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File: 41 KB, 1727x617, EMC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4715337 No.4715337 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know why I'm doing this, aside from just being an asshole, but there was a thread earlier today talking shit about TA, and I just wanted to post my EMC2 chart that I just made money off of.

The thread had a discussion similar to:
"Hey, I don't understand TA, so everyone that does it is dumb, right?"
"Yep, I don't understand it either, and I've made no effort towards doing so."

That kind of group-think shit right there is how America got stuck with Trump. I realize going political with it is a drunk person thing to do/say, but I'm not even drunk. I have decided to get drunk, though, so if anyone wants to talk to a drunk asshole, go for it. It may take me a while to respond, because I may as well jerk it too. Listen, it's not going to be normal shit that I jack to tonight, ok? I'm not even sure what kind of shit it's going to be, but it's not going to be gross or anything. Maybe just some Asian train-groping/eventually banging type shit. That shit does it for me sometimes, and yet I have no desire to do that in real life. Isn't that weird?

So, here it is... random dude sucking his own random dick.

>> No.4715342

>TA on a pump and dump

>> No.4715372

Group think is voting for Hilary actually, shes in group, media promoted, socially acceptable.

>> No.4715377

If you didn't want Trump, why do you keep importing invaders ?
If you didn't want death camps, why are you forcing the hand of the people ?
If you didn't want for the holocaust to be real, why are you giving us ideas ?

>> No.4715401

Dude.... The part in yellow happened after the chat was made. Does that not look accurate to you? pump and dump? I just made money off that, dude. Is that not what you guys are here for? Are you more about predicting the utility of a currency that doesn't even have mainstream adoption yet? How the hell would anyone even think they could do that? "I've read the whitepaper, so therefor, I am an expert."...Come on, maaaaaaaane! Hey, on the real though, it's ok. Thanks for your comment.

>> No.4715411

Have you ever noticed how traps always seem to have the biggest cocks? Really makes you think.

>> No.4715429

Do you not think TA applies to pump and dumps? That's the bread and butter of penny stock trading.

>> No.4715432

Yeah, I mean... you're right in a traditional sense, and I suppose there has to be an amount of group-think during an election, since we're talking about millions of people deciding between two candidates, but electing someone that is an actual idiot is a little different.

>> No.4715511

Man, you right. You damn right. Thanks

>> No.4715519

Being arrogant and loud-mouthed doesn't necessarily make him an idiot though, oddly enough it makes him more charismatic in a business sense and able to get people to do what he wants when it comes to that. Trump is definitely alot smarter than what he lets on, despite what the media says and how he tones down his speeches for.the public to understand, his actual acts are often quite complicated and well thought out.

Regardless most amerifriends i know voted for Trump because they are sick of the politicians and the lies and corruption, but also because Trump is a hope for something different than the downward trend the political oligarchy was inflicting upon the states.

>> No.4715543

I actually don't follow you on that, man. You are on some different type shit. That's some shit you'll be telling a reporter when you're interviewed in prison.

>> No.4715667

>downward trend
You do like TA! Yeah, maybe it's just something I don't like about him. It's possible that I'm projecting who I think he is onto him, and that process repeats itself over and over, so I feel justified in my thoughts. I mean, that's kind of what my issue was with the people in the TA thread from earlier. It's not like I know the guy or anything. If I think about it, I just hate that so many people felt like they needed such a drastic change. That just tells you how bad things have really gotten.

>> No.4715774

Tell me where you live and i will make it go right into your brain, friend.

>> No.4715935

Yep, it'll be a straitjacket situation. The reporter will probably be super liberal talking about..."No, it'll be ok...I want him to have a chance to feel human." Then the warden will be all, "Ma'am, this prisoner microwaved a cat yesterday. Yesterday, in prison, he microwaved a cat. We do not allow prisoners to have cats, and this particular inmate does not have access to a microwave. He has been issued a straitjacket, and I fear for everyone's life if we were to remove it."

>> No.4715970

I got them top two post references backerds in that last one, but you guys will figure it out...

>> No.4716023

I have to go get more beer. I only had two in the fridge. I'm going to the gas station with pajama pants on, and I always think my dick is going to pop out of them. It's not like I don't have on boxers, but still... just an irrational fear. So, I'm going to go experience that real quick.

>> No.4716311

Well, it appears as though the thread has died. Thanks, everyone. I'm going to update the charts for the weekend, and make them gaaaaains!

>> No.4716431

>how America got stuck with Trump
Fuck off.
You were right until you said that. We voted for Trump because he's an excellent leader and businessman and he's done an outstanding job so far.

>> No.4716485

>That kind of group-think shit right there is how America got stuck with Trump.
Why ruin the LARP so early? You gave it all away instantly when you went here. You didn't even get a couple of posts in before you ruined it, retard.


>> No.4716637

Ah, so you're the dumb ass that buys my coins on the wick? Thanks, man. haha, I'm just messing with you. I'm sorry that my opinion differed from yours, but your comment is pretty great. I like the:
>You were right until...
It's like... "I don't agree with everything you said, and that means we're not exactly the same, so you can fuck right off!"

