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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 240x84, Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 5.32.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4751389 No.4751389 [Reply] [Original]

I brought you news of the first and second large GRS pumps, the ADA pump, and finally the THC pump.

I have learned the next coin that will be listed to Coinbase. This coin is at a very good price to buy right now. The coin will be announced and added before Christmas. This will ensure you profits from both the announcement and people buying over the holidays.

Once 0.5 BTC has been deposited to the below address, I will release the name of the coin.

BTC address: 1FtD5CxcDZyNFq24jNEaZ3vNsM2nQvpY9N

>> No.4751408

Its Bitcoin Cash fag

>> No.4751417


>> No.4751437

Fucking Pajeet no coiner begger. GTFO

>> No.4751483


>> No.4751499

Vertcoin or Ark


>> No.4751502

it's dogecoin!!!!

>> No.4751533

It’s bch then augur and golem

>> No.4751613
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>Once 0.5 BTC has been deposited to the below address, I will release the name of the coin
Who could be behind this post?

>> No.4751619

How much would ark go for if listed on COINBASE?

>> No.4751620


Your time to learn this coin and invest at a lower price than everyone else is limited.

>> No.4751657

I bet it's stellar. Big conference on 12/7 with Jed presenting too..

>> No.4751656

Fucking LARP. If you know the coin why do you need BTC. You should be sitting comfy.

How about we guess the right one and you send bags to us.

>> No.4751673

I doubt any coin is going to be listed, if any its ripple

>> No.4751686

Fuck of you LARP beggar piece of shit

>> No.4751696

it's NXS

because it's the American superior version of ETH that will make ETH obsolete and it'll boost BTC as well because it improves BTC

>> No.4751703

you're a dumbfuck

>> No.4751704


>> No.4751706

Sitting with both doge and ark.

I bet it's one of these two.... check em

>> No.4751716


You will look back at this moment with great despair.

>> No.4751725

Go on the site and read you newfags, it's public info. They're gonna have BCH Jan 1st

>> No.4751740

Coinbase only lists coins that aren't centralized. Read the GDAX digital asset thing. XMR and Ripple are both out but for different reasons. Not that this isn't a larp mind you.

>> No.4751742

look at this kid trying to make money off of common knowledge

its monero

>> No.4751767

it's NXS

Collin Cantrell (lead dev) is the Tony Stark of crypto

he is Satoshi Nakamoto's vision

>> No.4751780
File: 72 KB, 960x778, IMG_7588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr durrr

Send me .5 btc and I'll name a random coin


>> No.4751786


Screencap this

>> No.4751790

It's OMG.

>> No.4751796

I know it's REQ now fuck off Pajeet.

>> No.4751816

Proofs or LARP mr op

>> No.4751822
File: 69 KB, 501x585, happy_merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL its obviously BCH

Monero will never be added to coinbase because they'd never be able to shut it down.

>> No.4751837

Today is the 3rd

someone posted that we have 4 days left to accumulate NXS. that makes it December 7th. something big is going down and NXS's satellite will not be the only thing launching into space.

it's NXS

>> No.4751858


Sufficient proof will be posted at the time of full receipt of 0.5 BTC to the above address. The proof includes the a recorded phone call between Coinbase and the developers of the Coin using explicit language, several emails, and other internal Coinbase documents.

>> No.4751876


it's NXS thanks bro

>> No.4751898
File: 38 KB, 625x626, not even a nibble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, buddy, we all believe you

>> No.4751905

if you hae those things I'll do trusted escrow with a third party for 1 btc. Double the money

>> No.4751924


You're welcome.

>> No.4751982


Rule 1: Play on your own terms or not at all.

You may refer to the above posts.


Time is running out. I'd hate to see you left out in the cold.

>> No.4751999

Fucking pajeets never learn, I know it's REQ. Now fuck off, thanks.

>> No.4752012

my uncle is the brother of the coinbase CEO, he told me it wil be Bitcoin Diamond 100%

>> No.4752029

My dad works for Nintendo, bro.

