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File: 176 KB, 797x977, Jenselter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4719725 No.4719725 [Reply] [Original]

>hurr durr a blockchain messenger is not worth 15 mil.
Yes, you are actually correct.
Lets see here.


What's app was actually sold for 19 billion.

Lets see what What's app has going for it?
-Shit interface
-All around very basic
-Can easily be tracked/monitored by government institutions

Obsidian Messenger is encrypted, private and secure, not to mention it has a great looking interface. Not to mention the Secure Messenger is just one part of the Obsidian platform and it has a market cap of ONLY 15 mil right now. A shitty half-assed unsecure application like What's App was sold for 19 billion.

Overall, if you havent realized ODN is the next big thing in crypto you are a brainlet and there's nothing much that could be done.

To all my ODN bros out there: Cheers and keep holding.

>> No.4719743

whatsapp doesnt need shit tokens

>> No.4719754



glad i sold my ODN a few minutes ago to buy more LINK

>> No.4719763

if eth is just shitcoins why do you need link?

>> No.4719767

Whisper is way better, fuck off

>> No.4719769


Gettem I say gottem, boys.

ODN is shit. There are secure messengers that don't need any coin. This is a cash grab.

>> No.4719779



this is why LINK is better.

>> No.4719797

this post is so early october

>> No.4719804


imo ODN is one of the most promising low cap crypto projects. You must be retarded if you think this won't take off soon.

>> No.4719805


You're post doesnt mention LINK

>> No.4719813

can we make this the new obsidian poster girl. 10/10

>> No.4719815

It was sold with high price because it already had a large userbase...

>> No.4720229


You'll be sorry pretty soon

>> No.4721042

Lmao unironically this.

>> No.4721048

Why not go 50/50! Or 40/40/20 odn/link/req
The perfect profile!

>> No.4721059

This is a good setup.

Also, keep in mind that ODN hasnt hit any real exchanges soon. Imagine when it hits binance/bittrex

>> No.4721097
File: 791 KB, 685x1160, 1B41ED8C-4173-42B1-93C2-C62D4F57CB16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Side note. Beware the biz bots and pajeets that use them. Pic very related. The fud campaigns the other day were intense for a reason.

>> No.4721137

obsidian is probably the biggest shitcoin

fuck off pajeet

>> No.4721351

I’m selling it before the 4th tho, especially if it doesn’t moon.

>> No.4721725

>selling before marketing campaign starts

>> No.4721863

he can't read charts so he just blindly buys the rumor and sells the news

>> No.4722056

ill just keep hodling these babies no matter what happens.

>> No.4722538

Neither does the of messenger you brainlet. It's just run on ODN nodes and since odn has value people will actually want to host nodes because you get off. The messenger does not require purchasing it. When the app is out you can just download it and use it with out ever buying some crypto.

>> No.4722566

gayest comparison ever. whatsapp is worth that much because people actually use it nobody will EVER use this faggot obsidian chat

>> No.4722581

You don't need coins to use the messenger. The coins exist so that their is incentive to run nodes which will power the network which will power the messenger. The devs knew a messenger where you have to use coins and pay for it will be retarded. The whole point is to make it totally free and have the messenger hosted on a decentralized network of masternodes. The masternodes power the network and make it fast, and node owners get passive ODN. This is crypto dApps 101 you fucking brainlets.

>> No.4722608

apps like whatsapp are bleeding and dont bring in profits. don't matter if people use it if they only use it for free.

>> No.4722639


>> No.4722676

You're comparing buying an open and easily accesable messenger that will give you the opportunity to get tons of data that matches the means of facebook/google with a messenger that is basically the incarnation of no money-income for businesses

>> No.4722682

Also the messenger doesn't run off of the odn block chain. It would make it too clunky and slow. It's run off the masternodes.

>> No.4722693

No one ain’t gunna use some retard ass butt coin why would anyone invest in fake numbers and shit...

tfw when btc is over 10k

>> No.4722695

darknet will use is allright

odn devs will be speaking at some hacker pedo conference later in december IRC

>> No.4722733

Yeah and the darknet literally drives the growth of btc and especially monero and other privacy coins. ODN gonna be big. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

>> No.4722781

Masternode holders check in so we can start forming our lambo club now. I'm sitting on 2 nodes comfy as fuck

>> No.4722839

>6300 odn

need a node but don't like shit exchanges wat do

>> No.4722859

You're missing the obvious point that you don't have to fucking pay to send messages on WhatsApp. Even 99% of drug dealers would prefer to use something like Wickr or Signal since they're free. The market for an app like this is fucking tiny, the only people this app will appeal to are tinfoil hat privacy freaks, the same kind of people who refuse to actually buy a smartphone because they think the government are tracking them and monitoring their voice activity through the microphone on their phone. I'd be surprised if even 100 people use this app.

