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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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473563 No.473563 [Reply] [Original]

What do you consider winning the financial game of life... making $200k a year?

>> No.473566

Net worth of at least $30MM.

>> No.473572

Having enough investments to live off is a win in my book.

>> No.473574

"Winning" means being in 1st place, so GREATER THAN 72 billion dollars.

>> No.473576

alright smart ass, go take a seat in the corner for a couple hours

>> No.473577

$200k per year isn't even being in the 1%.

>> No.473581

I'm sorry you're not intelligent enough to ask a better question. Winning any game is by definition being the best,

>> No.473584

>Financial game

An interesting way to play the game of money and power. At least one large bank and several international businesses are required to be in a potentially winning position.

>> No.473585

it is faglord.

You win once you reach 10 Millions $

>> No.473586

are you having a laugh or do you really take things this seriously?

>> No.473590

>Being this defensive when someone points out your stupidity
Yes, keep blaming other people for your mistakes. You'll be going really far.

>> No.473591

actually it's not. In general it means meeting a winning condition. 'the best' isn't even well defined.

>> No.473592

Winning conditions in all other games universally include having the highest score you mongoloid.

>> No.473602

Well now I'm a little defensive at 'you'll be going very far' (I make over 200k :3) I made a joke at your expense after all.

I think it's a fair belief that everyone has an individual game to beat, but you take it literal, when if you weren't a joyless and probably growth-denied individual you'd clearly see the question.

Think of it more like a single player game, it's really not that hard.

>> No.473606

nah, you're just having a laugh-- i forgive you

>> No.473614

having bought into a nice, stable, quiet corner of the world where i can earn my keep with own hands.

>> No.473628

Get a load of this pleb. Nigga doesn't even hit the links.

>> No.473649

making more money than ANYONE EVER you moron


>> No.473651
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>> No.473687

Depends on the game. In the 8-bit era, games like Pac-Man ended whether you want it or to or not due to bugs in the game, and winning is considered either making it to the kill screen, with a style bonus for winning with the maximum possible score.

Other games could be played indefinitely, at least, until you fell asleep. (You'd lose extra bonus lives while you took a nap, and then rack up another 100+ lives while awake, lather, rinse, repeat.)

The winning criterion for those games was either rolling the score display over to zero, or, more often, and this is where I get back on topic, realizing you'd mastered the game, and walking away from the machine with the game still in progress, and letting the next guy finish wherever your game left off.

For me, winning the financial game happens the day you retire with sufficient assets to (with p=0.90, 90% probability) last you the rest of your natural life. Maybe you want enough assets to have a 99% chance of never having to work again. But for most people (i.e., excluding those who wish to trade money for power or who have billion-dollar hobbies like the based Elon Musk), there's a number beyond which you're just racking up points for no reason. That's probably as good a point as any to declare victory, give notice of retirement, and walk away from the career game.

>> No.473708

Winning this is having enough to live on and not have to work, comfortably. Shooting for that 5-6MM

>> No.473730
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>> No.473759

Yes. It's not a fantastic win, but it's a win nonetheless. You have more than enough to provide for your family comfortably and put your kids through college. You can retire without working too late into your life and spend time with your family. You can buy most of anything you want as long as its not some ridiculous expenditure (and even then, you can probably afford one every now and then).

The downside is that wherever you're working that's paying you $200k, there's probably someone getting paid more. If you can get over that fact, you're set for a happy life.

>> No.473766

ive always thought 5 million. 5 million invested can do work and you can even reduce that to just under 4 with a fuck-you house owned in full and a fuck-you car owned in full. you would still be totally fine conservatively invested.

>> No.473969

Retiring before I'm 30.

>> No.473976

Having a huge salary is only half of what's needed to win. The other half is having passive income generating assets that produce enough cash for me to retire on comfortably, as in greater than 80k/pa. And the value if which is within the millions.

>> No.473980

Why does everyone want to retire?! I personally can't stand the thought of not working and progressing my business & career.

>> No.473981

These guys wont achive their goal anyway.

>> No.473986

Don't know about the other guys but I dont want to retire until I'm 70. I just want to be able to do it in comfy and style when I do.

>> No.473987

I would prefer to focus on stuff that actually matters to me. Hobbies, family, whatever.
Business & career are just necessary evil.

>> No.473988

You have the option to retire. That's important.

Okay, tough guy.

>> No.473991


I want to be able to shitpost on 4chan without interruption.

>> No.474040

Enough to travel and drink for the rest of my life, most likely through some form of passive income (thousands of stocks w/ dividends, etc).

>> No.474058

I'm pretty much already there with €11k a year. Once you get over decadent consumerism freedom is very close.

>> No.474088

Calculate how much money you'd use with two/three kids or whatever, and a wife. I'd say that amount of money used per year x 25, is enough to invest and retire on.

So yeah, you're still a wage slave so to speak, but not for long.


>> No.474095
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>(I make over 200k :3)

>> No.474132


this brutha speaks the truth.

dont be a slave to consumerism

>> No.474210

This is my personal definition as well.

>> No.474584

my nigga. So easy to be in the top 5% when you quantify success as your savings rate. Stop playing the jews' game /biz/tards

>> No.474936


confirmed for broke loser that gave up playing the game because he failed so hard at it

>> No.474949

I live in such a shit country that making 40K a year would make me financially sucessful

Feels bad man

>> No.474980

You're not winning if you have to work 16 hour days 7 days a week to make 200k a year

>> No.475018

My personal "winning at life" will be when I can make at least 50k a year without working a day in my life.