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File: 154 KB, 640x450, Cuckonpoulos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4722941 No.4722941 [Reply] [Original]

why are the majority of innovators and spokesmen in crypto left wing virtue signalling cucks?

>> No.4722952

they love cucking themselves, thinking their internet money has any value, meanwhile Chad Jew controls all the infrastructure needed for their so loved cryptos

>> No.4722953

what did he do?

>> No.4722974

Not Jihan and the other chinks. They are relatively serious, trustworthy businessmen.

>> No.4723033
File: 13 KB, 280x390, Yeah+i+know+_d958796348ab2b5a71e6f8a96bd012ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're specialist idiot nerds (Fachidioten in German). They don't have a fucking clue about history, or politics. So if ask about it, what are they gonna do? They tell you what is being told at universities. Simple as that. They're on the "right" side of history.

What next? Are we going to ask Hollywood derps like Clooney or jlaw what to do with the refuuugeees?

>> No.4723037

I wouldn't say the majority but there definitely are a lot. We often believe leftards are a majority because they are the loudest and more forceful about their shitty sjw opinions (iota) while right wingers tend to be more quiet about their opinions.

But I've said this a million fucking times - leftists don't belong in crypto. It makes them hypocrites because crypto is literally the opposite of everything a leftist believes in. It contradicts their entire belief system but they are too fucking stupid to realize it. Anti-state, deflationary currency based on the potential for complete privacy without taxation accountability. Organic freedom from the state in a way that makes ancaps horny. It literally cant be any further right wing.

>> No.4723063
File: 67 KB, 770x511, boom-motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixing up politics and tech
good job, dipshit

>> No.4723071

>blockstream retard
>not a left-wing cuck
what the fuck did you expect OP?

>> No.4723077

Don't pretend liberalism is about the state while conservatism is about the individual anymore. We are so far past that its nuts

Crypto is for smart people. It isn't for SJWs, it isn't for lazy normies, it isn't for evangelist bible thumpers. It isn't for tech-averse libertarians, tech-savvy communists, and it isn't for people who care strongly about politics. It's for people that realize american politics is just a stupid game that distracts us while our society is fundamentally corrupted

>> No.4723095
File: 275 KB, 1280x960, 1511908491642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are not cucks. Come to the real bitcoin if you want to be free of kikes and cucks

>> No.4723116
File: 27 KB, 300x438, 1511750947370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuckolded statists detected

>> No.4723591

I agree which is why I use the word "leftist" instead of "liberal." Liberals and leftists/democrats have separated just as conservatives and republicans have. No one fits perfectly in a box. I consider myself far more liberal than leftists and conservatives are now the liberals that the 90s democrats were.

But my point still stands. It's like a bible thumping Christian taking a job at planned parenthood. They can't scold others on abortion if they are also a part of it.

Whether leftists (the ones who love government like a god) want to admit it or not, crypto was built on libertarian and Austrian economic ideology (read about satoshi's vision of bitcoin and its whitepaper) and it largely continues in that direction (although normies and leftists now entering will ultimately beg for regulation).

>> No.4723635

Leftists are not liberal. Liberalism is right wing

>> No.4723690

No. There isn't just one type of liberalism.

Yeah, old bitcoin was a mix of tech guys and leftfield anarchocapitaist idealists. I miss it desu.

>> No.4723710

Man you really took the moral high ground here

>> No.4724036

At least BCH has real businessmen who try everything to push BHC and make it usefull. All
Cuckonpoulos does is talking about theory because no one fucking uses BTC