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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4810423 No.4810423 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4810478

Stocked up on that dip, ready to go again

>> No.4810491


Link Captain reporting in.

I wish, looks more like it is dead cat bouncing.

>> No.4810509

I have link deets shall I share?

>> No.4810517

The next 12-24hrs will prove you wrong, sir.

>> No.4810533

Do it

The dead cat meme, double top at least.

>> No.4810572

Listen to the man above, and DO IT

>> No.4810580

K. Without giving everything away at once, I need you guys to work with what I am giving you.

First big clue...this is from today.

>> No.4810605


>> No.4810606

Digest that tweet and link within the tweet...more coming.

>> No.4810640

You are a fucking retard, that shit deals with their Nostro accounts, which deals with cross border payments which deals explicitly with Ripple.

Hurr durr.

>> No.4810647

OK 2nd link..."analyze his actions and who he interacts with"


I'll give you guys a few more minutes. I will drop some big news in a few...shouldve started my own thread but fuckit.

>> No.4810669

That's old news regarding the swift gpi program for nostro account fx reconciliations. Article from mid October and doesn't directly relate to Chainlink

>> No.4810672

Dont get ahead of yourself. Dont want you to look bad

>> No.4810674


>Posting tweets
Here's the article in question, this doesn't relate to LINK at all

>> No.4810700

Holyyy Sheeet!!! Never felt so comfy in my life!!!

>> No.4810755

So why it's going up?

>> No.4810762

No faith...that is ok. I'll post 2 more links then some finer details.


Put it together....

>> No.4810787

Same reason everything else is going up, it is alt season right now while everyone waits to see what happens when the futures go live.

>> No.4810886

The next bit is what many speculate but I have first hand knowledge. Don't listen to Rory he can't say anything and is kept out of the loop.

Sergey has hired more of a team than people know. He has also been working side by side w/ swift and other partners. He has stopped communicating strictly because of NDAs and doesn't care for price speculation.

I do know that a Smartcontract.com blog post will be posted on the morning of Dec 21. This will cover the progress the team has made since Sibos and provide an updated roadmap. Smartcontract and chainlink will be part of a Swift conference in March 2018 with a very large announcement.

I expect Chainlink to pop on 12/21 but from what I am hearing March is the moon mission.

>> No.4810896

Get some sleep buddie, you're making links that don't exist. I'm all in link atm, so I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.4810949

This thread is capped and I will be posting screenshots on 12/21. Please apologize that day.

>> No.4811008

How you're right, also capped.

>> No.4811056

Give us a way to identify you outside of the threads in case nothing happens

>> No.4811068

Wackadoo jackassery here op.
Don't taint our grail with your nonsense.

>> No.4811073

Hope you are right there are so many larpers but I mean someone has to actually have insider info here and there. Will keep eyes peeled on 21st. Can you say any more on why you would actually have such info? More info than Rory even,

>> No.4811116


Actually its a Bull Flag, it will break 85k sats by 7AM PST.

Technically, a dead cat bounce comes after a long recession when short sellers close their positions, their buy orders trigger a mini moon. This doesn't apply to many coin since not all are tradable on margin afaik.

>> No.4811153

>global liquidity optimization
what did they mean by this

seriously what the hell does this mean

>> No.4811174

I don’t have any link but I honestly wish you all the best

>> No.4811228

I don't normally care about (or even notice) TA but I think you're right about the bull flag. If your right, you know your shit

>> No.4811442


I'm predicting a new ATH (in fiat) this month.

>> No.4811482

easier to exchange one currency for another electronically

>> No.4811627

How about this I will give you a special code "1#44". No, I am not affiliated, but this will be a alt tag within the blog post. Good enough?

>> No.4811671

All I was told is Rory doesn't know shit and they keep him out of the loop. Rory loves crypto and gets his kicks by everyone asking him for updates etc. He wants to feel involved but isnt.

How can our current system be more liquid?!

Honestly it depends if an update is good enough on the 21st. But from what I am hearing March is going to be big.

