846086 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on REQ. Should I go all in or is this shoo shoo stinky linky poo in loo 2.0?

>> No.4846096
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You mean you're going to base an investment decision on whether a bunch of internet strangers tell you to or not.

>> No.4846107

i mean its solid, release looking like friday for testnet, and im already up 2x on it. DO IT FAGGOT

>> No.4846128

I'm up too and not selling yet.
I put in 0.5 BTC I am going to take out 3 to 5 BTC.

>> No.4846142

Here because i am in good mood.



https://request.network/ - check the roadmap out and read the whitepaper

Afterwards decide. Takes you some hours, but afterwards you know your shit.

>> No.4846150

I hope so, rest of my portfolio (omg among others) making me wanna cry

>> No.4846163

its solid.

>> No.4846180

also, pretty happy with how it held on through this bitcoin mooning nonsense

>> No.4846201

should I buy after the announcement on friday? It typically dips quite a lot after announcements correct?

>> No.4846215

typically but one of these times it wont. I'd expect this one to be that time but who knows, time in > timing, etc

>> No.4846225


If Colossus gets released news will spread really quick, I wouldn't count on a dip

>> No.4846252

Comfy with 70K

>> No.4846256

I hold 10k REQ and unironically hope Colossus won't release yet. I need ARK to moon back to $4.80 first and then I'll buy REQ dip with it.

>> No.4846266

look at their github...
good luck with your plan, hope you have a pink wojack ready

>> No.4846269

Im 60% REQ at this point and so far 2x and hodling. Friday'll raise the momentum some :^)

>> No.4846329

Simple question. Are the any teams out there that update their github EVERYDAY other than request team? You got your answer m8

>> No.4846468

60% of my money are not in REQ. I fell comfy as fuck. They are better thank OMG and are not even in the top 100.

Meet you are the moon.

>> No.4846493

chainstink 2.0

sell now and you might recover if you buy ARK

>> No.4846499


There are still deluded Arkies out there. I love it.

>> No.4846508

better to be a deluded arkie than a deluded stinkie

>> No.4846600

>that 4yr argument
absolute state of biz

>> No.4846844

testnet tomorrow guys?


>> No.4847099
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>> No.4847218

just bought 487 REQ


>> No.4847310

Reporting in 376k. Should be enough for now.

>> No.4847435



If it weren't for the Bitcuck drama, we'd be seeing much larger percentage gains, but it's holding it's value relative to BTC really nicely. Really fucking comfy hold.

Today and tomorrow are going to be epic.

>> No.4847460


Fuck, I'm jelly.

100K REQlet here.

>> No.4847517

Just bought 1 million. Does anyone know what this shircoin does?

>> No.4847621

40k reporting in, looking for a quick buck and then back in to link, what are we looking at for friday, buy the rumor sell the news, or is good news coming?

>> No.4847746

its good news anon. I dont know if you're going to want to sell this news. Should see a new significant bump and a new floor if testnet is released.

REQ isn't "the future" of currency. It's the future of the "fintech" world. This is going to be big if they're roadmap starts coming to life. Testnet is a huge step.

>> No.4847781


If the news announces the Test Net is online, you're definitely going to want to hold.

If it doesn't, you still ought to hold until the following week.

>> No.4847869

Wouldn't say no desu

>> No.4847912

No, need to be jelly. You will make it too.

That's a good one, the future of fintech. Infinite use cases and crazy potential. This will go parabolic one day.

>> No.4847967


ok thanks guys, might wait for a pump, if link is still at 17 i'll pick up some more and leave the rest in req

>> No.4848028

Seeing how many Biztards are REQWhales, I don't see this coin going anywhere... /biz/cunts will dump with the least profit keeping the value low.

>> No.4848104

Don't even know where to start. You logic is just flawed af. Think about it once again.

>> No.4848111

Low market cap, cheap price, good idea. Even if the project itself never takes off, this will moon eventually. You want to be holding it when it does.

>> No.4848223
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Is this a whale thats trying to bamboozle me into selling? I wanna get into REQ but not if some fag doesnt want the price to go above .0003 ETH...

>> No.4848264

Good luck screening the fake order books 24 / 7. It can happen any minute, any second and we are gone.

>> No.4848545


These fake sell walls go up and disappear in seconds.

Don't even worry about. As the volume builds, these will be demolished.

>> No.4848572

Im only just now getting into actually understanding the information that Im given. If thats a whale trying to force down the price only to buy for himself in a bit it would make sense to join now.
If its actually someone with 55k $ in REQ trying to cash out then I would get assraped immediately after buying.
Just trying to get some opinions.

Its still there. If its fake it would be good to buy now, right? Whoever set it up wants the price to go down so he can buy more.

>> No.4848603

>Its still there. If its fake it would be good to buy now, right? Whoever set it up wants the price to go down so he can buy more.

Yeah, it's a good buy signal, because you know some whale is lurking there and depressing the price; they probably have some extra knowledge or insights to warrant their bullish behaviour with respect to REQ.

