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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4703088 No.4703088 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Link was not supposed to be discovered. Now /biz/ owns practically 40 percent CL, Sergey wants you guys out because youre a blight on his and the projects professional credibility. For the next 6-8 mos he is going to uttery starve you all out to get you out of his masterpiece. He wants you out do you understand. He will kill the price with all his power to achieve it and you have only witnessed the beginning.

>> No.4703250

more eyes need to see this. absolutely explains sergeys silence.

>> No.4703474

>absolutely explains sergeys silence.
No it doesn't, Sergey already spoke after sibos and acknowledged the fact that will be little communication until the main net is launched

>> No.4703513

>This explains sergeys silence
I could make up 100 stories that would explain Sergeys silence, doesn't make them true.

>> No.4703522

it's the opposite all potential investors are already starved. Only on /biz/ are there still people holding this shitcoin.

>> No.4703659

BIZ does not own 40%. BIZ probably does not own 1%.

66% are not even circulating.

>> No.4703854


>> No.4703898

Are you fucking retarded? Pre-ICO links were all over /biz/, it's probably even more than 40%.

>> No.4703974

Sergey snagged the smart contract name in 2008 when Vitalik was 13. Chainlink is love chainlink is life never sell

>> No.4703979

I will release the video i have of Sergey and a ladyboy in Cambodia if chainlink is less than $1.00 on jan. 1 2018

>> No.4704029

>investing in a bubble
>not going out of this bubble to invest in btc/eth/ltc

>> No.4704033

sergey is asexual mate. he already said that in the AMA

>> No.4704069
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Sergey is dying. His weight gain coincides with the progression of his illness. As his illness progresses and his body deteriorates, he has to take more and more time off. He and Steve are trying to get the oracle network up and running before Sergey passes. After Sergey dies, his 300,000,000 LINKs will be locked away forever. If Sergey and Steve succeed- that 300,000,000 LINK will be the greatest untouchable wealth the world has ever seen.

Right now Sergey is in Sri Lanka because he is a virgin and he wants to get laid before he dies. He confided this to me right before SIBOS began. He's on one final vacation, where he plans to lose his virginity and then come back and complete the Chainlink network full steam ahead and a new man.

Sergey knows he'll never live to see Chainlink at it's fullest, but he wants to be remembered. That's why the 300,000,000 will be locked away. He will be the richest man who never lived, and all of humanity will know.

>> No.4704126

/biz/ doesn't own 40% of CL. My estimates are anywhere from 2-10%.

Still an extremely substantial %, if this blows up we'll own a market moving quantity. It's scary to think a board of autists could manipulate the prices down the line.

>> No.4704159
File: 35 KB, 540x511, 7E344F06-1F3B-448A-8FE5-DE1C10D14D8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of autist who post on a Chinese image board are going to be millionaires by this time next year

>> No.4704197

whatre in the boxes?

>> No.4704257

you guys really overestimate the market value of biz folks

>> No.4704285

shitty pasta

>> No.4704305

this. 40%.. kek

>> No.4704343


>> No.4704398

Are you retarded? It's literally impossible to own more than 33% because the rest are locked up. So if you think biz owns "40%" it's more like 13%.

>> No.4704434


Is there any evidence for this theory whatsoever? You alls' autism hasn't reached past the slack channel. I doubt sergey has any idea who /biz/ is.

>> No.4704440

idk man, 10% seems feasible. 10% of circulating supply is only 30 million, there's plenty of folks here having multiple 100.000s of LINK.

>> No.4704468
File: 144 KB, 640x1136, 10126E6A-21A0-484F-9D6C-C2162E5B087A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just passing by. Merry Christmas LINK Marines.

>> No.4704494

>tfw when you know more than a hedge fund
Kek, dont they know when the release date is? What a bunch of dumb idiots.

>> No.4704515

have they even said this? I thought there would just be some announcement before EOY

>> No.4704551

either biz owns a tiny portion of the the market cap, or ((they)) just make a new coin and rebrand it as the real chainlink.

>> No.4704579


Is this real?


They may very well know for real.

>> No.4704593

You're right, I'm not sure if these anons remember the mass exodus from binance. We own a fuckload, unless the non biz investors happened to have exited that same day, which is unlikely.

>> No.4704623
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>> No.4704748

I was never on binance to begin with but why did we do that again?

>> No.4704761
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Got ripple?

Get nipple

>> No.4704833
File: 145 KB, 646x700, C92D5CB9-1728-4D69-A790-612B50741398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waking up Christmas morning
>mainnet has been launched
>check blockfolio
>link is at $30

God bless you Santa sergey

>> No.4704872

Never underestimate the power of weaponized autism. Be it pol /b/ or bizraelis we all have the power to achieve great things but we only shit post until a common enemy arises or in this case a very promising project..
I would bet my left nut that most of the link hodlers rn are bizraelis

>> No.4704944


Etherscan says that theres only 14700 wallets with it, and the reddit forum has 4000 subscribers and theres probably significant overlap because there are a lot of faggot redditors here.

