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File: 103 KB, 340x340, photographic-memory-power-340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
482755 No.482755 [Reply] [Original]

Nikola Tesla had it
Elen muska has it
Warren Buffett has it

Be born with photographic memory.

These guys just read all the books, remember it for life, execute genius ideas, because their brain genetics are better.


>> No.482758

I was thinking this morning about how people can recite things, and how there isn't a single thing I can recite. My memory is shit. Is that fixable?

>> No.482761

No, you just have to be born with it.

If you have to reread things to remember, your life will forever be mediocre.

>> No.482763


What do you mean recite? Like a poem or a movie line, song?

Maybe because you never tried remembering anything?

>> No.482779

>books are the key to knowledge and wealth
is this a troll post? they're helpful when you're first starting out but a bunch of quotes aren't going to make your business or invention work lol

>> No.482806

If you remember everything and read a lot they will.

The main problem is people forgetting what they have read or studied, so they can't piece together all the info.

If you are gifted and dedicated you will become a billionaire. Too bad 99.9...9% period people aren't.

>> No.482818

>If you are gifted and dedicated you will become a billionaire

There would be a lot more billionaires in the world if this was true.

>> No.482859

No, because only a few people are born with photographic memory.

100% of /biz/ aren't.

>> No.482867

Not every dedicated human being in history with photographic memory has become a billionaire. Many of those people go into the arts or similar fields. I agree that you need both to become one yourself, but not every single person with those qualities is one.

>> No.482869

No, but it damn helps if you want to.

You become a celebrity at worst. Look at that guy who draws landscapes from memory and sells them on his site. He got world wide recognition. Just because he got lucky in brain department.

>> No.482870


This is the guy.

God tier memory is underrated.

All of you would be 100x more successful if you had it.

>> No.482872

>muh books
books are great, however there is a problem, they are records of knowledge already known, things that are already "priced in"

you need to be an auto-didact and learn new things, and you do that by shelving the book, going outside and creating something, or sitting in front of the computer with your mountain dew code red and programming something


>> No.482873

photographic memory is a myth, just like double jointedness. true photographic memory exists only in people with savant syndrome.

>> No.482880

Is this is why you're a piece of shit low life OP?

Muh genetics?

>> No.482881

No, it's not:

That guy isn't retarded. Just lucky.

WB has it and he is only mildly autistic (he eats the same meal for decades).

Tesla was kind of an introvert and also possessed it.

Kim is retarded (Rain Man).

Elen Musk is alpha as fuck.

>> No.482882

>Is this is why you're a piece of shit low life OP?
I'm not. Just saying.

Nice black and white thinking. Just because I can admit that some people have it better automatically makes makes me white trash, bum, low life, right??

>> No.482891

Stop responding to shitposters

>> No.482892


"Everyone with some made up trait (which is actually a skill anyone can attain which they most likely stumbled upon) is automatically gonna be successful this is genetic they are so far ahead omg"

Please take this to "/b/"

>> No.482898

Well, not everyone obviously. But it gives them extreme edge and you cannot deny it. It's comparable to being born to business men parents and inheriting millions in startup money after finishing Yale or something.

>> No.482901

What if you have a really good memory for general ideas but suck it up at exact quotes?

I've never studied for tests because I tend to remember everything from single lectures, but part of that is because I remember the key ideas instead of the exact, specific words.

>> No.482937
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Im not even sure what exactly is meant by photographic memory, but it seems like its something that could be developed. Assuming the brain is at least healthy, it should be possible. The mind and its biological components are incredibly elastic. Learning to think for maximum efficiency is possible, just not something that is often taught.

I myself would like to work on my math ability. I do math in my head, but sometimes still struggle or stumble above 3 digits. It sure would be nice to do five digit operations in my head.

Here we see the problem. I know what level of operation I want, but because my brain is meatloaf, it wont hold that challenge much longer than it takes to post this because of the number one killer of ideas- distractions. It is for me at least.

>> No.482938

Then you're not that smart, you're just in such a shit tier dumbfuck major that pretty much everything you learn is trivial and you're not dumb enough to fall behind on that.

>> No.482940


You seem upset.