>> No.4811698

Thanks man

>> No.4811747

No, because you can just ignore it, dirty LARPer. Adopt a trip or give us a twitter, faggot.

>> No.4811823

those chainlink buy walls

>> No.4811887

Over 4chan not possible. Plus I would give away who i speak with. My last clue is to watch REQ very closely this week. They should have an update and not sure how much info they will provide but may give you a glimpse.

Enough for me, not trying to pump or larp but thought what I heard was interesting.

If there is a way to pull up old 4chan pages where it will show I am the author I will also show you I was the one that broke the IOTA announcement open the night before. The data marketplace.

>> No.4812119
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Are you talking about this?

>> No.4812126


Just got home from work. What the fuck is going on? I wasn't fucking ready for this yet. Fuck I am like 4k Link away from my goal. Just dip once more fuck.

Fucking Coinbase holy shit I had enough for my goal during the dip to 15 cents last week but I used up my entire 2k buy limit and had to wait to put more fiat in. For fucks sake.

>tfw literally doubled my money with my 30k Link but still feeling pink because I wanted more because I know how fucking good this coin is

>> No.4812145
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the pain is so real

>> No.4812186


>tfw money sitting in my bank account doing nothing at Link dipping to 30k gwei for a whole day but Coinbase tells me I am not allowed to buy anymore


>> No.4812231
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>> No.4812313


Yeah Binance is really shitting the bed the last few days, it actually is making the meme real. If had more thousands in my portfolio I would be livid, luckily I'm only in for $500.

>> No.4812323

Jesus Christ, buy even 200, it's still cheap and will give nice profit year from now

>> No.4812363

This aligns with this post on LINKTrader on Monday. https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/7hewed/speculation_chainlink_and_swift

>> No.4812387


>> No.4812422

Damit, should I buy in or wait for it to drop?

>> No.4812461

Just use a tripcode dude

>> No.4812469


Its about to start moving back up...

>> No.4812500


Dude I would set some super high (5x, 10x, 100x) orders just in case, when the time comes your get some sales in when shit stops working.

>> No.4812510

holy fucking shit they're talking about chainlink aren't they

>> No.4812612

The FOMO is going to start kicking into overdrive now that it feels like LINK is coming alive and there are events on the horizon.

Get your last buys in boys. We won't see sub 30 c LINK again.

>> No.4812659

I need more 5k of link to hit 10k.

And that's gonn have to do, it might not take me to lambo town, but it will have to do.

>> No.4812667

This has to dump on the news right? This is a repeat of SIBOS right? The news is just priced in and people are gonna dump. The real moon mission isn't until next year when mainnext launches.

>> No.4812686

This has nothing to do with Chainlink.
This is about the PoC for GPI. This has to do with the Fabric blockchain.

>> No.4812693


I dunno man, I just watched a 256 ETH sell wall get slaughtered in 30 minutes... The bulls look pretty hungry on this one.

>> No.4812721
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Nice LARP. I really wanna believe this, but why would some random dude on 4chan biz know anything.
Yeah, you might be correct but its just luck.

>> No.4812741

What news?

>> No.4812756

Wouldn't say so. LINK is extremely undervalued and 50 cents per link isnt too much yet.
Im expecting atleast 0.5$ EOY

>> No.4812758
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$0.50 by Friday

>> No.4812764

Check the twitter of swift 1 and 2 days ago. yw

>> No.4812768

obvious accumulation by instos last week, looks like they are ready to let it run

>> No.4812779

>yesterday 2850 sat was $0.33
>today 2640 sat is $0.33

Fucking sick

Too bad I'm poorfag who went all in at the start and bought too expensive and didn't have money to get more when it was bleeding

10k links maybe won't make me rich but it will be good profit

>> No.4812833

There is confirmed news coming this month.

>> No.4812848

It's going to be a general post like last time.
Stop getting hung up on these fucking announcements.

>> No.4812885


People are putting the dots together and seeing news and stuff on the horizon. The reddit subscriber count is up, twitter mentions are up, etc. This isn't our little coin anymore.

