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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4771112 No.4771112 [Reply] [Original]

Are people not concerned about the fact that crypto cat pictures alone were capable of clogging ETH?

>> No.4771133

Im highly concerned. How is eth supposed to run hundreds or thousands of heavily used dapps if it can so easily get clogged with furballs? Eth needs to take a look at itself and figure something out.

>> No.4771163

Ethereum hasn't revealed it's final form yet.

>> No.4771195

I'm glad this happened tho

1. Def people selling ETH after this so here comes a dip
2. I'm glad that virtual cats was the example clogged and not something of more importance.

>inb4 my cats ARE important joke haha wow you are funny

>> No.4771201

Honestly no. Perfect stress test.

>> No.4771225 [DELETED] 

>Def people selling ETH after this so here comes a dip
Fuck off larper

>> No.4771231

This, It's important to see how the pipes reacted and clearly they aren't up to par yet.

I hope they have something up their sleeves. I really do like eth, its my favorite coin.

>> No.4771236

eth will be worth thousands eventually

>> No.4771237

Scaling has been their primary area of research for months and solutions are being developed and released (uraiden, full raiden soon, plasma, sharding, casper).

>> No.4771261

sold all mine at 471

>> No.4771303

Eth can't scale get fucked, everyone already knew this.

>> No.4771356

I've been waiting 4 hours to buy a cat

>> No.4771454


I'll believe it when I see it in actual application

>> No.4772003

Literally 1-2% of all transactions got delayed.

In BTC for example during the BCH rally about 30% of the transactions got delayed.

So, apart from you not knowing the facts there is also the fact that Ethereum is not fully developed yet. They will introduce sharding with casper which will allow infinitely more transactions on the network.

Obviously every ETH owner is taking the gamble by buying ETH, because by the time this is implemented ETH will be priced at least 1200 per coin.
Thankfully it's one of the easiest gambles because Ethereum has the like 90% of crypto dev's working with the project.

>> No.4772020


raiden is already out and did POC, demos etc......lol...

And that's just start....

>> No.4772043

>has the like 90% of crypto dev's working with the project.


>> No.4772055

>ETH is bad because it can do a lot more than bitcoin
ok... great argument fucboi

>> No.4772071

When you see the actual application Ethereum will already be at $5000.

>> No.4772081
File: 42 KB, 1316x441, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why can I still not transfer any ether? Its just tells me pic related for an eternity...

>> No.4772114

I find it highly concerning that people don't know blockchains don't scale.

>> No.4772118

PoS and Sharding are both on the development schedule, compared to bitcoin ETH is not only scaling decently but actually has a roadmap to become much more scalable. So no, this doesn't really bother me that much,

>> No.4772176

Well if you ever doubted is ETH internet 3.0 there's your answer.

Comfirmed by cats same as last buble.

>> No.4772182

Anon, please remind me again which DAPP is working on Etherum that is worth being mentioned at all?

>> No.4772199

cuz u fucked up u fgt

>> No.4772205
File: 210 KB, 821x1164, DO5aEg7UQAEuj7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realise ETH is completely fucking dead when BCH re-enables Opcodes - this allows smart contracts on top of the BCH blockchain (it was removed by kikestream which is why Butteruck made ETH instead of working with BTC).

No more fucking around with this gas bullshit, just transact with BCH as you would normally - ETH is will die a slow death such as ETC is right now.

>> No.4772206

I'm still getting this at 40 gas

>> No.4772247


Yo do understand gas is here to protect network until POS huh faggot?

Do you even code?

Lol Bcash....

>> No.4772255


This is pretty frustrating. I only wanted to use this piece of shit metamask because I smelled feline profits yesterday...
Its currently just showing me random transactions that didnt go through yesterday because they timed out, that show up and disappear a couple minutes later with nothing happening.

>> No.4772280


You can trade crypto without centralized risk of having your coins on an exchange.
Give it 6 months and DEX's will be getting HUGE. It's the only way around all the gov regulations that will inevitibly come with the big surge crypto as a whole is going through right now.

Guess which coin can run DEX's (read smartcontracts). Yeah, Ethereum.

Bitfinex is close to releasing Ethfinex, a DEX. It will run on 0x. Yeah, a erc20 coin, yeah that's Ethereum.

Everything including your mom will run on Ethereum by this time next year.

>> No.4772281

Ark will dominate ETH

>> No.4772317

>I find it highly concerning that people don't know blockchains don't scale.
Dafuq. This is the main reason why people are skeptical of cryptos. Every crypto right now is striving towards scaling. If one of them manages to pull it off in a way that it can stay decentralized, then that crypto will be the king instantly.

Scaling problem is not some hidden stuff, it is the main problem in cryptos. Don't think we don't know about it. People just have hope that it might be solved, which it very well might be at some point.

>> No.4772397
File: 24 KB, 397x490, DQOh26AUQAAirTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skelly is in the empire business.
He will build the shit by himself.
Not suck dicks for corporation pats on shoulder on TV primetime.

>> No.4772441

i trust in his obsessive Asperger syndrome

>> No.4772481



That's a weird spelling for Iota.

>> No.4772504
File: 583 KB, 1175x500, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything including your mom will run on Ethereum by this time next year


>> No.4772567

no, my moma is so fat she can't run, let alone on the meth blockchain

>> No.4772685

couldn't be anymore perfect really, but the buttcoiner concern trolls are out in full force.

>> No.4772708

my cats ARE important joke haha wow you are funny

>> No.4772726

Hahahahaha nodappers BTFO

>> No.4772795

no im not concern... this is a speculation bubble. get your head out of your ass.

