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4780488 No.4780488 [Reply] [Original]


I'm a big bag holder in Bitcoin & BCASH

High end 6 figures, very high end.

HOLD'd from 2012 when I swapped my billions from memescape to Bitcoin and bought a few with cash.

Approaching money where I could semi-retire and would kill myself if the bubble popped

Just made an account on an exchange and got verified and now I am stuck.

Do I sell? 50 percent? 75 percent? all of it and just daytrade like a meme?


I can't sleep anymore, I could sleep when I had 100k but now it's life changing money and I would seriously kill myself.

>> No.4780540

then sell 75%- 80% and hold the rest so you dont have regrets if it goes up. that's the smart way to do it. dont get greedy that's how you lose out.

>> No.4780545

Highly irrational. You make money and want to die?
Cash half of it and park it in “reliable” investments. I.e. stock and bonds. Blue chips.
At least that’s what I would do.

>> No.4780572
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>> No.4780604

cash out 500k and play the rest

>> No.4780605

Do not hodl it all. Sell enough to make you comfortable and let the rest ride. Keep in mind that you will not time it perfectly and you will look back and see that you could have made more if you did xyz... But you have made huge gains out of minimal investment so be happy about that. No regrets

>> No.4780613
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lol anon, I work borderline min wage job, I barely earn £14000 a year and walk in with a smile on my face knowing I have a huge stash of memecoins, I REALLY want to make it to millionaire status but I know I should cash out but I just don't know what to do.

anon, I have woken up and lost over 100k overnight when I checked the price in the morning and you don't understand how that feels, when it goes up you smile again.

I wish I was a meme trader trading shitcoins, I actually want to do that if I cash out for fun.

>> No.4780614

Find a nice house and realtor that takes BTC. You now have a solid asset.

>> No.4780616

take half. split that into savings and investments.

>> No.4780634

sell half

>> No.4780636

cash out enough to buy real estate and some vacation time

>> No.4780648

yeah this is right, honestly, visit a financial consultant. this is adult stuff now.

>> No.4780652

I'm thinking of selling half lads and will probably sell all my BCASH too... is that smart?

>> No.4780677


Alright m8 listen up or i'll foakin stick yer. Do you want to KYS and face the wrath of billions of people in the afterlife who would've killed to make a million doing jack shit?

Just cash out half and put it in reliable investments.

>> No.4780690

also any reviews on a medium risk fidelity account for say £400k?


I have a high risk mindset due to holding for so fucking long

bitcoin has gone mainstream and it scares me, even my fucking mother mentioned that someone at her work mentioned buying them and asked if I had any when I called her a few days ago.

it's going to fucking crash I know it

>> No.4780696

Yes. Sell half, hold some, exchange a bit into shitcoins to have fun trying to catch moon rides. And get a financial consultant.

>> No.4780718

Sell everything at once, we need a trigger for the dip, we are egding right now the slightest movement downward can trigger it off.

>> No.4780767

sell 75%, hire an accountant and use the rest to buy ETH. Bitcoin will pop within the next few weeks so ride it out in ETH and either stay there or buy back into BTC after the fright.

>> No.4780774

Don't sell bcash entirely; it's a shitcoin but you never know. Keep some at least in case (((they))) win.

If I were you I'd withdraw 30% into USD, keeping it on coinbase or the like that is insured, withdraw another 10% and withdraw it into real life stocks or simply cash in the bank.
With the other 60% I'd split it between some solid alts I believe in after some research. My main choice would likely be omisego since it has a real company with billions in partnerships already to justify a higher price upon blockchain release.

It really depends on what you want though.
Realistically cashing it all out and putting it in dividends promises you an okay life doing nothing. But in my opinion with such easy choices like OMG I wouldn't do so, especially since it will give dividends in the future.

>I have a high risk
You come off as knowing NOTHING about finances. Is that right?
You should withdraw 10% into USD/GBP to your bank and quit your job unless you enjoy it and learn about finances and investing. You have more than enough to work an hour a day researching investments and live very comfortably.

>> No.4780790

Earlier in the year I had a $1000 investment go up to $10000 in a month. I got greedy and decided to hold even longer. A few days later it crashed to $1500 and I lost out. That's when I learned not to be greedy. Cash out like 75-80% of it and diversify it. I'd put enough to live off of in your savings and reinvest the rest.

