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4745327 No.4745327 [Reply] [Original]

https://hacked.com/behind-the-coin-obsidian-odn/ hacked.com did a article on them which is very big and impressive - after the relaunch we should and see other exchanges
i predict 10-30$ by june
this is the better monero
it is a messenger that is anonymous and you can send crypto anonymously too
they will be developing more apps in the future
it is a crypto currency and secure anonymous messaging application for iOS and Android applications.
it is a platform so developers can build dapps on it
they are rebranding on december 4th with a new website,white paper, relaunch and dropping there applications and platform
you can currently buy now on hitbtc and cryptopia.co.nz and you can stake the coins in the wallet on there website
they will have master nodes
the messenger releases at christmas
they have a working real world usage product so they will get on bittrex and Binance
they partnered with tamico ico for marketing
End to end 256 Bit encryption algorithms ensure that messages and files you send can only be accessed by your intended private contacts.
Our end to end encryption ensures that your messages, files, pictures, videos and more, are never seen by anyone you didn't intend to. With timed auto deletion of messenger transfers, rest assured your past interaction will never be accessible to anyone.
Integration in the new Obsidian blockchain automatically means that the system is completely decentralised. This is something that Threema and Signal do not have.
Obsidian leverages a custom version of the Stratis technology stack, in tandem with a customized version of NBitcoin which is made useable under .Net Core technologies.
Obsidian Coin (ODN) is deeply rooted into the messenger service, as well as future Obsidian apps. As a power source, it's function is derived from usage on the Obsidian platform as a whole. Not only will stakers be able to mint ODN through our 100% PoS system but they will also be able to setup Masternodes to host the network

>> No.4745348

Isn't the lead dev for this a pajeet? no thanks

>> No.4745367

arent we all pajeets in some way?

>> No.4745393
File: 1.08 MB, 2745x1346, 1508818577329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still doubting based pajeet while sucking sergery's cock

It's like you guys never learn

>> No.4745407

wow he's actually called pajeet? lmfao

>> No.4745461

When did anons get _so dumb_

>> No.4745492

Its how they filter the retards.

>> No.4745555
File: 52 KB, 442x500, 1512291431060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and this is just messaging app competing with whatsapp, please dont buy this

>> No.4746074

Messenger app is just using the platform. The technology can be used for any encrypted application, not just the messenger.

>> No.4746264
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x721, ODN Vid Group Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice photoshop there, anon.

>> No.4746274

I always thought the messenger app demand was a meme until I realised corporates would pay huge money for this sorta stuff. Especially wall street.

You don't see them using WhatsApp for their transactions coz it's insecure but if odn can provide the right technology....

>> No.4746282
File: 191 KB, 386x412, smile543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDs are going crazy again.
thank you for warning us, to not buy this coin sirs.

>> No.4746344

lol deluded obsidian fags desperate to get bag buyers for their wickr app clone.

Nevermind the fact that the CEO's wife is the legal attorney for the whole operation (cough nepotism) and the entire team has never met in person aside from 2-3 members getting drunk with tamico one night.

also hillarious how they have 20 employees, 5 of them being community managers. Why do you need 5 people to moderate a slack channel? Sounds like bullshit to me

>> No.4746363

nice just sold 100k

>> No.4746709
File: 38 KB, 453x576, 1369312600574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glorified messenger app
>Pajeet as CEO
>developer dumped 300 gorillion coins
>PnD scam
>legal stuff in whitepaper worries me

keep up the good work guys. The FUD for ODN has always been topkek. It almost bit us back at some point, but it's fun.

>> No.4747258

> bag buyers
> price rising for days
> bags
so much FUD

>> No.4748070

I'm glad I didn't listen to any of this fake FUDers tryna depress price for their own accumulation. ODN has 2x'ed for me since last month. Seeing another 5x on the horizon. Gonna keep adding to my stash until $1 (ATH) then let 'er rip

>> No.4748310

we will hit $1 tommorow easy. Maybe I will sell some on fomo and buy back right after cause of christmass app out.

Just sayin' that 100mln marketcap will put it on $3,5 per ODN and 100mln is not a lot for project with working product

>> No.4748710

Corporate executives who accidently killed their secretary or need to order a pound of blow off the radar.