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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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474769 No.474769 [Reply] [Original]

Post your current job/career and salary. Need a feel for the job market.

>> No.474771

professional paper pusher, intern, 12 bucks an hour

>> No.474781

Costco merchandiser


Not bad considering I don't do shit

>> No.474782

Wow. For pushing paper, $12/hr is pretty good. Where do you work and what do you plan to do moving forward in this career?

>> No.474786

Financial Adviser $180K-ish

>> No.474788

correctional officer $34k with cool benefits/pension plan

>> No.474789

I work at the Toyota headquarters, I have no plan, I can apply for a full time position once I graduate, but the work is pretty bullshit, can't see myself doing anything related to what I do now after I graduate

how old are you OP?

>> No.474790

who do you advise to get paid that much?

>> No.474792

I'll do you one better and give you an equiv pay history:
No college. C- high school average.
Retail: $6/hr
Tech Support $9/hr
Help Desk $12/hr
Software Engineer $14/hr
Software Engineer 50k/yr
(move to silicon valley)
Software Engineer 100k/yr
Software Engineer 157k/yr+options
35 now. Not the richest life but the most fulfilling, for me.

>> No.474794 [DELETED] 

Wow great answers guys.
I don't know how to directly reply so regarding my age, I'm 16.

How are you getting paid this hard as a financial advisor? Do you work in the high net worth area or something?

How are you an engineer with no college degree?

>> No.474795


my firm manages about $500 mil in fee based portfolio advisory, mostly from high net worth individuals in our metro area

I am responsible for about $120 mil of the $500

I'm young though, my pay is shit tier compared to the old guard

>> No.474797

Current job: Sr. Software Dev
Salary: Base of 150k plus about 50k in bonus

This is after almost 20 years. Unless you get into management, the salaries can top out.

>> No.474800

Department Manager at a grocery store. $12.60/hr

Been working grocery stores for 4 years, since 17. Trying to get into an electrician apprenticeship currently.

>> No.474803

What kind of degree did you get to work in such a big advisory firm? Was it from a top school? And how long did it take for you to get to where you are? Were you recruited right after University or did you grind to get there?

Wow, software developers are making a lot these days then.

Quick question /biz/, Im planning on getting a B.comm in finance. I want to work in trading/banking. Its a mid tier school, what should I do to better my chances of getting work at good firms?

>> No.474807

>what should I do to better my chances of getting work at good firms?

generally, for all jobs, internships better your chances of getting work

experience > degree, remember this OP and you will do fine

as >>474792 has shown

>> No.474814


Magna Cum Laude in Finance and Accounting (Class Rank: 5) from an AACSB accredited business program.....i think like rank 50 US.

Had a ton of math courses as well though....the plan was eventually top tier MBA program and then Wall Street

I worked my ass off in school and work my ass off currently to get where i am. grinding is a part of life, 1 party per semester in college. 60/70 hour weeks now.

I interned in Junior year and then was recruited from there.

Pay since graduation (2008) went as follows: 33K, 45K, 66K, 90K, 100K, 120K, and 180K

>> No.474827

I've been told that networking is a valuable asset in finance. You seem like an important person, can I get your email? If I have future questions, maybe you could help guide me.

>> No.474830

I got started at 6, with my uncle's old computer. Software Engineering is one of the trades you can do with just skills.

But I'm not a prodigy by any means. I took my first computer apart at 19 with that tech support job. I meet people every day who know amazing things. I just really enjoy what I do and I try hard to make up for what I didn't learn in CS.

>> No.474835

Warehouse manager /truck driver
21 per hour
But a lot of bull shit to deal with

>> No.474836

Post more salaries, professions and the grind /biz/

>> No.474845


Networking was just as valuable if not more valuable than my academics. Remember in finance, to play at a high level, it is just assumed that you are top tier already.

Now my livelihood is networking. It is THE financial skill, bar none.

I don't know about important, just focused on money-making.

won't share my email though, I'm sure you understand

>> No.474854

How about a secondary email? Just so I have someone in the business that I can talk to.

>> No.474856


200k with bonuses

>> No.474858

you'll meet people in real life, at your university, you're only 16, you have time

>> No.474861

hey man, I've got a year left on my applied math degree, I've got a few questions for you m8

what you major in? how many tests have you taken? how do you like your job?

>> No.474867

Not taking no for answer ;) Provide me with something

What? No way an actuary earns that much! I thought they earned somewhere between 100-150k and that's by the end of their career?

>> No.474869

I've worked as a management consulting intern.

Made nothing.