>> No.4752074

I sincerely, with all of my heart, hope you die slow and painfully.

>> No.4752082

0.5 is too much mate
give proof its real and someone will pay

>> No.4752117


show us a picture of your employee ID
go ahead and obscure your name and face

>> No.4752185

0.5 BTC is nothing compared to the realized gains that may be had.

>> No.4752209


You were just offered 1btc, and declined. Fuck off Larp

>> No.4752231

It's vert

>> No.4752233

but you do understand how this is being played out right?

what guarantees do you have to offer plus you need to offer employment proof first or at least something to substantiate your claims

>> No.4752245

Haha ripple will never do anything

>> No.4752251

proof or you a gay boi

>> No.4752264

sorry bro it's a meme and will die down early Q2 because no one cares about ASIC resistance crap

the future is in quantum resistance and the only superior project out there is NXS get it while it's super cheap and undetected. It's made in America and it's lead dev is a genius

>> No.4752267

will give 2 btc if you give proof

>> No.4752276


I feel for you all. You had the opportunity to increase your holdings by 10 to 15 times and let pride, memes, and risk adversity get in the way. I wish you all the best of luck in the future.

>> No.4752307

My trips of truth don't lie, fuck off.

>> No.4752308


the beggars these days, oy vey

>> No.4752313

chat shit get banged

>> No.4752334

XMR or BCH are the only real options.

>> No.4752337

Please do us a favor and kill yourself faggot. You didn't do escrow cause your a retarded larp. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.4752340

not pride
not memes
definitely not risk averse. we're in crypto so you you bet your balls we're not risk averse

we're just loss averse because you're failing to comply with any logical request for proof of employment

get lost

>> No.4752344

post a hash of the coin name + random string and post it as proof after the actual announcement

>> No.4752355
File: 24 KB, 485x443, 15068045615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where else to ask so I'll do it here.

I'm a complete brainlet when it comes to crypto and even math. Should I buy Bitcoin as the price soars or when it dips? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the concept of when exactly is the best time to buy.

>> No.4752383
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get outta here as fast as you can

>> No.4752422
File: 91 KB, 768x1024, 1415835272159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy high sell low
ride the dip

>> No.4752492
File: 126 KB, 1782x514, L A R P .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid larping pajeet
coinbase employee would have more in their wallet no? using a burner address? post ur main address and ill send you 0.5 btc

>> No.4752521

larp high fud low

>> No.4752535

oh c'mon even my sub 90 IQ is not retarded enough to fall for that, I want a sincere answer
I was gonna ask you why but now I get it. I'm still hoping for a real answer

>> No.4752555


I help those who fail to help themselves. The coin is ARK. The announcement will happen on December 20th. ARK will be available to purchase on Coinbase by December 22nd. Good luck.

>> No.4752571

LTC is on normiebase and it don't do shit

>> No.4752576

this has to be a joke right?
of all the coins the pick this?

>> No.4752579

thanks m8

>> No.4752580



>> No.4752585

stop shilling your ark bags

>> No.4752596

ARK isn't a coin, dumbass.

>> No.4752604

I wish
thanks man worth the 0.5 btc

>> No.4752606


>> No.4752609

Buy LOW if you intend to sell it soon

Buy when ever for a long term hold. Divide your buy up in 4, and buy in over the course of 4 days or 4 weeks, something like that

>> No.4752619


While other sneer, I am telling the truth. Feel free to chip in towards the 0.5 BTC goal

>> No.4752629

this makes sense since the IRS just gave coinbase an audit. fucken government think they can control normiebase? time to implement operation monero

>> No.4752632

if thats true you will get 0.5BTC

>> No.4752647

if you are correct and not larping I will send you more than 0.5 BTC

>> No.4752652


It is. I look forward to it.

