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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 189 KB, 484x484, ssswe32r32r32r32r23r23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4750653 No.4750653 [Reply] [Original]

Who /meth/ here?

>do meth
>read entire securities analysis book all weekend
ready to make profits when forex opens

>> No.4750673


Not sure if serious

>> No.4750695

fuck off normie

>> No.4750697

>Using other people's ideas to make money
You are a caveman

>> No.4750706


I'll just stick to weed and lsd.

>> No.4750737

HAHAHAH you stupid faggot.

trade cryptos. forex is for poor bitches.

metherum dumbass.

>> No.4750758

>drug user
you've already lost

>> No.4750761
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I made 2500 today in cryptos. Im done for the day, the week has begun, its time for big boy trading

>> No.4750802

fuck man pass the pipe don't bogart it

>> No.4750824

what are you, a fucking priest? gtfo moron

>> No.4750843
File: 90 KB, 330x294, 52tqg34ygh43h3h34hg5ry54yhghrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bro you know how to hit this shit with a torch? dont burn it now

>> No.4750884

Are you Australian seems like most kangaroos are meth heads kek

>> No.4750915

Fuck yeah I do nigga

>> No.4750981

Disgusting. I only do adderall because I'm a professional.

>> No.4750988

American. aussies have big open land too that prime for meth use

>> No.4751009
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>> No.4751019

aah, amphetamine. the weak man's methamphetamine

>> No.4751047
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feels just as good my nigga

ok here you go

Ok now short the AUD/NZD bro

>> No.4751073

>making less money
>big boy trading
Meth is messing with your brain.

>> No.4751086

All these druggie brainlets. Hahaha. Never done drugs or alcohol and still make bank. Stay mad and do drugs

>> No.4751092

>these two faggot tweakers jerking each other off

>> No.4751096

>t. deluded kid who never started trading before this year

>> No.4751124

Meth is fucking our country up

Aus fag here

All the veterans from the Vietnam war brought gooks home, they brought ice with them, the Vietnamese are very vindictive over what happened, so much so that they're participating in the genocide of whites at this point.

The Vietnamese bring three things to Australia.
- sex trade
- non-whites children to beta men
- drugs
- fraud & organized crime

I'm convinced gooks are doing this as pay back for participating in the Jewish bank wars...

>> No.4751126

stay pure my child

>> No.4751142



>> No.4751166

at least you are still 90% white

>> No.4751173

oh you a savage little nigga

>> No.4751191

nah, just not retarded enough to believe whatever morons tell me when I'm a kid

>> No.4751206

Live fast die young

>> No.4751224

>I worked in manual labor and during that time was addicted to meth and heroin
>now I've convinced myself I need drugs to work
>it's not an addiction, it's a hobby
I remember you bud. I'll affirm again: trade sober or get fucked over. You need a clear mind to do this stuff rationally.
Hope all is well with you seriously.

>> No.4751238

>His parents weren't doctors or lawyers
I feel bad for you, truly do.

>> No.4751252

let's just not make sense anymore shall we?

>> No.4751257
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I key up on coffee and wind down with kpins & beer & bourbon. DESU fuck yeah.

>> No.4751262

Nigger logic

>> No.4751298

i made 250k today just by holding

you are doing it wrong

meth idiot

>> No.4751300
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>> No.4751304

let's just not make sense anymore shall we? See>>4751262

>> No.4751323
File: 21 KB, 400x396, 06a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hears from a friend about 4chan
> tries to impress people on biz

>> No.4751327

nice larp
>he puts 5 figures into the highest risk asset of them all and holds

>> No.4751752

Why are you doing drugs? Meth is illegal. How in the actual fuck do you even get meth in the first place. Have fun fucking tyrone in prison.

>> No.4751801

Or trade crypto 24/7

>> No.4751826

Theres this crazy internet currency. I think its called bitcoin? You can buy stuff over the internet with it.

>> No.4751834

I only trade on a coke binge! I'm rich af!!!

>> No.4751838

They should have brought maths...

>> No.4751840

>implying any of these fucks have more than 40k in their bank account to play this gambling game
Its all larp

>> No.4751861

Oh cool!! Tell it to the judge

>> No.4751951

State cucked fags should go back to the stock market.

>> No.4751990

>go back to the stock market.
Implying i didn't make 15k from ETH. I had my fair share is this crypto thing. Faggot

>> No.4752017


>> No.4752027

Drugs clean our society of the filthy that fills the streets

>> No.4752081
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>> No.4752305

Dexies to trade and work daily. Sober weekends

>> No.4752326

wow OP posting 5 pepe images in a single thread, we're all very impressed

>> No.4752441

What do you expect from a druggie thats going to jail soon.

>> No.4752552

>not eating the cotton out of benzedrex so you can play with your internet beanie babies all night
it's like you guys hate gains

>> No.4752559

desu staying awake for a couple days high isnt worth any of the bad that comes along with that stuff, and it has a lot of bad

>> No.4752964


no meth tho

>> No.4752989

Iono OP you're not gonna listen to anyone cause you love the high, but I've had an addiciton problem before. The drug is making you delusional even though you don't see now. you will a couple years from now.

>> No.4753095

>Australia now so advanced their trolling mathematicians

>> No.4753544


>not being a pothead who owns a business and makes hella gains in crypto

dude wat?