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File: 34 KB, 872x419, bitcoinchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4722120 No.4722120 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4722167

of course not

>> No.4722197
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>> No.4722210
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>> No.4722215

I bought so it will go down now.

>> No.4722223
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It's still negligible compared to this

>> No.4722228
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>> No.4722234

Not only is it sustainable, it's expected.

We no longer live in the world of normie markets. Traditional analysis of stocks and markets means absolutely nothing in crypto. This shit is so different.

24/7 trading
global trading
no supply response to the price, supply is fixed ALWAYS

We're literally at the beginning of something globally transformative.

>> No.4722280

that's not true, higher prices entice more mining which brings up difficulty and adds more parties to the prisoners dilemma, making the price more stable because muh antifragility

>> No.4722325
File: 21 KB, 888x458, FireShot Capture 23 - $10,847.63 - CoinDesk BPI - https___www.coindesk.com_price_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4722389

Sure, but the price is rising so fast from new money injected into the market that we can easily see 100x of the crypto market as a whole before it stabilizes.

There's no reason BTC shouldn't have the same or larger marketcap than gold in the next two years.

>> No.4722390
File: 43 KB, 630x378, bitcoin price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4722405

Shut the fuck up normie.

>> No.4722454

How about no.

>> No.4722469

>we had none of this in 2013
listen to this faggot lol

>> No.4722534

there's a different attitude about it now though. The $10k pricepoint of BTC got normie attention. That's what crypto really needed to take off. We're in for an interesting ride.

>> No.4722575

100x is a stretch, 20x-25x is more within the range of reality, you have to remember that gold still does have actual industrial use and bitcoin is not perfectly inelastic since it does not exist in a void and there are market substitutes that transact just fine and arguably better. the "store of wealth" use case is still one being sold on people, i think.

>> No.4722580

Has there ever been a bubble that didn't pop? I can't think of one.

>> No.4722602

"this time is different" - every retard who ignores obviously bubbles and ends up getting raped

>> No.4722641
File: 53 KB, 404x569, berka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this

>> No.4722679
File: 442 KB, 527x588, 08A0F076-273A-4077-94C7-1342CDE6A1E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sustainable goy just keep putting money in it

>> No.4722712

If it didn't pop it is not a bubble by definiton.

>> No.4722719

are you fucking joking
1,000 was not the same? lol

>> No.4722740

How is this time literally not diffferent though?

I just heard a commercial on TV for a financial consulting firm that specifically mentioned bitcoin.

That shit didn't happen before $10k.

Post $10k world IS entirely different than pre-$10k.

>> No.4722755

see >>4722740

>> No.4722768

How can Bitcoin be real if money isn't real

>> No.4722769

jesus christ

>> No.4722830

>tv advertisement

Should have specified...in America.

The whole point is that crypto will be a normie thing soon. There will be bitcoin 401ks. People will get % of salaries in bitcoin.

We're at warp speed right now.

>> No.4722850

"it's different this time" is a sarcastic way of saying that "it was different all those times before".
this isn't about charts or fundamentals anymore every coin on https://coinmarketcap.com is fluctuating 20% or so on pure speculation
velocity will keep increasing
exchanges will freeze
people end up trading with 1 hour delays
you won't even know what the price is
complete and total panic will take over one by one
the biggest red candle you've ever seen will suddenly appear
that freeze of the exchanges a few days ago? that just confirms that it ISN'T different this time.
do you really think things will "calm down" from this point?
complete greed and delusion will make it wobble out of control and it will pop like nothing you've ever seen before
I mean, this is literally 2013 * 10 in all shape and form

>> No.4722853

Everyone's talking about "the dip" and buying it.

So yes. It is.

>> No.4722861

bitcoin is not money, it will never be money, it's far too unstable.

>> No.4722890
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1502610186016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man has seen into the depths of the abyss
listen to him

>> No.4722920

no one can be this retarded.

>> No.4722951

I think maybe I wasn't explaining myself clearly before.

I agree with you that velocity will keep increasing and that the market is almost entirely speculation.

My thoughts are that there is so much psychological confidence that crypto will keep rising that it will manifest into reality.

Every time there's a dip theres millions in new money eager to get in to the market.

The new normie money + big institutions and banks getting into the fray will ease concerns of even more normies who want to enter the market, exchanges keep growing and new exchanges will keep popping up.

I guess im just more optimistic about the volume these exchanges can or will handle.

Don't get me wrong though, we'll see some dip whenever tether implodes, but something will replace it.

