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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4709465 No.4709465 [Reply] [Original]

Alright biz im in a good mood so im gonna share with you the comfiest portfolio of 2018:
BTC (cuz the king)
ETH (cuz smart contracts, dApps)
XMR (cuz privacy [I dont like this one because it enables pedos and drug/gun dealers and money laundering)
IOTA (cuz IoT)
ARK (cuz Smart Bridges)
LINK (cuz decentralized oracles)

The lower the riskier but the most possible gains too

Pic un-related

>> No.4709505

Dump 100k in LINK or stay poor

>> No.4709529

dude your weed looks fucking disgusting

>> No.4709532

nice fuck up. Are you proud?

>> No.4709543

Who tf dries shit before trimming? Are you literally growing Mexican schwagg?

>> No.4709554

I know
It was born from compost during winter, as soon as spring came she flowered.

I've got more planted in season

>> No.4709567

>Who tf dries shit before trimming?
have you ever trimmed weed before

>> No.4709586

I didnt cut them either, I dont live where I planted them and Im too lazy to go trim that shit when I have my finals next couple weeks

>> No.4709587

you harvested way too early anon.

>> No.4709605


I got more planted and it's legal here so calm the fuck down

That weed planted itself, literally weeds

>> No.4709622

top kek have a bump

>> No.4709638

Yeah, once upon a time before I paid peasants to do it. Easier when fan leaves stick out

>> No.4709651

You do it in waves. Bigger and big leaves before, sugar leaves after
If you would just had thrown the seed into some flower bed on the parking lot of a grocery store this would look better. You just don't have a green thumb. Rather buy it, will be cheaper for you.

>> No.4709679


I'll buy if I ran out of weed
Trying to quit though

>> No.4709720

I dont like this one because it enables pedos and drug/gun dealers and money laundering
>Implying Monero helps pedos in some way
>Doesn't like drug dealers, proceeds to post picture of shitty brickweed harvest
I've read some shit on /biz/, and there's been some great shit today but this one wins.

>> No.4709727

I usually trim when I cut and then hang it up
Use the trims for edibles
I make kick-ass brownies

>> No.4709761

The fact that I grow weed on a country where it's legal dosen't mean I like trappin

>> No.4709864
File: 87 KB, 598x449, the ride never ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll buy if I ran out of weed
Looking at this, will be latest tomorrow 10:00
>Trying to quit though

>> No.4709897

>not owning any ADA

>> No.4709940

Bought 2k right now, how /comfy/ will we sit on these

>> No.4709966

The absolute state of that plant... baka

>> No.4709988

You use bigger leafs and fan leafs for Brownies? Or are you speaking about trimming the sugar leafs? Regarding OPs pic, those leafs are at most good to trick some soyboys. Non of these would ever come into any of mine has butter or oil, Chlorophyll too gland ratio looks really bad

>> No.4710077

This thread got so derailed. Should have used the pepe pic

You pass them in boiling eater 2-3 times before putting it into the butter to take out the chlorophyll

How do you do brownies if not by making the butter first? In chocolate? Tried that once and it was one of the worst brownies (high wise and taste/texture)

>> No.4710303

>How do you do brownies if not by making the butter first?
Extraction with an solvent and decarboxylate with heat, or directly do an CO2 extraction and mix the result in your brownie due, or for the chemistry students, make an extraction, make the THC hydrophilic and use the result as powder sugar in your brownies.
>You pass them in boiling eater 2-3 times before putting it into the butter to take out the chlorophyll
are you some sort of caveman

>> No.4710495


That sounds like an awful lot of work for some brownies dude
To each its own

>> No.4710536

Thc decomposes at 130°, water boils at 100°, pass it quicky 2-3 times and then to the butter, couldnt be easier than that

>> No.4710636
File: 2.49 MB, 2400x1896, to each its own.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To each its own
sure thing Adolf

>> No.4710738


>> No.4710807

work makes you free

>> No.4710819


>> No.4710844


Dosent it do the same as eth?