Thinking of becoming a chef and saying fucking business. Opening up my own restaraunt sounds like it'd be awesome.

>> No.474874

That internship should be invaluable to employers, shouldn't it?

>> No.474884

I majored in actuarial science, no surprises there.

I'm done with my exams

i love my job.

starting salary out of school is likely 60k with 2 exams passed. with an raise for every exam and with 2 raises for designations, it's kind of hard not to get to 100k by the time you're an FSA. add experience and annual raises and you've got your answer.

>> No.474885


It sounds pretty good but generally the rule of thumb is that if they arent paying you good for the internship it probably isnt worth shit.

>> No.474887


>> No.474892

>get paid 6700 per month for internship
>get offer for 7800 per month

I still have no idea why they paid me so much as an intern. Kind of disspointed that the full time compensation isnt higher.

>> No.474923

Engineer in Silicon Valley,
90 + ~25bonus (27y/o)

Last year I was Head DBA in LA for 72k

Job in LA sucked (I mean the company, being a DBA is pretty fun). Current company is amazing. It's like a complete 180.

>> No.474924

Medical coder

>> No.474938

Financial Analyst with a degree in accounting (sub 3.0 major GPA). 60k plus 10% bonus after 2 years experience.

>> No.474939

Accounts Receivable Manager, 43k base salary few thousand a year in bonuses, company car, company phone.

>> No.474959 [DELETED] 
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Online Freelance writer, working out of Macedonia.

Approx. 800 USD a month,

Tits for fun.

>> No.474968

Equipment Operator

>> No.474972

Graduated with bs in finance making 60k/yr as credit analyst
After 4 years moved to PE shop buying debt to take control of businesses and turn them around, making 200k per year including bonus

>> No.474974

Registered Massage Therapist; 60-80 dollars an hour.
Self employed, very little overhead, work whatever schedule I feel like (if I book it in advance). I'm good at my job and very amiable, so I get a lot of referral buisness.

I can make around 1300 dollars a week if I work 20-25 hours.

The schooling was actually pretty tough, but it pays off really fast if you're able to be self-employed with a good client base.
(I live in BC, Canada, where the standards are very high to actually be an RMT).

>> No.474975

cad drafter

19/hr + bonuses

>> No.474977

So after 4 years as a credit analyst, you moved into buying troubled company's debts (therefore owning them) and restructuring them for a profit? Did you graduate from a top school because jumping from 60k as a credit analyst to debt buying 200k seems like a huge jump.

>> No.475007

junior in college
made 12k over the summer
will be making 12k over next summer and 85k+bonus upon graduation

>> No.475050

Wow, high base salary! What did you major in?

>> No.475158

Your range of employability with a CS degree is much wider than mine.

>> No.475218

Plumber in Australia, working for a small company doing new homes.
52K a year after tax plus super.

>> No.475235

audit staff

kill me already

>> No.475274

Lawyer, junior-partner

170k pa in USD, excluding boni

>> No.475434

Damn, ain`t there any binman? Wake up early, do it as proper cardio, finish early, pocket all 10-12 hour shift in 5-6 hours, get double/triple pay for overtime/public holidays, is it bad?

>> No.475462

graduated last year
life is suffering

hoping to move into financial IT soon and start earning real money

>> No.475476
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Yeah, sitting in front of screen 9-17 and having 30k pounds/year for headaches is a bit masochistic and rises question - do you live to work or you work to live?

>> No.475477

actually i enjoy my job. there are very few jobs i would rather do. i just want to earn more money!

>> No.475479


I mean, I'm interviewing at a small investment bank today and that's unpaid and should be pretty valuable. I think, if I get it, the experience should eearn me at least $60k cause I'll be working on Private equity deals and i'll be doing a lot of modeling/valuation on the IB side.

But it's unpaid.

>> No.475480

Amazon.com data center tech, $101k last year and should hit about that this year.

>> No.475484



With commissions about

Yes it's a shithole. Eastern Europe.

I know spoilers don't work here.

>> No.475494

If you enjoy it, then don`t moan bout monies, there are more people in the world that hate their job and only reason for them to do it is amount of money. 5-10k/y more but horrible coworkers/managment ain`t worth it, even 30k/y more ain`t worth it if you can`t enjoy your work, due that you spend most of your life working . /damn i`m drunk/

>> No.475612
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Where the FUCK are these internships that pay you guys that much? I can't find any internships that pay more than 10 bucks, and a lot of them don't have any payment at all.
Grad year Bachelor Business Engineering, in case that matters.