>> No.482955

I haven't seen anyone, except savant syndrome people, demonstrate their photographic memory. Is there any proof WB, Tesla or Elon Musk have photographic memory?

>> No.482973

Yes, they remember everything.

Like in which date what was the stock price for XYZ company. Like the exact distance to the moon. Small, precise things like that.

It was said in interviews and Elen Musk documentary film.

>> No.482985

>Like the exact distance to the moon
This doesn't exactly require photographic memory if it's just remembered as a constant number. Especially for Musk, who runs SpaceX, that info is very important to him. A lot of people remember how many feet are in a mile despite being totally arbitrary.

>Like in which date what was the stock price for XYZ company
I somehow doubt that they'd be able to do this for any random company and any date unless it held some significance to them.

The thing is, I think OP's idea of "photographic memory" in terms of being successful, is just having insanely good memory (which can be learned by anyone) and developing lots of experience and brain power through their workaholic lifestyles (which, again, if people got off their ass and the internet they could do too).

>> No.483013


>can be learned by anyone

Don't be naive now

>> No.483018

Photographic memory isn't like having a digital camera where you can edit and delete photos you don't want and keep the ones you do want
It's like living in a room full of every sight, smell, feeling, emotion you went through with every experience you had.
Actually, I'm pretty sure 'photographic memory' is not the same for everybody. In my case, it made me hate reading school texts because I remember everything. I remember every fucking awful day in addition to good ones, but - jokes on me - I remember the awful days more vividly. Basically, it's like living in a room full of tv screens playing everything on loud all the damn time.
They were successful because they managed to rein it in, and I salute them. Me, I'm still trying and feel like I'm gonna keep failing...... When the Hell did this turn into a self-pity post?!?! Sorry.

tl;dr: Photographic Memory is overrated

>> No.483022

It can. Learn some techniques (mnemonics, method of loci, etc), practice. More than a few of the current worldwide best in memory competitions started out with godawful shitty memory.

In addition, living a workaholic lifestyle like the people OP mentioned will inevitably require a ton of focus and memorization on its own. There's no doubt that's a huge contributing factor to their overall good memory.

>> No.483056

doesnt that dude have legit autism

>> No.483651

Elen Muska? kek.

There is no true 'photographic' memory. In this day and age, memory is useless anyways. We can take actual pictures, and put millions of books in our pockets.

Problem-solving and intelligence are much more valuable than good memory.

>> No.483652

It'll be below mediocre.
Most people can remember things they've read.

You'll be flipping burgers till you're 90.

>> No.483654

Man, I really wish I could draw panoramas like that autistic guy instead of programming like my dumbass self.
Too bad, right?

>this is his proof
You have a useless ability, friend.
Really-good memory is not something anyone has a use for.

>> No.483742

my moms boyfriend is a anesthesiologist and his memory is terrible. he said he had to really work on his memory and keep everything written down on a notepad and carry it around with him to remember things.

You can work at and improve your memory with strategies and eating right.

also didnt tesla die broke?

>> No.483743

>mnemonics, method of loci etc

I am intrigued. Please elaborate on "etc."

>> No.483770


None of those people have it. And Photographic memory is not recognized as a real thing by science, it's just an urban myth.

>> No.483790

>, but it seems like its something that could be developed.

You can't develop photogenic memory but you can increase your memory.
Tesla could literally read a book and recite it word for word page for page right after, that shit is insane.
As for Warren Buffet, I doubt he has photogenic memory or had it, he has exceptional memory because he was passionate about making money and investing but being photogenic I highly doubt.

>> No.483820

>incredibly elastic. Learning to think for maximum efficiency is possible, just not something that is often taught.
>I myself would like to work on my math ability. I do math in my head, but sometimes still struggle or stumble above 3 digits. It sure would be nice to do five digit operations in my head.
There's a TTC for Mental Math.

>> No.483896
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many thank yous

>> No.483919


"photographic memory has never been demonstrated to exist"

>> No.484235

now lets see him draw that same picture 50 years later. a photograph will still be as accurate, but his memory will fade with time. also its not like he can remember everything, his memory is topical. he isnt out there studying medicine or accounting because city scapes is all he can do. also elen musk is a faggot.

