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File: 42 KB, 468x468, OUCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4842876 No.4842876 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, it's Chad, remember me? So, a while ago I told you guys about this family and how much I admired their bravery, as they were going all in on bitcoin near all time high (that is considered a very low entry now). They are now laughing all the way to the bank, with a bunch of BTC to invest on other crypta, while you bunch of virgin damage control NEETs are very sad and suicidal pink wojaks. HOW DOES IT FEEL, knowing that Mr. "all in" Chad always wins in the end. They get in, take their profits, and leave you BETA MALES nothing but a shadow of your former selves, as you watch them ride into the sunset on their brand new harley davidson motorcycle with "Stacy" on the back.
>I-it can't keep g-oing up
That feeling right there is why you will NEVER be as successful as the Chads. THEY lead, YOU whine and follow (but it's always too late). Weak emotional control is the major trait of the NEETs. Too afraid to take the big risks, they follow the herd and bet against the king Bitcoin (virgin losers buying CHAINLINK) and then get fucking destroyed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GET REKT LOSERS. You're too pathetic to succeed. You should follow this guy's family example, but you're too pathetic to take the chance of your lifetime. Get ready to live in a digital prison, in the future, watching ads for 0.1 satoshi/day, while Chads like this guy live on floating laputas. BAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA *inhales deebly* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA This is too priceless. Bitcoin WILL be worth 100k in 3 months, but you're all to weak to take the risk and make 10x...again. Meanwhile, more and more Chads come in and go balls deep in it. Even normies are now following Chad and taking their piece of the cake, but the virgin NEETs who knew about it before everyone else are taking losses holding CHAIN-FUCKING-LINK... AAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH IM FUCKING DED

>> No.4843110

What, no response? Did I trigger you that much, you pathetic virgin neet losers? You think if you ignore Chad he will go away? Chad is a personification of all your fears, he's what you wish you could be. You should have bought Bitcoin at 5k and held it. Most alts went down 4 times, while BTC will be 20k very soon. How do you even deal with this? BUMP You will see this. You will read it. You will FEEL it.
>Shameless self BUMP, because Chad doesn't care
Pece, suckas.

>> No.4843186

didn't read your wall of text but betting it all on Bitcoin was a really stupid gamble even if its turned out to have been right (so far).
Diversification is important, putting all your eggs in one basket is beyond reckless.

>> No.4843285


diversity never works you lib cuck. i'm all in on bitcoin

>> No.4843318
File: 127 KB, 1135x661, chad_x_virgo_cryptos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you will not make it.

>> No.4843332


>> No.4843529


>> No.4843581

love this shit n we out here getting rich as fukkkk

>> No.4843622

>Yolo family