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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 1000x275, bitcoin suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4800920 No.4800920 [Reply] [Original]

>people who killed themselves after the late 2013 crash would literally have been millionaires today if only they HEDL for a few years

>> No.4800947

I killed myself spiritually by selling

>> No.4800951

brice of freedom

>> No.4801006

another reason to commit suicide!

>> No.4801029

>just money
As someone who's grown up in poverty in the poorest area of my country - 20$ can mean eating for 2-3 days or not. No jobs here, and im in a first world nation, which is awful when you think about it. No one has any money here, No one has any work here, and it's only getting worse, McDonald just fired 400 people in our area and replaced them with kiosks. Even comfy janitor positions are being replaced by robots. No, it's not just fucking money.

>> No.4801077

can still get a job cleaning the shit streets pajeet, stop bitching.

>> No.4801085

suicide hotline posts fucking piss me off, something about them the fact that op doesnt really care and just wants to copy and paste an easy title for free attention or the fact that suicide hotlines infact are terrible for people with serious problems or that the hotline is severely uneducated and read your a brochure you could find for yourself online

>> No.4801119

Liberal government litteraly gave all the jobs to migrants from fleeing from your shity country. Not a pajeet btw.

>> No.4801154

Reddit is pure faggotry

>> No.4801180
File: 89 KB, 206x250, 1510177128551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4801210

>No, it's not just fucking money.
you have to remember your average redditor is a middle class bugman who has never really suffered a single day in their lives. to them it *is* just money

>> No.4801235

I hate those faggots. One day tottal echonomic collapse is going to happen and im going to be in tears of joy seeing all these comfy faggots get rekt who don't know how to deal with being poor.

>> No.4801245
File: 42 KB, 807x659, 1492266807999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.4801250

Then if you actually believe in conservative economics why don't you go where the jobs are? Study programming maybe? No one is forcing you to stay where you are and complain about being unemployable.

>> No.4801284

That crash was bleak.

I ran an info site about bitcoin back then and actually got up to 10,000 unique visitors per day. After the crash it fell down to less than 500 visitors per day.

>> No.4801285

no real conservative wants to be a foreigner displacing and imposing on another culture especially if it's homogenous. mixing the people's is an abomination to the layman of every race

>> No.4801934

That's such a good documentary

>> No.4802009

Because life isnt that simple? I have family here that depend on me to take care of them, My entire families history is rooted here. Their is no were for me to go because anywhere i go i would be even worse off.