>> No.476047

>Where the FUCK are these internships that pay you guys that much?

You need to be in a tier 1 metropolis. Higher living costs and more competition for top minds means higher pay. The financial tech interns at the firm I'm at get a rate of 5.5k a month for their 10 week summer internship.

Software developer at an investment firm
Mid 130k
6% 401k match at 100%

>> No.476184

What exactly is this? What all do you do? How do I into? What cities pay that high for it? Requirements? Why don't you do shit?

>> No.476211

Got a $25/hr internship this summer (low cost of living area). The trick is to be stupid and black.

>> No.476236

Welder. $45,000/yr net.

>> No.476242

UPS delivery driver. On track to clear $90,000 this year

>> No.476304

Civil engineering technician. No college. $40/hr. I cut myself back to 3 days per week cause I really don't need the money. Great job though if you like to travel.

>> No.476310

HNNNNNNNNNNG. Please answer these in relation to your career: >>476184
Also, do yo work for yourself or a company or what? Pros and cons of your work?

>> No.476973

Where did you intern?

>> No.476977

Jesus, are you an intern?

>> No.476983

Timeshare salesman. $11,000 a year (minimum wage). Bonus puts me closer to $100,000, though.

>> No.476988

Currently working for $10.00/h in the office that gave me my first paid internship.
Freshly graduated (summer semester). Looking for my first full-time gig.
How do I break that wall, /biz/?

>> No.476994

Programmer/manager/jack of all trades in a financial company. Get about $150k a year.

>> No.476998

Emergency Medical Technician/Firefighter

"Working" average 80 hours a week, which puts me making around $18/hour on average.

Working is in quotes because I work in a private industrial area, no residential, very few calls. I ran 7 last year total woohoo. Basically hang out at the station all the time, get paid to train, sleep, and play video games. Also going to school online, which the department is paying 50% of four me to get my bachelor's in business.

Pretty sweet gig, low cost of living part of the US

>> No.476999
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*for* not four. Auto correct

>> No.477022


All I do is stock the shelves and keep shit organized.


>> No.477034

Physical therapist in Iceland

3.3k a month

>> No.477505

Shipping and receiving


about $28k after taxes

I need something better.

>> No.477512

NEET, €900 a month

>> No.477519

associate systems engineer
70k + benefits and bonus
next year ill make 100+

>> No.477700

Line Technician
>not electric like in your photo but I run a line in a factory with 4 people under my management.
$17.5 per hour

>> No.477769

Investment Analyst

60k base for 1st years + 30-40k bonus

>> No.477777

>Magna Cum Laude
why do I laugh at this, every time


>> No.477871
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because you're an Amerifat who pronounces the Latin U as "uh" instead of "oo".

>> No.477882

I pump fuel. Paid $24 per hour, $32 on Sundays and a shit ton of other penalities I couldn't care less about.

Earn $600 a week waking up at 10:00, and doing whatever the fuck I want during the day. 2 or 3 days off a week, depends on if I want short shifts or long shifts for the week.

10 years+ worth of retail store manager experience! I work as a part timer, rock up fix their stock management ordering! work to reduce costs and increase profit. I earn the ability to do whatever I want.

... I tend to spend most of my time on the stock market, flipping websites, writing a book on pulling your small business out of the shitter or fucking about in /Biz/....

>> No.477884

Also, fucking iPad is obsessed with !'s. I don't speak or type like a drug addled 15 year old girl.

>> No.477897

Yea, I know. Disgusting buggers

>> No.477900

Garbageman, ~190k $ a year.

>> No.477924


1700$ net a month plus 150$ tips (subsidized accommodation costs 150$ so break even).

I guess its ok, I'm not well educated and suck at most things, I just want to invest this safely and retire early.

>> No.477930

professional shitposter

5 buttcoins every post

>> No.477935

Patent examiner, $113,744 a year with yearly (later on less frequent) pay increases.

>> No.478512

phone jockey at portable x-ray lab office. I take orders from nurses that barely speak English for 22/hr

>> No.478546

Supply Chain Associate, $18/hour now on contract, will go up to $22 in 5 months

>> No.478557

P/t Medical Assistant $11/hour
Something like $14,400 a year before taxes and what not. Just started.

>> No.478563

Went to school for geophysics, got a job in the oil industry on the data management side making 85k a year. Fucking job blows, and I'm doing my best to make the move over to financial analysis

>> No.478691

Timeshare sales, $11.00/hr + commission.