The underlying tech is literally worse than irrelevant. Looking at it can only bias you.

There's only one way to deal with this bubble and it's the way to deal with any bubble.

Step 1

Gather your capital

Step 2

Prepare your Anus

Step 3

Go in heavy

Step 4

Keep holding onto your asshole

Step 5

Cash in the second you make 5% or more

Get out and and spend your gain in therapy, gym and health foods

Hopefully you won't be a desperate speculative retard afterwards

That said I am holding 100k in ARK

>> No.4772902

ARK shills should be banned

>> No.4772945


You gonna make it, senpai

>> No.4772950
File: 29 KB, 357x504, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was an error when resubmitting this transaction
Did I just lose .3 ETH to this shitty ass wallet? How the fuck do I withdraw my shit from there?

>> No.4773787

The governance around ETH continues to do a great job pushing the tech forward.

This is nothing but productive.

>> No.4773831

We couldn't have planned it better

>> No.4773890

What you mean like in comparison to BTC, which shits itself with unconfirmed transactions every month?

What the fuck are you comparing it to? It's still lightyears ahead of Bitcoin so your FUD kind of just rubs off while the devs are already at work making it even better.

>> No.4773898
File: 28 KB, 1400x314, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is now a good time to buy?

It's been on a downwards trend

>> No.4773951

The theory is that eventually BTC will crumble under it's own inability to move forward and innovate and there will be a point where people start heading for the exits - not to fiat but to an alternative.

>> No.4774100

Also people will be incentivised to gather as much ETH as possible before Casper is deployed. Fun times ahead

>> No.4774123
File: 37 KB, 460x307, 31155f0c2d23179894517770da5a0efc1bea9b135228ec4cc105c51eb802e4d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you belive btc will drop in the near future? then yes invest

my eth bags are so heavy
my hands ...

>> No.4774305
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, 1q1q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win?


>> No.4774330
File: 86 KB, 1920x1080, 1q1q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this?

>> No.4774358

you underestimate the power of cat OP

>> No.4774375

I'm pretty concerned honestly. I sold mine at 480 and bought some EOS and IOTA. Might buy in again if it dips below 400.

>> No.4774421

>this amigos

Plus normies using cuckbase see eth as an easy buy as oppose to 10K btc.

Come on /biz, get with the program!

>> No.4774437

come PoS and sharding, even your fat mother can be supported by ETH

>> No.4774611

Wouldn't it be great if every dapp has its own blockchain? ARK can do this... There's also a rumor that it will be the next coinbase listing

>> No.4774656

As long as it's sorted for when GNT runs the world

>> No.4774704

I’m getting the same
Send help ETH support

>> No.4774797


>> No.4774866
File: 67 KB, 1163x482, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got results using a modification of this tactic from plebbit:

I used the alternative approach once with 0 ETH to test it out, and then used the same strategy to manually pump out my ETH from the metamask wallet.
Just be careful with each step because I think if you fuck up somewhere you might lose everything you try to send.
Also not sure if its important to select the right nonce. I just used 1 for the 0 ETH transaction and 2 and 3 to get the money out.
Cant guarantee at all that itll work for you but I promise it worked for me.

>> No.4775078

Salty nocatters

>> No.4775302

Im all in LTC so no

>> No.4775334

Although as much as i hate eth this might be good for eth lomgterm like mtgox was for crypto, despite the immediate shitstorm

>> No.4775410

this compares nothing to Mt gox. Cryptokitties mean literally nothing

>> No.4775418

So, now is the time to go all in on eth? Don't they have something cute going on the 8th?

>> No.4775565

7 hours and my transaction still not worked.
cause of fucking cats.
screw all the cats real ones and autistic blockchain ones.
i can't even get happy watching edgy gazoline videos.

>> No.4775779

fuckoutta here with that shitcoin BCASH trash.

>> No.4775932

By that logic, normies will flock to LTC and honestly they should, it's what btc wishes it was

>> No.4776708

unironically ark or stratis can handle this stuff easily.

>> No.4776724

eth is dead weight.
basically chain stopped.
can't do any shit with it.
rip eth..... i hope all cats will die.

>> No.4776765

I've been complaining since every big ICO would delay the network for a day or two.

I help run a crypto related business and dealing with bitcoin and ethereum where tx fees are concerned are just plain retarded.

You guys might not realize it but most "normies" do not understand fees going up/down. Fees go up, they think they are being scammed by sites/exchanges/wallets. Fees go down, they think their whining on social media did something.

>> No.4776790

you know what....would be nice if all that cat "breeding" autism was isolated and boiled in own isolated chain with this huge amount cat feces from turd looking cats.

>> No.4776850

I mean .... I have no words.... its sad that smart contract of parity was killed. but smart contract of this shit is alive and completely flooding eth transaction pool. really fucking sad.
looks like shittiest of shit is living.

>> No.4777119

Already priced in.

>> No.4777160

Dude still at fucking heavy load it is still way faster than BTC on its best day.

ETH should be top 1.

>> No.4777246

I'm not concerned about 99% of what /biz/ is constantly telling me I should be concerned about. I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't seem to get upset, angry or afraid of the boogymen that every other thread is freaking out over. Call me crazy, but ethereum still seems to be working, in spite of the dire warnings etc..

>> No.4777438
File: 82 KB, 1200x800, Fifufuftkrfuvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4777491

why do people talk as if NEO didn't have scaling figured out?

>> No.4777763


Cats are clearly powerful creatures

>> No.4777797

psst. Carndano.