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File: 63 KB, 650x508, blackswan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4720365 No.4720365 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4720377

i got my asshole bleached on wednesday. been waiting ever since.

>> No.4720381

see feathery hand grab bobs
cannot unsee

>> No.4720396

Yus. My pizza is nearly baked and my beer is in the chill.

Born ready, Sir!

>> No.4720407

For what?

>> No.4720414


>> No.4720451

For a Black Swan event you mean?
Market crash?

>> No.4720468

it's coming
she can not be stopped

>> No.4720475
File: 80 KB, 900x900, barbaric-relic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure gonna buy 4 more ounces next week for my stash.

>> No.4720481

i swear all these newfags...

>> No.4720490

Central banks are running ouf of steam. The financial armageddon of derivate market is upon us.

>> No.4720492

it's why it will happen

>> No.4720509


>> No.4720517


>> No.4720523

how bout you just explain instead of being cryptic

>> No.4720540

so you're not even new to crypto you're new to 4chan aswell
this is going to be beautiful

>> No.4720559

whats the harm in warning others if you know somethings gonna happen?
I'm just trying not to be a wageslave

>> No.4720581


>> No.4720583

BCH people.

>> No.4720589

because if you are one of the deluded you won't believe me, you'll think bitcoin will reach $100,000 by the end of the year because mass adoption is happening before your eyes
just like when bitcoin went to $32 and crashed to $2
or $266 when it crashed to $55
or $1242 when it crashed to $166

but this time is different right?
it isn't
there will be some "news", everything will come down and this news will be blamed
this is a black swan event

>> No.4720601

You don't want you to be a wage slave but no one else here cares.

>> No.4720629
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, moneyskelly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4720631

I think btc has no value proposition when they limited the blocksize. I was expecting 7k this week as a normal correction

if you have evidence of something happening then I'd believe it but you've just said there will be news. How could I justify making a decision on that? have you got any evidence?

>> No.4720646

if you can't see it now
maybe you will next time

>> No.4720665

maybe this will do it

if not we wait for the next happening

>> No.4720693

The bigger point is that the market is so stupidly euphoric and risk-taking that the moment any news story breaks with slightly bearish news we risk a freefall.
>CME decides to postpone BTC futures
>tether is more than a meme
>China bans BTC (again)
>US FinCEN clarifies tax policy in:re BTC (again)
>Somebody somewhere gets hacked (again)
>flash crash causes normie panic
>BTC gets over 100k unconfirmed txns (again)

>> No.4720750
File: 46 KB, 1036x599, volatility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The volatility of BTC is getting smaller and smaller as liquidity rises

>> No.4720787

the tether/bitfinex won't be as bad as gox because there are other exchanges. Obviously will be an actual crash on when that happens. I got in low enough on most of my holdings that I can hold through 60% falls

yeah all crypto is specualtive until there is real world adoption. I don't think it's risky speculation that there will one day be a globally accepted crypto though. Black swan crash means time to accumulate

>> No.4720807
File: 118 KB, 1486x562, Screenshot_20171202_131047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing, nothing to worry about

>> No.4720849

If Bitcoin crashed to $1 dollar I would still hold and buy a butload more. You have no choice. Millionaire or Nothing. There's no in-between!

>> No.4720881

if bitcoin crashed to $1 everyone would just buy xmr or eth

>> No.4720951

You would buy more asshole how stupid are you.

>> No.4720968
File: 40 KB, 833x367, zqhnheqmic101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how new are you
if bitcoin reached $1 there would be a fundamental problem with it and you wouldn't
you'd think it's dead
just like now you think it's going to $100,000 and you can't sell

>> No.4720970

A few months ago the biggest holders of tether were major exchanges (polo, bittrex) with each over 100M tether. Maybe now bitfinex is the biggest tether holder, but that makes sense when you realize that it's also the exchange with the largest volume. The whole tether conspiracy sound like bullshit to me.

>> No.4720982

>mass adoption is happening before your eyes
i don't even understand why everyone wait for mass adoption and institutional money
mass adoption = cheaper end product and more fierce competition
institutional money = less volatility, more regulations
combination of this things essentially what will cripple btc growth, not boost it
and since btc doesn't have any value beyond growth anymore it will stagnate or bleed even more

>> No.4721166

>just like when bitcoin went to $32 and crashed to $2
>or $266 when it crashed to $55
>or $1242 when it crashed to $166
Oh boy sure glad I didn't buy in at $32 then huh?
I have $35000 in BTC that I bought with pocket change. I will just wait and see it grow as I always have instead of selling and taking the risk of having to buy in at a higher price later.
If I'd listened to you faggots I'd have sold at 3000 or 4000 as it was surely gonna crash then, right?

>> No.4721189

I bought in at $29
that's why I know what I'm talking about
nice stack you got there

>> No.4721218
File: 269 KB, 960x1000, T2FalseWitnesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedge or be matrixed for ever and ever amen...

>> No.4721245

not quite sure what you want to tell me with that random address

>> No.4721247

>BTC doesn’t have value beyond growth
But it does

>> No.4721342

Holy shit all crypto exchanges are scammy as fuck.

>> No.4721388

who the hell is saying this is going to 100k EOY?

>> No.4721418

80% on this board right now
it's how you know

>> No.4721517

I've seen at least as many people claiming it'll crash to 7k/4k/1k/nothing any day now.

>> No.4721548

I know, you've heard it all before, and then it went even higher
that's the psychology, this idea is now firmly planted in most of you
and it did and will, until it doesn't

>> No.4722016

wait it didn't break ath? lel

>> No.4722113

You are now aware her earhole is in the wrong place