>> No.4812925

And request

>> No.4812935


I love you /biz, you made me fucking rich. I fckin lov you all

>> No.4812942

Don’t fuck with me I just transferred to add to my stack

>> No.4812948

how much link??

>> No.4812955



I just bought a ton of ETH of Coinbase. It wont get my 5k but it will get me about 3k more hopefully if it just does a small dip. Then in a fortnight when my next paycheck comes in maybe I can get the last 2k Link if it's still cheap.

Fuck this is pissing me off. Got 30k Link cheap and the last 5k is going to make my break my fucking bank.

The only other thing I can do is gamble my ETH with cats or chase a moon mission with it quick and try to get just a bit more ETH to get 5k. But that's gonna be a stressful week.

>> No.4812983

Yea It stinks. i'm trying to pick up my last 2k to make it 25k (though I've been saying I was done since 10k). It hurts knowing I'm paying three times as much as when it was 13c and everyone thought sergey quit

>> No.4812989

Eth transfers are so slow. 30 fuckin verifications? Forget it.

>> No.4813035

Huge walls building up. will we go through them ?

>> No.4813039

man i called that shit at .00054 homie check the reddit under technicals no bs

>> No.4813042

Before EOY try to get every fucking link you can.
Thank me later

>> No.4813048


just in the last two days or so, it used to be nearly instant. these kitties have killed eth

>> No.4813057

I might take my Iota profit and buy link

>> No.4813079


What's your "don't buy over this" price. I'm scared of waiting for a dip. It's not going down before december blog post and depending on what that is it may stay high until the big moonshot

>> No.4813102

just hit the 2800 sat sell wall, lets see how long it takes to eat up 80k link

>> No.4813110


I love ETH because it's so fast it's a great currency, better than Bitcoin. But haven't had to use any for a week. How much are the kitties fucking it up? To be honest, I am feeling real fomo right now and maybe it's for the best. If this transfers into Binance right now I'd probably buy at the top and it would dump into a dip 2 mins later.

I expect it to come in a few hours from now, so I can go to bed with a buy order at .00065 Gwei for when it inevitably mini dips after this huge pump.

God it's hard to fucking think rational when you are feeling fomo and seeing all the green candles leave without you.

>> No.4813111


>> No.4813117

Trust me anons.. Buy as much link as you possibly can. Sell everything you have and join the wave.

>> No.4813118
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Hey linkies.

You guys are awesome! You remained steadfast in the face of financial annihilation and for that, you deserve everything you get.

Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.4813121

jesus fucking christ it's already gone this volume is unreal

>> No.4813131
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>> No.4813135

anyone knows about the airdrop will i get link if its on binance ?????? do i neeed it on an ethwallet wtf?

>> No.4813145
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>> No.4813146

yeah you can get it on binance

>> No.4813149

you got scammed

>> No.4813155
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>> No.4813172

so just leave my link there? on binance?

>> No.4813183

I just added 200 to my stack, I could get more but I’m supposed to buy the girl an Apple Watch... i normally go ltc/btc/link. I tried eth today to save a step and it took 2 hours. Impacted the amount of link I got at lunch.

I don’t care that I’m deep in the fomo I’m not missing this next moon mission after all the shit that’s been talked. Going to be glorious.

>> No.4813190

No one thought Sergey was out fool. We're not all retards here.

>> No.4813191

I've doubled my money since entering LINK this month! We're all going to fucking make it


>> No.4813200

oh okok nvm its a phishing site BEWARE AIRDROP PHISING SHIT

>> No.4813202


I sent 1 eth 30 minutes ago and theres still no sign on etherscan it happened.

Last night I sent 3000 chainlink tokens that took two hours to show up in etherscan then another hour to confirm.

>> No.4813205

no make a wallet on myetherwallet and send it there

>> No.4813210

Finally profit time bitches

>> No.4813225
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Proof nigs

>> No.4813238



>> No.4813240

pooor binance. they could never have foreseen such fomo

>> No.4813241

The fuck is wrong with Binance?

Suddenly things are mooning and it went to shit

Really activate my pink wojaks

>> No.4813255

Were can i get LINK
is binance the only place?

