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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 155 KB, 1024x877, 29384112-4F08-4E49-8882-CFB8E749948D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4768593 No.4768593 [Reply] [Original]

there are millions of americans who make over 100k a year, who if you anons were trained to do their job you could do it better than they could. All these people yap about “muh hard work, muh determination” when the reality is, your actual value to a workplace is proportional to what you can do (iq/reasoning ability) and not how hard you worked to get there (muh efforts). Basically, goldman sachs is filled with a bunch of irish and italian faggot losers who trade on insider info and forget that their salary bonus doesnt negate the fact they have a little girls understanding of mathematics.

>> No.4768605
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>> No.4768607

because IQ isn't correlative to intelligence, now fuc off

>> No.4768626

what's your major OP

>> No.4768629

Because people with charisma rise to power and make the rules. Also women and governments.

>> No.4768635

It is.
The factor with the highest correlation to lifetime socioeconomic achievement is it, followed by conscientious (essentially work ethic).

>> No.4768637

I could literally become a cryptotrader wizard, cash out in millions USD and find a girl like this to throatfuck.

Am I going to make it, guys?

>> No.4768647

IQ is a meme

>> No.4768652

Because people also need the social skills which you are clearly lacking you autistic piece of shit. Nobody wants such an socially awkward pathetic weirdo in the company, get over it.

>> No.4768655
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>tfw 200 iq but, only job I could get was working at McDonald’s

>> No.4768674

I like how you didn't capitalise pronouns my intelligent friend
> a bunch of irish and italian faggot losers who trade on insider info and forget that their salary bonus doesnt negate the fact they have a little girls understanding of mathematics.
Yes because the top 1% of people from a country with the most Nobel prizes in literature with a population of sub 5 million and the country the renaissance occurred in are less intelligent than you.
You even have an online IQ test to prove it!

>> No.4768704


If you could do it, you would be doing it. But you can't, so here you are whining instead.

>> No.4768729

Math and physics ability is.
Now you fuck off, inferiorboi

>> No.4768774

1. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
2. You underestimate conscientious, social skills, determination and basically the value of getting your shit together and 'living smart' as opposed to getting off on your supposed intelligence and complaining about unfair world.

That is not to say there are no braindead people making a lot of money and intelligent people living in poverty, but definitely not in the numbers you're assuming.

>> No.4768816

Id be more charming than you if i was candyflipping with a blood alcohol level of .30 and an iv of cocaine hooked up, than you would be on your fucking wedding day.
Just kidding, low intelligence tools like you will never acquire a woman.

>> No.4768830

In the real world, people that had to work harder in school got good at being resourceful and disciplined. The ones that didn't struggle grew up lazy and are more often than not completely useless for most tasks. Most careers, even the ones people associate with intellect, don't actually require it.

>> No.4768858

Although hypothetically if you did aquire some shitskin roastie beast, you would be dumb enough to get married and lose your whole subway pension.

>> No.4768873
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>Why arent peoples salaries paid according to their iq/intelligence?

>> No.4768915

this has to be a troll, but I know way too many people who have this opinion and all of them have either never worked a day in their lives or are complete shit at their jobs and are pushing off responsibility to "the system"

>> No.4768930

So sure?
Are you really?
Are you really sure?

>> No.4768942
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Pretty much. Extremely intelligent people can make money by finding unorthodox solutions to things but in any job that requires a hard daily grind motivation is the biggest factor.

>> No.4768948

Found the shitskin

>> No.4768949
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What sets absolute top people apart from only high iq people is that they have no bad areas they are good at everything.

People like elon musk, while being extremely good at math does not have the common disadvantages many math oriented people show. Musk is very good at all areas, with people, highly creative and understands consumers needs.

>> No.4768953

In many aspects this, the fact that you didn't have to spend hours learning in high school doesn't mean shit ten years later and many 'intelligence' gaps between you and your peers have been closed by now since they weren't lazy asses.

>> No.4768987 [DELETED] 

I have a masters degree in finance, earning 10k a month and slaying my gfs pussy every night while you are fapping to hentai porn all day and crying how unfair the world is. Pic related

>> No.4768994

Now that is one beautyful steaming pile of shit if ive ever seen one.

