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4736090 No.4736090 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw this is the last chance to get in on bitcoin before whole coins become largely unaffordable

Who here /panicking/? With the endgame price of Bitcoin being $1 million, all you'll need for the future is 1-2 coins. But at $10,000 per coin they're quickly becoming unaffordable. Have you reached your BTC target yet? If you don't soon you never will.

>> No.4736140

You realise that you can buy less than 1 coin, right?

>> No.4736167

Yes but 0.1 BTC isn't going to get you anywhere, since Bitcoin isn't going significantly past $1M.

>> No.4736171

I still don't believe BTC is the end-game crypto, but I'm gonna hold all the same until a real competitor shows up

>> No.4736340

Real competitor hasn't shown up yet. Btc now being traded on CME means it's now in some part regulated by the govt. Mix that with Coinbase losing their case against the govt.

It'll trade well enough for short term but once the Fed gets a grasp on the blockchain it'll "release" a new standard bearer they have complete control of, to varying shades of transparency

Do you really think the status quo would allow the majority of wealth in the next big thing to be held by us? Not a chance

>> No.4736355

The battle between old money and new money

>> No.4736373

>you can turn 1k into 100k
>won't get you anywhere
Just give up OP you're not going to make it.

>> No.4736390

>Real competitor hasn't shown up yet

I completely agree with that, but I'd like to believe it won't be a government coin since that essentially is just fiat. Everything out now (sans IOTA but I have separate issues with that) is just 'BTC but a little bit better in a single way'. I think there's one on the way that could potentially fight it, but even that's a long-shot

>> No.4736404

>Real competitor hasn't shown up yet

it has, and it trades for 9 cents.

>> No.4736413
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>> No.4736468

No I haven't accumulated enough yet


>> No.4736489

> That comfy feeling when you bought 2 bitcoin at $300

Feels good

>> No.4736545


What shitcoin is he talking about?

>> No.4736558
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Does it matter?

>> No.4736580

And you didn't keep investing?

Please tell me you bought more later on

>> No.4736629

Fell for the hodl meme, down 1 btc D:

>> No.4736650

Dollar cost average was like $300... was buying in .25 increments. I have a little over 2 BTC. Held my BCH. Holding my BTG. Bought some ether, LTC, and shitcoins beyond that. Total portfolio is about $27k. I still put on average $20 a week into this magical meme money.

>> No.4736671

probably xlm

>> No.4736676

Unironically at this level, I think Ether is the better value and more likely to 3 - 10 X, so I focus on getting more of that.

>> No.4736745

[D.VA pump & signal]
This is our profit table. Let's meet on telegram.
XMR +25%
BCH 1st +10%, 2nd +10%, 3rd +15%
KYC +8%
ARK +15%
NEO -8%
OMG +20%
DASH +166%
ZEC +12%
Wavers +45%
EMC2 +30% ('17.12.01)
TIX +48% ('17.12.02)

Join us NOW !

>> No.4736800

Indorse. But don't tell anyone. Just quietly accumulate.

>> No.4736809


Bitcoin isn't the end game of crypto but it's something banks can control so they'll try to buy it up and it will keep going up.

>> No.4736843

>but 0.1 BTC isn't going to get you anywhere,
Yes it will.

>since Bitcoin isn't going significantly past $1M.
Yes it is.

>> No.4736851

You assume the fed controls the whole world. Very short sighted.

>> No.4736859

Lol this guy is smart. Thats the real secret but everyones thinking that same thing. Basically whats the next ETH or monero or whatever thats just blatantly a decent coin from the start and will net you constant returns i na good market.

>> No.4736861

>Do you really think the status quo would allow the majority of wealth in the next big thing to be held by us? Not a chance
Oh, you're a slave.

>> No.4736915

You just have a stroke?

>> No.4736921


>> No.4737169


Governments can't do shit. It would take a unified effort by damn near every government on earth to stop decentralized crpyto.

Once it get's to a certain size, you cant just fuck with it because you'd be wiping out trillions of dollars of value.

>> No.4737775
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>status quo

It's a paper tiger. Don't be afraid of banks, govs, jews, they will collapse. None can stop crypto

>> No.4737996

It will take too long for BTC to get to 1M for that to happen in any sort of near term, if ever.

There isn't some perpetual string of buyers that will never run out.

This is nearing peak public and institutional interest. It won't be long now until everybody who wants some, has some.

This has a few more months max before it either crashes (worst case) or stabilizes into 5%-10% boomer gains.

>> No.4738096

>This is nearing peak public and institutional interest.

>> No.4738116

>People are still falling for the bitcoin meme when literal pajeet tier scam coins have better blockchain technology

>> No.4738132

Why isn't anyone starting an Amazon competitor that only takes bitcoin?

>> No.4738162
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dude, chill. when bitcoin hits the million, the USD will already be in the realm of hyper inflation.