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File: 18 KB, 572x256, electroneum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4782610 No.4782610 [Reply] [Original]

Unstoppable and the Blockchain is still tested.

>> No.4783557

I'm holding shitloads and it's still a scam

>> No.4783581

tfw 1000%

>> No.4783606

Still the most profitable coin for mining at this moment

>> No.4783644
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1507448984802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, that means it's a good buy, right?

>> No.4783682

Yup. I'm up 44%.stay poor

>> No.4783711
File: 13 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't give genuine reasons for investment
>"stay poor"
>will probably tell me next that I don't buy, I will cry tomorrow

>> No.4783761

I just told you that it's the most profitable coin for mining at the moment. It has a 192% profitability according to what to mine.com and that is pretty much the reason why it went up so much. The will release the blockchain soon and too after testing it. Want more information? Do your own research

>> No.4783860
File: 58 KB, 679x769, 1512412433737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has a 192% profitability according to what to mine.com and that is pretty much the reason why it went up so much.
>he thinks the blockchain is not yet out when it is clearly explorable

>as long as you are not this poster take solace in the fact that no matter how bad things get in life, you will probably never be this stupid

>> No.4784299

ETN is a great pick

>> No.4784333

oh isnt it monero fork?

>> No.4784399

it will be good pick up after the ICO tokens are in circulation

>> No.4785130

Nice how initial investors are still left out and miners profit. What a shit show.

>> No.4785152


>> No.4785181

We need our fucking wallets now

>> No.4785205

What price do you think it will be after the ICO coins dump?

>> No.4786047

ETN is the future, ez money coming in

>> No.4786184

you really should dump before the release and all the pre sale coins drop on the exchange and the price plummets, then sure reinvest.

>> No.4786609
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 1512178662240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profitable mining
>2 days of straight mining earning 10 ETN = $1

>> No.4787147

>the coin picks up
>now the coins you've mined are worth hundreds of dollars
i know its thinkin faithfully but damn i want that cheddar bad

>> No.4787228

Considering its growth you could be rich in a few years

Can I buy ETN anywhere else than Cryptopia ? I hate this website

>> No.4787241

>implying this won't dump when ICO bagholders can actually sell their coins

>> No.4787279
File: 43 KB, 640x360, Baudouin IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is ICO interesting ?

>> No.4787361

People who bought in the ICO still haven't got access to their coins yet, which is like 95% of the total supply

>> No.4787462

But one can still buy these coins, no ?
They'll get access to their coins early 2018 while they'll destroy the remaining currencies ?

Sounds like it's going to be stillborn

>> No.4787932

Wanna know why you should buy Electroneum?
This is why:

> biggest ICO in history (even reached the goal of 40m$ earlier than expected (ICO price was 1ct/coin))
> based on monero blockchain
> only 2 decimals (easier usage + If you look at BTC it has a 21 000 000 coins supply, while having 6 decimals. Therefore its basically 21 000 000 000 000 coins, when ETN is "only" having 21 000 000 000 00)
> heavily marketing oriented team with the goal to bring crypto to the masses
> great app with simulated mobile mining & game (freebies are always great to give people an idea what its about. There is also a referal program which earns both parties 5 ETN for making people install the app and scan a QR code, which is also used for easily transfering ETN. The key lies in simplicity and making cryptos accessible for the usual normie.)
> already deals w/ a pr company & next. exchange (which directly sells coins like ETN for fiat currency)
> talks with a mobile carrier w/ 50m customers (and likely other companies too)
> currently being secured by hackerone (also used by uber, starbucks, etc.)

If you look at the current economy one sees a shit ton of awful products marketed well and selling like freshly baked bread.
This concept is transfered to this new space, while having a well usable product.
M A R K E T I N G, faggots.

>> No.4788206

Dumping this shit as soon as they release our wallets they have held hostage for a month. I have lost all faith in this awful company. Just another shitcoin to clog up coinmarketcap.

>> No.4788218

Nice bro, I'll gladly buy up your coins

>> No.4788261

I have 600k etn that i bought in ico and theres nothing i can do kek

>> No.4788331

When you consider that this has already 15x my initial investment, I don't give a shit what anyone says. This is a very very sound investment.

After watching the cryptorich interviews with Richard Ells, I'm feeling comfy. I imagine a few tards will dump when the coins are released, but give it 6 months and 15x could quite possibly be 100x

>> No.4788332

Why would you want to do anything? Enjoy your 600k$ when it hits 1$/coin.

>> No.4788368

Anyone calling "scam" is plain off retarded.
Why would a company whos goal it is to scam stop the ICO when theres still demand?Why would a company whos goal it is to scam buy itself on exchanges for 25k$?
Why would a company whos goal it is to scam hire fucking hackerone to secure safety?
Why would a company whos goal it is to scam show themselves openly and risk their other projects being fucked?

>> No.4788389

Theres no way it will reach a dollar theres no unique problem it solves

>> No.4788467

Agree brother. People here are just trying to scare others from investing, happens on EVERY crypto. I think it's just a mental disorder known as bitterness.

Actually it solves a pretty big problem, everyone would like to mine crypto, but it's too difficult, the idea of mining your phone bill every month is pretty lucrative. Even if it isn't cryptographic calculations and more like staking, thats a pretty good idea. It's free money. Who knows what else these guys have in the pipeline as well (read the roadmap).