>> No.4716723

I am for real not sure what you mean, man. I'm just dicking around, but I'm not bullshitting anybody. Having an opinion about something doesn't mean I'm right, and man, trust me, you'll get farther/learn more trying to understand the opinions of others than you will reassuring yourself of your own.

>> No.4716789

This isn't real, is it? Is this an ironic thing about Trump that I'm just not in on? That's what's happening, isn't it? I'm old as hell, and I'm not in on the joke?

>> No.4716842

Alright, look. You guys want a chart of something? I'll hook it up if so.

>> No.4716963

I have more money than you.

>> No.4716969

I don't know why, but that LARP shit pisses me off. I even for real jerked it to that train shit, man! I know people react differently to the anonymous thing, but I see it as a chance to be way more honest than in real life. I lied about really dumb shit in real life today, and I do it all the time for reasons unknown to me.

>> No.4717031

I don't doubt it, man. I didn't go in with much, because I needed to prove to myself that TA was real first. I lucked out and got a lot of help from a dude I met in a Telegram group that really knew his shit. I charted a lot without having money in the coins, and I've just really started making gains in the past month or so.

>> No.4717282

But...I'd like to add... who the fuck says that? I get that you guys are young and shit, and a lot of you probably just now feel passionate enough about something other than whatever first-person shooter you thought you were good at, but your parent's opinion is only going to take you so far. You're not really grown up yet; you're just kind of trying it on. You'll be all good, though, man. I tell you what, go ahead and buy my RCN at 1364 tomorrow.

>> No.4717293

The reason is that you are a jew, or a woman.
Jew and women have 40 to 80% white brain matter than humans, and white brain matter is exclusively used for lying.
The fact that the area occupied by white brain matter is near the prefrontal cortex isn't helping with the "IS" or "being people" thing.

In fact, that's why women adopt the mediatised view of the jews so easily, and are so easily "manipulated" : they are kin. It's not manipulation when it's your nature to do it.
Jews destroy civilizations, women do the same.
Women foster socialization of the economy, just as the jews.
Jews lie, cheat and use the government for their ends, so do women.

Truly, discriminating self-replicating desintegrating nanoswarms can't come sooner. Let's hope technological civilization do not collapse due to subhumanization before they are possible.

>> No.4717332

That is the most 4chanish thing I've read today haha. Neither case is true for me just for the record. I mean, I do claim a gender and race, but it's neither of those.

>> No.4717349

whats OP trying to get at ?, drunk fuck

>> No.4717389

Oh shit! I didn't realize it was said by little cray cray.

Makes sense...makes sense.

>> No.4717406

Man, I don't even know, dude. I'm fucking up some good crypto discussions probably. I don't even know why the fuck I'm doing this. That drunk is kicking in, though.

>> No.4717482


If it's the thread I think you're talking about, I posted academic papers studying TA that gave evidence it works. The main question is why it works where it does.

>> No.4717541
File: 23 KB, 480x360, terry davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



kys nigger

>> No.4717554
File: 37 KB, 564x752, 33572513dae814495bc7420b1cf1a62c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, a drunk loser who lies constantly in real life to hide his insecurities and hates Trump. I'm shocked.

>Trump is dumb
Pic related. Kek. I can't even believe we are two and a half years into this shit since Trump announced his candidacy and you freak faggots have such fragile egos you can't come to terms with the fact that Trump is not only not stupid, but exactly what we needed (no illegal mexishits, no wars and rapefugee mudshits, no media controlling the narrative, no soros nigger shit, no radical LGBT/Feminism fucking kids and attacking the nuclear family, etc).

Seriously, you are either incredibly fucking stupid, a total casual politically and you're trying hard to be 'centered' which makes you look like an even bigger retard considering the fact that Trump is also the perfect moderate - he's a 90's democrat - which is just another testament to how far gone you retards on the left are (and you don't realize this because you're politically illiterate), or it's a fragile ego because you can't admit Trump isn't as bad as you were told and you were lied to and you believed the lie and that means you're wrong and you can't accept that fact.

Grow up mate, it's the last post I'll make on this topic as to not shit up my biz board but you're drunk and need some fucking sense slapped into you. Best of luck to you, when you come to terms with this you will be a better person because you will move forward in life after building some character, as we all have at some point during our Trump delusion; and then you won't have to lie as much to others IRL.

>> No.4717612

Hey, man! Wow, that was a nice change of comment style. Thanks. Yeah, the "why" is a little weird. I don't know if there's any merit to this, but I kind of feel like it has to do with the patterns that humans follow without realizing it. I forgot what it's called, but it seems like the study of that type of behavior had a name.