>> No.4813266

It’s where I get it, haven’t looked anywhere else

>> No.4813277


I've never lived through a serious moon is this what happens every time. Fucking hell binance was shit yesterday evening too

>> No.4813288

>this volume is unreal
Except for a few hours on October 1st, the volume has never been higher.

>> No.4813298

havent accumlated enough yet, motherfuck binance

>> No.4813315

Binance keeps shitting the bed when Link is trying to take off. When its not the Binance bots its their servers themselves keeping a lid on this.

>> No.4813335

fuck off im taking your twitter and website off line

>> No.4813337

It's not LINK volume fucking up Binance. It's IOTA's (24k BTC of volume).

>> No.4813350


I never thought Sergey was out. I love the man.

I am just a poor wage slave getting fucked over by either my payday being a few days/a week late, or fucking Coinbase's fucking buy limits preventing me from dumping all my savings in.

>> No.4813374


>tfw hated Binance back in October for this shit but now loving them because they are the only thing letting me keep accumulating this shit for cheap

Thank you based Binance, if this had mooned at SIBOS like it was supposed to I would have only had a measly 8k Link, now I at least have 30k holy fuck hahaha. Count your blessings lads.

>> No.4813384


I'm getting a 500 error binance wtf.

>> No.4813433


>> No.4813462

Stinky nolinkies on suicide watch.

>> No.4813476

look at that sell wall on binance kek

>> No.4813478

Didn't know all SEPA transactions where on hold sice october.
We warned you for this, but you called us DELUDED, now who;s laughing

>> No.4813485
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>Thread theme

>> No.4813543
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Someone is dumping 237 000 links

It's over SELL SELL SELL !!!!!

>> No.4813549
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Kek, I thought this was going to take over an hour because of the kitties so I didn't even bother checking etherscan, but then I suddenly noticed it was already on Binance. Checked etherscan and pic related.

Even under a heavy load and ETH is this fucking fast. Currency of the future lads.

>there are people who don't exclusively use the ETH/ALT pairings

>> No.4813566

Look at that fucking buy wall

>> No.4813575


nigga fuck you. I'm at 45 minutes with no confirmations and no transaction showing up on etherscan

>> No.4813594

I have 100k LINK and I’m a poorfag. Some 230k LINK wall will be eaten like shit.

>> No.4813609


Vitalik must give me priority because of how much I praise ETH and shit on BTC then.

>> No.4813625

So the Uranus mission is still sheduled?

>> No.4813663


were sending from an exchange or wallet? (((coinbase))) doesn't let you change the gas. I'll gladly pay more not to be fucked in the anus

>> No.4813678

Of course, the news aren’t even out and we don’t know when they will be. Plus there’s that bittrex listing rumor that is likely real.

Buy the rumor, sell the news.

>> No.4813729


From Coinbase to Binance.

And now that you mention it, I think they upped my gas a bit, it was a few cents higher than usual.

Oh well what's a few cents more. Not like it's $100 Bitcoin fee's.

>> No.4813781


>> No.4813812

wall is down

>> No.4813836

buy now or wait this is fuckn me up

>> No.4813883


1hr 3 minutes later finally I get a txhash jesus christ

>> No.4813888

ask yourself what is the bigger difference. 20cents vs 32cents or 32 cents vs $3-$5?

>> No.4813894

I means that's 35 K USD. Not rich by any means, but most people don't have 35K completely spare to throw into something as small and off market as LINK in the eyes of normies.

I get what you mean though. I have 80 K LINK yet I dont buy coffee in college and bring in instant and just use hot water because I'm fiat poor lol.

If I didn't get into crypto back in Jan there is no way in hell I could have 80K LINK now.

>> No.4813922


I did not call any of you fuckers deluded. I just didn't have the money to put in with a fuck ton of bills in November. I got my tax returns now and was gonna put some of it into LINK but NOPE, NOT HAPPENING AFTER ALL

>> No.4813927

all the clarity i needed we goin in

>> No.4813953

Yeah don't do this. This is the rationale people use when the bought high. I sold at 2650, it went to 2810 yet I held out and rebought at 2480.

