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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 563 KB, 1600x805, lawofattraction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4711695 No.4711695 [Reply] [Original]

Guise... I think I might be The One controlling this simulation...

So back in 2016 I bought bitcoin at 400. I read think and grow rich and started to get into the idea of the law of attraction. I wrote down on a piece of paper that Bitcoin is greater than 650. Than everyday before going to sleep I vividly imaged waking up, checking the price and seeing it break 650. I did this for a little while and forgot about it. One day I woke up and checked the price and saw 650.01 on my screen, and celebrated IRL just like I imagined it. Then I decided to repeat the process with 10k. It seemed so far off. I again wrote it down and visualized it for a few months and forgot about it. Now here the fuck we are. I also achieved some other goals regarding my body and weight doing this.

I'm starting to believe I'm god, or one of the gods of this universe. What do you want me to bring the price to next?

>> No.4711725
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>> No.4711737

Everything is god anon. Keep up the good work.

>> No.4711740

I want to be Kyon just so I can have Kyon's Imouto.

Also, nagato a shit.

>> No.4711751

Congrats on being God OP, seriously.

>> No.4711764

yes you alone control the price of bitcoin with your wishes.

>> No.4711775


this-- you are your own god anon and OP, the universe follows whatever you truly believe and know

>> No.4711776

thanks anon, keep up the good work

>> No.4711794

Well it almost seems that way from my perspective. Maybe if you have a conflicting desire you split off into a parallel universe.

>> No.4711807

didnt he get knocked the fuck around by a middle aged midget in the end? cash out at 10k boys ships about to sink

>> No.4711901

Maybe his consciousness went to a timeline where he won, and what we see now is an NPC.

>> No.4712140
File: 582 KB, 1200x1696, nevillegoddard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I learned it from this book.

>> No.4712167

Now you sell it and in 2020 when it's worth $100,000 you kill yourself

>> No.4712196

Hey brother maybe you could wish for me to have a bigger dick and also buy some LINK?

>> No.4712216
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>> No.4712233

Well I didn't sell it yet, I still haven't decided where I want the price to go next yet. I was thinking if there's any other God's out there we could combine our God powers to make the simulation comply faster. Should we go for $100k?

>> No.4712259
File: 893 KB, 606x946, Screen Shot 2017-09-02 at 10.29.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont call imagination the creative faculty for nothing

>> No.4712348

Hi hyena

>> No.4712406

Xvg at 10$ if you're into praying. Safecoinbetz

>> No.4712568

It's fucking weird. One day you're imagining it, then it's like you're transported to a different timeline and all your memories are rearranged so that apparently you went went through all the motions to get from there to here.

>> No.4712587

Delusions of power is a sign of mental illness. Calm down or get some help buddy.

>> No.4712593

mfw OP is ceo of tether

>> No.4712598

NPC's won't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.4712849

I know what you mean anon. This idea entered my life years ago in high school. Have you ever noticed when things are good they keep going good. and when they are bad, they keeping getting worse. There is something about our attitude that comes over to reality.

>> No.4712954
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100k it is
then i think we both know what's next

>> No.4713025
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 1509345328031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets do this , lets all write down on a piece of paper bitcoin is worth 1 billion dollars in 2020 as subliminal collective consciousness exercises

>> No.4713145

>the world proceeds to experience crippling hyperinflation; bitcoin is now worth less than a loaf of bread

>> No.4713171
File: 269 KB, 960x1000, T2FalseWitnesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

block chain source code

>> No.4713264

Yeah I was in a horrible place a year ago, that's how I was desperate enough to try this stuff out. For the example about my body goals. I was always a skinny fuck for my whole life. I never had the willpower to keep at it with diet or weight lifting, I'd always fall off the wagon after a couple months. I did the creative visualization thing with imagining myself looking in the bathroom mirror with a muscular body. Right now I'm going to my bathroom and looking in the mirror and seeing a muscular body. The simulation sent all the right information, all the right food, all the right workout equipment and subconscious will power apparently to get me from point A, to point B. I say apparently because for all I know my consciousness could have been transported here from that moment and all the memories could have been "filled in". It almost feels that way. An outside observer will say, well yeah you just got motivated and tried harder this time, nothing magical about it. But until you realize a goal using the method you won't know how surreal it feels. It doesn't feel like it took a great deal of effort to get here even though I tried in the past to get here using pure willpower.

>> No.4713357

Please make funfair go to $1. Thank you

>> No.4713497

Alright yep it's definitely going to 100k. Even if it dips you have to keep the faithful to your goal, that's the thing.
I find that there's a certain sweet spot with goals. They have to be good enough for you to be excited about them, but there's only a certain extent to where they can stretch believability within our current Power Level. At least with me. For example at the time winning the lottery felt impossible but Bitcoin going to 650 seemed kinda possible, although it was pretty stagnant. Then after 650, 10k sorta stretched believability but still within the realm of possibility. 100k is seeming like the sweet spot for me.

>> No.4713804


Did u see EMC2 Rising up Soooo fast?
Awesome! if u want to get the information about Pumping coin,
Join here!

t.me/Dvapump ..!

>> No.4713826

You desperately need to be euthanized.

>> No.4713948
File: 459 KB, 1545x1396, FUN_Chad_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5.00. Literally going to make a million off of FUN alone. Read it and weep fella's

>> No.4713970

for some reason that deleted the first part of my message. Long story short, we're going to $5 by the third wave.

