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File: 503 KB, 851x422, bitfinexed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4776473 No.4776473 [Reply] [Original]

Bitfinex is threatening Bitfinex'ed with a lawsuit.

So let me simplify what's going on: instead of releasing an audit which would end the speculation all at once, they fucking threat this guy with legal actions. He's the only guy who has truly dedicated his time to dig deep into the tether fraud (which imo is very likely at this point) and has had the balls to report his findings publically.


This is Bitfinexed's tweet regarding the issue. He's asking for donations to defend himself against Bitfinex. For once, bizraelis, do the right thing. I can't donate much, but I will throw in something the first thing tomorrow.

Do the right thing.

Coindesk article: https://www.coindesk.com/bitfinex-vs-bitfinexed-exchange-hires-law-firm-challenge-critics/

>> No.4776503

Hi Bitfinex'ed

>> No.4776509

Well, to win the lawsuit they have to prove he's lying, so let's hope he creates a site to donate for his legal fees in case they do sue him.

>> No.4776545

This guy has been waging a war on bitfinex ever since he sold his btc at 1k, begged for a refund and was told to fuck off an never return

>> No.4776566

Who gives a shit about that faggot?

>> No.4776587

Same old bullshit about him being salty yeah we get it, how about you refute his arguments you fucking cunt?

>> No.4776590

Good, fuck bitfinex’d

>> No.4776600
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>> No.4776623

I will never in my life do the right thing.

>> No.4776631

>huur he doesn't have his own motives!
How about he proves his bullshit and stops raging every single day because he IS SALTY he cashed out at 1k and was blown the fuck out. Deal with it.

>> No.4776671

>how about he proves his bullshit
How about you fucking read his articles and see for yourself if he has proof or not?

>> No.4776679


Bitfinex'ed is a piece of human trash. I hope he ends up in jail! He literally sold at the bottom of this bull market and wants to blame others for being retarded

>> No.4776723

No proof. Just the ramblings of a kike who refuses to deal with the fact he made a bad calling cashing out at 1k

>> No.4776793

So where is their fucking audit

>> No.4776878

Shills or retards? You decide!

>> No.4776887

He just have some pieces of evidence which added up does NOT prove anything.

>> No.4776911

If bitfinex sues it means they go into discovery, which means the court audits to see if bitfinexed has a proper legal claim. Theres our audit.

>> No.4776913


>> No.4776931

And they wouldn't expose themselves to that unless they were legit, or had confidence they look legit

>> No.4776969

Faggotfinex is a fucking kike faggot fuck who deserves to rot in jail. Salty little faggot spamming up the internet with blasphemy...

he sold at 1k and blames it all on tether, fucking loser. suspicious mexican sounding mofo

>> No.4776974

Yea, so it comes down to is this an empty threat or not, and if not than is that confirmation they are legit?

>> No.4776998
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There's plenty of proof. For example this new one:
Please explain why bitfinex, the exchange where one would assume the most shorting and longing activity happens and thus the most tether should be, seems to remove the tether from their exchange?

Why would Bittrex and its users have combined holdings of 328M USDT but Bitfinex and their users have only 45M?

It has been as low as 1.8M some 30 hours ago.

It is a clear indication that bitfinex takes the tether of its users and sells it on other exchanges while still letting the people on their exchange trade with their credited tether.

The end result of this is that the tether that is used on bitfinex is additional to the official total amount of tether, and could be anywhere from 500m to a billion or more extra "tether" that exists only as a value credited on their own exchange to their own users and for all we know maybe user accounts controlled by themselves.

Yes, minting tether with no credible proof of backing it wasn't bad enough. They also seemingly only have imaginary Tether on their exchange that isn't backed by Tether on the omni layer.

Yes, imaginary imaginary USD IOUs. I know, It's hilarious.

To recap: Essentially, this means the total circulating supply of tether is what we thought it was, plus the entire amount that people "have" on bitfinex.

For all we know, this amount could be more than a billion considering the volume on bitfinex and the shorting/longing going on there.


>> No.4777002

Not a fucking chance I'm gonna help that weird guy. He needs to fuck off already and is spreading more propaganda than helping anyone

>> No.4777013

Fag. Fuck that ass blasted faggot he sold all his corn at 2000

>> No.4777047
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bitfinex'd pls go

>> No.4777065
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>create bullshit conspiracy about muh tether
>predict lawsuit
>accept donations
>take the BTC and run

>> No.4777088

>huuur duuur tarnish reputation of a good crypto exchange
>now getting sued and is asking for free money
>still no proof of ANY claims against Finex

get rekt faggot.

>> No.4777098

Crazy that bitfinex would have shills on 4chan. Why is this place so damn popular for shilling? Also when bitfinex yanks the tether cord you fags are gonna get everything you deserve.

