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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 960x640, 20141114090600000000_7540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4792300 No.4792300 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ motivation tuesdays

>> No.4792375

Lambos and Yachts are for new money brainlets that hate money. I don't give a shit about any of that, not having to worry about finances for the rest of my days is the luxury I'm after.

>> No.4792401

Could have invested that yacht/lambo money into something that doesn't immediately depreciate and is impossible to sell. This is why you'll be poor forever faggot

>> No.4792437

I would suggest an extremely rare bottle of wine but you poor uncultured faggots can't appreciate anything but a white zin. Actual rich people will never let you in their club. Enjoy being looked down upon like Trump while you're stuck spending thousands a month maintaining a fucking boat

>> No.4792643
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see >>4792401

you're a cuck if you don't reinvest.

>> No.4793111
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>Wealth is measured as how bad you are at spending money

>> No.4793496

I'll park my lambo on my yacht.

>> No.4793555
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Yahchts are for dolphins

Islands are for whales

>> No.4793622
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No cool clothing and they got no bitches. I bought a gucci hat last week. Cost me $300 but it's gonna help me fuck girls who charge $3000

>> No.4793656


>> No.4793687

I woudlnt want in their club anyways. Those idiots spent the best years of their life working 60-90 hours for decades to be rich while we can simply trade our way to 21 btc and be at their level in 5 years.

>> No.4793704

yeah, except they dont show the mega houses they own, the jets they own but its in corporate name. The villas they own, yeah keep thinking your just supposed to have money in a bank account and do nothing with it

>> No.4793705
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>> No.4793716

Smart people don't buy yachts or lambos, they rent them if they feel like using one.

>> No.4793935


>> No.4794044

this guy gets it.
but if you have stupid money, where a yacht is trivial, then i say, enjoy your yacht.
but if you think your happiness is dependent on a yacht or lambo, you will never be happy even if you attain them.
good luck to all you beautiful faggots.

>> No.4794071

>>Wealth is measured as how bad you are at spending money
lovely trips
bad is a subjective term, but i see you

>> No.4794099

This sentence makes pussies dry up.

>> No.4794108
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look at all these gets

>> No.4794145

topkek, anon

>> No.4794209

ive lived on ships for the past 8 years.
i fucking hate living on land.
also, ppl naturally flock to you once they know you have a big ass ship
t. i day trade stocks and made a fortune off of btc and eth

>> No.4794258

>the virgin yacht vs. the chad ship

>> No.4794468

>not having to worry about finances for the rest of my days is the luxury I'm after.
Pfff, you're not even in new money stage, you're in that baby money zone.
Old money is about building empires and having your whole succession not worry about money for the rest of their days for generations to come.

>> No.4794499

>Old money is about building empires and having your whole succession not worry about money for the rest of their days for generations to come.
Sounds like a lot of gay shit to waste my life on when I'll be dead anyway. Empires and legacies are only worth something if you actually did something important like invent a revolutionary technology or process.

>> No.4794500

They aren't stupid if their didn't get the opportunity to be born in the right generation.
We're just lucky.

>> No.4794514

>building empires and having your whole succession not worry about money for the rest of their days for generations to come.
get on this guy's level.

>> No.4794540

timing is everything
dubs confirm

>> No.4794542

Every boat owner's happiest day is the day he sells his boat

>> No.4794550

Whatever, but you going around saying people are new money when you're all about the average Joe lifestyle is kind of rich.
Businessmen have empires, yet they did not invent a damn thing.

>> No.4794565

Yea create a legacy that's worthless when your great grandchildren become SJWs or are the complete opposite of what you envisioned

>> No.4794604

>he's actually been sailing or is a boat owner
i had a captain describe it to me once during a charter. he said if you want to have the experience of owning a boat without the total cost; get in the shower, turn it on cold and just start lighting money on fire until you don't want to do it anymore

>> No.4794618

>the "create a legacy" meme
Why concern yourself with things that happen after you're dead and gone? Never understood this.

>> No.4794619
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My favorite kind of threads.
Pic related is what motivates me to hustle.

>> No.4794639

Ask oldmoneys, I'm just saying what oldmoney is.

>> No.4794651

Better to rent out someone else's boat until you get sick of it, much cheaper. And the best part is you can rent out a different one when you're ready to rent a bot again so the novelty lasts longer.

>> No.4794668
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>that pitiful pool
Anon please. You deserve better.