After commissions, my average hourly is about $32.00/hr

>> No.478700

Where are you working that pays base? Also, what's your APG/VPG? And commission structure?

>> No.478703


1st year out of university, CFA candidate writing level 2 soon.

Capital Markets : Mortgage backed security securitization and settlements

45K + bonus

>> No.478709


What company, buy or sell side, equity research?

>> No.478714

>bin assembly (make / push around wooden crates)

>> No.478725

No, pretty unknown school
Credit analyst pay was 60 -> 70 > 75 > 85, pe jump bumped it to 120k, other 80k us bonus but could easily be 0 next year. Hours went from 9-5 up to 7-9 as well so it's rough.

1 more year til bschool

>> No.478726

Bioinformatics Analyst, £58k

>> No.478761

Bluegreen, retail marketing. Don't get paid on APG/VPG. Commission is all overrides and tiered.
Commissions structure is tiered and retros, on a weekly basis.
$40 + 5% on 1-2
$60 + 7.5% on 3-4
$70 + 10% on 5-7
$85 + 15% on 8+

So 8 packages a week, with $1800 in package sales would be $950 in commission plus my salary. I generally do 12-15 packages a week.

I'm selling the tours to get potential customers on property.

It's like OPC, but in a retail environment, and we're not contractors.

>> No.478950

buy side. primarily fixed income

>> No.478951

admin derp $40k

>> No.478954

Pizza delivery driver, I make about 450$ a week doing 20 hours of work. Gas efficient & reliable vehicle, so gas only costs me $35 a week.

It is fucking easy and allows me to have a ton of free time to pursue things that actually make me happy, which is music and writing.

I've always been a frugal / non-consumer kind of guy so this is plenty of money to rent my house with 2 roommates and do whatever. I have like 4k in the bank for an emergency.

>> No.478997

whats better to specialize in equity research or fixed income, for job growth and salary

>> No.478999

The bond market is several times the size of equity markets, so you will have more diverse opportunities working in fixed income; insurance, pension funds, municipal finance, etc. Equities will pigeon hole you into major financial centers like NYC, Boston or Chicago.

Everyone thinks they can trade stocks, but its mostly professionals who trade individual bonds

>> No.479042

I'm with you on getting tours in. I understand that, but is your commission also based on whether they buy or not? I'm assuming package sales refers to actual timeshares, but $1,800 is nuts. How cheap is Bluegreen?

I work as a frontline rep for Wyndham. Minimum wage recoverable draw, retroactive bonus levels monthly, and 7% on all sales.

>> No.479057

Assistant manger at Walmart - 43-50k a year depending on bonuses

Hoping to move to a store manager position at a (significantly) smaller store somewhere and then progressing to bigger and better things from there.

>> No.479071

fixed income is the heart of the financial system. if you cover junk bonds or emerging/frontier markets you will always have opportunities. i lucked out and covered emerging market corporate junk and had headhunters knocking down my door once i had 2 years exp.

>> No.479090

Just filling out my Mercer summer internship application, hoping to soon be part of the Actuary master race.

>> No.479103

I basically enter pricing into an SAP system and clear deductions for a food broker.
Not bad for a highschool dropout.

>> No.479118

Graduated with a 2.9 GPA
BS Biology from a state school.
My first job out of college was working in aseptic manufacturing (inject-able drugs) for $14.25/hr. Long hours, overtime, weekends, hated it.

I'm now a Research Associate in a public university epigenetics research lab (Less than a year)

$29,000 base salary
$5,000 retirement benefits
$2,500 tuition benefit (which I take advantage of for grad courses)

So about $36.5K total including benefits.

I could make more money in a different job, but i kinda like my current job.
(Quality control, process engineering, Laboratory analyst, in local pharma companies)

They're hiring...thinking about switching and making more like 50-70K.
Should I?

>> No.479122

Sales Manager @ Private Utility Company .... 12 an hour + commissions. I'm about to make 50-60k this year depending on how everything pans out these last few months

>> No.479123

How does one get into this? any special training required?

>> No.479165



It's a dirty, tiresome job.

>> No.479170

Day trader
$50 a day

>> No.479199


$500 a day

>> No.479203

Human Resource Consultant. Mostly organisational design and restructuring. Move into a company, 5-6 month contract. fix the shit. leave.

Average 150k/year. Changes though, all contract to contract work.

>> No.479205


Bearing in mind this is AUD and with our cost of living, probably equates to 100k USD.

>> No.479209

commodity trading, 70k

>> No.479214

How many hours a day do you trade?