>> No.4848642
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Aight Ill buy in as soon as Binance finishes whatever the fuck its trying to accomplish here...

>> No.4848755

Whales are smart. They don't actually pull such large sell walls. It's most likely a whale with insider info trying to suppress the price.

>> No.4848846

If they do what they say they're going to do, REQ will be huge. Possible over 1bil marketcap. So far they've come good on everything they've said they'd do and they're updating github daily. It looks good

>> No.4848863

Throw a low REQer sum REQuisishunz plz famalam.

>> No.4848907
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God dammit seriously. Why the fuck does it need more than 140 confirmations for me to get my ETH? I have to go to work in 15 minutes. Tell me Im not gonna miss out on REQ because of those stupid cats!

>> No.4849209


EtherDelta fucked me on a balance of HIVE I wanted to liquidate and transfer to Binance. I know dem feels.

>> No.4849232
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>> No.4849250

so what do you sugest you retard, that I sell half of my ARK at 26k and fomo into REQ? fuck off

>> No.4849260

Ok Etherscan is now showing me 204 confirmations while Binance is stuck at 100.
Whats the best way to buy REQ on mobile? Just use binance in my mobile browser once I eventually recieve the funds?

>> No.4849296

>Buy REQ
>Order is still pending after 8 hours

>> No.4849462

let me summarize their white paper since people are falling for the shill:
>the government (IRS, FBI, treasury) must come through us for any transactions or audits
>we automatically report all your taxes and trasactions for you
>dude double entry ledger lmao
this is a pajeet app shilled as a revolutionary blockchain. this could be on the appstore, but the guise of a blockchain let’s them never release anything

oh yeah and they’re shilling three terribly performing shitcoins in the paper too

>> No.4849503

Wtf are you talking about? Too much coca bro?

>> No.4849531

Just went all in to recoup my losses. I hope to see this 2x-3x

>> No.4849567


That's the most incoherent FUD I've yet seen. Well done lad.

Fucking ladybois man.

>> No.4849647

can anyone give me a serious answer to what they think REQ will be worth mid 2018

>> No.4849688

$5 Q2, $10 EOY 2018

>> No.4849752
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seems legit.
You have been visited by Wizard Pepe he brings you good fortunes Arkie

>> No.4849827

Are we going to make it?

>> No.4849905
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So where are they wrong?

>> No.4849934

guys, coming here everyday to tell you to buy req
750K presale holder here

They will deliver.

>> No.4849956

big news is tomorrow,
so id buy in now, its pretty low or low as its going to get atm should be able to double your money by tomorrow

>> No.4850006

Should I sell all my 100 Ark for REQ?

>> No.4850068

yes, buy sell low buy high

>> No.4850298

The only thing that worries me is the huge bags /biz/ holds. There are literal REQ whales on here unless they're larping. Some guy said he's on of the top 5 wallets.

How are we all gonna make it if everyone needs to sell to make it?

>> No.4850574

Hold longer, mate!

>> No.4850602

hope you are right mate, would be perfect to pick up some cheap link and keeping the same amount of $ i have today in req

>> No.4850626

Why hasn’t this completely tanked? Who’s propping this up? Are we really all holding?

>> No.4850697

If anyone wants to help out a REQlet. I only have 38 REQ rn, did not anticipate all the fees.


>> No.4850725

I bought t .048 and .065 and I'm not selling until at least $5. Watch it happen.

>> No.4850788

There are no whales here. People here are LARPing guppies.

>> No.4850904


I hold 600k REQ and I know a few other anons hold similar amounts. We are riding this to 500m market cap at least. Very attainable within the next month or two.

>> No.4850921

would honestly say it's not even worth messing with crypto at that low of an investment.

>> No.4850985


I have 300k+ REQ and im not selling until 2-5 billion mkt cap

People who buy as much as I do are the smart money, we know how far this is going

>> No.4850989

I have about 165k and I'll hold for at least that long as well

>> No.4851028

>t. newfag that hasn't made any money because of /biz/

>> No.4851049

tfw with all ids are green

>> No.4851079

Oh, I'm green too. Forgot to add: I'm holding 200k and not selling below $1bil cap

>> No.4851082
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>> No.4851728

Newfag detected. Many oldfags of /biz/ are whales.

>> No.4851924

REQ ADDRESS:0xea3b887393e8bc00fb73e9f7007fb154a79e7ee5 is my request wallet address. I only have 350 req and can't afford any more, if all you people with 10k, 25k could send me even a little I would love it.

>> No.4851969

piss off

>> No.4852051

Worth a shot.

>> No.4852056

if you send us sharpy in pooper i'm willing to think about it

>> No.4852119

actually if you do this >>4852056 I'll send some too

>> No.4852157

Of course you with your disgusting /b/rown fetish has a brown ID

>> No.4852177

Oh no, what have I done. Why am I so desperate that I'm actually considering this.

>> No.4852218


120k, same.

>> No.4852351

REQ under 700 sats under $0.10 on binance

>> No.4852736


>> No.4852745
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>I bought at .048 and .065