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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4783212 No.4783212 [Reply] [Original]

BWK is currently trading at 13k SAT.

BWK is holding a YouTube video contest for people to create videos.

The video with the most likes and views gets 1000 BWK (.13 BTC).

The video with the second most likes gets 500 BWK (.065 BTC).

The video with the third most likes gets 300 BWK (.039 BTC).


Anons - why don't you create some videos about Bulwark and circle jerk them on YouTube? I don't think there will be a lot of entries so the money might be fairly easy.

>> No.4783773


Come on, Mongolian fish farmers. None of you are the slightest bit interested in a simple contest with a solid prize? BWK going fucking gangbusters and 1000 of them is currently worth ~.13 BTC.

>> No.4784157

They could just hire a marketing firm...
or try to get idiots to do work for less than minimum wage