>> No.4711022
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that is some fiyah, OP

>> No.4711129
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>> No.4712284

cant argue with that, split between those and throw 10% of your portfolio into like 5 different low-mid caps with potential and 2018 is comfy

me on the other hand.. ill be chasing shitcoin pumps all year and fucking up by selling them at a loss a week before they 10x

>> No.4712380

Make peanut butter instead
>get 1 gram or so of bud
>cook in oven to decarb for 20 mins or so at 130.
> Mix weed with peanut butter in bowl (about 3/4 a cup to a gram).
>Add a tablespoon of olive oil for extra fat absorbency.
>cook in oven for 25 mins
>let cool and spread over toast or whatever
>get whacked as shit for the entire day

doesn't even take an hour an a half desu

>> No.4712414

sorry i meant 1/3 of a cup to a gram

>> No.4712487

I've seen those minute high crackers but i feel I would get my weed burnt somehow
You really gotta time that shit

>> No.4712510

>dude your weed looks fucking disgusting
I believe the strain is Ass Master #1

>> No.4712557
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1536, 15121768328711282957180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fucked up plant OP pic related

the other plants from the grow came out pretty good though

>> No.4712583
File: 168 KB, 1600x1200, IMG-20171129-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks weird aye, this is not a weed thread
Really should have used another pic

>> No.4712630

Do you top your plants?

how long have you been growing?

>> No.4712634

That looks like laurel

>> No.4712662

>im the worlds biggest newfag, the post

>> No.4712684

Read the thread, I found that plant on my compost in winter

What is topping?

I've been growing for a couple years, studied agronomy for a while and I've helped others with their plants

Also my main language is spanish so I might know what topping is but dont call it that

>> No.4712685

its been hanging for a few days i forgot about it, but it sure doesn't smell like laurel

>> No.4712702

Hey newfag

Lol ok, the pic isnt really flatering
Enjoy it though, might eant to trim it a bit
Seriously check the thread, it's 90% weed talk, sadly

>> No.4712728

topping is when you the top off in a way that instead of growing up into one main branch it branches out to two more, than you can do it again to make four main branches

Look up topping weed

>> No.4712783
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x1200, _windoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was grown in my room behind window, flowering only on sun

it is white widow

>> No.4712794

Oooh it's 'corte apical' in spanish
Its good but branches might get heavy and break
Or the plant might get hermaphrodite from the stress

>> No.4712810

Whitr widow, nice
I like ak47, somango and super lemon haze

But I dont plant those though, I plant paraguayan OG kek

>> No.4713434

ITT: bunch of stoner retards discussing dude weed lmao

>> No.4713458

A nice change of thread here

>> No.4714551

The noticeable thing is that no one is against the portfolio I suggested, I wish I had more money to invest

>> No.4714597

>Pic un-related
kys looks like some mexican brick

>> No.4714635
File: 19 KB, 640x628, 1512107355423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should have posted the pepe pic

>> No.4714666
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1503812377474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream make it portfolio is

>mfw I have less than 1 of each

>> No.4714699

Dude... Trips...

Im so high rn, take my adice anons and newfags or tell me a better portfolio

>> No.4714728

>tell me a better portfolio
>BTC (cuz the king)
>ETH (cuz smart contracts, dApps)
>XMR (cuz privacy)
>don't hold shitcoins like IOTA, ARK, LINK

>> No.4714753

>all these triggered weedfags

im saving this photo

>> No.4714778

>cook in oven for 25 mins
what temp?

>> No.4714802

Enjoy your seeds!

>> No.4714864

Duderione no risk no reward

Addme on the screencap kek

Seeds are the most valuable resource, no joke

>> No.4714887
File: 227 KB, 1440x864, IMG-20171126-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could post audio this post would be magical

>> No.4715134

Who /alreadymadeit/ here?