>> No.4780801

Begging begins in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.4780821

sell 25% now, 25% in 6 month, and you may be ok with the rest

You can even invest some in mining so you have a more trusted "source" of income

and retire =)

and give to poorfags for trying to give their best advice


Anyway you ll be swimming in pussy and booze one year from now if that's your wish

>> No.4780853

do NOT listen to this newfag if bitcoin drops it takes eth with it for a bit and you will prob panic sell. cash out 90% and enjoy your life. this crypto shit is mindnumbing and addicting and i miss being able to enjoy life without it

>> No.4780871
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>A few days later it crashed to $1500 and I lost out. That's when I learned not to be greedy. Cash out like 75-80% of it and diversify it
People with <$200k ignore this cuck
I did that meme when I went from $1800 to $50,000 and back down to $18000. Cashed out at $24k on a recovery bounce.

Withdrew and gained only a few percent in 4months, meanwhile using a simulated account (paper trades) in crypto. I would have been >100k right now if I stayed in.
Started rolling back in two weeks ago and I'm up to $37k already.

Do NOT listen to these "diversify" faggots unless you have more than enough for you to live comfortably. It's fine to sell, but do NOT fucking leave crypto. You WILL be disappointed. You WILL regret it. Keep the cashed out money in Coinbase where it's insured. Don't be this idiot.

>> No.4780876

>Anyway you'll be swimming in pussy and booze one year from now if that's your wish
Don't do this. That's how you lose everything. The biggest mistake people make is drastically changing their lifestyle and later realizing they can't keep it up.

>> No.4780878

First you need to rest, get a good sleep. Yeah, I'm telling you to shut the fuck up. Here is an exercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjg45ApZH9A

Meditate a bit, you can't take an important decision in your current state.

Now, think at what you want from this life. Do you have a plan? Yes? Then take 50% ~ 80% and work on that, keep the rest, forget all about BTC for a few years, they will go up even if the current bubble pop.

>> No.4780881

take profits dude. at least 50%. if you're really wise, 75%.

>> No.4780903

Hide in Monero. The smart money has only started accumulating. Zoom all the way out on that chart

>> No.4780911
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yeah I'm a huge newfag

>> No.4780926

we got a lot more growth senpai

>> No.4780949

I don't care if people stay in the crypto market. It's just that when you're making a lot you shouldn't have all your money in one coin. All it takes is one bad day to lose it.

>> No.4780959

Cash out 75%, keep enough purely liquid to pay off the mafia (IRS) and invest the rest into low-fee broad market index funds. Read up: https://www.bogleheads.org/

>> No.4781320

>It's just that when you're making a lot you shouldn't have all your money in one coin.
Alright, that I can understand.
I'd recommend 1 major investment, 2-3 medium investments, 1-2 minor ones or speculative ones, and a decent stack of USD to enter accordingly.

All in is a meme but so is diversifying in the way diversifying typically indicates.
I'd say going all in or very heavily in something solid like OMG on the $6 dip is fine though assuming you take profits eventually.

>> No.4781342

>just did a capital gains caluclator on HMRC
>owe nearly 200k in taxes
>not a millionaire anymore

fuck this shit, when it was around 70k in value I always planned to do it via cash trades and just keep my money from my job and use that money to live off until it eventurely became legit money and obviously use capital gains allowences each year but JUST.

>> No.4781465

the fact of the matter is the money doesn't exist in real life to you until you pay tax on it, so you'd better get used to it.

>> No.4781522

Just keep 100k in crypto, cash the rest out.

honestly, When 50% of my portfolio pays off my (((mortgage))) I'm going to sell, then ride the remaining 50% to lambo land.

>> No.4781544
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cash out enough money you feel is enough you can sleep with no problem. if it is 100%, so be it. if it is 90% and leave 100k which you said did bother you, then that's okay too.
pay your taxes, seek a financial adviser.

>> No.4781600

just move it into traditional investments (ETF, stocks, whatever) and live off the annual interest.

That's my longterm plan, just hit ~$1M or so and then just live a very modest, simple, NEET lifestyle off the ~5-7% annual interest and never have to work a job again.

>> No.4781752
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Cash out all. Wait for 18th. Buy back during dip. Plz gib coin now for the advice


>> No.4781760

That bubble is about to pop though.
Which will create a period of unprecedented growth* for cryptos.

*Yes, i'm aware of the enormity, but it's true.

>> No.4781792

Cash out 1/3, HODL the rest.

Also cashout into cash Using localbitcoins. Then spend it on drugs and hookers.

>> No.4781888

>cashing out 300-400k from localbitcoins without going to jail
do you have down syndrome?

>> No.4781942

sell your coins and buy philadelphia real estate

you dont even need to pay the tax, they can't get their shit together long enough to prosecute you... so just buy land or properties and hold until you start feeling the heat, then sell the properties, pay the back taxes and move on to other stuff

>> No.4782294

Sell half and hold rest and buy back when bubble pops
If you're generous plz help a poorfag