>> No.479217


>> No.479231


I only go where I'm invited mate and I only offer my advice. Your bosses ultimately choose, should probably blame them :)

>> No.479236

Few questions:
How did you get the job?
Any bonuses?
Stress levels?
Requirements for job?

>> No.479243

delivery driver, £2300/month after tax, I also made about 15k from stock market (though it was pure luck rather than skill)
I am single, have my own accommodation and hardly socialise, hardly spend on anything other than food, so it ok

>> No.479618

I drive about 30 minutes away to panhandle in a wealthy part of northern Texas. I will sometimes take my girlfriend and have her pretend to be pregnant and panhandle too. For about six hours a day, we typically make anywhere between 400 - 700$ each. So lets go mid-range here, 550$ a day from each of us.

1,200$ a day. Five times a week. 6,000$ a week. We work one week out of the month because we are both going to school and live in an apartment together that is only 1,200$ a month.

So yearly is around 72k or 36k each. Not bad since we barely work and we're both 20$ Doing it once a month helps to make us look like we're not regulars. We have 8 fantastic spots to panhandle from, and we swap it up every day we work. All we have to do is come up with a story about how our parents died and we lost everything. People will often buy us lunch too.

>> No.479620
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Air Force Still Photography Specialist rank E-3

$21,089, full benefits, get to travel the world.

Using the GI Bill for college when I get out, saving as much money as possible and contributing to a 401k at the same time at the age of 19.

I had enough college credit hours to join as an E-2 thanks to high school college level courses.

>> No.479624

College: B.A. in Business Admin, Haas School of Business (US Top 10)

Employed: Analyst, Tech Risk Assessment
Work for a big Tech Consulting firm in the bay area.

$70k/yr, Typically 40-50 hour work weeks (60-70 hours maybe five weeks out of the year but solid overtime).

Great work life balance. Currently 25, out of college three years now. Worked pretty hard in college but had a lot of fun most weekends. Definitely not one party a semester haha.

>> No.479635

Sweet, another actuary-bro.

I meandered into the career after going to grad school for pure math and quitting with a Masters (which is essentially useless for actuarial pursuits).

Anyways, I'm at 88K after two years with two exams left. I'll hopefully be done next summer and with the exam raises and credential raise I'll be well over 100K (as you mentioned).

>> No.479657

Coastie on the GI Bill here.
That's awesome man, I wish I had know about interesting gigs like that in the AF before I decided on a branch.
Save your money, at least 10%.

>> No.479660

junior java dev with "1 year" (0 years) experience: 68k

have a bachelors in electrical engineering and dropped out of my graduate program before finishing a masters.

>> No.479662

Comp Sci major here.

How did you get a programming job w/o a directly related degree and little experience? Did you take some programming classes in school?

>> No.479666

Senior Data Analyst, Merchandising Team

$89,000/year base, plus bonuses and 15% off all company stock I decide to purchase.

>> No.479667

$300 hourly, 5-10k per week

>> No.479680

Seriously? I'm an audit intern making 25/hour...

You're getting shafted bro

>> No.479710


What qualifications do you have going in?

Bachelors degree? Masters? CFA?

>> No.479721

No I don't get paid on whether they buy. The "packages" I sell are the tours. Basically we sell them a 2-5 day hotel or resort stay dirt cheap, and in return for the discounts and the gifting we give them, they go sit through the timeshare presentation. Our package prices range from $99-$699, that's where the $1800 is coming in, most of the packages I sale range from $99 to $199, my APP is like $176.

I'd never work Wyndham, Silver Leaf or Grand Crowne again.

Bluegreen comp plans are too good, and it's fucking easy to move up the corporate ladder.

I'm a rep right now, but I just came back to the company. I was a retail marketing manager for 2 years and was making $150k+

A good friend of mine is a National Direction and I've got 2 other friends who are both District managers.

Your average retail marketing rep is making $55k, and some are making upwards of $200k.

I've never worked in another company with such a rich corporate culture.

>> No.479727


Working at a dollar store.

In my free time, I'm living in and fixing up this house that my lady inherited from her hoarder mother. Learned how to do basic plumbing, carpentry, and I'm now teaching myself electrical wiring (taking that part slow, don't want to kick it just yet). After we're done, I might try and get into renovating and flipping houses in NOLA.

>> No.479732

Alright. Gotcha. That's pretty damn good.

I like Wyndham's culture, though. Lateral movement is piss easy, and vertical is only slightly harder. The scope and size of the company is what makes me love it. Franz Hanning was a rep something like 30 years ago, so that's encouraging.