>> No.4794696

>those tacky artificial cliffs

>> No.4794729

i agree. chartering is the best, don't have to worry about captaining the boat, staff to wait on you hand and foot and the food is awesome. even if i had the money, i wouldn't buy a boat

>> No.4794734
File: 77 KB, 842x391, winklevoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are gonna be like rich misers fuck that shit
i want to be like the winklevosses or richard branson
you fags want a 10million bank account while shopping at a thrift store eating from dollar stores.thats no fucking life at all

>> No.4794790

old money do have yachts, the difference between old money and new money is that new money walks around bragging about it. Old money will still have yachts and helicopters and jets...they just forward it to through the company holdings and write it off as a business expensive.

>> No.4794793

That looks like Notch's house.

>> No.4794801
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My ambitions aren't so crazy, but I definitely want to enjoy the resort experience a few times in my life.

>> No.4794813

Nah, Imma get a paramotor and enjoy my personal flying machine

>> No.4794852

it's nice dude. any of the One & Only resorts are worth checking out

>> No.4794879
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this guy

>> No.4794902
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The plebs who don't spend when they're worth like 20 million plus are just retarded


Obviously, if you're a billionaire, it's a little different.

The newmoney billionaires like Abramovich and all of those russian plebs have no idea what to spend their money on hence they buy 600 million dollar yachts that cost 2.5 million to refuel

Just stupidity. At that point it's worthless because tech advances so rapidly that the are literally pissing their money away

>> No.4794931
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>> No.4794942

>no one knows who discovered DNA, invented HTTP, or programmed Google search engine
>TRUMP towers everywhere
really made me think

>> No.4794955

Yatchs are fucking boring

>> No.4794961
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This is killing me

>> No.4794970
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it's possible for me too if bitcoin moons

>> No.4794972

Every home in Vegas over $300k looks like this.

Just make some baby money and move to Vegas brah.

>> No.4794992
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some indiana jones looking shit mang

shit makes my dick hard

>> No.4794997

Tim Berners Lee actually made an important contribution to humanity though. Memes aside, I'd rather pass away on my deathbed knowing I played an important part in the advancement of the information age than having a bunch of fancy buildings with my name on them.

>> No.4795024
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sometimes i look at these pictures and its like they are not real

a part of me doesn't believe they are real

>> No.4795032

anon that's tacky as fuck, are you a pajeet? That's literally how all the filthy pakistanis dress here in the UK.

>> No.4795041
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Yachts are shit, anything with a motor as primary power is shit.

t. sailboat owner

>> No.4795167
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They live together?

>> No.4795179
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yachts are nice but if you want to have it comfy you need a really big one with a crew. shit like that is just for billionaries. way too expensive

all i want is enough not to have to wagecuck. and preferably some extra for building a house

>> No.4795186

kanker kakker

>> No.4795422
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>yfw winklevoss is just bogdanoff in disguise

>> No.4795521

If I saw that hat I would have literally thought it was just a normal hat. I wouldn't even know about it's price. In fact, I find it incredibly ugly.

>> No.4795717
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My dreams are as follow:
1. Freedom from wageslavery.
2. Buy a decent house.
3. Build my own personal gym with everything I need so I don't have to waste time going to a public gym and sharing all the equipment.
4. Build my own library with hundreds of books.
5. Buy a Grand Piano.
6. Maybe travel to some random places.

With achieving the first point, it comes the rest. Obviously, I would keep reinvesting my money. Throwing it all away is incredibly retarded.

>> No.4795811

you're halfway there, anon. you're picturing it in your mind as if it's happening now. it will become your reality. you're going to make it.

>> No.4795874

Even if I had all the money in the world I still wouldn't do the superstar thing. If I were to spend a retarded amount of money on some dumb shit, I wouldn't buy a yacht or a mansion, I'd buy an old military bunker like that one anon from /diy/.

If I end up filthy rich I'm just going to live as a comfy hermit far away from everyone else.

>> No.4795918
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This nigga gets it.
I dont want a fancy life. I just want to shitpost and play vidya games for the rest of my life.

>> No.4795929


It's in Tempe AZ, and I think it was 2 homes? The owner had some interesting thing to do with the dot com boom with telephones


>> No.4795958
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Thanks anon.
Don't let your dreams be memes

>> No.4796327

Guy who used to work on yachts here. Just charter them. Don't own them. Figure 10% of the cost of the boat per year maintenance + staff, that's before you put a dime of fuel in it. I worked on a pretty big one and there was 32 of us, yes, 32 staff on this guys boat to keep it running. He had to pay all of us well, on top of all our expenses. On average people were making 70k, the captain was making ballpark 300k.

