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4845873 No.4845873 [Reply] [Original]

>only have 1.5 BTC
fuuuuck im never going to make it and now its too late!

>> No.4845902


i had 0.8 BTC but now only have 0.5


>> No.4846112
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>i had 6btc but it's at 0.8 now thanks to my horrible altcoin adventures

>> No.4846117

I have enough in savings to buy 3 btc rn, what should i do?

buy rn and hold?

wait for a dip? (may not arrive till 20k)

buy altcoins on the cheap and hope they rebound hard?

>> No.4846135

Buy now, sell in the dip

>> No.4846433

Kek, this.

>> No.4846463

I only have 0.05 you FUCKER

>> No.4846479 [DELETED] 

Buy now, you'll have a hilarious story to tell your grand kids how you bought into the biggest bubble in history at its peak.

>> No.4846509

Buy Zencash, start running a node (They are going to start the payments in 1 week) earn passive profits easily and just wait for it to moon or just enjoy your passive profits.

>> No.4846513

You overestimate the masses and their decision making m8, this is not near peak. Normies only now getting in.

>> No.4846523


>> No.4846527

I have 0BTC, did I miss the gravy train? or should I still buy in?

>> No.4846541

0.001 master race reporting in

>> No.4846546
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had 2.4btc
now 0.6

>> No.4846551

We'll be ite when we moon for real

HODL TIGHT mybrother

>> No.4846556
File: 27 KB, 340x270, 1512476864623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's more than 99% of people on Earth, OP. You will make it. You and me both, pal. There's as many bitcoins as there's millionaires in world right now. It's only a matter of time now.

>> No.4846561

I only have five but I think I'm gonna make it with this.

>> No.4846575

Fear me

>> No.4846582

Only have 0.038. :(

>> No.4846592

0.04 bit coins


all I could afford

I even used credit

>> No.4846628

Every normie right now "holy shit... bitcoin hit 20k?... in buying in"

It'll be at 50 k by the weekend... archive this

>> No.4846639

Looks like we're in the same boat, brother. Except I probably have a lot more to lose than you if bitcoin goes belly up.

>> No.4846657

Not the weekend but at this point I'm thinking that a 50k eoy is likely. Gotta buy in next paycheck desu

>> No.4846664

TFW only 0.15 btc. I got in way too late, and now even if it were to hit 40k it wouldn't mean much for me.

>> No.4846687

Are you seriously in the situation of losing a lot if your 600$ worth of internet money becomes 150$? what the fuck

>> No.4846806

If it goes up to $300,000 you can buy a house out right.

>> No.4846858

>Not hodling at 300k

>> No.4846905

I have only 0.11BTC

Teach me master

>> No.4847044
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thinking bitcoin will actually pump to 1 million dollrs , how deluded can one be.

its gonna heavy crash before 50k kiddo

>> No.4847134

Actually there are are 84 million millionaires and 16 million btc.

Only 250 k people have more than one btc

>> No.4847244
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I used to have 60 BTC a few years ago and spent it on weed

>> No.4847307

Buy during a 15% drop, because, according to the law of elasticity, it will bounce back. Hold until Summer 2018

>> No.4847321

good 4 you!

>> No.4847347

Was it a good high, bro?

If it makes you happy, I lost my private key and can still see my 100 bitcoins, sitting there, never to be fucked with again.

Why didn't I fucking back it up.



>> No.4847362

Hope it was some gooooood weed

>> No.4847363
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>> No.4847383

>Virgin Media
The virgin Portfolio

>> No.4847458

take bit out, throw onto exchange and flip for profit. DYOR and dont FOMO into every tweet "announcement"
if you dont have time or patience, just join a quality group. but most are shit, and you get bag holding. this one i've started using recently and if you look through past signals, they've made good calls. so check them out or find another but nothing beats DYOR


>> No.4847518
File: 372 KB, 1803x1351, YrXbtSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 250 k people have more than one btc

That's a sobering statistic. Makes me feel less bad about being a 1.6 bitcoinlet.