Just found out we're looking to increase the draw and make it non-recoverable. Doesn't matter that much, as I'm doing well. Been working for two months and I'm on track to clear 6 figures my first year.

>> No.479743

stick with bro. Timeshare is awesome, the travel perks are amazing. I'm just now going back to bluegreen after a few months of trying cars. My wife worked at bluegreen too, and between the two of us we cleared 130k January thru April this year.

Being a rep in retail marketing pays better than management if you're good. So I think I'll stick to being a rep this time until the store I want opens up.

National Harbor in Maryland is the the single best time-share marketing store in the country. Maryland residents aren't required to take the tour, and they can still cash in on the cheap deals, so they never say no to the packages.

I've sold a little bit of everything since I started my sales career, and timeshare has been by far the most exciting and lucrative.

>> No.479757

No travel for me yet. Too green.

This is shaping up to be a shit month, though. Two rescissions last month put me on the bottom of the wheel, so I'm going on the draw like a pleb. This is my first legit job after school. I'm starting young enough that $40k would be awesome (I'm 22), so this money is retarded to me. Thinking of heading to Vermont or DC.

I hope you're not the nigger who books 80 year old tours living off SS. Our marketers piss us off like crazy sometimes.

I can say that I hate Bluegreen owners, as, for whatever reason, we can't trade their ownership in for points with us. It's a bitch to get them to buy a new ownership.

>> No.479785

Bluegreen owners get a pretty good deal on the RCI exchange, so yeah they're a hard sale once they own with bluegreen.

So yeah they're a hard sale with other timeshare companies once they own.

I sell well qualified buyers, if you sell too many shitty leads you start getting sales alerts which can really affect your pay.

>> No.479790

Junior Web developer.
50k a year. First job in the field.

>> No.479797

Not just the exchange (Our trading power is better and we don't pay a membership to RCI as Wyndham owns it), but your maintenance is pretty low. Normally we can do something with an RCI affiliate, but for whatever reason, Bluegreen doesn't play nice.

>> No.479808

Maintenance is low because of the way their ownership system is setup. Bluegreen only own and operates like 60 properties, They have a retail marketing plan that actually turns a profit before the sale so that helps, carnival pays Bluegreen for their partnership, and Bluegreen takes massive shares of the profits from their partner resorts, Like Big Cedar(the bass pro shop resort)

>> No.479812

Frac Operator in the Oilfield in Canada.
Base Salary: 35,400
Day bonus: 140- 220 with the potential to get two bonuses in one shift
Meal Allowance: 45 per day, of which I maybe spend half so thats extra banked cash
Safety bonus: 15% of day bonus if there are no recordable incidents during shift.
RRSP match up to 6%
Stock program: Every 6 months can buy 5000 in company stock at a 15% discount of its lowest value over the previous 6 months.
Average annual Salary of 80-105k
Pretty sweet gig if you dont mind being away from home. The work is insanely easy. No requirements whatsoever, I didnt even have a commercial drivers license when i started, they paid for it for me. Oh and I Canada the Oilfield grinds to a halt for spring break up when all the roads turn to muck, most guys dont work, but my company is a large international and they send us down to the US which is really nice.

>> No.479829

Not bad, for a shitty high school student!

>> No.479834

Holy shit! That pay is kinda crappy... But all that other stuff really makes up for it doesn't it? Those oil jobs are pretty dangerous, but hey - they're in high demand.

>> No.479854

Yeah the base pay is meh, but 100k without a highschool diploma is pretty hard to find.
Fracing is not super dangerous, combined with the fact that my company is anal as fuck about safety and we rarely have injuries. there have been 2 lost time injuries so far this year for all of North America. Which technically makes it safer than my old job at Costco. Tons of room for advancement too because of high turn over. 4-5 years to make supervisor, which comes with a higher base,bigger bonuses, a truck, cell, and laptop.

>> No.479919


Currently learning Python and C, tired of being neet any advice on freelancing? How much knowledge should I have before beginning should I have? How much should I charge.


>> No.479994

t-t-thanks goys

>> No.480017

Also in Canada. How do I get in on this? I don't wish to be a neet anymore, didn't finish highschool.

(I really hope you're still here)

>> No.480028

Costumer Service Representative
42k +commission
I'm currently studying to take my series 7, once I pass I'll be able to go up in the company.

>> No.480030

What company do you work for? I will apply immediately if no requirements...

>> No.480113

Freight conductor for the RR. 1st year was 60k.
after 4 years I will make 90k to 100k, depending on how much I decide to work.