>> No.484249

my old high school math teacher used to say that if you can do/understand math/are good at maths you can be good at any subject. I agree with her fully. Sure good memory helps but if you dont have that reasoning ability then you probably not gonna excel in anything ( except maybe art).

>> No.484260


neuroplasticity neuroplasticity...

it is a thing acknowledge when a doctore managed to make his father walk again, despite having only 3%percent left of the region of the brain which controls motricity, despite people saying NO NO HE WOnT WALK AGAIN. He even managed to dance. 3%.

so YES its is "fixable", go on google and document yourself on the subject, there are technics to help you memorize

>> No.484282


>special snowflake memory
>implying you can compare the quality your conciousness to the conciousness of others from inside said conciousness

>> No.484309
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>> No.484394

>Read "Moonwalking with Einstein"
>Look at Memrise

The book has some useful information about different techniques.

>> No.484402

Like >>484260 said

There are ways to "improve" you neuroplasticity, but don't go out spend tons of money to improve it thinking you'll become God.

>What about Dual N-Back?

Gwern has a nice right up about it.


There are plenty of examples out there for increasing your working memory, but you might have to read. Go to /sci/ and look through the catalog there should be a thread or two about something along these lines.

>> No.484457

There are less than 1000 people in the world with photographic memory. Probably less than 500.

The ones who are known to have it, are already under close study by science. Most of people with photographic memory see it as a hassle, since forgetting is somehing necessary for wellbeing and happiness.

If they say "this X successful/famous guy has photographic memory" it is a blatant lie.

Nikola Tesla didn't have photographic memory.

Elon Musk doesn't have photographic memory.

Warren buffet doesn't either.

Now stop believing whatever shitty scams you read over the internet.

>> No.484459

Assuming the only way to make money is to create something new.

Turns out most people make the most money by doing things that have already been done and doing them well

>> No.484462

I have photographic memory, but only for things that interest me.

AKA my photographic memory assists me in EVERYTHING except pure math, because I fucking hate it. Also basket weaving and shit like that.

>> No.484515

this is such a troll thread because OP is an idiot.

you can train yourself to think and remember like that I did for a mid year exam at university about 1 week before the exam I studied remembered and everthing and did not look again exam came got 80% for the exam plus I was sick on the day

you can remember very well just train your mind, get off social media that's stupid and kills your brain, try remembering numbers as it's good to as opposed to words I can remember at least 200 different combinations of numbers eg: debit cards or membership numbers phone numbers all good exercise :)

>> No.484520
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Daily reminder photographic memory is an urban myth

>> No.484553

> My memory is shit. Is that fixable?
Assuming you haven't experienced a traumatic brain injury; Yes it is.

What do you want to remember? Recitations?
Print it out and tape it on your bathroom mirror. When you get up in the morning, try to say it aloud before you read it.

Numbers and Lists? It's doable.

There are plenty of books about memory techniques, and they work if you practice.

Visualization is one of the techniques you will learn. Here's an example. I'm studying Spanish. I want to remember that el tomate is a masculine word. I picture Jack Black's character in Nacho Libre covered in tomatoes. Writhing and wiggling in tomatoes. Chest hair glistening in tomato juice. Jack Black committing salacious acts with tomatoes.

I will have no problem remembering it now.

Memory techniques can work. It's like anything else; you just have to practice.

>you just have to be born with it.
There is very poor correlation between intelligence, memory, and success.
There is an excellent correlation between work ethic and success.

Using your examples:
Warren Buffet: Reads annual reports for 3 hours every day. (still)
Nikola Tesla regularly worked for Edison from 10:30 a.m to 5:30 the following morning.
Elon Musk regularly clicks in 100 hour weeks. (still)

>> No.484577

[citation needed]

>> No.484590


I too believe one can better their memory. One can notice this the moment they try mnemonic associations.

I suppose to 'better' ones memory can mean a lot of things, like clarity, or volume, or relationship etc.

Some things people can remember well, other things they cannot, and it varies. The way memory is constructed and maintained, I imagine the form of input matters also, like the difference between remembering lyrics (audio) the bands name (abstract) or what they were wearing in a video.

Then there is the issue of how long ago the input was received, and what the quality of detail is.