>> No.4722960

note when it was made, it was a prediction from a year ago that just got blown out of the water

>> No.4722972

>so much psychological confidence
I'm only trying to tell you it was EXACTLY the same in 2013

>> No.4723001


>> No.4723006

>we'll see some dip whenever tether implodes, but something will replace it.

The replacement already exists. bitUSD, bitCNY. Smart contract backed real value pegged assets. Decentralized and transparent.

>> No.4723007
File: 5 KB, 688x580, Xbww2hU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC graph will look like this. It's the classic S curve that all new tech goes through as it is adopted by the majority.

With BTC less than 0.5% of the world is invested. So we still have a long long way to go straight up. It's still very early days.

>> No.4723011

>crypto is different
This meme needs to fucking die, a market is a market. Doesn't matter what's being sold, people's psychology is affected the same way.

>> No.4723017

And you think that everyone can buy the dip?

There will be a lot of bull traps to let everyone to buy their personal ticket for wealthy in a slow general sell off that will end with the real dip way below.

>> No.4723060


>> No.4723074

>11000 USD
the money isn't there, if everybody wanted to cash out tomorrow you're lucky when you get 1k per bitcoin

>> No.4723088

IF that comes to pass....BTC would drop down to $2k-ish.

I just don't think that can happen. There's too many people out there now who want BTC.

>> No.4723109

2013 will never happen again because THERE WAS ONLY 1 EXCHANGE.

You fucking retards will never understand that we are not going down ever again at gox rates.

>> No.4723112

so you think nobody wanted btc anymore when it hit every newsstation on the planet that it just hit $1,000? don't worry 1000btc sells will slap some sense into you soon enough

>> No.4723164

The type of people in the market now are entirely different dude.

We have normie retirement holders now. The sellening won't happen like 2013.

>> No.4723181

Trade everything to tether at 9k, I want to see some pink wojaks right now

>> No.4723195
File: 573 KB, 710x842, reaction, feel man gun to head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you, me?

>> No.4723216

>We have normie retirement holders
exactly, how can you not see that makes it worse? these aren't seasoned traders
wait till they see the price approach their buy-in point lol
think they'll risk their retirement on it?
absolutely no panic ahead man it's all going to be fine

>> No.4723261

really and truely I think it is this, my boomer parents just started asking me about bitcoin.
For example watching the exchange, someone buys 6 full btc at historic highs, who thinks this is the best time to buy, its the person who is afraid of missing out. steady as she goes this bubble will pop when the normies run out of steam in a few weeks.

>> No.4723307

you're trolling me right?
how else would you be the exact stereotype
they saying is if your taxi driver starts talking about it you need to get the fuck out

>> No.4723338
File: 106 KB, 1176x607, techstocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s&p 500 techstocks
took 15 years to recover but man does this graph look familar

>> No.4723358


>> No.4723373
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>> No.4723380
File: 66 KB, 1868x1016, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I almost forgot about that shitstock.

>> No.4723392

2013 = there was only one exchange and everything was amateur as fuck

why are you summerfags pretending to be around in 2013

>> No.4723405

did you miss 2 days ago or what?

>> No.4723410


>> No.4723434

No, of course not. At this rate it'll be $100,000 per BTC by the end of the year. It's overshot due to mania but that doesn't mean the mania won't continue for a bit longer. It would be pretty foolish to get in at this point though.

>> No.4723660

It does not really matter much because the exchanges are all well connected. Go on TradingView and put BTCUSD from different exchanges in the same chart. You'll see that even if one of them deviates, the others catch up really quickly (or the one that deviated comes back).

It just takes one big exchange that crashes and burns, the others will follow suit.

>> No.4723737


>> No.4723822


The prices stay synced because the arbitrage bots come out of the woodwork if they detect a divergence, that doesn't mean if one exchange goes out of business they all do

>> No.4723988

look at log chart

>> No.4723992

Yes but if for some reason the price crashes on one all the others will drop as well, and eventually the price will meet somewhere in the middle. This of course depends on the duration of the crash. It happens for flash crashes as well, to a degree.

>> No.4724044


new paradigm, this time it's different

>> No.4724067


True it would certainly cause a dip but then again we get random 20% dips on the regular anyways like a few days ago. I don't think any one exchange going down could cause the same damage as Mt Gox did back then. The only thing that could cause a 3-year bear market like that would be a problem with BTC itself.

>> No.4724095
File: 517 KB, 1600x1600, tethering_doomsayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Tethers it is. Once Tethers are gone... DOOM SHALL BEFALL UPON THE CRYPTO MARKET. Until then, don't even try to short bitcoin with leverage... or you will lose.

>> No.4724240

what does that even mean, lol the retards on this board