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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4721624 No.4721624 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else getting annoyed by retarded normies asking you how to buy bitcoin? Do these fucking inbred retards not know what google is? Everyday I become more jaded by these fucking morons and their lack of ability to do absolutely anything for themselves. I believe I'm going to start by replying, "Bitcoin, oh you mean that fake money pyramid scheme?" to their queries. FUCK these idiots and FUCK their bank accounts. They deserve to be a slave to the jews forever. FUCK.

>> No.4721697
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it you help them they'll help you. be good to peeps I'm general it's worth it.

>> No.4721759

if you already own bitcoin, more people buying i raises the price

why don't you tell them how?

>> No.4721799

No, only 1 man has asked me about it. He is hesitating, though, still hasn't bought anything.

>> No.4721824

>bitcoin? never heard of it

>> No.4721845

No different from inbred retards asking for "sauce" on cropped hentai images when you could just go on a fucking booru and place a tag relevant to the image.
In fact this whole site is fucking cringe to read lately, I thought normalfaggots were a problem 2 years ago but now it's nothing but now a plethora of "lol" and "+1" replies on posts, truly reddit and facebook tier. Nobody is doing anything about it, if you tell them catch them out on it they just rebuttal with "this isn't your safespace" or "he gets triggered by replies xD". Mods used to ban for useless posts that bring nothing to the conversation, now nothing happens but if I shitpost a bit about nintendo on /v/ as a form of banter I get banned for 3 days. Dumb oldfags either left for good or those who remained doing nothing to sway the culture back.

Now I know I deviated off topic, but I just had to get this off my system since this thread is about normalfags. Now I'm not saying to fuck off back to facebook (although that would be much appreciated) but at least follow the #1 unwritten rule and LURK MORE BEFORE YOU POST YOU AUTISTIC DISRESPECTFUL FAGGOT.

>> No.4721889

No, I want more volume.

>> No.4721969
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Lazy people that never take any big risks in life will never be rich or successful. These assholes are so lazy and stupid they spend a few grand on a crypto currency course when they could've sat on Google for an entire day and saved money. There will always be people in this world you are smarter than it's called natural selection.

>> No.4721994

Bitcoin? Sorry your honour I thought she wanted a bit of my groin

>> No.4722014


this problem is universal on 4chan now, just look at how pol devolved.
that board used to actually have 50% interesting threads, now it's 95% complete trash just like /b/ and nobody wants to wade through that crap.
The issue I believe is that it's hard to differentiate between retards telling others to fuck off and normal, good 4chan anons telling somebody to fuck off.
A mod would essentially have to make a personal decision that somebody is too stupid to contribute.

>> No.4722062

I just wish there was more quality in posting. Like you can bait and shit but at least make it seem like you put some effort into it. The problem is exactly that this new wave of facebook and reddit posters are extremely lazy individuals that come here to be solely entertained instead of giving some value themselves. They just do not want to respect the basic posting culture and deviate to their normalfaggotry, it's painful and makes me numb in the brain.

>> No.4722179


I've legitimately seen somebody make fun of some other guy for making OC. I mean holy shit, that was a new level of worthless that I thought wasnt possible on 4chan.
I dont really care about respecting some kind of board culture but you need to understand that when you're on 4chan, why try to make it like any other place?
All these generals threads are the perfect example, nobody gives a shit about your facebook tier chat about the latest developments on Trump. It's like, on /biz/ I bet they will soon make /bitcoin/ generals and all the normies will fellate each other with basic googleable questions all day

>> No.4722229

the last thing i want is a bunch of normies fomoing into btc at ath and killing crypto forever

>> No.4722241

Stop being annoyed by them and instead sell them some fucking bitcoin. Give them convenience and charge a premium for it.

>> No.4722299

We already had some "generals" here but it was mostly discord PnD groups trying to unload their bags onto brainlets. Although I can see sometime in the future normies doing these generals unironically here.

>> No.4722315


>> No.4722320


4chan is not a place for normies, they should go fuck themselves.
advocating for placating normies and shitting 4chan up for everybody else is exactly the kind of cuckshit mentality that is ruining not just 4chan but the world in general.
"oh yeah, lets just import 3rd world niggers because overall more people = slightly better GDP"
how about no

>> No.4722348

Oh. you don't want to make money from normies? Meh.

>> No.4722452


you are the perfect example of a worthless piece of shit, you would completely trash this website on the off chance that you MIGHT make 2% more profit for yourself.

>> No.4722508
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is complete now

>> No.4722531

Normies with niggerbrains should fuck off

>> No.4722546 [DELETED] 

i need surgery for my children :( and i can't afford it would be nice if anyone could donate come btc


>> No.4722600

Sell your children

>> No.4722647

What app do I use to mine bitcoin on my Ipad?

>> No.4722774
File: 167 KB, 800x952, tailwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't educate normies, let them revel in their own ignorance. their sole purpose is to flood the market with dumb money so that we can dump our bags on them.

>> No.4722822

one of the few chances OP could make friends, by people being interested in his buttcoins
>he does this

>> No.4722848

WHy don't you just sell it to them? Charge a little 5 or 10% fee
That's the rightway to do it for a /biz/nessman

>> No.4722902


We're all normies my friend. Normies are just like you, except they have different interests. We share a common humanity, there is no need to be hateful.

>> No.4722931

>retarded normies asking you how to buy bitcoin

Stop talking/bragging about crypto to retarded normies on Facecuck then

>> No.4723004

Well everyone you and they know are going to see your post so it would be best (if you own any Bitcoin) to just act nice and explain it so they will buy in and increase the value of your bitcoin. Plus you will gain networking points.