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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4809114 No.4809114 [Reply] [Original]

Since IOTA has changed the rules of the crypto for the foreseeable future, are we going to see many ETH holders jump ship and buy in?

>> No.4809137

Probably. ETH is trash until it scales which will take years. IOTA is a lot better.

>> No.4809189


How has it changed the rules

>> No.4809206

>How has it changed the rules

He bought it so it changed everything

>> No.4809221

Possibly. We’ve seen that 1 game which is a gay kitty game has completely clogged the network.

I’ve lost some faith in ETH and I’m sure others have too.

>> No.4809260

I lost a lot of faith. Especially when I read that scaling isn't coming for at least a couple of years.

>> No.4809283

As long as that kitty game stays up, people trying to transfer ETH are going to feel it. It's going to be a nightmare that will last for months.

>> No.4809288


>> No.4809347


damn are youy guys serious ?

i dont know anymore if i trust eth. like yesterday it was in my opinion a bitcoin killer

>> No.4809477

Have you been paying attention? Look at the market cap. it's the #2 coin

>> No.4809565

you can't even run code on iota though, right? so this isn't comparable at all

>> No.4809733

>a ton of people playing a game crippled ETH
>a few people running a script to spam transactions on IOTA completely crippled the network

God damn I hate you IOTA fags. The tech is 100% garbage.

>> No.4809831

First of all, transactions are not 'feeless'. All they have done is offload proof of work to the end user, which means that instead of miners being hit by electricity bills for proof of work, the end the user has to spend money on electricity in order to do proof of work on their transaction to secure the network. This is blatant dishonesty from IOTA by claiming transaction to be feeless. Secondly, the network is only as secure as the sum of the collective hash rate of the network. Thus the proof of work required for each transaction to secure the network depends on the number of users connected at any given moment. In times of low usage, the required proof of work will go up for you (more money you must spend to on proof of work). Thus you are disincentivised to use the tangle during periods of low traffic -- and so is everyone else. Thus when the network is at its weakest, you have the least incentive to help it out. This allows for malicious users to strike when the tangle is at its weakest and then compromise the network. The tech is broken. Buzz words like 'free' and 'infinite' should make you very weary of this project.

>> No.4809857

not yet, but that's enabled soon. This makes it the first truly scalable (e.g. can run neopets) smart contract

>> No.4809933

i dont understand how they advertise it as being for IoT when a large segment of IoT devices are battery operated and therefore would need to offload the PoW computation to a gateway device. that's technically feasible but definitely less than ideal, especially if each gateway has a lot of edge devices and they all are trying to transact at the same time.

would be pretty cool. i find their solution so complicated... i dont know how someone can truly trust it

t. iot industry brainlet

>> No.4809962

lol stay salty poorboy!! moon!! moon! moooooon!

>le tangle

but yeah iota is garbage, I'm starting to hate trying to make money crypto (jk, just annoyed at this newfound level of dumb money).

this, it's not feeless they just demand you degrade your hardware and run your electricity bill up.


>> No.4809965

Checked, IOTA is pajeet tier windows vista vaporware.

>> No.4809997

>In times of low usage, the required proof of work will go up for you (more money you must spend to on proof of work). Thus you are disincentivised to use the tangle during periods of low traffic -- and so is everyone else. Thus when the network is at its weakest, you have the least incentive to help it out. This allows for malicious users to strike when the tangle is at its weakest and then compromise the network.

IOTA: All marketing, no functional tech

>> No.4810007

hello IoT brainlet, can you tell me how tokenization of an IoT network is advantageous over traditional encrypted traffic and just making financial transactions when necessary? what's the advantage in transactionizing everything?

>> No.4810013

>weary of this project
God damn it stop mixing up weary and wary they're not even homophones

>> No.4810032

lol so it's basically gonna die when it reaches min capacity, gr8 can't w8

>> No.4810061

i work in the skunkworks of one of the major iot companies and we've given zero discussion internally to devices posting transactions, iota, etc.

>> No.4810092


Have you tried using the tangle?

