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File: 68 KB, 618x696, banecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4774079 No.4774079 [Reply] [Original]

To give the power to the people.

Tokens distributed freely to people.

Why doesn't this exist?

>> No.4774147

it wouldn't have any value

>> No.4774191

the distribution would be like an ico, just free. then they would deliver the product which would create its value.

its only free during the beginning.

>> No.4774208
File: 61 KB, 604x499, interdasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this got me. Stupid question OP. Value is based on scarcity. If everyone has it then it is no longer valuable. basic econ.

>> No.4774239

just the initial holders.

give tokens to people who can't afford to put 10k on a shitcoin hoping it goes 3x.

>> No.4774310
File: 273 KB, 793x794, 1505283613423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went down this mental rabbithole the other day

First I'll say that while I don't identify with any party, my values align most with libertarian/AnCap

However with all the fucking sjw commies running around today, crypto is a game-changer. All these idiots say that communism is good just was never "properly executed."

Well if you had a crypto like bitcoin where supply and distribution was controlled by mathematics and not some central body or individual, you could, in theory, remove much of the corruption inherent in communism as no central dictator could distribute the money unevenly as in the past.

Of course, I still think this is unlikely to redeem communism as its whole premise is contrary to basic human nature, but at least the unequal distribution of wealth issue could be solved.

I'd love to create an ICO for SJW bux based on this concept and go full confido kek

But anyone else have thoughts on this?

>> No.4774385

>no central dictator could distribute the money unevenly as in the past.

dude, maybe look up how those redistributions really went down. there was no money involved. it was more like physical theft plus murder and/or enslavement.

>> No.4774478
File: 406 KB, 872x699, 1505244705418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware there were a ton of other issues

All I'm saying is that the central body of every communist regime would always enrich themselves disproportionately compared to the general populace like how in the Soviet Union "all comrades equal, but some more equal than others"

That's why I said it still wouldn't work but crypto is enough of a game changer that some idiot leftist state might try it again.

>> No.4774492


>> No.4774500

It's called an airdrop noob

>> No.4774519

And I'm aware that many communist states essentially were only functional by slave labor and murder/looting

SJW commies won't remember that though, they'll just see the potential in crypto for a "real communist utopia"

>> No.4774584

ever hear of an airdrop?

>> No.4774604

creating a way to trustlessly determine who was a real person would be an invention 10x greater than the blockchain

>> No.4774710

Airdrop are usually associated with shit projects though.

Im talking something massive. A real project to actually distribute wealth!

The whole yada yada. Good dev team, real product, partnerships. A token to actually fuck up old capitalists who think wealth is restricted to them. Something massive like bitcoin only without fuckers holding 100.000 coins and shit like that.

>> No.4774782

Crypto could indeed be used as the ultimate weapon against capitalism and as a way to take away the power of a centralized sociaist dictator

>> No.4774923
File: 638 KB, 902x598, Screen Shot 2017-12-04 at 23.26.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the central body of every communist regime would always enrich themselves disproportionately

right, but they usually don't need money to do that. anyway, you're not wrong in the sense that for some mind boggling reason there are indeed SJWs endorsing crypto. Probably even more than I'd like to imagine.

>some idiot leftist state might try it again

well, in a sense ... pic related