Train engineers make about 10-20k more than conductors, but god damn is it boring being an engineer.

>> No.480132

trust fund faggot, I don't do shit but drink,watch porn and day trade online...pretty meaningless life now that I think about it.

>> No.480149

Mechanical Engineer, just starting out. £26k/year now; I've been told I can expect my pay to rise a lot quicker here than in other professions, but I don't know how true that is.

>> No.480151

Wait, hang on, I meant £29k/year. I have no idea how I managed to forget how much I'm paid.

>> No.480187

I harvest women's placentas for a biotech company. The pay is wonderful, but it's commission only and no benefits since I'm per diem ATM. I make 125 or 150 per case, with an average of 2 cases per day. My gas and food is also payed for by the company. Not too bad, but it's a lot of paperwork.

>> No.480198

Freelance consultant for Cryptography and data analytics.

Its less than it sounds since I have to pay absolutely everything out of my own pocket.
Also if I dont find clients, i get no salary.

>> No.480205
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he he he
Me too
>Magna.. Cum.. Laude
Magnum.. Cum.. Loud..

>> No.480206

quints for truth.

>> No.480218

Applying online seems to get you no where in my experience. You will need to come to Red Deer AB. The industrial area is in the north of the city, take your resume (it doesnt need to be impressive in the least) and ask to speak to the Frac Manager. If you only have a class 5 license it might take a while, Class 1 basically means instant job. Baker Hughes is currently hiring class 5 guys. Other places to apply at are Sanjel, Calfrac, STEP, Canyon, High Arctic, Halliburton, Schlumberger. If your nervous about moving out get your class 1 first and I guarantee you will have an instant job.

>> No.480219

Baker Hughes. You will need to move to Red Deer or Grande Prairie. Dont apply online come out in person or at least call by phone.

>> No.480220

American Airlines Fleet Service Agent

11.38/hr (top pay is 22 though)

>> No.480223

Firefighter/Paramedic in USA
14.53 hr + built in overtime = 47k/year.
4 overtime shifts a month =25k/year.
Side job = 15k/year.
Rental house, tenant's cover mortgage + 50/month extra.
Total is around 90k/year.
After taxes + insurance ~65k take home.

>> No.480255

IT, Active Directory Engineer $104,500/year
15 years experience
Job is up to 75% travel. Two years ago I was away from home every week for 14 months. This year I've scored a work remote gig and have been home for 6 months.

Associates degree in Business from Shit-tier online school 5 years ago. 3 MCSEs, CCNA/CCNP, and a pile of other IT Certs

>> No.480256

>Emergency Medical Technician/Firefighter
I'm sorry. That's just wrong. This service is worth so much more than this. Thank you for what you do. I'm sorry the world doesn't value your services properly.

>> No.480258

>I pump fuel. Paid $24 per hour, $32 on Sundays and a shit ton of other penalities I couldn't care less about.

New Jersey?

>> No.480272

Same here but I make $21.50 as a Butcher manager.

>> No.480326

Pre-registration Pharmacist
£18,500pa (it's like £8.50/hour)

Once registered the wage is £31,000... still piss poor for full time "I could have killed somebody today" work. Shit peaks at £41,000pa though so I'm aiming to leave the profession or practice in the USA asap.

Masters degree, low wage hell
I can't buy a house on these wages!

>> No.480328

Top fucking lel. I pump gas in New Jersey and I know Gas Station managers who don't make that much.

>> No.480334

I flip burgers at Burger King.

>> No.480344

Wyndham is in an acquisition phase. Our maintenance is competitive in the industry, but it remains steady due to the scope of the company and the fee structure (It's all pooled into a trust)

>> No.480346


>> No.480365

I work on the assembly line in a factory.

Making 24$ an hour.

>> No.480373


How much are you making an hour?

>> No.480384

Software QA

This is with a CSC degree and about 3 years of experience. Also got laid off by my previous employer after they were bought out. I started out at $35k/yr there and only got 2.5% raises each year. They also had a phantom stock program, so as a result of the buyout I'm supposed to be getting more money from them after they pay off their debts.

>> No.480527

I'm explaining something to a fellow industry professional. It's not a piece of marketing literature.

>> No.480630
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Would a major in Actuarial Mathematics be just as good as something like actuarial science or applied mathematics or a general mathematics major? I'm only planning on getting a bachelors. Also what are these exams you're talking about? + With a bachelors and a decent gpa, should finding work in nyc be a problem (or how saturated is the market in general)? Thanks in advance.

