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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4837620 No.4837620 [Reply] [Original]

I just made 1 fucking million from IOTA oh my fucking god this is most definitely the most money I've ever fucking had. I'm so fucking scared. What do I do bros. What the fuck do I do.

>> No.4837658


>> No.4837664
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You know the answer

>> No.4837674

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4837689

No you didnt

>> No.4837698

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4837711

make sure you pay your taxes

>> No.4837738

Cash out mother fucker (you can't)

>> No.4837744

i am a dumb neet. should i invest some money in IOTA or would that be dumb and i should put it in bitcoin?
well done by the way. Congrats. I'd buy a house so you never have to pay a mortgage

>> No.4837758

What you need to do is Access your portfolio, Know Exactly, what yo're invested in, and UPdate it to your current wealth. :)

>> No.4837768

do u have a telegram? i will let u in on secrets.

>> No.4837775

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4837792

Send me some IOTA and I will advise you further.

>> No.4837795

Well well well... looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.4837800

celebrate you made it friend. please help a poor sucker like me make it too for I have nothing :(


>> No.4837815

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4837847

Buy yourself a peice of land and build a small house on it, and begin living off the land. Since you have a million dollars consider maybe buying an island somewhere in canada/america in freshwater and live a humble life, off grid, with half your money in gold, half in bitcoins.

>> No.4837857
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I bought almost 1500 miota at roughly $4. Am I going to make it bros? Or are Binance chinks just going to steal all my money? Were you the one I was trading my btc to?

>> No.4837874

just buy ETH for now until you learn how all this works.

>> No.4837879

If your in Canada cash out and claim your guaranteed no tax on 850k. Otherwise i duno

>> No.4837886
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>> No.4837892

this is a great idea, thanks m8

>> No.4837907

Hopefully in a month or two this million will feel like absolutely nothing and you will go back to being misserable and not knowing why. Maybe then you will turn to God and submit to his (even better) plan for your life

>> No.4837913

literally my plan. Im legit tired of being a wagecuck, i dont need a gf or someone else with me, living a cozy life off grid with an internet connect via mobile phone is the life for me

>> No.4837938

Except youre an idiot and I tested coinbase with 300 dollars in btc

>> No.4837945

you should invest a portion of this into certain promising projects, diversify a portion between BTC, ETH and Monero, and you should NOT daytrade / chase moon missions with a portion because that is wasteful behavior

>> No.4837948

how come i dont see this answer come up as much in can you live off 1 million dollar threads

>> No.4837969
File: 101 KB, 632x475, congrats my man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIrst, mate, congratulations, I am super fucking happy for you. These are the posts I like to see on /biz/. You made it.

Second, you'll want to start scaling out. If you don't have them, register on Gemini, GDAX and other sites that allow Bitcoin to fiat bank transfers. Register to as many of these sites as you can, and get to as high a weekly sell limit as you can, because we don't know how long this will last. The sooner you can start scaling out of your position, the better. It can take weeks to get up to a reasonable weekly sell limit on some of these sites. You will want to scale out at least a third; lock in your profits, but keep going as well.

Consult a financial adviser or tax expert who specializes or has dealt with cryptocurrency in the past. Do a google search for one in your area.

Seriously man, congratulations.

>> No.4837984

don't forget traveling from time to time, and fucking escorts

>> No.4838001

On a more normie stupid piece of shit waste of life level, you should invest in pot stocks before California leagalizes the WEED so you can get even more rich and even more deluded about what really matters.

>> No.4838004

Thanks man, god bless. Will follow this advice.

>> No.4838009

Cash it out FUCK IOTA

>> No.4838014

idk, people like to live large i guess. I guess thats KIND OF comfy, but living in a sailboat or in a small cabin, using little of your actual money is just too blissful to pass up.
and with all that money you do save from having little expense (solar panels for electricity, farming/fishing/trapping your own food) you can travel alot and see the world during winters and shit just the pinnacle of cozy life style

>> No.4838037

ETH over 1k by the end of January or ill eat my cock raw.

>> No.4838038


Then you clean the holy penis.

>> No.4838074

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4838075

And finally, my last piece of advice is to find a way to lend your money.
3% intrest annually on 1 mil is 2500 a month

>> No.4838101

But the incomin dip or current dip

>> No.4838104


Maybe if some crypto millionaire buys a large enough piece of land we can all move there and have our space but also a town satelite and such so we can get our own internet

>> No.4838266

With 1 million dorras? That's not that much money, specially after taxes. Maybe if you move to shit underdeveloped country, but in NA? Forget it

>> No.4838268

get an offshore bank account for an offshore llc owned by an offshore trust and cashout into that
the IRS can suck a fat one

>> No.4838352

If that were the case, the dark web wouldn't exist since people buy real products with bitcoin.

>> No.4838366

Good, maybe now you can fund World Peace Season 2 you faggot.

>> No.4838383

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4838389

are you fucking retarded? i can take out up to 10k a day you fucking pleb.

>> No.4838440


>> No.4838456

send btc or your lying

>> No.4838478

i mean lets assume 25% tax. with that said now we say 750k is left. buy a decent house for 150k fully furnished, 600k left. i personally can live off of 15k a year and still enjoy myself but lets say it takes you 20k a year, i say 20k because you have no bills other than property tax and shit like that. 100k = 5 years no work needed take 500k and get to working on more profits.

>> No.4838494

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.4838532

Cash out, if you don't want to cash out- at least cash out half or more so that you don't lose it all. With 1 million I'd honestly get out and spend half on real stock and save the rest for early retirement.

>> No.4838626

Gibs me dats

>> No.4838690

if Sam Hyde doesn't have at least a cool million in crypto from this past few months... poor boy

>> No.4838693

Suck my cock you flaming subhuman nigger

>> No.4838713
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>be this faggot
>banks or any exchange wont cash any of us out only cash in
>need a way to cash out
>start buying tons of games on steam on sale and resell at normal prices
>have 30k copies of dark souls
>someone please buy my copies of dark souls
>lord and master gaben keks softly as his grand master scam has finally paid off.

>> No.4839095

Sam Hyde sexually abused a minor.

>> No.4839167

put 250k into fiat 250k into powr 250k into substratum keep 250k in iota

go find some bitches and retire a stud, you're done

>> No.4839194

biz is more entertaining than 2007 /b/

>> No.4839393

i had the same thought. its like /b/ before all hell broke loose

>> No.4839911


>> No.4839942

you can't cash out and you are literally 5 seconds from going to jail for tax evasion m8, your fucked.

>> No.4839974

>Don't reply to shill threads
Don't reply to shill threads
>Don't reply to shill threads
Don't reply to shill threads
>Don't reply to shill threads

>> No.4839993


>> No.4840024

Nah its only a fine if they catch you.

>> No.4840052

The tech behind it and hot Dr. Hemma

>> No.4840055

Please help out a struggling anon, very close to becoming homeless for Christmas, anything helps, cheers


>> No.4840193

nice to see my pasta making its rounds

>> No.4840194
File: 3.16 MB, 220x280, 369DDA33-AE45-4CE2-A35F-DCC108AC0512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump it all in MONA and have some superior kobe wagyu steak

>> No.4840282

It's easy.
You need to wake up.

>> No.4840326

Use 500k for a comfy life and the other 500k to make even more profit

>> No.4840637


Or you just put it all in NEO and live off your GAS which is 6% per year or 5k a month.
Even if you expect NEO to fall by like 50% you'd still get your 2.5k while you used your extra 2.5k every month to increase your NEO stack every month