You dont day trade to justify short term losses.

If you don't think LINK will ever, and I mean EVER, go below to whatever figure your buy order is at, then yeah go ahead and buy.

If you've skin in crypto fro longer than 6 months you shouldn't be making stupid decisions like that. C'mon man, this isn't reddit.

>> No.4813965
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Godspeed brother.

>> No.4814011

This. This is how i lost 50%. Buying high selling low

>> No.4814032

mans makes a good point, ive bought more then half my stack at sub 20c, long term hodl anyway so im happy to invest whatever i can and stop trippin balls on when to buy/sell not smart enough for daytrading

>> No.4814035

What if you're not in it for the short term? If you're holding long term small price fluctuations won't bother you. I would think it would be appropriate to say my logic is reasonable for long term holders who believe in the project.

>> No.4814067

I want to buy but etherum is slow af and some markets are frozen or dropping orders

>> No.4814075

pretty much outlines how i approached it just lookn to get /comfy/ during the holiday season

>> No.4814085
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D-did I wrong

>> No.4814093

Good one. I should have premised my point with the assumption that you would be a long term holder who could afford to lock away that money for a long time.

>> No.4814105

Ayyyyyyy, I called a double top!

>> No.4814120

Don't worry, hold and it will be worth a lot more in a few months.

>> No.4814128


>> No.4814135

This reasoning only applies when you know you have weak hands.

Whenever I buy into a crypto, I fully EXPECT it to dip below my buy point. Several times. Severely.

>> No.4814147

If the larper some posts above is right, we will have an intense December/January. Maybe February gives us some dips to refuel I wouldn't jump right now tho

>> No.4814157
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>> No.4814161

Then how do you justify buying not at the dip that you expect? Or do you sell ?

>> No.4814163

how much are we talking about here, like several bucks, like etherium levels of full retard, what?

>> No.4814169

I am absolutely in it long term. You would have to be retarded to not be in LINK.

I only trade LINK when huge pumps (>20% happen), and I cap my rebuys at a much safer margin. And I only trade max 25% of my stack. Profits arent maxxed but I'm made my peace with that; any net gain in LINK is good for me.

Goal is 100k, hopefully can hit it before Feb. We're all gonna make it lads.

>> No.4814170

Simple: don't buy anything if you're not prepared for it to dip below your buy point.

>> No.4814171
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Now rollin' for a triple peak or head and shoulders, whatever the fuck you nerds call it.

>> No.4814172

if you have adequate funds, average down in the dips...

>> No.4814175


Don't worry you will get there, and at least you can buy the dip now.

>tfw had my buy order at 65 and suddenly thought it was the wrong number
>put it up to 66101
>literally 3 seconds later it dips to 66100 and buys me out of nowhere then goes back up to 68600 immediately

Holy fucking shit amazing. Now I have 34,472 Link. Only a 528 Link to go to get to my goal. So fucking close.

>> No.4814178
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>> No.4814191

The point isn't to perfectly predict every price swing, it's to be prepared for the dips so you don't do stupid shit.

>> No.4814193

Nothing to do with Chainlink.

>> No.4814192
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We are waiting, Major

>> No.4814195

I think $10 per link is definitely achievable should the project be successful (just with crypto market growth as a whole and LINK's gains vs btc/eth). But should the project fail, shit should still hit a few dollars just based on hype and more awareness leading up to the point of failure.

>> No.4814199
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>> No.4814203

Literally this.

Except I trade with 50% of my stack because I'm a jewfag who isn't willing to put more money into crypto.

>> No.4814227

so if i invest like 500 bucks worth of bitcoin chunks into it i should be looking at a tidy profit sometime in a few months then? i'd be game then i guess.

>> No.4814239

I did the same thing yesterday when buying REQ. I thought I was immune to fomo. Thankfully it will go up some day, but I could have had a lot more. Intense shilling + immense gains + shit like IOTA happening + my other coins dipping, it's hard man

>> No.4814250

I'm not a financial advisor, I would encourage you to do your own research. This project will either succeed in a big way or fail miserably, but the risk/reward ratio is definitely great in my eyes which is why I hold 45K LINK and I hope to get to 100k before Feb 2018.