>> No.4717749

Am I understanding this correctly? You are a fan of Trump? I'll have to go back and read it again. I may have missed something in the subtext. For the record (not that it matters) I just lie about dumb shit. Like where I went for lunch or something. I mean, it doesn't make any sense, but I totally do it. I don't think I trust anyone who doesn't admit that they lie sometimes. You are right about me being a "total casual" when it comes to politics, though. I was really into it when I was younger, but that shit just mattered less to me as I got older. I still feel like this shit has to be a joke, though, right? I mean, I actually do respect your opinion, which I know makes it even worse/funnier if I find out this shit is a joke, but... it is a joke, right?

>> No.4717784

I mean, this is like that damn prequel shit on reddit, isn't it? Everyone just act like something is awesome and then so shall it be?

>> No.4717812

One data point proves absolutely nothing OP

>> No.4717839

I'm sorry, what? I don't even mean that like in the douche bag way you probably read that in your head, but like actually what are you talking about? Would you like me to post more that I've made money on?

>> No.4717869

If you're talking about the simple-looking chart, that's just how I present it after deleting all the trend lines that are used to form the price points. I think it's just easier to read without all that other stuff on there.

>> No.4717893

Also, this was a legit ATH prediction that was damn-near dead on. No credit for that?

>> No.4717901

Gimme charts, I’m young

>> No.4717921

haha what up, young blood? Which coin would you like me to chart for you?

>> No.4717997


>> No.4718065

It's not on Tradingview yet. I may not be able to do a real legit one for you. 1 min...

>> No.4718091

Well rather than posting examples Id be interested to know why you thought the price would behave the way it did, whats the basis for your call there?

>> No.4718157

If not than LTC. Also your thoughts on it

>> No.4718181

Man, that one is just too new I'm afraid. I messed with it a bit, but there's no degree of certainty there. Sorry, man.

>> No.4718206

That, I can do.
I can hook you up with that info as well.

be back in a bit

>> No.4718355

But please dont post links to TA books anon, Im algo trading so that shit will most definitely be useless to me. I'm interested in your personal interpretation, how you validated your assumption, what inefficiency you are exploiting, etc.

>> No.4718404
File: 86 KB, 1719x703, LTCBTC_BITTREX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the delay.

>> No.4718428
File: 75 KB, 1719x700, LTCBTC_BITTREX_SPIKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the long-term prediction for next ATH.

>> No.4718516
File: 152 KB, 1716x709, EMC2_UPTREND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, man. That point was taken at the intersecion of two uptrends. I hid the rest of the points on this one, so just ignore all the stuff on the right hand side except for the green prince point at the top. Go back and draw trends from older points on the chart on some coins that have been around for while. You'll start to see what's significant and what isn't. You also want to extend the uptrend lines down and the downtrend lines up, and look for intersections between those points as well. extending an uptrend down to create an intersection point with a downtrend will show you support lines that have not been reached.

>> No.4718541

Cool, thanks anon

>> No.4718558

This thread: Sad!

>> No.4718565

No problem, man
For real laughed at that, man haha!

>> No.4718586

What is TA?

>> No.4718601

I read that in Keanu Reeves' voice, and it stands for "Technical Analysis".

>> No.4718609

So in other words you trade a support/resistance strategy?

>> No.4718623


>> No.4718694

Yep, I've tried a lot of methods, and that one is the most consistent. Elliot waves are legit too, but I don't use them much when buying off downtrend breaks. Basically, with my charts, you want the downtrend to break near a support line, buy the coin, and sell at one of the price points listed. You choose the sell point based on the current uptrend the coin is on. This is a dynamic thing, and your sell point can change a few times as the trend shifts during the rise. If the coin drops below the second support from your buy in, sell it and stop-loss

>> No.4718707


>> No.4718729


Check out the EMC2 on the original post, and look where the price broke from the downtrend. That's the buy in point you're looking for.

>> No.4718773

I have to bail. I cannot believe I have been on here this long haha. Thanks for closing it out on a good note, guys.

>> No.4718818

Do you know why EMC2,TIX going up?It is becausa D.va, largest korean coin group.All the coins that D.va picked,the price went up.
I will only follow D.va picks.

>> No.4718882

And you base all of that on what precisely? Don't get me wrong, it could be the real deal for all I know, Im more interested in understanding how you validated all of this.
To give you an example, I trade momentum with one of my models. Presence of momentum and lag order can be established by running some serial correlation tests on the price series. If you can dismiss the null-hypothesis (truly random returns, no serial correlation) with 95% confidence you have some sort of solid underlying assumption for your strategy. Then its all about trend smoothing and trend spotting, which I do with a fairly simple state space model. Finally, to validate your model and strategy you run several backtests and just watch how it behaves.

The problem with TA is, no such process is possible, because its mostly a subjective thing, much more art than science. Aronson in "Evidence-Based Technical Analysis" kind of attempts to pull of something like this for TA, but it didn't really convince me desu. Lacked a lot of the stat groundwork.

>> No.4719445

>That kind of group-think shit right there is how America got stuck with Trump.
huh? it was 51% to 50% win

Are you insane for Hillary? nutjob.

>> No.4719985

Buy buy buy baby

>> No.4719992

Everyone get in on BTC NOW!

Also Check 'em.

>> No.4720041
