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File: 33 KB, 1199x402, 1200px-Iota_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4816558 No.4816558 [Reply] [Original]

tell me why this coin is shit

>> No.4816579
File: 71 KB, 874x369, 10999e9d7cc38da5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4816581

Want to get over it that you dont have any?

>> No.4816587

because as shit as eth is this product is still even shittier.
The pump from the partnership is gonna die down since their prototype is gonna stay shit for a long ass time.
I have faith in this but it's not gonna pay off for at least a year. What we see this week is gonna die in the coming months.

>> No.4816623
File: 91 KB, 640x696, Iota_logo_Satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broken software and developers who worship SATAN and want to bring in migrants to white countries as well as Asian countries.

>> No.4816635

dude it fucking made 3x since sunday. How much sooner do you want your payoff

>> No.4816648

The only thing driving this pump is hype.

Once people try to use the IOTA wallet and realize it's literally unusable, shit will hit the fan.

>> No.4816650
File: 258 KB, 1826x734, IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4816665
File: 56 KB, 642x448, Iota Hebrew Priority Language.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4816682
File: 70 KB, 557x696, IOTA Developer Kushner Lookalike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Developer who looks like (((Kushner)))

>> No.4816700

I'm a big IOTA believer and an early investor but Think about it.

Even if it's a bullshit bubble like bitcoin, it's profitable

>> No.4816703

iota devs are just a bunch of larping soyboys
IoT is a meme and wont be relevant for at least 30 years just look at this amazon echo shit ?
why would i want a device thats DESIGNED to listen 24/7 in my fucking house
fucking idiots

>> No.4816711

>(((connected lobes)))
Good chance of Der jude

>> No.4816729

Wow, what a vile answer. That's just disgusting. I can imagine that hateful feminist soyboy antifa-type who wrote that.

>> No.4816730


>> No.4816733

>uses smartphone for everything
>IoT is a meme

>> No.4816739


>> No.4816740
File: 4 KB, 220x249, 1512500484002s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4816744

that's an average Norwegian college student my friend. Yes, please let me out of here

>> No.4816751

Could you elaborate on that? What does "connected lobes" mean?

>> No.4816752

Have fun living in the 1900s the rest of your life

>> No.4816753

But I used it three times yesterday and it worked like a charm? Around 3 minutes each transaction. Missing a mooning is one thing, spreading salty FUD afterwards is simply pathetic.

>> No.4816769

a smartphone is a evolution of the phone
do i want to check my emails on my fridge ?
do i want to send a text message from my toaster?
just keep believing in your IoT meme

>> No.4816781
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1512488499158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh no, somebody didn't find my joke funny! >;( I am so butthurt now but let me post some brainlet picture and use it as an argument to prove that my shitty greentext was epic hahahaha that showed him!"

>> No.4816789
File: 56 KB, 478x523, 1512489158985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am too dumb to understand how IoT will work so therefore it can't work"

>> No.4816794

- fully centralized. There are talks about ditching the Coordinator, but few devs believe it can be done.
- unsafe. Attacks will be very easy to do if the Coordinator is removed.
- fanbase doesn't even understand it. Everyone thinks it is the ETH killer. Reality is that if it will eventually work without the Coordinator, it will kill almost every crypto (BTC, BCH, DASH, XMR, LTC,...) first without touching platforms like ETH yet. It then has to develop "smart contract" capabilities to overcome ETH and such.

>> No.4816799

I'm trying to get some of my IOTA out of my wallet onto Binance and I literally can't. All transitions get stuck and remain pending

>> No.4816813

>do i want to check my emails on my fridge
no, but you might want to check how much butter you have left while shopping without physically going home first.

I swear to god if you don't pre-chew everything for the pajeets they'd still be in the 12th century

>> No.4816829

>I swear to god if you don't pre-chew everything for the pajeets they'd still be in the 12th century
>implying they aren't stuck there still

>> No.4816850

>but few devs believe it can be done.
so the devs don't believe their own whitepaper. Interesting

>unsafe. Attacks will be very easy to do if the Coordinator is removed
just straight up wrong. Btw all you have to do in order to break bitcoin is fake 6 confirmations :^) unsafe don't buy

>It then has to develop "smart contract" capabilities to overcome ETH and such.
like the fucking roadmap has planned for 2018? http://bitemycoin.com/news/iota-smart-contracts-integration/

>being literally this retarded
>made me reply
7/10 bait

>> No.4816851

what if Google is behind IOTA?

>> No.4816869

>"I have accumulated too much of this shitcoin to think rationally about the coin I invested it"

>> No.4817077

- I am talking about crypto devs in general. Of course the IOTA teams believes in their work. Duh...

- https://medium.com/@ercwl/iota-is-centralized-6289246e7b4d

- They have plans on removing the Coordinator and then develop smart contracts. I know of this. Generalized smart contracts are not possible without removing the Coordinator first though. The Coordinator has to be removed first. If that is successful, IOTA will demolish almost every crypto. ETH will be demolished if the Coordinator removal is successful and then generalized smart contract capabilites are reached through timestamps from oracles or such.
They have all these things planned, but many believe these are impossible feats. We will see.
Still the fanbase is getting the situation very wrong here. It will kill BTC, BCH, DASH,... first, before it comes after ETH.
The fanbase shouting that it is foremost an ETH killer, shows that they don't understand the tech at all.

>> No.4817148

IOTA is about as centralized as bitcoin with its full nodes though.

>article about muh security meme
>refers to the testnet in fucking June
>only unsafe because you could possible hold more than half the hashing power of the network
nigga, same with bitcoin. If you control half the net you can do crazy shit, but nobody does that.

>> No.4817197
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1512488281394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was about IoT though. You brainlets never cease to amaze me

>> No.4817227

Has the devs made any announcements about the development of the smart contracts?

>> No.4817380

Some smart contracts that wont need to know the order of transactions or the time of some event will be available probably soon already. These are very limited contracts though.
The whitepaper and r/iota will have info on predictions when generalized smart contracts will be ready. It will take a lot of time still for that. IOTA is still far from ready for anything.

>> No.4817490

Have IOTAkitties been released yet?

>> No.4817738

Nice. I'm still holding and if it ever drops to less than a $, I'll just buy more because this will moon hard once those smart contracts are out

>> No.4818056

>what if the super powers behind the company most voted to create Big Brother is actually behind the most Big Brother -ish crypto ever?
>what is mark of the beast?

>> No.4818168

ear lobes
connected (pleb tier) vs disconnected (b00duh)

>> No.4818355

look at those big red dildoes.. then think about the $5 bad holders.. that is why the coin is shit.

>> No.4818431


>> No.4818725

its SHIT because it SUCKS