>> No.4704975

Because the chinks were Fucking our asses with bots and selling links they didn't have. So we did a mass exit to show they didn't have the amount of link they claimed to. Like Bitfinex is doing with tether

>> No.4704983

Because of percieved bot manipulation. 1 thread started it then there were like 8. Binance even made a statement about it, saying they don't know why so many people withdrew so they pulled some link out of cold storage. So yeah, we own a good amount

>> No.4704991


Where did you get this report? I can't find it on the Google anywhere...

>> No.4705888

I will go all in on link. 500 bucks of the purest brazilian money (or 150 usd)

>> No.4705945
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Ok, Pacco. Gj. Welcome, to the club Marine!

>> No.4705976
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>> No.4705993

I just full sized that image and stared into his eyes. you can really see the sadness in them. I need to reassess my life. No more hookers, no more coke, no more /pol/... Maybe a few hookers and a little coke. Poor little monkey boy.
Oh hey, coke! I wonder whats going on in the other boards...

>> No.4706007

this, You really think the universe would allow this?

Think about it. A bunch of basement dwelling NEETS, on a prayer are hoping Link reaches $100. It will barely crack 0.50 after MainNet is released. At the point 99% of you will sell everything

>> No.4706020
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My name is Zé Pequeno.

>> No.4706028

Potential investors, actual investors, have patience that lasts > a couple of months.

>> No.4706067

I have seen and lived impossible things this year, i believe in Kek.


>> No.4706092

They don't care about /biz/, other than the constant pestering.
/biz/ drained more than 1 million of the link from binance.

that's 0.1% of the supply. At best /biz/ owns 1% of all chainlink.

>> No.4706161
File: 75 KB, 1500x750, erc20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is an ERC20 token and does not have its own blockchain.

ERC20 is the token standard of virtual assets deployed on top of the ethereum blockchain. Ether is still needed to transfer these tokens. Ethereum is inextricably tied to all ERC20 tokens, and thus transacting with ERC20 tokens is fundamentally the same as transacting using Ether. There is no practical use for an ERC20 token that benefits the user, ERC20 tokens cannot have any features that do not already exist on ETH, and ERC20 tokens only act to lock consumers down to their platform. Therefore, there is no reason for ERC20 tokens to exist in any capacity, and all tokens are borderline scams or money grabs, without exception. We do not recommend investing in them. Please exercise extreme caution.

>> No.4706194

>ERC20 token fud
>ERC20 tokens cannot have any features that do not already exist on ETH
>Already working for BTC, Hyperledger, and ETH blockchains during the PoC
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

>> No.4706231

Big news like a main net launch is cool and all, but that's not what we are waiting for. We are waiting for customers of ChainLink to start using the token. When this happens, every second of every day companies will be transacting LINK without even knowing it. They will need to buy LINK after the initial tokens have been distributed. Demand will increase price.

>> No.4706239
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>> No.4706255

>has no idea what ERC20 is or how it works
>thinks he's the smart one


>> No.4706663

>current interest=future customers

This exemplifies the blind perversion of Linkies.

Many of the companies mentioned alongside Link are still experimenting with blockchain tech. By the time they have anytime of tech in place a better Oracle solution will surface.

Almost forgot, there were 1 million Links sent from a dev wallet to Binance, ready to be dumped. Radio silence from the team

>> No.4706696

The market growth in crypto will increase the price regardless. People using the tokens will just ensure their longevity through any culls that happen over the next few years. that is all that matters. I would take top 100th MC coin/token in 2 years over top ten today and not around in 2 years.

>> No.4706718

That was paying a new employee or even Rory via an exchange.

>> No.4707577


>> No.4707636
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>> No.4707741

The absolute state of biz. It was on the ICO/whitepaper where they stated the devs share of link will be used for new hires and shit. Hence rory is 'compensated' in link.

>> No.4707821
File: 71 KB, 960x720, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hdac, Jincor, SwissBorg, Aeternity... list goes on.

All of these are competitors of Chainlink, don't let /biz/ fool you.

>> No.4707884


Yeah, I'm sure they paid a new employee $800,000 lmao

The absolute state of biz

>> No.4707936

Who said it as just one. Maybe they all got their wages at the same time. Maybe they hired a lot of people. You know nothing and neither do I so shush. Those funds are allocated for personnel and whatever they are doing it is up to them.

>> No.4707954


I'm a cuckee, not a cuckoo

>> No.4708053
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Enough. Dont wait to long with buying anons, this shit is going trough the black hole.

>> No.4708101


that's what good blockchain programmers are getting at a minimum

>> No.4708134


she looks about 16

>> No.4708186

>32 million ico

tell me what is this used for?

>> No.4708201

more like 8 wtf man