>> No.4722866
File: 36 KB, 435x269, 1506225072633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna put my remaining $250 investment into this. The recent gain has been stable and developers are actually releasing shit

>> No.4722883

You dont have to pay anything to use obsidian messenger too you fucking retard. Holy shit the fudding pajeets are actually getting so obvious


>> No.4722886

but whatsapp and signal don't pay you to use it faggot and there's no in app-payments

checkmate BIATCH.

>> No.4722894

At least someone here has a brain. Good job, my man. And that's not even counting the future apps that will run on the platform.
We're gonna make it.

>> No.4722913

He doesn't know that Obsidian messenger will have both a free and paid tier and both will have military grad security and the trust that a decentralized network ensures that no court order can give your information to any government

>> No.4722940

Digibyte is worth 116m right now, and was 552m at the peak of its pump and dump. THAT is a useless shitcoin. Relative to that, I think 15m for a PoS privacy platform is fairly undervalued.

>> No.4722968

this shit is gonna be big isn't it...

>> No.4723040

Unirconically this. DGB had nothing going for it except a shitty conference.

>> No.4723122
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1512064423780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing WhatsApp with ODN

>> No.4723135

>mfw odn is going to have an awesome conference coming up

>> No.4723153

Just to add, these people are completely glossing over this:
>The Obsidian wallet and messenger apps are planned to converge into a single app in the
future, for selected platforms.

This also means that, eventually, we will have an completely secure and private messenger app capable of storing, sending and receiving money the easiest way this world has ever seen, while also completely decentralized. Do I really need to tell you the groups of people who would greatly benefit from this? Just a hint: they are much more than a few, and have lots of money.

>> No.4723168

(accidentally added a line break in the middle of the quote, but you get it.)

>> No.4723211

3 nodes here, ready for retirement

>> No.4723311

>tfw poorfag
I started like a month ago. Fck these opportunities

>> No.4723436

how to start a node? how many coins do I need?

>> No.4723453


>> No.4723455


>> No.4723564

we should already building support. Looks like where will be dump rather than pmp

>> No.4723605
File: 448 KB, 629x454, b0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4723625

nobody is going to give up these social media markets:

-Whatsapp (Europe)
-Line (east asia)
-Kakao (Korea)
-Facebook (north america)

its just not happening you fucking idiots

>> No.4723674

whatsapp is most promoted, most easy to use and most used app.
i'd choose Wire or Signal over Whatsapp any time but my dumb normie friends don't use it so what's the point?

>> No.4723681

do you really believe that the current price is the coins full potential anon?

>> No.4723725

whatsapp isnt "worth" 19b
facebook bought it to corner the social media market. its a monopoly move

>> No.4723745

if the messenger is going to be free to use, then what gives ODN tokens any value? Who will be pumping money into the market cap?

>> No.4723766

read the thread fucking retard

>> No.4723779

2 nodes here also. Good going on the accumulation boys.

>> No.4723823

Do you read. In app payments using ODN. You can transfer money to your drug dealer after communication. In one app. You will even be able to put Fiat in with PayPal. And if you want anonymous funding you can use a pre paid visa which you buy with cash in real life. The odn for payment transfer will be bought and sold at market price at the current highest volume exchange. Durrrr

>> No.4723863

Obsidian serves a different purpose to those services, not to mention the messenger is only one app of which there are more to come.

Time will tell if it succeeds or not, but you keep standing on the sidelines like a chump and we'll keep making money. Up over 50% on this thing already (140% in terms of fiat).

>> No.4723957

fuck no. I am just consider swing trading

>> No.4723997


so the entire value of this coin is derived from the handful of people who will be using it send payments?

I'll pass. You'd have to prove mass adoption to me first.

>> No.4724025

>I like to be late to things

Just go buy some stocks then.