>> No.4810156

here's the thing though: running the PoW for iota on your phone--which is relatively beefy for IoT stuff--reportedly can take up to an hour

most IoT devices are a lot less powerful than your phone, and many of them use battery not mains power. i can't express how much consideration is given to maximizing battery life. for devices like this they would need to offload their PoW compute to a gateway device, something like AWS Greengrass or some other solution. its doable but afaict not an out of the box solution. plus it requires using a gateway, which if your devices are using cellular you might otherwise not need. i guess they could phone home over cellular and then have some cloud server perform the PoW... idk

>> No.4810214

Where did you read that?

>> No.4810244

Jump on the SJW Shitcoin
Jump on the Globalist shitcoin
Decisions decisions


When is EOS scheduled to go live?

>> No.4810261


All V has to do is fork to scale the network.

Almost kinda like a software update.

>> No.4810305


It's happened over and over again that every shitcoin that tries to defy daddy BTC's rules gets shat all over. Not being decentralized is a big rules breaker for BTC's core values.

>> No.4810324


I mean there are IOTA holders here who say it's totally cool if the centralized authenticator stays on forever, so fuck them

>> No.4810350

That's not really an answer

>> No.4810357

I just don't see the necessity of it all. I have no faith in IOTA and enjoy recreationally spreading fud about it since it deserves it and it's all true, but want to at least understand the use case their trying to cover (including why it needs to be tokenized), but it seems their fabricating their own. What's your take?

>> No.4810358
File: 83 KB, 867x670, iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4810413

>Being this retarded

Hope this is satire

>> No.4810465
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1510983874449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's advantageous because you can sell the token to morons

>> No.4810490

I understand it's beefy, stuff for IoT devices what I'm trying to give IOTA all benefits of doubt/ ignorance of fact and just focus on WHY they are trying to do this, in what world is it a good idea, execution and related problems aside, I don't understand the fundemental use case they seek and why it's hypothetically advantageous, even conceptually.

What are you thoughts on what the fuck their use case is trying to do? To me it seems their trying to fabricate a use case themselves. I don't see the necessity to transact IoT data sending when simple encryption does the job.

>> No.4810519

lol who the fuck cares faggot. just make money and gtfo

>> No.4810527

Can someone please give me an example of when you'd actually use Iota?

>> No.4810545

>why it needs to be tokenized
there is actually a fucking good reason here, as compared to many other coin/token projects that are doomed to fail, and it's security. IoT is a fucking security nightmare. If you believe in IoT and it's market, then that's a pretty dang good reason.

>> No.4810548


To "save" refugees

>> No.4810613

I understand the vulnerabilities of IoT, but why is tokenization and a million transactions the best solution instead of just encrypted traffic ya dingus?

>> No.4810652

>just encrypted traffic
who is going to share all the public keys between a gazillion devices? Come on, anon, make a classic Bob, Alice, and fucking Trudy that bitch scenario, play it through, and you will figure it out...

>> No.4810689



Encrypted traffic takes time to encrypt and decrypt.

>> No.4810699

My emails aren't tokenized and the traffic is encrypted just fine, why adopt a different model for IoT devices?

>> No.4810709

When will idiot normies realise IOTA won’t work and it crashes? Gotta cash out when that happens

>> No.4810733

So this brings about the legitimacy of IOTA's attempts? A tokenized form of encrypted traffic between IoT device, so as not to take so much time transacting data?

>> No.4810829

Ok, have to go, but can someone tell me why this is still a poor idea? Is there a more elegant alternative solution for managing encrypted traffic between IoT devices that either doesn't involve IOTA or doesn't involve tokenization? I never even bothered to delve into the meat of IOTA's use case beyond a high level overview of the objective, since they missed the mark on literally investing fundamental for me.

I've got IOTA FUD covered except for the actual use case they're trying to achieve. Once I have this I'm writing a formal FUD report.

>> No.4810861 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 634x951, fa2add2186ed48f7b550ea460d35c7f4472cd8c02ddc0945a7414dee008312cd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people at /biz/ really fall for this Berkeley Jewish LARP? Seriously this is the most cookie cutter, unimaginative Jewish LARP there possibly is.

Next thread will showcase a Bald Eagle.

I knew /biz/ was full of hood rats with sub-90 IQ but come on. Haven't you at least learned how the Jews operate over the past few years if nothing at all?

IOTA is literally a team of 50-60 year old Berkeley Jews. Do you understand what that means? I mean come on. Then they post an American Flag pretending to be patriotic. Good lord, please tell me you're falling for such LARP.