>> No.480646
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67k, software engineer

Don't do anything too complicated. Most of my job involves deploying code for the devs and other minor operational tasks. Recently we've just started automating all of our deploys, but it's highly used software ($100mil+ from clients), so a lot of care is needed to make sure the program is flexible enough to deal with any errors that come up. Some weeks I do almost nothing, others I'll work until 10pm or start at 6am on a Saturday.

From a career perspective, I don't expect significant growth (see: 180k guy ITT), but its a good starting point. Hope to reach near 90k within 5 years. May need to hop companies eventually, but I'm happy with where I am in life.

>> No.480734

Quality control in a stamp factory
work 6 day no free time
I hate my job

>> No.480954

It doesn't make any difference. Just pass your actuary exams.

Ifs incredibly saturated. There are tons of Asians who get their bachelors in china and come here for grad school, where they get a masters in actuarial science and pass 3-4 exams. Unless you're at least 2 exams, 1 internship, and a degree with decent gpa and great communication skills to beat out the non-native English speakers, you're screwed.

>> No.481175

Cook, $15.19/hr

I hate my life

>> No.481177

Cashier $9 an hour

>> No.481200

Manufacturing technician, semiconductors, nightshift. 75k/year(~60k if dayshift).

>> No.481233

I want to know how people got their apprenticeship in trades. I always wanted to do electrical but my parents forced me to try a year of University. I did a year of engineering with okayish grades (3.0 gpa), hated it and knew I wanted to do something more hands on.

I've spend tons and tons of hours creating resumes and cover letters explaining I have more than the required knowledge in maths and physics to even be a journeyman electrician but no place will take on any apprentice unless you've done a pre apprenticeship. I'm been on the waitlist for a pre apprenticeship for 6 months but the problem is the waitlist here at all school for electrical is like 2 fucking years, all for what? to learn safety shit like WHMIS and math I already know?

I feel the only way to get into a company to train you as an apprentice (besides the pre apprenticeship) is through connections, which I don't have. I don't want to continue working the same grocery job, I hate myself for listening to everyone and not going into the pre apprenticeship right out of highschool. And I fucking hate even more how DOZENS of companies are hiring 1st yr apprentices but want you to have the pre apprenticeship done even though I know I have the knowledge of all that shit already.

>> No.481275

motel night auditor 7.25/h

wish i was back at disney

>> No.481276

shit man, I am a hotel night auditor and I am making $14.52/h + $100 in tips a week. I feel bad for you friend

>> No.481281

jesus christ id kill for that, even if this shit wasnt automated for me

why are you being tipped

>> No.481284

It is a fancy pants full service hotel (RevPAR is like $170 every night) and we have to do room service (microwave food, and then take it up to the room) and valet cars.

In the summer it is endless weddings so it is pure hell, but drunk people will tip you for anything, and in the winter it is all Pro and Collage teams, our audit isn't auto, so it takes me like 3 hours a night, but the rest of the time is spent browsing 4chan every night)

>> No.481285

what I would recommend for you if you want to be paid more is to work your way up to fancier and fancier hotels, and always apply to any openings and see if they will pay you more. Because $7.25 is disgusting and you deserve WAAAY more than that.

And hotels are always looking for auditors, so bounce around to whatever pays the most

>> No.481291

oh i see, yeah that makes sense, highway motel doesnt offer too many luxuries

i really doubt i "deserve" more (at this particular place anyhoo), since i do at most an hour of work to ''prepare'' breakfast and clean plus whatever whatever someone bitches about or checks in

which is going to be little, for the whole fall and winter this place will be dead. like shit, my roommate used to work her and they could only keep her 6 hours because they couldnt afford to pay her

>> No.481475

bump for this

>> No.481546

Bumping for general interest. I find it interesting to see that people are actually making money when the rest of the world is flat broke.

>> No.481559

not him but i'd assume you need good grades and networking from a local ivy league

>> No.481599

always look to better yourself, yes do it don't be afraid to take risks

>> No.481607

Finance major, mediocre state college, 3.94 GPA although it is AACSB accredited. Working in auto finance as a funding specialist making $41,600 plus OT and quarterly bonus so maybe 48kish total in a low cost of living area. Hoping to move up to a credit analyst or something in the future. Graduated december 2012 btw.

>> No.481610

Cable company sales, ~85k plus benefits

>> No.481617

I live in Sweden, I sort out and then deliver ads, free magazines, voting pamphlets etc. to mailboxes. I make about 100 SEK per area, which equals to about $2 per hour (it's a job meant for 13-year-olds, or foreigners like me).