>> No.4796400

jesus fucking christ. must've been a big fucking yacht. what was your job? did you interact with the owner or guests? did you hit on the owner's daughter in a sleazy attempt to inherit some of his billions later

>> No.4796433

>Empty materialism

>> No.4796611

I hope to make enough gains to travel around the world. I'm planning on making my two jobs remote work. And I can make a consistent income while living in cheaper countries.

>> No.4796657

240' Benetti. No daughter, but lots of pretty women. I interacted yes, but on the bigger boats it's easier not to because they are designed so staff can kinda stay hidden easier.

First boat I worked on was a 129ft Broward. That was a smaller crew, 4 people. Captain, first mate (me), deckhand, and stew. That owned actually did have a daughter, we took the boat to the Bahamas with her and her friends once for her birthday and she brought back some black guy to fuck. She wasn't that attractive, just very slutty. She would bring drugs on the boat which would make the captain very nervous.

>> No.4796717
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>240' Benetti
Wouldn't buy it myself even if I had his means, but I have to admit the man has aesthetic taste in watercraft.

>> No.4796808

sounds like a decent job. why did you quit? also how did you get into it in the first place

also, any celebs or just random rich people?

>> No.4796809

Crazy how people think about dynasty wealth and making money for their children. Might as well burn the money

>> No.4796824

Yeah they are pretty, quality is okay. I'd put it mid-tier. Really the only good quality boat is a Feadship. If you get so loaded you have to buy a yacht, buy a Feadship.

I ran the tenders for the owner of the Benetti and he chartered a Feadship for a few weeks (sounds crazy, but, if you have your boat in the US and then want to travel to France for a few weeks and be on a yacht, you can't get your boat over fast enough so you charter) and took me and a few other staffers with (to run/manage his boats/toys for him which he air freighted), and it was a lot nicer of a boat. Most people who work on boats will agree with this. Problem is they are extremely expensive, like way more than an Italian one.

>> No.4796849
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>Not buying a fighter jet

Enjoy moving at < 200 mph and not performing mercenary airstrikes to make even more gains while you make gains

>> No.4796938

Random rich people. One guy made his money in stocks, another guy I'm pretty sure drugs, third guy foreign oil. No celebs as owners, they normally charter.

I quit because I got a better paying job where I didn't have to travel. He had to compensate for the fact that I now have to pay my living expenses, versus living on the boat the owner paid for everything. I went to school for engineering and then just kinda said fuck it since boats were paying better, but along the way met someone who hired me at their company. They wanted a mixture of hands on experience and education.

It's hugely expensive, I won't argue there. I can't imagine having so much staff just for my shit. I mean all these people had airplanes too, so, have to have two or three pilots on payroll too.

>> No.4796967

Smart contracts will allow you to preserve your legacy.
>be rich old man
>live in future with ultra-sophisticated artificially intelligent decentralized smart contracts
>spend my final years having the finest smart contract drafted by developers to manage my wealth after death.
>on my deathbed, deploy to the network and send the contract all my wealth in crypto
>tfw I die content knowing my descendents will only get dividends from the smart trust if they remain chaste until marriage, abstain from racemixing, and hold conservative views and politics for centuries to come.
>tfw the government can't do anything to stop the contract from carrying out my will.
Comfy feel.

>> No.4796978


>> No.4797006

where lie the differences in quality?

>> No.4797021

Where is this? It's beautiful, almost enlightening.

>> No.4797127

Everything from general build quality to engineering to ergonomics of the whole thing. Just better designers. If you open up hatches and stuff on these, they are all finished in the back, versus the italian stuff is all raw and unfinished. They aren't as pretty as the Italian stuff out of the box, but you higher a good design firm and they are: https://www.feadship.nl/en/fleet/yacht/madame-gu

>> No.4797157


>> No.4797186

never own a boat, always invest in a ship.

>> No.4797202

Thank you. Jesus fuck

>> No.4797343
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tfw ships can go to outerspace

>> No.4797389

>FUEL CAPACITY 280,000 litres

in europe that would be over 250k euro i think. just to fuel the damn boat

anyway nice looking boats