>> No.4769017

>slaying my gfs pussy every night while you are fapping to hentai porn all day
You can do both of those things. Just saying.

>> No.4769067

>pic related
>no pic
You can't even LARP properly

>> No.4769089

wow solid defense as to why you haven't made it well done

>> No.4769119
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so either all these "high IQ" people are too pussy to ask for a raise, or there are no employers who want to take advantage of this more effective but underpaid work force.

>> No.4769126
File: 53 KB, 388x232, 6B439B65-6909-4961-9A35-F68C65BC46DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, inferiorboy

>> No.4769157

IQ assessment is semantically biased and is a tool of the elite classes and academic gatekeepers

The People Will Rise!

>> No.4769160

because niggas would be charged instead of paid

>> No.4769245
File: 37 KB, 850x400, quote-millionaires-don-t-use-astrology-the-billionaires-do-j-p-morgan-82-24-94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding this only happens at high levels
>he's a good anon, only believes what we tell him to believe is possible. yes, yes
it's called occult knowledge for a reason. stay poor

>> No.4769254

You also need the ability to work with people, handle confrontation , and socialize . Basically half of biz has no shot

>> No.4769400

High IQ doesn't mean productive retard. I know a lot of smart people who stay at home smoking weed to dull their genius brain

>> No.4769414

OP is retarded

>> No.4769427

Iq tests done keep the college gates. SAT tests do.
If sat tests are just about “muh white peoples knowledge” how come idiots cant improve their score more than 2% after all the studying in the world?

>> No.4769482

>done keep


>> No.4769485

Dont kill yourself.
Just kidding ;)

>> No.4769491

most employment is nepotism based. "hard work", "determination", "iq/reasoning ability", "effort", all of that mean jack shit in the real world.

>> No.4769515

Found the burnout

>> No.4769523

Id call it intelligence level

>> No.4769531

why would i? i'm making money using the techniques the previous poster said were ridiculous

>> No.4769550


>> No.4769583

Dear inferiorboy, pls refer to>>4769126
And pls do indeed actually absolutely positively certifiably inarguably for sure

Kill yourself,
Talky talky boy :)

>> No.4769588

this is true.

>> No.4769605


America is the land of the retards getting money off the backs of others lol. It’s such a shitty place to live that your citizens just randomly kill all other citizens. Plus the American accent in general is the most disgraceful noise to ever be made by a human.

>> No.4769630

one of the reasons you're not making it is you really behave autistic whether that's the case or not

>> No.4769634

>your actual value to a workplace is proportional to what you can do
No it's derived from what you actually do not what you "can" do. If you haven't done X thing then you haven't demonstrated that you can do X thing. As a rule of thumb 1 hard working retard always creates more value than 2 faggots like you who think they're too smart to put in time doing the basics.

>> No.4769651

Tell that to 80% of the filthy rich ppl in the world who had at least one ancestor do something brilliant to pass on wealth.

I know an engineer who grew up poor and became a billionare from his own brilliant invention.
Kill yourself, inferiorboy.

>> No.4769670

Can't wait for him to bankrupt the company again and have Paypal pull his ass out.

>> No.4769686

>comparing inventors and trust fund kids to faggots who are employed by someone else

>> No.4769705

Dear inferiorboy, you need to pop your undeserved ego, like the pimple it is, and get back to work at a job that suits your intelligence. I suggest subway.

>> No.4769724

Life is a meme and i feel sorry for you if you didnt realize yet

>> No.4769749

hahahhahahha. if you only knew of what you speak

>> No.4769766

t. Mid level manahger at a failing business

Hello there mister 110 iq! Your mommy is so proud of you!

>> No.4769842

Get popping you math illiterate fuck. God is just itching for the next Hitler to come around and exterminate people like you who cand figure out why an arch works.

>> No.4769870

Funny thing is most people I know who are good at math, are slammin' in life at least finance-wise. You truly have to be a loser if you are so good at it as you claim to be and yet lead a shitty life.

>> No.4769927

Self educated successful entrepreneur and programmer. Those who work hard succeed, the guys who think they're smarter than everyone waste their lives and die from heroin overdoses.