>> No.4814254
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look at these replies

hardly reflects well on chainlink

>> No.4814258


So fucking close to ending my Captaincy and becoming a Major. What did it feel like to rank up from Lt.Col to a full Colonel? Must feel so good having that much Link Colonel Damu.

I am gonna be a major by the end of the week. If it dips again tonight I am buying. Or I have to wait till my coinbase limit lets me buy half an ETH to get the last 500 Link and then I will be comfy.

But fuck it, I know once I hit 35k Link I will try for 40k anyways. Gonna accumulate will I still can.

>> No.4814266

I think REQ is a good project, I only threw in 1 grand for now because no working product. But test-net should release this month which will hopefully see the price go upwards. It is undervalued when I look at it's market cap making it attracting for ROI.

>> No.4814312
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I don't even really know to be honest mate, this is all a dream

>> No.4814357


Every day feels so happy, looking onwards to the future.

Maybe we are deluded linkies, but I don't care it's making my outlook on life better.

Good luck Colonel.

>> No.4814360

Link will be $3 by eoy. Screencap this.

>> No.4814387
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>shabbos goy

Chain link literally had better Jewish support than ripple.
How can cripple shills compete with against us?

>> No.4814412

Lmao that's shabbos, he's in my discord group. There's around 12 of us. He is a nice man.

>> No.4814417

What's a good ratio of REQ+LINK? Gonna buy the dip

>> No.4814460

0% REQ 1000% LINK

>> No.4814467

Why are so many people selling right now?

>> No.4814475
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>> No.4814490

Made me chuckle. I don't like to go all in. I'm thinking about 70% LINK - 30% REQ.

>> No.4814492

because the pump was literally for no reason.

I suppose there are just some guys playing you because of the obvious FOMO whenever link rises a bit.

monkey see monkey do

>> No.4814497

obvious pnd, never trust anyone

>> No.4814532

just buy chainlink when the fomo is over, no matter how hard it is. Buying time was 2 weeks ago.

if this price isn't stable for a while it is just stupid to invest. nobody even knows how "good" the news really are. if they are a bummer like "WE ARE WORKING HARD BUT IT TAKES 6 MORE MONTHS", then you have another big sell off. If they are decent and the price stays like that, buy.

>> No.4814552

so i'm fucking tired and might be into buying this in like 12 hours or so, is this shit gonna inflate like a mother fucker, something stupid ass like 50% increase within the next half day or so or should i just not worry about it till then?

>> No.4814568

Literally nobody knows

>> No.4814621

Well, regarding it from a realistic point of view: the fomo started in anticipation for the news. from ~0.16$, increasing the price x2 and more actually. not waiting for a dip is just stupid, no matter how hard it is to resist the fomo. You don't know the whale games at work here. If you didn't buy 2 weeks ago, let it rest for a while. this has been a no news FOMO pump.

>> No.4814629

Source on this news?

>> No.4814666

I didn't say anything about the news, only that they are not known yet.

>> No.4814676

I mean source on the fact that there is going to be any news?

>> No.4814714


Rory announced some "December news" coming a few weeks ago.

This whole pump could possibly be people buying the rumor. But it also could be something else, see >>4801212

>> No.4814726

Did he say "news" though?

>> No.4814741

That’s ok. I have some XRP too. Gotta hedge anons.

>> No.4814747

Anyone selling right now ?

>> No.4814766
File: 28 KB, 598x306, BiKm4OpCQAALcFt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oosh. March is a long time to wait. Fortunately I’ve got big strong hands.

>> No.4814774

Stinky its just monopoly money btc will be 50k by January

>> No.4814791

That’s why I bought months ago and have just held the whole time. I believe LINK is gonna get there eventually and I’m not selling until it does.

>> No.4814799
File: 237 KB, 450x512, mastercoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of courses he is nice. /biz/ is new age jews : Aryan blue eyes + scheming of mossad

>> No.4814935

future will tell

>> No.4815570

>This is why people are buying IOTA right now