It's fucking Berkeley.

>> No.4810901
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, computer-says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to tell me you're a pgp user? seriouisly now?

>> No.4810916
File: 137 KB, 634x951, fa2add2186ed48f7b550ea460d35c7f4472cd8c02ddc0945a7414dee008312cd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people at /biz/ really fall for this Berkeley Jewish LARP? Seriously this is the most cookie cutter, unimaginative Jewish LARP there possibly is.

Next thread will showcase a Bald Eagle.

I knew /biz/ was full of hood rats with sub-90 IQ but come on. Haven't you at least learned how the Jews operate over the past few years if nothing at all?

IOTA is literally a team of 50-60 year old Berkeley Jews. Do you understand what that means? I mean come on. Then they post an American Flag pretending to be patriotic. Good lord, please tell me you're not falling for such LARP.

It's fucking Berkeley.

>> No.4810961


Lewis Freiberg (Jew)
Jeremy Epstein (Jew)
Regine Haschka (Jew)
Alon Elmaliah (Jew)
Sabri Goldberg (Jew)
Gal Rogozinski (Jew)
John Licciardello (Jew)
Tsvi Sabo (Jew)
Samuel Reid (Jew)
Vassil Dimitrov (Jew)
Gideon Samid (Jew)
Regine Haschka (Jew)
Navin Ramachandran (Jew)
Alon Elmaliah (Jew)
Alfred Keller (Jew)
Jochen Renz (Jew)
Danny Wu (Chinese)

>> No.4810977
File: 15 KB, 504x375, 1512437361348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say no more

>> No.4811052
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1512509755674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not the whole G20 gang who's in on this and IoT
>muuuh jews
okay, okay, technically...

>> No.4811405

I sold all my eth for iota, I only had 10 eth
It took 3fucking hours to send, with 70gwei
Fucking cats man, I'm more of a dog person
Will ride iota for now

>> No.4811454


so it's gonna get big then?

>> No.4811499

I looked those people up and found no one related to iota.

>> No.4811508
File: 1.32 MB, 446x251, 1512412478995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can't think for themselves. It's not good enough to tell them IOTA is a rats nest of kikes.

So, EOS is the alternative to IOTA. Put your money in EOS.

>> No.4811554

is no one looking at IOTA's sell wall?

>> No.4811583
File: 31 KB, 640x360, Cym4wcXXAAA3QeB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope.. what does it look like?

>> No.4811620

Bump, read and respond to my posts too niggers, neets, pajeets and panderers alike

>> No.4811677
File: 6 KB, 448x357, 1463706592741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no :D

>> No.4811678
File: 26 KB, 480x466, power-of-propaganda32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that you need to know, you naive cunt. There is no use. It's a bunch of marketing hogwash.

>> No.4811683

IOTA is garbage and not comparable to eth, but when there is money to be made who gives a fuck. Like congrats to all the fags making fat stacks out of iota, just know it wont last.

>> No.4811724

Listen bud, u need to say sorry cuz I’ve known iota is utter garbage since 2016.

I’m just wondering if beyond all memes shut execution and whatnot, if the concepts of tokenized transaction as means of communication between iot devices or if traditional encryption is good nuff

>> No.4811941

Calm your tits bud. Where are you from?

>> No.4812044

USA phone poster y asking boi wanna hang and talk botcoins?

How bout u answer question I asked above plox

>> No.4812074

Asian confirmed.

>> No.4812108

You don’t have an answer to my question, yet you call me naive? Filthy Amerifat to cuckasian

>> No.4812117

>99% jew team
>expecting them to settle with these gains and not pump 10x harder
lamo retard

>> No.4812121

Yea it's really waring me out too.

>> No.4812157

As a developer I have two questions.
Have you tried developing an app and running IOTA node?
How about ether?
Tell me which was easier, had more documentation, and was easier to debug with without potentially burning the currency.

>> No.4812192 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1080x1920, 20171206_003723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can send bitcoin here for help with IOTA

>> No.4812299

Cant understand this pump. I mean what kind of technical evolution has happened in past month? Tangle is still just a dream in paper and ever farther from working than eth

>> No.4812309

aaaand theres the top boyos, better get out while you can with your profs - def don't sleep on this shit