>> No.4769928

REKT >>4769870

>> No.4769935

I love coming to these threads to watch basement dwellers posting on 4chan get all hissy.

>> No.4770359

When exactly did i claim to live a shitty life? Im a network systems engineer and make more money in a year than i spend in 5. You were saying?

>> No.4770515

ah, i used to wagecuck and worked with you types of faggots. you are incredibly intelligent within your myopic perspective, so you mistakenly assume that anyone who doesn't share your type of intelligence is somehow subhuman. you are literally doing the grunt work for those of us who have the ideas on which systems are built.

>> No.4770688

>your type of intelligence

there's only one type of intelligence you dingus.

>> No.4770764

Who is this women? What race is she? Curious. Thx.

>> No.4770821

ahahahahah ahahahaha

>> No.4770877

thank you for proving my point. you literally cannot see the forest for the trees

>> No.4771019

image search tells me it's jhendelyn nuñez, but I can't confirm from the pics.

>> No.4771043
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/biz/ truly is the stupidest board

>> No.4771272 [DELETED] 

confirmed OP is poor lmao

>> No.4771324

so accurate

>> No.4771410

reading these threads really sheds light onto how parochial and deluded biz posters are, in regards to their own intelligence

69 replies and not one person has bothered to support their assertions with any real empirical evidence

plebbit is smarter than this place

>> No.4771478

Larp harder.
I respect all intelligences which are in low supply in this world (intelligences which advance civilization)
Lawyers and the cucks at goldman who got raped by michael burry in the big short are literally extermination tier inferiority

>> No.4771508
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>> No.4771521

/biz/ is for shitposting and the lulz
seriously, though, there are some gems here every now and them, but 95% is above.

>> No.4771684

>I respect all intelligences which are in low supply in this world (intelligences which advance civilization)
so, you put in a qualifier to make your statement void. good lord, dude.

>> No.4771720

>he thinks math or physics matter

lmao stemfags never learn

>> No.4771724

Good luck creating value that can be monitized using nothing but your IQ.

>> No.4771754

Pronouns are words like "his, her, their" which you don't capitalize.

I think you meant "proper nouns", my intelligent friend.

fucking idiot

>> No.4771819

>reddit spacing

>> No.4771833

>Anyone can do this
> Does not do it

>> No.4771834
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>> No.4771923

Youre not very smart, are ye...

>> No.4771987


Also ethics.

To be fair, I'm lawful evil.

>> No.4772164

A world full of people like you only would be living in caves reciting poetry and eating feces.
A world of engineers only would be driving bugatti veyrons on autobahns at 200 mph, safely.

If you asked God what useless, redundant, inferior people like yourself (I can has alphabet?) can do to get into heaven, he would tell you the only way is to kill yourself IMMEDIATELY, like, in the next 30 SECONDS, to move your fat articulate ass out of the way of engineers who are actually busy making the world a better place.

Maybe you and people like you can go to an island with no wengineers and only artists, writers, and non stem majors.
So when your kid gets cancer, you wont have the engineers mri machine to take images of it and remove it.
So then all of us worthless engineers can come to your kids funeral, and laugh at your tears.

Maybe we can dig up your kids dead remains and have a barbeque, using inferior literary meat to feed the superior STEM meat.
Just kidding, im sure the meat from you literature and arts folk tastes like tofu.

Just checking, did you just get rekt? Cuz me thinks you did...

>> No.4772277
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most people who know me would agree with you, but there are a few who would say you're wrong.

>> No.4772330

investment bankers have the most stressful jo ever are you serious OP? Sure maybe they are overpaid in bonuses, but its not like they sit around doing nothing,, I mean, nobody here knows what really goes on

>> No.4772404

Seeing as investment bankers only passs on chump change to the people whos money they are invedting, and they keep most of it themselves, i dont really have much much sympathy for them. I honestly think if the wall streeters were paid their fair share they would on avg earn about 60k a year

>> No.4772406

>nobody here knows what really goes on

>> No.4773045
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>> No.4773053
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WEW this autism

>> No.4773090

>IQ intelligence
>All these responses

>> No.4773201

Awe, poor baby, did i put too much red pill in your porridge?