>> No.4777134

Lol he's a salty loser who needs to stfu. That's the refutation.

I hope he can prove he's telling the truth otherwise it's libel and he's fucked

>> No.4777150

I'll say what everybody else is too much of a cuck to say. Fuck bitfinexed; I love trading his FUD and he was super useful in pointing out a potentially dangerous situation. Now that he's under the bus, fuck him; let him die. I ain't sharing my precious coins.

>> No.4777151

I was actually on the sidelines (I defacto distrust all exchanges).

But after seeing this legit autist spend countless hours sperging about muh tether I'm convinced bitfinex is probably the best crypto platform atm

>> No.4777152


Why doesn't Bitfinex just buy the guy out, seems much cheaper than hiring some jew york kikes

>> No.4777164

That's suicide. It's better to go threw the courts and have a deal in place.

>> No.4777172

Because they want to crush him so hard he has no option other than to kill himself

>> No.4777174

Not at all bro. 4chan is like 2 years behind plebbit but the shills are here and they will ruin this place. Half the posts ITT are probably bots; search the filename they posted and you'll probably see it in tons of bitfinex threads

>> No.4777209

It is the best platform by far right now. Binance is good as well but has no margin/funding options.

There's a reason why all big players trade on bitfinex. But according to bitfinex'd it's all "muh wash trades and "muh fake tethers".

>> No.4777211 [DELETED] 
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A reminder that the founder of litecoin also thinks something is going on.

>> No.4777217

See this guy is a bot shill.

>> No.4777247

>i'm convinced bitfinex is the best crypto platform
>all the big players are there


>> No.4777250

Lol they found out his identity?

>> No.4777264

Something is proof is there is no other way to interpret it than that the party is guilty. There is no other way to interpret them not having any meaningful amount of tethers in their exchange wallet than that they sold the tethers that is supposedly owned by people who use their exchange on other exchanges.

>> No.4777273
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Congratulations, I'm too lazy to change filenames

what's next on your master plan?

>> No.4777284

Yeah he's a bot shill because he's used the same reaction image a few times when discussing a few different topics

Is this all you got cunt? Call everyone who disagrees with you a bot or shill? I've seen these tactics before and they only come from the one camp, shills themselves trying to deflect
No one is buying your shit bcash bag holder

>> No.4777285

Why did the post with the picture where Charlie Lee (founder of LTC) asked for an audit get deleted?

>> No.4777322

>jokes on you i'm already all in Super Bitcoin Cash Plus

>> No.4777323

"muh mtgox history repeats iself"

>> No.4777336
File: 560 KB, 500x200, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the shills reported it enough

>> No.4777356

No that is not how proof works

>> No.4777368

There's not much to argue about here goys, just be cautious and at the very least don't get caught hodling tether, stay away from their exchange too. Never fucking believe any company who merely claims to have money yet can't produce it, one way or another they're up to no good.

>> No.4777374

Everything that bitfinex has done in response to bitfinexed makes me think that tether is a total scam and this is about to blow. Their PR guy is the sketchiest dude ever.

>> No.4777390
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>he thinks he can trust exchanges
>he thinks they don't have every incentive to fractionalize their BTC reserves
>he thinks "muh laws" protect him
Mark Karpeles hasn't spent a day in jail and walked away with millions in BTC at that time, think how much he has now.

>> No.4777408

Then sell your btc and fuck off. See you at 20k

>> No.4777412

It's literally how proof works. In every criminal case. Something is proof if its existence supports the criminal scenario and it is very strong proof of there is no other imaginable scenario where the the evidence in question can be explained except for the criminal scenario.

That is the case regarding the piece of evidence that is the low amount of tethers on bitfinexes exchange wallet.

>> No.4777422

This; maybe you can blame bitfinexed for being autistic but what the fuck kind of pajeet exchange hires the same PR guy to represent both tether and bitfinex and then tell said PR guy to shit the bed when talking about audits and solvency

>> No.4777453

Wow so many bitfinex faggot shills in this thread
So much effort instead of just doing proper audit
Totally not an exit scam

>> No.4777456

I did, I already made enough money this year. Everyone is making too much money to want him to be right but he is. I'll buy back into the market at around 2,000.

>> No.4777457
File: 1.50 MB, 400x560, 1509848942700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has to fucking sell their BTC you fucking FUD shill; all you have to do is withdraw your goddamn BTC from bitfinex before the bank run starts and go to cold storage or a reputable exchange that complies with US financial regulations like kraken or gdax. Then you always have standing in US court and you are actually legally protected. Why do you guys think polish/panamanian/taiwanese law is in any way protective of your assets? Do you have brain damage?

