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4740329 No.4740329 [Reply] [Original]

There, I said it. Do you really think if there would be any truth to it, big players with a lot of connections in the scene like Bittrex & Poloniex would hold half a billion of those cunts?
>muh kerosine doesn't burn hot enough to melt Bitfinex Bitcoin prices mimimi

pic related, a deluted faggot NEET in his basement

>> No.4740360

>big players with a lot of connections
those brainlets are already holding my bags

>> No.4740382

They're not holding half a billion of them. Their users are holding half a billion of them.

Are you too fucking dumb to know what a cold wallet is?

>> No.4740383

Bittrex are holding your bags?

>> No.4740409


You don't think they actually hold any USDT themselves do you? It's all owned by traders.
Bittrex and polo will still make their money when tether eventually crashes. They will still get their fees when people are dumping USDT for $0.10.

>> No.4740413

No big difference there anymore at this stage. SEC is watching every step and if they would see 500mil user funds endangered there would be more actions taken than just another shitpost on plebbit

>> No.4740425

The Bitfinex/USDT connection is, in my view, 110% legit.

The problem is that these Bitfinexed tards Don't realize that so long as Bitfinex and USDT keep artificially pumping the market, those who buy now before any warning signs of government oversight or audits will see their holdings increase exponentially regardless.

BTC is only going to keep going up. As long as nobody in the international community in a governing body conducts and orders a full fledged audit of the two companies, USDT and Bitfinex will keep pumping the market, bitcoin will keep going up, and those smart enough to cast their morals aside and throw in now for the ride will see their gains skyrocket. Bitcoin is definitely going to crash hard when the general public finally realizes this, and the Trump Administration and/or IRS catches wind.

But now is still our chance to cash in. Do it before it's too late.

>> No.4740527

>No big difference there anymore at this stage.
What? No big difference between it being the exchange's tethers or their users tethers?

Of course there's a difference. It makes your argument in the OP 100% invalid.

> SEC is watching every step and if they would see 500mil user funds endangered there would be more actions taken than just another shitpost on plebbit

Dude bitfinex/tether uses a shady money laundering bank in a polish mafia town owned by a panamanian shell company and wells fargo, their previous bank, won't touch them with a ten foot pole and neither will any other legitimate bank.

Are you a complete newfag, a paid bitfinex shill or one of the bitfinex inner circle?

>> No.4740541

By the way, Bitfinex isn't located in the US, mr. Burger.

>> No.4740571

>big players like bittrex and poloniex
yeah, you sound like the kind of useless fat fuck like your picture
both of these exchanges are literally small timers who lucked out
poloniex was made by a musician who's now AWOL in Ibiza while his hired third-worlders keep the exchange on life support, the moment their numbers jumped from 10k to 40k in April they folded
bittrex is a few american guys operating out of a bedroom, they're so out of touch they thought they could delete a subreddit by threatening legal action
complete amateur hour, yet passes as professional for retarded minimum wage soy boy college cuck projecting hard

anyone serious about tether fraud is saying bitcoin can go to 20k, 50k, 100k. that's literally the point, there's no end to the growth of the scam as long as nobody cashes out
you're discovering the concept of a ponzi after years of wasting your youth playing video games and you think you're the only one smart enough to throw your morals aside. please
smart money was in bitcoin at $200, sold at $700 when mtgox collapsed, rebought at $200, sold at $1000 the beginning of this year for ethereum, sold eth at $420, rebought some at $130, and is now sitting on millions in fiat + more crypto than your third-worlder "bitcoin will go up because i'm so smart" pansy ass excuse of a strategy

>> No.4740583
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1510608204335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest brick-brained individuals on this planet are those who are skeptic of everything and can't see the half truths and how deeper things can go behind the scenes.

>> No.4741002
File: 193 KB, 1500x1500, 1511358654704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to time the market

>> No.4741153

>only a witch would be able to survive being thrown off a cliff into icy rivers
>ah, she must been was pure and is with Lord Jesus now

>> No.4741312

Man, the crash will hit you denial fags like a fucking atomic bomb.

>> No.4741364

>0.5 USDT has been deposited to your bitfinex wallet

>> No.4741413

>I protect literal scamming scum because I bought in at 8000 and it might double my money before the whole house of cards comes down

The crypto market is great but this balloon must pop before I put any more money into it.

>> No.4741421

Trade btc cfds if you're worried about a crash.

>> No.4741784


>> No.4741838

He's mocking the conspiracy by saying that whether BTC goes up or down, the tether fools will scream rigged etc. and he's right.

>> No.4741858