Then there are things like remembering the lyrics in order.

And that is just a song. When you apply these dynamics to things like a lesson, a conversation, an event or a body of knowledge, it gets even trickier, before you even factor in the biological components of the state the person is in when it occurs (tired, perturbed, focused, distracted, ill, sad, hungry, worried etc)

It comes to bear in teaching and learning; the method used for one may not work for another, and at the same time all people respond better to some methods than others.

>> No.484692

Holy fuck stop spreading this troll bullshit.

There are plenty of billionaires who don't have a photographic memory, and anyone can improve their mental skills if they actually put some fucking effort into it.

You know why so many people are dumb? Because they DON'T GIVE A FUCK. They might CLAIM they want to be smarter, but if they REALLY wanted it, they'd head off to a library to do some real fuckin' research instead of poppin' X on a Friday night. Conditioning yourself to WANT to learn is half the battle. Once you have the right mentality, doors will start opening for you left and right. The real losers are the blithering idiots who have their head so far up their own ass that they don't learn from their mistakes.

>> No.484709

It doesn't exist

>> No.484711
File: 67 KB, 462x686, tumblr_m5sjx0gjVs1rxk8jfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil wayne has it too

>> No.484726


Boy you said it. I have recently begun to notice that my thought patterns and the resultant lack of motivation juxtaposed to my stated, cognitive ambitions are so at odds that its borderline illness.

I think this is what Hindus call 'monkey mind', basically that primates dont really ask or need much, and that if allowed, the monkey part of our brain is apt to take over unless a specific immediate situation is presented for resolution.

I am also noticing, again, what I learned is 'crab people' mentality. If you sink to similarly monkey minded groups as peers, (not judging them) they tend to react negatively if you want to achieve better.

I suppose it is why I am reclusive, since I am socially vulnerable as part of my conditioning. I know it isnt success that perturbs them, but rather they are perturbed by the contrast, or even the suggestion of it, which is only human I guess. No one likes feeling left out or behind. I suppose that is where social skills would help, making others feel included.

>> No.484748


Dafaq did I just read. This is a new kind of fedora speak.

>> No.484798

underrated post

Just read How to Make Friends and Influence People and youll be fine, Anon.

>> No.485242
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Books help people hone in on underlying patterns. Following proven and tested patterns increases probability of success. And helps you notice/discover patterns on your own.

>I don't have photo mem so it isn't possible.

There's a reason there is lack of quality posters on this board.
I could tell how the photographic memory but what's the point if no one is even willing to test unfamiliar info or will simply say it's not possible?

>> No.485261

What mentality? If you're going to put a herculean effort into something it would be helpful to know what will actually yield results.

>> No.485286

Obviously genetics at an enormous role here, however I feel as if we almost "learn to forget" as we progress in life. It has a lot to do with our tendancy to suffocate curiosity with age, as well as the habitual entrenchment in "being right" that so many "adults" seem to have.

A lot of history's most brilliant minds lived to be wrong (in a sense). I mean, what else is there really?

>> No.485311

>There is no true 'photographic' memory.
Yes, there is. Watch the vid of the nigger who drew from memory.

> In this day and age, memory is useless anyways.
No, it is not.

>> No.485312

>"photographic memory has never been demonstrated to exist"
Wrong, here it is.

>> No.485313

>you can train yourself to think and remember like that I did for a mid year exam at university about 1 week before the exam I studied remembered and everthing and did not look again exam came got 80% for the exam plus I was sick on the day

If it was possible, everyone would be doing it.

>> No.485317

>If it was possible, everyone would be doing it.

Everyone can be a extremely athletic too bruh.....oh wait sum pplz are naturally gifted more in certain areas dan utters.

Why must I dumb down my speech for you ?

>> No.485323

no it isn't you freaking moron. many kids with autism remembers every detail perfectly. one was able to draw london from above after just one fly over.

tl;dr fuck off.

>> No.485806

wow u r special

>> No.486223

No spare yourslef from the genepool

>> No.486437

>Nikola Tesla had it

Lel it didn't help when Edison merchan'd Tesla.

>> No.486446

>severely retarded people have fucked up brains that do weird things that may or may not include remembering everything they look at