>> No.4773228
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I still think you're just shitposting but that was going all out

>> No.4773245

Oh right... except i make a fine living thanks for playing have a nice day

>> No.4773283

Preach it, brother. If Manager Jimbo thinks your creepy but right for the promotion, he will mostly likely choose his personal bias and give the job to Tyreese who went to the bar with him 2 weeks ago. Sucks to suck.

>> No.4773340

Maybe you think that was going all out, because youre a little boy who hasnt seen much in your short lifespan. The truth is, if i went all out on you, theres a very good chance i could get you to kill yourself. Thats why i dont reveal my power level.
Honestly chap, you should be beyond grateful for your status in life.
You dont deserve any of it.

>> No.4773387

Hi tyrese, hows the dead end job going for ya. Not bad? Hell, on 18 bucks an hr you can almost feed your kids enough ramen noodles to keep them from being hungry!

>> No.4773390

Oh yes daddy be mean to me~

>> No.4773448

Try getting out of poverty with a 77iq and 700$/month.

Drugs while do a x10

>> No.4773515

Hello mr “my 95 iq and my job at subway have nothing yo do with eachother, but everything to do with prejudice and nepotism”
Keep striving brother, one day you will work that 95 iq all the way into a senior management position at subway in hicksville new york for 18.75 an hour.
Just think of the ass youd pull with that position.
The girls would be climbing all over you at the bar with you in your subway shirt.

>> No.4773523
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>> No.4773621
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A bit too close to home senpai

>> No.4773635

I dont blame ppl for selling drugs when that is their best option. I actually criticize the government for persecuting them. Drug dealers tend to be the only ones who done go up to white people and say “gimme mih reparations bitch”. Drug dealers actually provide a valuable service to you and dont ask for handouts.

If you want to change that situation, then legalize drugs and use the motherfucking 500 billion dollars you save every year to help would be drug dealers find a new career path.
The people who dont (cant) understand this logic literally are so inferior they need to be exterminated, at least in my opinion.

>> No.4773662
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... idiots.

>> No.4773723

tread carefully on that realm

>> No.4773780

intelligence doesn't always equate to proficiency or personal application.

i consider myself quite intelligent, the last time I took a real IQ test I was somewhere around 135.

I'm really lazy though, I don't care much about money or consumerism, I'm not very ambitious, I'm socially awkward and don't like being around people much.

I tend to succeed when I try, my work is usually perfect and meets all requirements, I almost never make mistakes, but I don't enjoy the corporate rat race at all. I'd rather make ~$50k/year investing and living like a NEET than make $150k+/year in a corporate environment surrounded by people I likely hate.

So with that said, someone who is less intelligent, but much more ambitious than I am, would probably be a "better" employee in most contexts, even if they ended up making a couple more mistakes overall.

Basically what I'm saying is that while I could be "a perfect employee" who could offer immense value to a company, I don't really want to do that, so someone with more drive would be more suitable even if they were stupid.

>> No.4773843

Thats not the case in industries where true insight and reason is paramount. Like engineering and investing.

>> No.4773885

>Am I going to make it, guys?

No, because you are ugly. Girls like these go for Chads only

>> No.4774491

see >>4772277

>> No.4774543

You are just a loser bud world wasn't built by faggots like you

>> No.4774562

>irish and italian faggot losers

hey why don't you kill yourself buddy

>> No.4774642

I don't get it.

>> No.4774922

Can irish or italians engineer anything reliable?


Then into the gas chamber it goes...

>> No.4775140

Because IQ isn't a merit, it's not gained through hard work.

>> No.4775190

And yet accplishment isnt hard work. Accomplishment is achieved through intelligence.

>> No.4775231

If someone produces more than you they're more valuable. It's pretty fucking simple.

Just because you have some 150+ iq basement dweller doesn't mean he's actually going to get up and go to work everyday just because you "train" him a little.

>> No.4775259

>that feel when high IQ on tests (120-135 I think) but suck at math and physics
Am I gonna make it?

>> No.4775270

is this one of them hip copypasta?

>> No.4775315

>If someone produces more than you they're more valuable.

value isn't bound to labour though.

>> No.4775583

No. Im a heroin addict who makes plenty of money.