>> No.4777482

Where's the audit for [insert any exchange]?

Huh? I'm waiting??????

>> No.4777494

Everyone wanted crypto in the first place after 2008 because they hated centralized banking and fractional reserves and derivative financial instruments that make the dollar worthless, but when crypto does it, suddenly it's a genius financial trick to keep the markets moving. Everyone gets stupid after they make too much money.

>> No.4777496

>criminal case
I'll assume you're a pajeet; because in America we use innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that's for convictions. If you wanted to START an investigation you need reasonable suspicion, which bitfinexed easily surpasses just with his autistic blog.

>you have to prove that a magical elf didn't kill her and that it was me, hahaha!
That's not true anywhere. It's NEVER no other imaginable scenario.

>> No.4777524

Shill. I can actually confirm that kraken has a separate address for my BTC deposits because I've actually followed my money on the blockchain.

>> No.4777538

Every noob who bought in at 9k is going to shit their pants and sell, every market with tether pairs is probably going to crash from people moving money around, all the shitcoins priced in BTC will be devalued, it will trigger a chain of events that totally wrecks crypto for a year when people realize that market cap doesn't mean anything when there's a run on the bank.

>> No.4777552

Okay, Kraken. I'll give you that.

Last time I used that exchange got locked out and they almost sold my eth at like $15.

>> No.4777554
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>a fool and his money are easily parted
Everyone ain't gonna have too much money soon enough

>> No.4777564
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>> No.4777572
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>got locked out
>they almost sold my ETH
You mean YOU almost sold your ETH; or are you saying Kraken places orders without your consent?

>> No.4777577

Also what do you mean by this? Most exchanges have public cold storage wallets

Bitfinex included

>> No.4777624

>not putting money where your mouth is
Like the other guy said, if btc is truly being propped up by tether, everything is going to practically zero. So you either put your money where your mouth is and sell or stfu

>> No.4777626

I guess you don't remember?

Luckily I only had a stop order which never got filled (at $250)

When the exchange was back up my order dissapeared (I count myself very lucky as it could have easily been placed as a market order at like $10)

>> No.4777629

Other exchanges doesn't print 25mil of their funny money every other day retard

>> No.4777647
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Here you go bud:
A literal ponzi. Should be right up your alley. You can make x10 as much compared to just holding bitcoin.

>> No.4777660

>lawsuit filed
>lawsuit dismissed
You can barely even sue bitfinex in the USA

>> No.4777664

Do you really think in the current climate that big exchanges aren't being wired this kind of money?

bitfinex alone is trading over a billion a day, consistently

>> No.4777673

Charlie is a mastermind of market manipulation
He can create a shit load of fud while still looking like he is in support

>> No.4777689

You want me to post screenshots of my short position or some shit? I've been short since 10675 and I'm down about 4k AND I AM NOT BUYING.

>> No.4777709

>Bitfinex is trading over a billion a day
"bbut bitfinex can just leverage that 25 million at 25x, that's where the volume comes from!"

I've seen that argued in every tether thread I've jumped into
Its clear these conspiracy theorists have zero understanding of how shit works

>> No.4777714

Lol good. Keep it and get liquidated

>> No.4777722

>trading a billion every day
>getting 25 million every day
You realize that if that were true they should have been at 2 billion a day in 40 days? They've been printing ~75 million per week for about 3 months. Nobody with that kind of money uses ONLY one exchange.

>> No.4777772

it all makes sense now, you're sweating over your short getting rekt. gl dude

>> No.4777785

>hurr durr construct strawman
>defeat strawman
>i win!
That's not the argument. The argument is that you are fucking full of bullshit if you think net 25 million USD is organically being invested every other day. And yes, that's a NET figure, because the circulation of tethers never goes down, which means either bitfinex is saying that the amount of investment in BTC on their exchange has been monotonically going up at 25 million every other day for 3 months; or they're fucking full of shit and tether isn't really worth $1 worth of BTC, which means when people try to withdraw their BTC the slower withdrawers will have nothing to claim.

It's clear you have no experience in economics finance or banking. You should go back to /pol/ or /tv/ or whatever wagecuck board you came from.

>> No.4777794

I don't really have anything against kraken, and I'm prepared to let them off considering I never actually lost out. Kraken is a decent exchange so long as it's not a volatile day, the engine has a tenancy to get bogged down, lag and just downright shutdown at times when it's most important for people to access their engine.

Bitfinex on the other hand has never had issues as far as this is concerned.