>> No.4752668

post the evidence and ill give 2 btc

>> No.4752674

screen capped this , provide one shred of proof you work at normiebase and ill send you 0.5 btc personally

>> No.4752691

ok ok I think I get it, thanks a lot anon

>> No.4752693


I did not receive the 0.5 BTC. I will post the the file then. If you don't believe me, then don't buy ARK. Just don't have your family blame me after your suicide on December 22.

>> No.4752701

I'd believe Dash or Ripple if anything. Equal/Higher Market Cap as Litecoin, Dash is $765 fucking bucks ffs why didn't anyone buy?

>> No.4752717

post the file and ill personally give 2 btc

>> No.4752720

>Next Coin Base Listing Coinbase Employee (ID: ItFPnGQ7) 12/03/17(Sun)14:39:14 No.4751389▶>>4751408 >>4751417 >>4751437 >>4751483 >>4751613 >>4751686 >>4751703 >>4751725 >>4751796 >>4752012 >>4752074 >>4752231 >>4752492 >>4752521

You are so full of shit. I work on the Marketing team with a coin, and I can tell you Coinbase is not going to adopt, or add ARK to their platform anytime in the near future.
However BCC/BCH is going to be added, and eventually BCD.
OMG end of 2018 will be added, also OMG will be a 10x over this year.
XMR is also a very high possibility, and DASH
But in all of our meetings, ARK has never been brought up once.

>> No.4752746

this. I have 0.5 btc not invested in ark id be willing to exchange for proof of employment and the insider tip

>> No.4752759

proof you work with coin

>> No.4752762


I'm not asking you to believe me. In fact, if you don't, all the better. I wouldn't want you to buy ARK and realize the monumental gains.

Good day, sir.

>> No.4752764

don't go m8, I have just sent you 0.5 BTC!

>> No.4752766
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Oh bitcoin cash kek

>> No.4752769

ark is a 4chan shill shitcoin thats why, BCH is most likley the next add and if not DASH is close behind it, id love XMR to be added but goberment would be up their ass
shill me on omg i dont get what new it brings

>> No.4752773

>no proof

>> No.4752786

>good day sir,
pajeet detected

>> No.4752788
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Ark is a piece of shit though.

>> No.4752789
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>and eventually BCD
Bitcoin Diamond on Coinbase, topkek

>> No.4752797

ARK is a coin with undiscovered potential and new technologies on the horizon, DYOR poorfag

>> No.4752800
File: 30 KB, 298x286, so comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going all on on this post.

>> No.4752829

kek you faucet roach I know for a fact I hold more capital more then all you Ark posters in /biz/ combined.

>> No.4752833


Please be real I'm already strapped in.

>> No.4752837

Haha, nice try. Not buying that shitcoin at all. Coinbase doesn't deal with shitcoins at all.

>> No.4752850

The ‘coin’ they are going to add is an erc20 token and it hasn’t been mentioned in this thread

>> No.4752913
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when confronted with a concerning opinion, the poorfag starts larping within inaccurate sentences

>> No.4752945

then you've got some explaining to do

>> No.4752947
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, yeshellobuythedip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rock solid.

>> No.4753064


>> No.4753072
File: 16 KB, 522x204, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's omisego. Accumulate

>> No.4753165
File: 1.55 MB, 1064x983, hrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok I know you're poor for a fact, how does it feel you're going to miss out on this massive gold rush and get nothing of it?

>> No.4753888

It's REQ, you too can fuck right off.

>> No.4753919

Omisego is the most likely choice, #1 ethereum token.

>> No.4754191

>I brought you news of the first and second large GRS pumps, the ADA pump, and finally the THC pump.
Hey fuck you that was me. Here I'll list the possible candidates for coinbase.
My group narrowed it down to one of those 3 with Ripple being the highest possible and Vert least.

>> No.4754296

Thanks anon. do you have a time window for announcement?

>> No.4754392

>up 82% in the past month, outperforming BTC and ETH
>"doesn't do shit"

>> No.4754426


why ripple and lumens? do u have any proof or sauce? I agree though ripple seems most likley