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4715386 No.4715386 [Reply] [Original]

I wasn't joking when I said this time is different.
Back down to 4k. Screenshot this.

US Government just announced they are investigating Bitfinex after they cloned US currencies, which is a federal crime.

>> No.4715409

I think finex is printing unbacked USDT too but if you had any proof of a government statement it would be all over the board.

>> No.4715421


US cant deal with Bitfinex - they blocked all US users customers and are not based in US

>> No.4715435


>> No.4715438

Hi, my name is OP and I am full of shit and I like to suck donkey dicks. Thank you.

>> No.4715441

US laws don't apply in China faggot. But I do see it spiking down to 9k soon

>> No.4715454
File: 35 KB, 408x450, 1508847328298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US can't deal with ISIS - they blocked Trump on Twitter and said that we have no jurisdiction in the Caliphate

>> No.4715457

If another country started printing USD they wouldn't let that go. This is a declaration of war kinda thing, you can't just start minting another country's currency.

>> No.4715467

Optimists will say that this won't crash the price, but they're missing the key: this huge Bitcoin pump recently has been the result of the Tether ponzi scheme. At BEST, it will go back to $4k.

>> No.4715471
File: 96 KB, 600x492, 07BE8730-AE83-49B2-AA46-422D6DA0A427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would it be 4k even anon

>> No.4715509

the tether cash is real, but it's mostly dirty money. mafia, offshore, etc.

>> No.4715515

They timed it with the WSJ article and the BBT episode. Pretty smart. I think it will drop to 8k, but the actual buyers will keep it floating around there. It will continue the trend upward, but we won't see 11k for another quarter after this.

>> No.4715546

>d they are investigating Bitfinex after they cloned US cur
this will give them jurisdiction, even if in a sovereign foreign estate, by the law of nations

>> No.4715570
File: 361 KB, 1600x1067, Los-Zetas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Institutional Investors

>> No.4715573

If it gets too cheap it will suffer CHAINDEATH, crypto markets will come down to earth and be a better product for everyone

>> No.4715613

It also doesn't matter how much of the pump was due to tether and how much was natural. The mere whiff of something not being natural with BTC will drive normies away. People who deny this shit act like the raw numbers are important when BTC finally has people paying attention to it there is a massive scandal involving a ponzi exchange.

>> No.4715671

ive heard this shit for over a year now.

every day bitfinex runs a quick efficient platform with functioning withdrawals, there's still nothing in the way of evidence appart from lack of an Audit. And honestly ask that about every other crypto exchange? Why aren't you shills after polo/bittrex or almost any of the other exchanges that don't have audits yet still allow transactions in tether?

I know it's good to be skeptical, and I really do discourage ever holding anything you're not prepared to lose on any online hosting service (especially exchanges), but all I see is shit being thrown around by some twitter dude who hides behind anonymity.

For all this work and time he appears to have spent you have to question if and what motives he has.

As a disclaimer I have less than 5% of my crypto on bitfinex, and even I think that's too high for a single exchange, but it's what I'm prepared to lose if the speculation transpires

>> No.4715717

BTC 17,381k 1/01/18 08:26a

>> No.4715757

>Shit for over a year now
No you haven't because they lost their financial backing earlier this year.

>> No.4715784

More horseshit fud. BTC is going to be adopted as a finite supply store of digital wealth. The scarcity creates demand, demand drives up the price, the high price drives fomo, which keeps the price in a state of continuous ascent. Unless the government creates a massive disinsentive i.e. jail time for trading it, or shuts down the internet, they cannot stop this in a free society. They may go after some abusers and scams, but it won’t stop legitimate investors at this point. If you hold and BTC now, you’re getting a lambo in five years. It’s inevitable.

>> No.4715789

Printing this and posting it on my fridge.

>> No.4715817
File: 34 KB, 400x390, 1509193242760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, Trump will support bitcoin, and its ogre for you nocoiners

>> No.4715873

Yes, I know, the wells fargo thing.

I've been involved with crypto since 2012, and the rumors about bfx being insolvent have been circulating since they got hacked and 'haircutted' their own customers which happened over a year ago now IIRC

>> No.4715892

BTC 233,580k 1/01/19 10:47a

>> No.4715940
File: 44 KB, 480x312, O8i0ubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was back in August 2, 2016

ever since then, and especially in the few weeks/months after before they sorted the RRT, there was a shitload of rumors and claims that bitfinex were exit scamming etc etc.

I lived through mtgox, now THAT was obvious

>> No.4715958

They can, others did that before.... they are not printing USD, they made a currency that is anchored with USD and this is fine.

Brazil did the exact same thing almost 25 years ago, they made a currency that correct its value based with USD for just a couple a months just to fix
a insane inflation. It worked well.

>> No.4715984
File: 6 KB, 225x225, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong, Trump will support bitcoin, and its ogre for you nocoiners

Are you guys honestly this fucking retarded?

Are you Trump supporters unironically this fucking stupid?

Why the FUCK would Trump side with YOU, when all his banker and rich buddies have been telling him to fuck over cryptos because they're a threat to (((them)))?

Look at how Trump easily discarded net neutrality to please the communications industry, imagine the shit he will do for fucking BANKERS.

>> No.4716163
File: 24 KB, 301x267, tumblr_inline_n1581sXTRW1qzcxxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Bitcoin is going to crash!

>> No.4716375

>cloning US currency
>whats fractional reserve banking

>> No.4716537


This. Trump blabs his mouth about whatever, but when it comes decision time he always has sided with traditional business interests. It's obvious that if it came down to it he would side with the bankers. Faggot trump cultists will project every one of their positions onto the guy and even if he acts against them again and again it's always muh 4D chess or muh long game or muh he supports us behind the scenes. They just won't admit that they are wrong. When it comes to actual action, Trump is nothing but a corporatist. I really don't know what it would take to wake these cultists up from their unironic stupor.

>> No.4716611

Blah blah op we've heard for the last 4 years. Now kindly fuck off. Anyone who falls for this deserves to get scammed.

>> No.4716710

>spiking down to a price that is still 1k more than what it was mere days ago
>spiking upwards

>> No.4716932


Um...wow. I was told this same general number by someone in the know like, two days ago.
I think I'll take it seriously now.

>> No.4716995

*cough*deflationary currency*cough*

>> No.4717026
File: 10 KB, 236x253, wojak stubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will just ban Americans from using all crypto exchanges, just like what happend with online Poker. Unlike online Poker, all US money exiting crypto trading will affect everyone involved

>> No.4717056

ISIS vs China. Brainlet detected. Or is it Taiwan?