I've never had any legitimate proof outside of the wells fargo thing shutting down their banking system, which appears now to be back up and running now. (after they sudoku'd all their amerimutts)

So bitfinex'ed, if you've got anything other than 'muh tether' I'd like to hear it, but otherwise pls go

>> No.4777803

>hurr durr you couldn't perfectly call the absolute top therefore your ideas are completely invalid
And that's the proof that the smart money has left the station and the dumb money is waiting on the bus

>> No.4777805


>> No.4777821

That doesn't discredit my post
I come into tether threads and see that argument being made. So it's clear they her conspiracy fags are all Brian dead new coiners or rabid fudders

>> No.4777831


>> No.4777835

That is the fucking question and that's why we need audit
Are they being wired? And if they are do they keep money in the real bank? I mean what is there to hide?

>> No.4777845

>trying to call a top when a bull run is in full fucking force
Who do you think you are? That guy from limitless with magical super iq pills?

>> No.4777917

>kraken servers are fucking shit
Agreed; they've been promising an upgrade for a while but if they pull this shit once they are a state-sanctioned clearinghouse for the CBOE futures there will be serious lawsuits.

>bitfinex runs smoothly
It's a good exchange but that doesn't mean there isn't shady shit going on in the backroom. Enron was the fucking comfiest company to work for in Houston until the day before the FBI raided.

>sudoku'd amerimutts
You shouldn't trust exchanges that don't cater to amerimutts, because amerimutts are the perfect dumb money cushion to count on when panic starts.

>muh tether
I actually speculate the autist hasn't dug far enough; actually bitfinex, bittrex, and tether are all working together. Bitfinex works fine because its the main normie front, whereas bittrex has repeatedly closed accounts and paused withdrawals for no reason, which is 100% evidence of fractional reserve banking.

>> No.4777943
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The hunter.

>> No.4778002

geesh did he sell his bitcoin at $1000? what a piece of shit

Seriously Tether is legit, Bitfinex acquired a fuck lot of real money when they dumped their own alts, fucking up margin traders.

>> No.4778047

Are you implying that the exchange is using its own personal funds to trade with on the exchange platform they host? Do you see no conflict of interest here?

>> No.4778087

The past 3 months have been unprecedented. Every singe exchange has USD volumes skyrocket.

You have absolutely no proof that this tether money isn't legit and you're entirely projecting.

You might be right, but the burden of proof is on you to prove it's fraudulent or whatever.

Occams razor is pretty straight forward, what would bitfinex have to gain by sabotaging their cash-cow exchange (fees) by illegally creating fake tether, considering the current climate of cryptocurrency investors? I mean fuck we're getting futures markets soon

I know what you mean dude, I've been around btc since 2012, I've seen my fair share of SHTF when it comes to exchanges doing a runner, hacked etc etc. I just refuse to believe many exchanges (besides gox maybe) intentionally sabotage themselves to profit from in the short term. I could be wrong and I think it's good to be skeptical, but without proof it is just wild projections.

And ultimately I don't think you'll ever get solid proof unless bitfinex actually did go down, but you could make those kind of statements about almost any business.

my TL;DR
Don't hold anything on an exchange you're not prepared to lose

>> No.4778099

>neo flash dumped to like $2
Imagine being the lucky cunts who had buy orders set up down there

>> No.4778188

The burden is on us to not get fucked over and lose money, when solid proof emerges it was too late

>> No.4778203
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>burden of proof is on (you)
Not really; I'm not the one claiming to run a solvent trustworthy exchange
>even if it is
That is the Bitfinex cold wallet. Over the last month, they or their customers have been withdrawing substantial amounts of BTC; yet the dollar value of their holdings, and therefore tether, did not change. Since tether isn't redeemable for USD (only BTC), that means tether itself is worth less BTC now while some bitfinex accounts are cashing out to BTC right now. That seems quite alarming to me, especially at the rate it's going.

>what's the motive
Same as Karpeles and every other fraudster, fast money now is better than honest money later. I'd do it too if I thought I could get away with it.

>don't hold on exchange what you don't want to lose
Fine; I guess you're not a shill. Godspeed friend.

>> No.4778213

>Please explain why bitfinex, the exchange where one would assume the most shorting and longing activity happens and thus the most tether should be
Because your assumptions are wrong. Bitfinex has been trading in dollars before tether, you can deposit and withdraw dollars without tethers involved like most do. They only need a small reserve of tethers to enable tether withdrawals. You're correct that they don't have enough tethers to pay out all their dollars, if 100 million were withdrawn in tethers bitfinex would need to buy more with the deposits of the clients who deposited dollars. The exchanges can do fractional reserve banking if they want to without any tether nonsense involved. The bitfinexed accusations don't make any sense.

The bittrex markets are usdt not usd like bitfinex, every trade represents a tether token instead of a traditional exchange balance so they hold by far the most tether but it can be argued it's harder for them to do fractional reserve shenanigans since all trades reference a blockchain token.