>> No.4847614

How the fug do you actually lose bitcoin?
Did you literally buy high sell low?

>> No.4847680

Don't worry OP it is crashing on the 10th just go all in then.

>> No.4847748

what happens?

>> No.4847776

If it makes you feel any better, if you never lost the private key you probably would have spent all those btc way before it got to 15k

>> No.4847777

Futures trading opens, banks dump and set off panic selling, make money again on short contracts, then buy back in.

>> No.4847804


No. You buy shitcoins with BTC when they are being pumped. They get dumped and you have 25% of your BTC value left.You sell your shitcoin and you only have 0,6 BTC left.

>> No.4847808

Nice quads

>> No.4847841

250k addresses, or 250k people?

>> No.4847870
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>had 2.10 btc yesterday
>wake up to 1.60


>> No.4847877

>On the day of the paycheck
It all goes straight into bitcoin lmao, my bank is gonna hate me.
You forgot the part when you check the coin a year later and it's up 10000% since you sold it at a loss, and that you could have held and be retiring right now.

>> No.4847904

If someone bought alts yesterday at the BTC ATH, they would be losing BTC right now because of the $3000 overnight pump. Its not that hard to lose BTC value.

>> No.4847913

naw it's going to skyrocket when futures trading start and the market agrees
a year ago china traded enough soy in the futures market in one day, to feed every single person on the planet 3 times
bit oin futures start
china will trade such an exuberant amount

retail chinese are literally gambling addicts who will push the price to even more insane valuations

>> No.4847939

What the fuck is BTC doing?

It's trying to run to 50k somehow. We havent had a correction since 7k. Since 7 fucking k. It's 2x that. It will probably never hit 7k again.

>> No.4847957

>the market agrees
Which means crashing it is a perfect FUD for banks tho, no? You think that they don't have the capital?

>> No.4848021
File: 141 KB, 1360x924, 2E9C109B-9849-464F-BF6C-CD915816AA6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0BTC Masterrace

>> No.4848029

naw dude
chinese are insane
and i misspoke, it was enough soy traded in the futures market for 10 meals for every person on earth
and enough cotton for 3 pairs of jeans for everyone on earth

now imagine that sort of insatiable gambling applied to the most volatile asset any of us have ever lived to see
the banks wouldnt be able to crash it even if they wanted to

>> No.4848060

That's the truth.

>turn btc into shitcoin
>shitcoin goes down in USD value while BTC doubles.
>sell at loss and put into BTC to recover gains
>BTC correct. Shitcoin up, btc down.

I sold lisk after a week of day trading. If I would have held...

Luckily I held rise and waves but still.

>> No.4848177

Sold Dash, Monero in the 10$s. Could have been literally rich enough to infinitely reinvest and live out my life like two classes above the one I was born into.

>> No.4848187 [DELETED] 
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>First I heard about btc was may 2013, it was 10ish a pop at the time, and I knew it would become a staple of dark/parallel economy. BUT I DID NOTHING

I went into crypto when BTC hit $100 mark (April-May 2013) and i was convinced that i've missed the train and BTC was already too expensive to buy (because it jumped like x20 in just a few months). So i've bought some LTC and also started to mine them with my shitty cpu. Aaaand of course i didn't earn shit because LTC value stagnated despite all the shilling.
Then i've got cucked by Cryptsy.com when i've tried to sell some LTC and buy shitcoins.
BTC value stagnated between $200 and $400 for long enough, so started to use btc to pay for VPN services. I don't even want to calculate how much i have spent for that, because the butthurt is already too real.

>tfw only 0.05 BTC left
Just cuck my shit up senpai
At least btc-e/wex didn't went full Mt.Goy

>> No.4849019
File: 3 KB, 118x41, Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

If some rich anon wanna help me.


>> No.4849136

i just bought .06 worth and i'm freaking out i'm so poor

>> No.4849194

I wouldn't advise investing everyting into something that may crash, only gamble want you can afford to lose friendo