>> No.4724040

Its not only a messenger, obsidian is also a platform for dapps.

>> No.4724063
File: 1008 KB, 255x160, deepeningpeep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brazilian anon here. In here Whatsapp, or "zapzap" as people call it, has an absolute monopoly over communication in here. No one uses SMS or call people, they all connect to random wifis and use it.

>Can easily be tracked/monitored by government institutions

Not exactly true. We had two major incidents in here where the company was obliged to shut it's service due to not being able to provide the government with the encryption keys to help solve some case. Look it up, it made Telegram become top 5 at the BR apple store in that week, which is an app who only drug dealers usually use here.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong anon. How is it good to have your private messages recorded in a blockchain which is in various machines around the world? That sounds stupid as fuck.

>> No.4724066


that's not going to happen. They should stick to their niche and excel at it.

>> No.4724123

messages will be not recorded. They will be deleted

>> No.4724150


>sure faggot
>go sell your bags to some pajeet

>> No.4724162

I'm not surprised that a Brazilian is this retarded lol.

>> No.4724205

Can i make a coin that records the convos then?

>> No.4724226

>private messages recorded in a blockchain
Retard alert. That's not how it works, and they are not recorded. Also, read:
as well as the rest of the thread. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm Brazilian and not that retarded. Don't lump us all together.

>> No.4724236
File: 345 KB, 1760x1024, A604BBC4-C23E-46EE-815C-3A78ACC73CF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check comparison

>> No.4724271

Just adding to this, there's not even a server the messages go through. So, unlike with whatsapp, they can't ban it like Brazil did some times (which would be possible with Telegram), and leaves absolutely no records anywhere.

>> No.4724307


>Obsidian Messenger is encrypted, private and secure, not to mention it has a great looking interface. Not to mention the Secure Messenger is just one part of the Obsidian platform and it has a market cap of ONLY 15 mil right now. A shitty half-assed unsecure application like What's App was sold for 19 billion.



>> No.4724375

This seems like a cool idea. Do you think it will mostly be darknet drug dealers using it or do you see street dealers hopping on? I'm skeptical normies would adopt use the messenger, at least not any time soon.

>> No.4724413

Facebook isn't worth 15 mil either. It should have 0 users. There's just a retard bubble right now. Once we open the camps and start the great purge it will crash.

>> No.4724482

If that's what it sold for that's literally what it's worth.

>> No.4724668

So tell me why I need to buy an ODN token?

>> No.4724691

If the iOS app comes out it's by default normie friendly. If not there's still android, most of the world uses android phones anyway.

>> No.4724727
File: 491 KB, 2226x1300, OBSIDIAN YES i can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% this

>> No.4724822

But it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

>> No.4724846

basic app will be free to use but if you want to send files or voice messages you need to add small fee to avoid spam

>> No.4724886

ill just use messenger thenlol or telegram hehe

>> No.4724913

mainly masternodes my dude

>> No.4724923

sounds retarded, probably because IT IS retarded idea.

>> No.4724926


>In May 2015, a 15-year-old girl from Bolton, Massachusetts was charged with making a threat on Whisper towards a school, referencing the Columbine shootings; she was tracked down using Whisper and GPS.

>> No.4724951
File: 54 KB, 540x534, pepel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you Pajeets really think me or any other sane person is going to switch from whatsapp to obsidian?

This board is so fucking retarded.

>> No.4724964

So you'd use signal, because there's literally no use case for pushing tokens around with a messenger unless you are totally deluded.

>> No.4725013

If it has a good user interface I'll use it. Expect most hardcore crypto discussion to migrate to obsidian if the app ui is comfy.

>makes money off of posting memes
>make money off of flipping shitcoins
>make money whilst talking shit with the bros staking and sexting qts

What's not to like? You'll get paid in transaction fees when becky cheats on you and makes plans to hookup with chad through this app

>> No.4725526

It's not a block chain messenger. It wouldn't be a good idea to base a messenger off of a block chain. He never even said it was a block chain messenger.

>> No.4725563

>puts coin logo on a picture of a girl to attract horny pajeets
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.4725625


You forgot the part where you explain why ODN should have value.

>inb4 "It has value because you can run nodes"

>> No.4725626

It's not for you normie, it's for darknet criminals who were first people to use btc.

>> No.4726395

no thanks. pgp stego gay porn sharing beats every other method