>> No.4714155
File: 47 KB, 411x347, focuswheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have similar experiences to share. Almost all pf them from novwmber 2017, an insane year for the law of attraction in my life.

I was stuck in a 21k portfolio for weeks. Then, I created a Focus Wheel for wealth growth. My portfolio grew a few days after to 34k, exponentially, and is now hovering there.

This is not the first time. I created a Focus Wheel for higher wages. Literally two days later my boss announced a rise for team leads (I'm one) soon next year. I also received today a productivity bonus.

I also made one wheel to cure my myopia but soon after my right eye started to hurt and it freaked me out.

I have circles for confidence and similar traits that helped me cope with moving out alone, which I think also helped me be more independeny and have far more manifestations. I even made one for attractiveness and LITERALLY a day or two after I got sex.

My first Focus Wheel was some years ago to get a job... and guess it. I got it. Virtually 90% of my fellow classmates didn't get a job in the field we studied (programming) or had to move to other city to get the job. I didn't realize the circle helped me until I found it later and decided ti create more circles.

I feel like I'm starting to discover a superpower I cannot even imagine. Just google Abraham Hicks focus wheel. It is very interesting and even terrifying.

>> No.4714179

This is my new favorite wojack

>> No.4714232
File: 7 KB, 250x193, Bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your wealth focus wheel for /biz/ gain purposes. Am genuinly interested

>> No.4714296
File: 3.04 MB, 4032x2268, 20171201_225421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it is in spanish.

>> No.4714295

Yes, my guy. These people don't realize the more they pink wojak, the more they pink wojak.

>> No.4714317

>I also made one wheel to cure my myopia but soon after my right eye started to hurt and it freaked me out.
lol sounds interesting

>> No.4714353


Can you translate some of what you'e written? Any tips on starting one?

>> No.4714363

In other words even if your outer circumstances are pink wojaking you, you have to green wojak internally first with your mind and imagination before the outer circumstances change.

>> No.4714391

I want OKcash to be US$ 4.00 before Christmas.

>> No.4714392

Anoyher was to accelerate a fpcus wheel is to sleep near ot and let a transparent glass on the center of the wheel overnight. Drink it in the morning and miracles related to your desire will happen. I invented this method and it really helpen a lot, but it seems so powerful I mostly avoid it.

>> No.4714429

Thanks for the kek, OP. Really needed it today.

>> No.4714479

Anyway there's no harm in trying.

Please please use your god power to make HST price $1 before EOY. Thanks a lot and good luck in your journey, OP.

>> No.4714527

The center says "Growing riches".

Around, I have affirmations that fit that affirmation, but also my beliefs. If I somehow unconciously believe being rich is selfish, I just focus on the fact I can help more people being rich than being poor.

I wrote stuff like "I have enjoyed risky investments", "I had successful returns" (it is true, not a lie, thanks to ethereum), "value often grows and multiplies", "money is just a reflection of the infinite value in the universe", "I love creating valuable stuff"...

These affirmations are very personal. Do not use negative affirmation like "not being poor", but about being rich. My affirmations may help you bit you must have your own personal fitting affirmations. Just take 5 minutes and write a wheel, and do nothing else.

>> No.4714561

Write this and put it under your pillow:

"Todd Chamberlin will have an increase in length and girth of his penis of greater than 15%"

>> No.4714562
File: 420 KB, 1092x1092, shirts-bush9_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great that you're making money anon. But the real law of attraction can be understood in two facets:
>law of attraction
>attraction of the law
So you've made a little dough. What are you gonna do now? Get a lambo? Get a lady?
That's where our law of attraction comes in.
It's not so much how you see yourself - it's how your self image affects how other people see you. Real crypto Chads don't just think about this shit - they wear it on their bodies too.
Think a lambo is going to impress grills when you're wearing that sweatshirt you haven't washed in 8 years? Think again, fucker.
Telling her that Bush did 9/11 through a top secret design only visible to goys... she will literally not be able to resist. I hope you've been hitting the gym because bitches will be falling all over you.

Now, attraction of law - that's a harder one because we're trying NOT to attract them. How the fuck can you achieve this through the law of attraction? Imagine yourself free and uninteresting? You can't, Chads are eternally interesting, even to law enforcement.
That's why you launder your crypto gains the smart way: by buying a fucking t-shirt. You can LITERALLY launder that.

>> No.4714571


Thanks for writing this out anon- may you always be surrounded with riches, both financial and worldly.

>> No.4714595

I hope you find the riches in your life too! Both Material and spiritual.

>> No.4714701

Year it with link if you’re so fucking good. Make that reach $1 by jan 1st and hold there before slowly climbing to $10+ and beyond over the rest of the year.
>basically, prove it.

>> No.4714719

my sister needs medication for her illness, would be nice if someone could donate some btc:1PUercbswaUs8JvpmN9PpHeBpgFowraPhh

>> No.4714793
File: 71 KB, 499x600, Jesus_Healing_the_Man_with_Leprosy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek all these Lepers coming to him with their shitcoin like he's Jesus asking him to perform miracles for them.

>> No.4714838

The absolute state of biz.

>> No.4714952
File: 75 KB, 960x722, nintchdbpict000248633012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams.
congrats anon, you have unlocked the cheat code to life.