>> No.4788492

It will solve the problem of mass adoption. A coin is only worth as much as the amount of people using it and due to marketing (app, game, referals, etc.) it will do exactly that. The aspect of 2 decimals will help a lot in that regard because of its simple usage, simplicity is key. They will market the app w/ sim. mining etc. as "earn free cash/crypto w/ doing nothing (or playing the game)" and the coin itself as a "bank in a smartphone" for 3rd world countries, which dont even have banks in the first place. The aspect of being a beginner-/normie-friendly crypto is just genius. Noone ever adressed the 99,5% "unknowing" people before.

>> No.4788529

Yeah most people are just mad they missed the lovely 1 cent (+%) price. I hate the fact that im a fucking 19 year old, who could only buy 100k ETN, but im looking forward buying another 50k when the dump occurs (hoping for about 2-3 cent at that point).

>> No.4788558

So why can't ico investors access their coins? Ah, yeah because the team has no idea of what they are doing.

>> No.4788578

kek and theres me excited cos I have 22,500 of them!! Good lad on 100k, just remember to some people you're like a fuckin millionaire ;)

To protect the coins from some fucker getting their deets and robbing them. Probably you.

>> No.4788597

Love it m8

You make good sense there. This is normie-gold.

>> No.4788602

More like the team does actually care about security (-> hackerone -> also used by uber, starbucks, etc.) and acknowledges the fact that their technological abilities isnt that high (I admire them for that, most people cant even accept when their wrong one time).
Theyre a M A R K E T I N G oriented team, their aim is to advertise and make this coin spread like a fucking wildfire and they know damn well how to accomplish that.

>> No.4788627

This was shilled like fuck to normies on facecuck. As soon as they get their hands on their coins they are literally going to dump them all on the market.

>> No.4788661

Nice fud bro. Biggest ICO in history dude, I think this is gonna do alright :^)

>> No.4788709

Yep some normies probably do. I'll be the one buying their coins and hodling the fuck out of them.

>> No.4788798

You got this correct. They are a marketing team and are trying to sell a product, which they can't even deliver because they lack the expertise.
You guys got shat on.

>> No.4788898

>15x initial in 2 months
>Got shat on

pick one

>> No.4788902

Take a look at cmc, dear friend. Does the rise of nearly 400% (from about 3 cent to nearly 12 cent) in a week appear to you like there is no demand? The products not even out, yet people are buying and buying. They proved that they actually care about their customers and arent scamming by any means, which is quite significant in this day and age. They didnt even unleash the full marketing potential they have with their 40m$. We'll see what the future brings :^)

>> No.4789302

So my question being, buy now or after dump? Pls help, n00b here.

>> No.4789408

I personally wait for the dump and then buy more. I think it can go down to 2-3 cents/coin.

>> No.4789651

>speaks of profit
>can't cash out

The only once making profit are the miners and they aren't even using their smartphones because the whole concept is a farce.

>> No.4789736

Noone talked about profit, he said its ~15x the initial price, nice way of abusing your inability to read to emphasize your weak assumption.
There are always 2 sides to the coin and if youd like to see it as a farce, go ahead.

>> No.4789978

Thanks. Looks like it's back up to 11 cent/coin.

>> No.4790011

> speaks about 400 % increase
> investors can't cash out
ETN is worth $0 until ICO participants have access to their coins and can trade on the market.

>> No.4790018

It's not going to dump anytime soon.

>> No.4790085

Seriously, how long until I can withdraw my coins? I don't even want to dump them, just have them stored and stuff. I think this can grow quite a bit in a couple years.

>> No.4790226

Most of the supply is locked u dumbfuck. Once it gets released this shitd going below a cent

>> No.4790292

There is one thing it was marketed for during the ico that would be a great thing if they can do it. They said it would eventually be a coin that could be sent fast and cheaply from mobile devices to sports betting sites. That would be great because Bitcoin is expensive and slow to use for gambling.

>> No.4790320

>implying something needs to be accessible for it to have worth

This is like saying gold stored in a back is worth nothing until youve got it at home in your safe.

I think it will, because about 95% of the ETN coins are locked. Therefore them being unlocked will cause the price to drop

Should be in about a week.

>implying I dont know about coins being locked
>implying I dont know about the soon to be occuring dump

I doubt its gonna be a cent, but I would love it to be, so that I can buy more.
This shit is longterm. Short term volatility means nothing, just as the BTC dump a few days ago where everyone was like "uh shit its gone now".

>> No.4790466

They'll suceed at that and at even more.
Just imagine ETN spreading in african countries or India. Most people there dont even have a bank account, but nearly everyone has got a 20$ android smartphone. ETN is basically a complete bank in your smartphone and the ease of use is just incredible. There are I think 3 billion smartphone users worldwide and they are part of ETNs target audience. I believe that this crypto is actually the one, which will be used as an actual currency as oppose to a gold-like asset.

>> No.4790499

When are they supposed to unlock the miners wallets?
I heard somewhere around this or next week.

>> No.4790516

And there is no doubt that we are currently in need of such a currency replacement. FIATs will crash in the next few years, because its just unsustainable and by bitcoin being in the news and hyped to a new extent people start researching it, stumble into the field of cryptos and actually think about our current monetary system which is based on debt.

Miners wallets are already unlocked.
The ICO wallets should be released this or next week, thats right. I've heard anything from 9th to 14th of december.

>> No.4790580

>Miners wallets are already unlocked.
implying selfgenerated wallets are ever locked

>> No.4790607

Yeah youre right, wasnt really necessary to mention that.