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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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469437 No.469437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /BIZ/!
I am from Ukraine.
In this thread I will try to answer your questions about the business in my country. And not only business.

>> No.469439

are you afraid of Russia?

>> No.469442

No. I don't like that they invaded my country, but I not afraid

>> No.469445

why would anyone invest in your pathetic economy

>inb4 euro/imf will magically save ukraine

>> No.469448

I have no idea. This geopolitics.

>> No.469449

Slovakfag here, why don't you import stuff here and sell it for more money?

>> No.469457

In Slovakia?

>> No.469459

Yes. Some people buy here smuggled cigarettes from Ukraine because they're cheaper.

>> No.469460

I have no idea what to sell. Although you can sell anything. The question is, where can I find a client?

>> No.469462


1. why are there so many luxury cars in your country being driven when the average salary there is $300 per month?

2. how can you stay in business in ukraine without having to pay corrupt officials money?

3. why are ukrainian girls the most beautiful in the world?

4. what are your top 3 favorite cities in ukraine?

>> No.469464

Can foreigners buy property in Ukraine?

Is there a website that can show properties for sale there (where I will be offered local prices, not scam prices and not westerner 800% inflated prices)

And also, if I were to buy some property in Ukraine, how will I keep out squatters, should I pay some gopniks to protect it?

>> No.469465

Yes, someone people do this. But this people from Lviv.

>> No.469468

1. Because in my country a very large percentage of corruption. There is one company. Director of the company does not pay the monthly salary of the employees. And with that money buys a Range Rover.
2. Recently, it becomes possible.
3. Lol, I don't know
4. This is my city (Kharkiv), Kyiv, and Lviv

>> No.469470

I can search and give you the information.
Lol, gopniks usually live in industrial districts

>> No.469475

Any foreigner can buy any property, as well as a citizen of Ukraine. Purchase of real estate by non-residents in Ukraine issued a standard contract of sale.
You can find some estate here: dom.ria.com

>> No.469481

Чем барыжишь?

>> No.469482


you don't like odessa?

>> No.469483

Пока ничем, собственно, ищу варианты

>> No.469485

I've never been there

>> No.469496

Im also ex ussr, how do you even start a business when there arent many costumers that demand certain profitable niches that 1st world countries have ?
Seems that the people who profited from the collapse and their offspring are the ones in control of most things. Where as my parents and grandparents are essentially lower middle class and farmers respectively so getting a foot in the door with the prominent nespotism is very difficult.
I have many ideas and ways of executing them but every time it boils down to lack of demand.

>> No.469498

I have a couple thousand euro laying around.

Is there a kiev stock exchange?
What do you think about buying dirt cheap stocks and holding until this blows over?

>> No.469509

That's a very good idea.Due to the current situation in the market is very liquid. http://m.ux.ua

>> No.469772


>> No.470019

what do u do for livin?
what do u work, what do u earn for what hours of work?
what graduation do u have?

just interested in personal stuff, but ur anon here so tell me

>> No.470025

Ну чё, как дела там у вас?

>> No.470032

what does that mean?

>> No.470036

Барыжить is Russian slang verb for "selling"
Барыжить наркотой = selling drugs

>> No.470037
File: 76 KB, 480x640, 14097198654740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Лал, проиграл с мамкиного бузнесмента. Биз -- борда успешных людей, нахуя превращать её в хохлятник?

>> No.470044


>> No.470048
File: 8 KB, 546x566, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Лицо ладонь.

>> No.470066

yeah, I don't really speak russian, just a very little and google translate

>> No.470508

И откуда вы такие прете? Такое ощущешие, что 1 сентября какой-то генератор бордосленга выпустили, что каждый школьничек считает своим долгом его поюзать.